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Legislation. There is dignity in work. You know what, it used to be the peoples house, not anymore. To introduce the blessing of work. Its the house of the 1 . Jesus, who had some concern about the rich people. They were trying to get to heaven. The reforms made by this bill will put people on the path to selfsufficiency and independence. Then he told them to go to hell. There aint no rest for the wicked money dont grow on trees oh, if you are a republican, its going to be just a fabulous moment in church on sunday, isnt it . Dear lord, thank you. Im a republican. Thank you for giving me the strength to take away from the poor and deny the sick. Just give me jesus. Give me a break who are these people . You know, its friday, its almost cocktail hour and these people have got me worn out already. The Republican Party loves to play the religious card. Any way they possibly can. I think its a guilt thing, actually. They love to align themselves with the bible and they always quote it, as you saw in the open. But this couldnt be further from the truth. In the last 24 hours, we have seen the true identity of these faithbased christians. We have seen the true identity of just how faithbased they are across the board. They have taken away from the poor and they have denied the sick. Thats who they are. If jesus were around today, he certainly wouldnt be a republican. I dont think ill burn in hell for that. I think im right. Its not blasphemy. All right. Last night, republicans voted to cut food stamps, as we were getting off the air, by 40 billion. Lets talk about the money for just a moment. The president met with business round table leaders earlier this week. And he talked about all the positive things that were taking place in the economy. But one thing he said that got no mention in any of the conservative Mainstream Media was that he has reduced the deficit in half. Thats right. The deficit is coming down. Were not overspending on anything. Were not investing in infrastructure. Were not rebuilding a damn thing now that these stimulus package is gone. Were just sitting here with no republican help and in an economy that is just slowly moving along 41 months of private sector job growth. Whats the point in all of this . The point is that we are losing our moral compass as americans. Were not overspending, but were going to take away from the most vulnerable in society, and were going to deny. You know, the last couple days on my radio show, i have gotten calls from people who work in doctors offices that are saying no, ed, this is going to be fantastic for the consumer. Youve got to get out there and tell them more, were not doing a good job of selling obamacare. I got a called today from a lady, she works in an attorneys office, her husband is the attorney. She says its gutwrenching to have these people come in and talk about what are they going to do now that theyre bankrupt and they live on fixed incomes, and now their food stamps are gone. They voted to take food away from 3. 8 million poor americans. Shockingly, one republican justified taking food away from poor people by using the bible. My motivation has only been to introduce the blessing of work to abledbodied people. You know, madam speaker, from your chair, you look down the center aisle, and you can see 1 of 23 faces that are atop of this room. The face youre looking at is the face of moses. It was his work, the work of moses, that in the very first chapter of genesis, god created adam, placed him in the garden to work it. Work is not a penalty. Work is a blessing. What we have done is in this country is wrong. We have we have we have failed in introducing the blessing of work to abledbodied people. So much for the separation of church and state. Weve got a whole lot of god sitting there on the house floor. And theyre taking away from the poor. Twisted, twisted, and more twisted thinking. Now, thankfully, new york congressman, charlie rangel, was there to set the record straight. I heard one of the republicans say that what moses would want, he was talking about some picture, and i just came up to say that i just talked with moses, and hes not in support of this legislation. As a matter of fact, he referred me to other biblical things about how do we treat the lesser of our brothers and sisters. Yes, and taking food away from poor americans is horrible, but you know what, it gets worse. Today House Republicans passed a bill funding the government, but not obamacare. The bill wont make it past the senate. The president no way hes ever going to sign this. This is psycho talk on the part of the republicans. But what they are doing is effectively trying to shut down the government. It might happen. Today republicans voted to stop 30 Million People from getting lifesaving health care. They voted against people with preexisting conditions. They voted against young people getting under 26 years old getting on their Parents Health care plan. They voted against free preventative care. And, again, republicans are using the bible to justify taking