rudy's text messages and e-mails to a watchdog group. no one else knows exactly what that will reveal, but that could add to other leads we're seeing like this one. the daily beast reporting that giuliani's politicking in ukraine extended the meeting with the ukraine president's rival and discussing military aid, which is, of course, an issue at the center of the plot that's brought trump so close to impeachment. so is giuliani in real new trouble? is he putting his most famous client in extra danger right now? well, we've got the perfect guest on that. the reporter who broke that giuliani story and our former federal prosecutor who, in case you forgot, also worked with him, when we're back in 30. whe0 but when your team is always dealing with device setups, app updates, and support calls... you can never seem to get anywhere. that's why dell technologies created unified workspace, powered by vmware. ♪ a revolutionary solution that lets you deploy, manage, support and secure all your devices from the cloud. so you can stop going in circles,