Health Care Away from 30 million americans. Lets repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Lets not do that. Lets love people. As people of faith, im a bornagain believer in jesus christ. And i believe that as part of my duty as a believer in christ and what he has done for me, that we should do for the least of those who are in our midst. Thats my personal belief and my personal conviction. And thats how she votes, right . Wrong. As a christian, Michele Bachmann should be ashamed of herself. The party who loves to play the religious card certainly isnt living up to the teachings of the bible. Nancy pelosi explained this on thursday, as she was fighting against the Food Stamp Cuts. A couple weeks ago, i was in houston, texas, visiting my grandchild. And we were at mass. And the sermon, the priest said something i think we should consider as we consider our vote here today. He said, you just cant come to church and pray on sunday. And go out and prey on people the rest of the week. This legislation is preying, preying, on people. On children, on veterans, on seniors. Did nancy pelosi say that when she was in church she was at mass . You mean democrats actually go to church too . I had no idea. Over the last 24 hours, republicans voted to take food away from 4 million poor americans. They also voted to prevent 30 million americans from getting health care. All from the heart, isnt it . And this guy couldnt be happier. Speaker john boehner. Dont you jest feel the love, johnnie . Hes so happy about denying 30 million americans lifesaving health care, he could hardly hold back the tears of joy. We had a victory today for the american people. And frankly, we also had a victory for common sense. Victory for common sense. Well, i have a suggestion. And im going to do in this weekend. Ask your guider of faith, your pastor, your rabbi, talk about this in church with your friends. If you do that on the weekend, if you do that on sunday, just open up the discussion, what do you think of whats happening in america that we are a country that is supposed to have a moral compass and were supposed to be faithbased, but we have no problem taking food stamps away from the most vulnerable and denying health care from the sickest of us . Is that a good discussion to have . With your pastor . For clarification, get justification for what is happening. I think that would be a heck of a conversation. And i think you might be surprised. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Tonights question. Are you sick of republicans wrapping themselves up in religion . Text a for yes, b for no to 67622. You can always go to our blog at ed. Msnbc. Com. Well bring you results later on in the show. For me, liberal commentator John Fugelsang and reverend barry lynn of americans united for the separation of church and state. Gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. John, you first. What do you think about republicans using the bible to justify Food Stamp Cuts . Well, ed, i spent the day at a soup kitchen here in hartford, connecticut, where im shooting a film with lots of people, men and women of different races and backgrounds, who would love to be working right now and paying taxes and contributing to society. But where are the jobs . And we hear this refrain all of the time from the republicans. They want to equate poor with lazy. That is the crown jewel in their antichrist kingdom. They want you to think people are poor, because theyre lazy. And they have two arguments they use loosely from the bible, ed. Number one, theyll say the bible says if you dont work, you dont eat. Benghazi. And thats misinterpretsing whats in thessalonians. Its not god or jesus who said that, it was paul in the past tense about guys who werent working because they thought the end of the world was coming. And the biggest argument youll hear from your right wing christian friends, i actually call them chinos, because theyre christians in name only. Some are brown, white, most beige, many wrinkled, highly irregular. But the argument youll hear is, jesus said, yeah, help the poor, but he never said the government should pick my pocket to do it, right . You hear that all the time. What they never say is that jesus didnt have democracy. We do. So if you believe in a government based on christian values, then you go to matthew chapter 25 and you want a government that helps the poor, helps the sick and is kind to those in prison. If you dont want that, thats fine. But stop saying you want a government based on christian values, because you do not. Yeah. Reverend, is there any religious case to be made for taking Health Care Away from millions of americans, to deny them and put them in a vulnerable position . Theres no case that i have ever are heard of out of any religious tradition or out of the humanist tradition that suggests that that is the right kind of vote. It is always a disaster when the Congress Starts to have bible quoting contests on the floor of the house of the senate. Thats not the way we do business. Its not the way we make policy in america. What we do is look at the commonly shared values of americans. Some of those values are right in the constitution. And we have a history, a history where we have always cared about other people. Yeah. And as john said, one of the things i always argue with conservatives about, they say, well, i went to church, and they said help the poor, so i should help the poor. But then when they become the peoples representative in the house of representatives, all of a sudden, something changes. They vote against the poor. And they say, this because, frankly, they hate the government. And they lose sight of the goal, which is not to have people starving on the streets of america. And instead, they just hate the government so much, that they wont let it do what it needs to do. And reverend, in reference, saying the the congressman from florida, mr. 10therland, who got up on the floor, he used his faith as a battlecry to justify a vote of denial and takeaway. I mean, how scurrilous is this . Its absolutely astonishing people continue to do this. Every time ive been on this show for years, there has been a reference to something that one party is doing, usually the Republican Party to cloak itself, not just in the flag. Its been doing that even longer. But now in religion. And they have been doing that in earnest since the 1970s. We are not supposed to be making policy, based on scriptural traditions. We are not supposed to have these bible quotes that win or lose the debate. And frankly, this debate on these grounds has led to some awful outcomes. I dont know if people remember this, but meals on wheels, which we have unfortunately already cut back during the sequester, that started in church basements. The reason the government got involved is because people were so hungry in so many places that it swamped the capacity of the church itself to do the work. Thats when government said, you know, its not a bad idea to provide a hot lunch to people who cant get out of their house. But thats already been cut. Food stamps cut yesterday. And the health care essential to be able to live long enough to eat cut today. John fugelsang, it was George Mcgovern who got together with i believe it was mr. Dole from kansas, longterm serving senator. They came up with the concept of the food stamp. It was the food stamp program. It was bipartisan. George mcgovern was moved by seeing poor people not being able to go to school on a full stomach, to have a chance to learn. Thats where it all and it helped out Rural America. Isnt this an attack on farmers . Isnt this an attack on Rural America and the economic structure in many senses of Food Security in this country . Youre right. And not just that, its every bit as stupid and counterproductive to our republican friends as governor romney making the 47 comment last year. Because a lot of those folks are in your base. You know . And, you know, these are the same guys saying, well, this is america, where you can climb the economic ladder. Well struggling folks cant climb the ladder if you just took out the first 20 rungs. And thats why theyre not patriots, theyre not christian and not even really capitalists. And the worst part about it, ed and i had guys say this in a homeless shelter earlier today, people know its a big load of bunk. They know this is never going to pass and its pure theater although unlike actual theater, theater creates jobs, unlike republicans. The worst part about it is the republicans in the house are assuming that the very republicans doing the peoples work. As mean as them. Yeah, theyre assuming theyre doing the peoples work by doing this. John fugelsang, reverend barry lynn, thank you very much. Remember to answer the question on the bottom of the screen at ed show and facebook. We love to know what you think. Next story, i have been accused of a rant and a tirade to and against the president of the United States. The man who wrote the book is here. And were going to go facetoface and straighten this thing out. Stay with us. Its right after the break. Unh hey lets go [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. Yeah yeah yeah or you can choose to blend out. Oh, yeaheah the allnew 2014 lexus is. Its your move. I save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. Youll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, written by people just like you. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Time now for the trenders the ed show social media. You have decided, here are todays top trenders, voted on by you. I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party. The number three trender. Leg up. Nobody is going to recognize me, because not only am i dressed casually, i have on pants well okay . Now pants were not allowed on fox friends, remember . Yeah, what happened with that . The curvy couch gets revealing. This is something you always said on fox friends you always liked to be shirtless and sometimes suggested that for me. Right. Which is interesting. Hey, im trying to eat lunch here. Our number two trender. Sean duffy gets real. We have kept the lid on our anger in the house. As we were the punching bag and bullied by some of these senate conservatives. The congressman stops being polite with ted cruz. You have had conservatives in the senate who have been talking loud and drawing a crowd asking for a fight on obamacare. What i see now is people calling them out for the hypocrisy of these big, tough conservatives who know how to fight, but will never get in the ring. In todays top trender, rant and wrong. A new book is giving readers an inside look at president obamas 2012 campaign. Many complaints, including enduring a tirade from political commentator ed schultz about his leadership. Loud noises im setting the record straight on my chat with the president. Ive had several meetings with the president of the United States, but they have always been of a very professional demeanor. Ive never gone off on the president , never ranted at him. Ive always had a professional demeanor with the president. I respect him immensely. Joining me now is the author, richard wolffe, executive editor of msnbc. Com and author of the message the reselling of president obama. Boy, did you create a stir. Thanks a lot oh i have had no tirade against the president. What happened here . What happened here . You know, i never used the word tirade. You didnt. In an australian or british accent. Never used the word rant. You know, a lot of people want the to mess with you, mess with me, mess with the president. But we can have a ceremonial reading from my book here. Lets do that. Because those words do not exist. And thats not my characterization, either. So i think i know how we got to this point. But you go ahead and read the ed part here. Lets set the scene here. The president has gone through a bad patch. Debt ceiling crisis, trying to repair the damage with leading progressive voices, people like you, brings them into the white house, and the white house also wants to hear from you, not just because they want to win you over, because they want to put a bit of steel, a bit of fight back in the president. This is december of 2011 before the campaign kicked in. Right, exactly. And this is part of the rebuild, and part of gearing up for that. So people go around the table, you sit quietly. I say, ed schultz, here it is ed schultz sat listening to others opine before ripping into an impassioned plea for the president to stand up and fight. The 44th president of the United States listened calmly and nodded his head, surprising his aides with a meek appearance that successfully masked how little patience he had for such criticism. No rant, no tirade. You had passion. You brought heart to the conversation. And that was noticeable for the people in the room who confirm what you said at the time, what they felt, you spoke with a heart as you do every night. Okay. Seeing my mother was a High School English teacher, lets break down this oh, here we go. Lets graph out this sentence here. Any time you put ed schultz and ripping in the same sentence, im ill tell you what. Its a whole ocean right there. Okay, okay, yeah. I mean, thats just it. So i didnt say you were ripping the president. Or whatever people want to put. I said you ripped into the plea, a plea. Now, i understand that my language opened this up. So for that, i apologize. But people are messing with this. And twisting it. And thats not what i laid out. I said that you went out and told him to stand up and fight. Did you do that . I did. I did. But i didnt rip into him. So but youre exactly right. You did not write use the word tirade as some commentators did. And i think thats irresponsible. That was a mischaracterization, not only in the New York Times but washington post. I guess this is how you get people to read the message, the reselling of president obama. This is unintended consequence on your part. Well, maybe i object need to control my own message a bit better. Yes, you could. All right. This is a story about the campaign. There was a tremendous amount of friction. What do we take from it . Look, this campaign achieved extraordinary things. They had huge challenges against them. A terrible economy. The electorate ready for change. The republicans who are going to outspend them no matter what. What i discovered in going back into the campaign to try and put out this book, they had another set of problems, as well, which was the tensions between the washington and chicago, the clashes of egos inside chicago. Now, i look at that and say, you overcame the economy, you overcame the republican machine and you overcame the internal politics. Thats a hell of a story. Some people want to glob on to a piece, they want to call it a tirade or rant or infighting. Thats up to them. But the book tells the story of how they did it. And for me, thats what youve got to do as a reporter. Be honest. It was Stephanie Cutter out on the talking heads a lot. Was she causing a problem because of her style and the way she was presenting the campaign . She is famous for having sharp elbows. You want her on your team. She is incredibly effective. People in the Campaign Said she was very good for us. But there was friction, because she flashed with people. There was friction because people said youre only talking to democrats and we need to reach independents. She was out ripping republicans, you know. She was. Thats true. Richard wolffe, great to have you with us tonight. Congratulations on the book. Thanks so much. Still ahead, as republicans waste time freaking out over obamacare, president Obama Tells Congress to get to work. Just do your job dont be the other guy. Who the [ bleep ] are you . Im a guy who does his job. You must be the other guy. But next, im taking your questions. Ask ed live just ahead. Youre watching the ed show on msnbc. [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. Introducing at t digital life. Personalized Home Security and automation. [ lock clicks ]. That lets you be closer to home. Thats so cool. [ male announcer ] get 100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. Limited availability in select markets. Limited availability in select markets. Forty ti mes. Limited availability in select markets. Thats how often a group of House Republicans have voted against obamacare, just to prove their allegiance to their partys right wing. Okay theyve said their piece. But now theyve gone even further. Threatening to shut down the government if obamacare isnt dismantled. It could disrupt Social Security and veterans benefits, hurt job growth and undermine our economic recovery tell these House Republicans enough already we need a new recipe. Hmmm. Let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. Oh perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbells has the recipes kids love. Like easy chicken and cheese enchiladas. So good can i keep this . You already have it at campbellskitchen. Com. Nice. [ blows ] [ gong ] mm mm good i formation i formation we have got to get the threetechnique block im not angry. Im not yellin. Nobodys tackling anybody we got absolutely. I dont think this was such a good idea. Im on it. If we cant secure the quarterback center exchange. Youre doing a great job, coach. Well theyre coming along better than i anticipated. Very pleased. Who told you to take a break . [ male announcer ] want to win your own football fantasy . Just tell us. Then use your visa card for a chance to win it. All right. Our friday edition. Welcome back to the ed show. We love hearing from our viewers all these questions. This is my favorite segment, ask ed live. First question from an avid ed show fan. Jim jimmy bear. How do republicans get others to vote against their own best interests . Let me say this. Theyve got it down to a science. No question about that. It ought to be studied in every Political Science class in the country and every university. This is really the linchpin. This is how they win elections. Is they somehow get people to vote against their own best interests. Heck of a question. I dont have all the answers. But they are masters at it. Our next question is from richard fritz. He wants to know, ed, are the Tea Party Republicans really as stupid as they act . Im not trying to get to the weekend any faster than anybody else, but the short answer is yes. Stick around. Rapid Response Panel is next. Im dominic chu with your market minute. What were looking for is a situation for the dow plunging 185 points. The s p dropped about 12 points and the nasdaq fell 14. Shares of blackberry dropped after it announced it was going to cut 4,500 jobs, nearly 40 of its work force. Target also plans to hire around 70,000 employees for the seasonal part of the holidays. Thats 20 fewer employees than it hired last year. Also, the people lined up to get their hands on the new iphone 5s and 5c today. It went on sales in stores all over the country and even the world. Thats big. Thats it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. [ male announcer ] 1. 21 gigawatts. Today, thats easy. Ge is revolutionizing power. 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Boris earns unlimited rewards for his Small Business. Can i get the smith contract, please . Thank you. Thats three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris Small Business earns 2 cash back on every purchase every day. Great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. Read back the chickens testimony, please. Buk, buk, bukka [ male announcer ] get the spark Business Card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. Choose 2 cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. Told you id get half. Whats in your wallet . The debate thats going on in congress, theyre not focused on you. Theyre focused on politics, theyre focused on trying to mess with me. Theyre not focused on you. Welcome back to the ed show. We are just 11 days away from Obamacare Exchanges taking effect on october 1st. Im fired up and ready to go. Today we should really celebrate millions of americans will finally have better, more affordable access, and that is the key, access, to health care. It wont be denied. Instead, republican legislators have threatened to shut down our government in order to defund the law, and the right wing noise machine is on full blast. The law of the land, obamacare. This is the party that all they seem to talk about is when gore gets into gear as president. The law of the land, right . Well, lets see. What else at one time was the law of the land . Slavery heres my thesis. Obamacare causes cancer. Doctors are going to require to ask you about your sex life. Have you ever had your doctor ask you . Obama is black mailing not the republicans. We the people. And hes insisting that what that 2010 congress did illegitimately passing obamacare. Remember the slight of hand they used . Hes insisting the republicans in this congress go along. And hes got a number that are absolute cowards. Joining me now is our rapid Response Panel, holland cook, stephanie miller, former cia agent and radio talk show host jack rice. Great to have you with us. Holland, you first. I once had a radio owner tell me it takes zero talent to be against something. Is this story perfect for rightwing talkers . Stop the presses. Because i have new news tonight that you and jack and stephanie are going to love. Because you do radio shows. I speak to you today from orlando. Where just this afternoon, we wrapped up the radio show. That big, annual Radio Convention broadcasters from all over the country come here and while the guy in the studio is ranting against obamacare, the boss in the Corner Office has a very different view. Several speakers at the radio show here in orlando were alluding to what is now being called a new longterm revenue stream in obamacare. Over 500 broadcasters signed up for a webinar, and they expect this will be a multiyear revenue stream. And the irony being, the talk radio righties are always ranting about the free market. And yet now the Insurance Cartel will be forced to wait for it compete who knew . This is just too good to be true. You know, jack, theyve got 450 rightwing talkers across america, right now, theyre all flipping out on obamacare. Is this really why 44 of the people in this country dont believe in it and dont want it . How much of an impact have they had . Well, this is actually quite astounding. And yet at the same time, we realize, if you really look at this, and i have a lot of listeners all over the board, left, right center. And what im seeing is, theyre coming across the right wing is coming across as petulant and pointless and at the end of the day, theyre actually turning off not just moderate republicans, but centrists. And i think down the road, this may work for some who are jumping up and down and ranting about it, whether they believe it or not. But i think at the end of the day, this is going to hurt the republicans, because they come across as, well, less than what i thought they were before. Which wasnt that much. Its not just right wing radio, either. I mean, the folks over at media matters have pointed out that elizabe Elisabeth Hasselbeck spent her first week over at fox news spreading lies. Here it is. Now your insurer, may be one of many to dump individual Health Coverage in your state. So what does it mean for you, your family and your wallet . Certainly something thats scary. Sounds more like obama scare to me than obamacare. I think medicaid is ater balance program. It absolutely needs to be reformed. People do worse on medicaid than being insured. The real people this is going to hurt is the middle income, those folks barely making it anyway, but we are making it. Those are the ones its going to hurt. There is nothing affordable about the Affordable Health care act. First of all, in the Obamacare Exchanges, its like going to a food court that only sells hot dogs or a supermarket that only sells cereal. Youre going to have one choice, the basic benefit package. Stephanie, your response to all of that. Wow. This is like a whole episode, ed, of really bad analogies. Im still winded from rush saying the Affordable Care act is just like slavery. I think we can all agree on that, ed. What . Lets see. En slaving millions of people is exactly like getting 30 Million People health care. Sure, thats exactly right. And what is this thing they keep saying, ed, about unconstitutional . I think mark levin thinks if the president gets up and drinks water, its unconstitutional. What is unconstitutional about a law upheld by the Supreme Court and hes won on this issue twice in two landslides . Its all scare tactics and misinformation, no doubt about it. Is that the best shot they have at convincing americans . When you go around the country and you listen to radio owners and i mean, this is the focal point in many respects for a lot of these local guys who i think have had an impact on how some people think. Yeah. Repetition has hurt explaining obamacare. But this whole week has been phony bologna. Its a distraction. You know why talk radio righties are obsessed with in this week . Because they dont want to talk about guns. Yeah, thats right. Thats not a good subject for them, is it, stephanie . No. I mean, i think thats exactly right, ed. And heres the other thing that i think you and i know. This there cannot be a better example of how far right this Republican Party has gone, they are threatening to shut down the United States government, bring this country to its the knees to defund a law thats a republican idea. Its bob doles health plan, the heritage plans health plan. Mixed in with romney care. It does not have a public option. It is not a governmentrun program. And theyre going to shut down the United States government to defund it. They have gone off the rails. Jack, what sense do you get from your callers that they know obamacare . They know whats happening, theyre aware of whats going on . Oh, i think that theyre totally amazed about this. People are confounded by it, but i think you said it yourself. That its far easier to be against something than actually be for something. What this really shows is a void in where the republicans are. Not on just this issue, but a whole series of things. With so many things that need to be addressed in the country. And we can all acknowledge that. Their willingness to come back again and again. And lets remember. Im in minnesota right now. This is bachmann territory. We know crazy up here. Theres no doubt. Holland cook, if you were counseling right now a right wing talker to get off this subject, and he doesnt want to do it, how would you do it . Its going nowhere, because its going to croak in the senate, and even if it didnt, it would get vetoed. And it sounds like youre doing the same show day after day. Its the groundhog day effect. It is the ground hog day have you experienced that, stephanie, the groundhog day effect, as of late . You know, it really is. And its like you hear the same cher song every day and then they go into their rant about why obamacare is just like fill in the horrible blank here. But theyre getting desperate, ed, because they know this is going to work and ultimately will be like medicare and Social Security, and they are desperate, because, you know, the clock is running out. Jack rice, what is the best play as a conservative talker to convince your audience that taking food stamps away from people is the right thing to do . Well, you were talking about it earlier in the program. You wrap yourself in god and the american flag. I mean, if youre the conservative trying to convince your own listeners that youre right, you say, well, somehow god is on my side and he doesnt like people to eat. Hell just convince them to want to eat more. Is that the argument you make . I dont know if it works for me. Tell you what. They have sold this anti obamacare so well, i was listening to a sports station, holland wachovia, even the sports guys are anti obamacare. Its even pleading over its bleeding over into the stripes of america. Not if youre in st. Louis or pittsburgh. Pirat piratescards, come on. Holland cook, stephanie miller, jack rice, great to have you with us tonight. Thanks so much. Up next accident a flood of hypocrisy brings us tonights pretenders. [ male announcer ] the winds Constant Force should have disrupted man. Instead, man raised a sail. And made farther his battle cry. 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If you have symptoms that last two weeks or longer, be brave, go to the doctor. Ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. Symptoms are not the same for everyone. I got sick. And then i got better. And in the pretenders tonight, they walk in shame. They call them the colorado four. Following the devastating floods in colorado, president obama received a bipartisan letter requesting emergency aid. Four interesting names were attached to the letter. Colorado republicans mike kauffman, kory gardner, doug lambborn and scott tipton. These are all congressmen who voted against sandy relief. They requested the emergency aid due to the massive amounts of rainfall, the evacuation of the people was very expensive, the destruction of homes was costly. And, of course, search and rescue operations were highly cost effective. At least 48 deaths have been confirmed. Damage estimates have now ballooned to 50 billion. The ships and their crew will assist in rescue and recovery efforts. Hurricane sandy destroyed so many homes and so many lives. Storm victims are hoping the long wait for federal assistance is over. Sounds pretty familiar, doesnt it . The people devastated by colorados floods deserve government aid, no doubt. And fast. What they dont deserve are lawmakers this disgraceful. If the colorado four thinks its going to be able to go unnoticed with their hypocrisy, they can just keep on pretending. When we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Stubborn love by the lumineers did you i did. Email . 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The allnew nissan versa note. Your door to more. Progressives, lets get back to work. America needs to Pay Attention and stay vocal. So heres a look at the top three stories ahead next week in fast forward. Boston is the greatest city in the world. Boston tea party. Boston cream pie. Boston rob mariano. At number three, vote boston. What can bostons future look like . For over 20 years, mayor tom menino has led the transformation in boston. I will leave the job that i love. Now boston elects a new leader. Easy promises wont cut it. I dont know much, but i know that. On tuesday, the beans hit the ballot box. Down in new york people are like lets get divorced. You married the butler and ill be a gay okt mom. Massachusetts takes over everything. Let me tell you. Fast forward to number two. Meet up. The president is going to the United Nations General Assembly monday and tuesday. Have you reached out to the president . I have. Both of them are at the u. N. At the same time and the same place. The president plays coy with the visit. Could you comment on that . He says he hasnt ruled out a meeting with president obama. The meeting or contact . Theyre going to look for an opportunity to see each other. Does the president have any plans to meet with the iranian president during the United Nations meetings in new york . I would say in general its possible. And our number one, game day in fargo. You bet ya. Yeah. Yeah. Were going to the home of the twotime defending national champs. The bison. Touchdown. On saturday, espn is catching up to big eddie. I covered Six National Championship games as the voice of the thundering herd. Pay attention to the skinny guy with the red hair. Was there any question you were going to play the game on saturday . It was hard to see the field from the press box. Touchdown north dakota state. When the locusts come, they eat everything. Do what you got to do and just win, baby. Way too much information there on the career. Thats for sure. Okay. Heres the story. Espn gameday is going to fargo, north dakota, because the bison are hot. They used to be division two, they moved up, they won a couple of national championships, they beat kent state this year. So espn gameday is going to fargo. But theyre going to downtown fargo. Quite a stir going on. Joining me live is host of news and views, host joel heightcamp. Whats going on with this . Whats the stir . Why are people upset . The big show is coming to fargo. Theyre over it, ed. I think it was a vocal, vocal minority. And a bunch of people that were too lazy to get their butts downtown to take part. The towns abuzz. Its wild. Its like you remembered only take it times ten. When they beat kansas state, it even notched up a little bit. Theres a lot of places espn gameday could go. This a big deal for the river city, isnt it . Huge. First off, if youre in fargo, north dakota, you want this type of attention. They brought the woodchiper down here for the movie fargo. Understand this is publicity you cant pay for. This is the kind of stuff that north Dakota State University is looking for. And the people that were the naysayers, you cant go downtown, they were the ones that just wanted to swagger from their tailgate, have a beer, watch awhile, then eat a brat. Those folks lost. Espn knows what theyre doing. Theyre downtown looking at the fargo marquee in the background here. This is Proof Positive that no matter how good the bison are in football, the citys never getting rid of the movie, are they . No. You know what . Its time to embrace the movie. I said we dont talk like the movie. He said yeah, you do. I think hes right. Okay. What are your callers saying about this . How big are the bison . I want to bring this in too. In the billions right now because of the oil find and the extraction tax. Is there a chance that maybe some day the state is going to kick in and build a 60,000 seat open air stadium and the bison really go bigtime . Then you could really make a movie. I think this states so conservative, ed, with our legislature when they go to the bathroom, they save some. They dont do anything. They dont do anything. They just sit on the 6 billion and they get reelected by saying look at the 6 billion we got. I heard your previous people talk about were from crazyland. We got Michele Bachmann. Theres times i wonder about our legislature the same way. This institution brought more notoriety to our state, to this Football Team than a lot of people have. Embrace it. The und hockey team up north, same thing. Understand this. With gameday coming, well take them any day. How many people actually live in north dakota . Well, right now its being disputed. A lot of times theyll say 700,000. I think if you take the oil booming Western North dakota, you could make the case for 700,000. But a lot of those arent going to say theyre north dakotians. Theyre not going to give up their hunting license in ohio or wyoming. Its clean living up on the prairie. I had to settle the dust up here. With the bigtime coming to fargo. This is the most exposure that north dakota state has ever had. They keep going. A lot of people say they should go really bigtime. You think thats going to happen . I know chuck wrote that very same thing, friend of yours and mine. I dont think its going to happen. I dont think like you said, its about the stadium. I think the two universities would have to combine their football programs to make it happen. Probably do a stadium in

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