We begin tonight with a rare warning about our democracy. It is in dire straits, and that is not according to just one or two, but rather 13 president ial libraries dating back to herbert hoover. All of which, on thursday, released a joint statement calling for a recommitment to the countrys bedrock principles, including the rule of law and respecting a diversity of beliefs. Cant save us enough. This is an unprecedented move from the group. Never before had the president ial libraries engaged so directly in political affairs. While the joint message stopped short of calling out individuals by name, the subject of the warning was clear. The declaration read, in part, americans have a strong interest in supporting democratic movements and respect for human rights around the world, because free societies elsewhere contribute to our own security and prosperity here at home. But that interest is undermined when others see our own house in disarray. Our elected officials must lead by example and govern effectively in ways that deliver for the american people. This, in turn, will help to restore trust in public service. Maybe your thinking this sounds a bit melodramatic, because things may not look like theyre falling apart. But students of history will recall that one authoritarian method is to slowly to begin to chip away at democratic norms. It doesnt happen overnight. Its not going to overhaul the system in one felt swoop, but if you keep chipping away at it, it will finally end ultimately a row. Tom nichols writes in the atlantic, the collapse of democracy in the United States will look more like an unspooling or an unwinding, rather than some dramatic installation, you know, of gilead or oceana. My guess is that it will be a federal breakdown that returns to the late 1950s in all of the worst ways. Nichols admits he is guessing, but if informed, it might be an actually educated guess. Last month, a group of rightwing organizations and former officials published on Pickle Project 2025. Its essentially a roadmap for a reshaping of federal government, should the disgraced ex president returned to the white house. They want to got the socalled Administrative State from within by ousting federal employees that they believe are standing in the way of trumps agenda, and replacing them with likeminded officials, more eager to fulfill their approach to governing. They believe, on day one, they will be able to commandeer, reshape, and do away with the quote, deep state bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers. They have plans for the military as well. Former acting secretary of defense, christopher miller, contributed to this plan, and he wants trump to immediately ban quote, Marxist Indoctrination and critical race series programs, and reinstate personnel dismissed for disobeying vaccine orders. As nichols and his essay, much of this stuff is nonsense, of course, what it will be nonsense right up until the point it isnt. These are all names that would reappear in a second Trump Administration. We know that. This time, they would move a lot faster in breaking down the federal guardrails around our democracy. That should terrify all of us. Joining us now, congressman and House Oversight ranking member, jamie raskin. Congressman, its good to have you back on the show. Thank you for making time with us this evening. What was your reaction to this unprecedented joint warning from the 13 president ial libraries . Well, im glad people who are concerned about American History are willing to intervene in the moment to say that the Trump Movement is threatening to either lead the range and the form of the american experiment. Thats where we are. We are still in the thick of this struggle, so, it is good to have people speaking out about that. You know, they are laying out their plans to renew what steve bannon talked about at the very beginning of the Trump Administration, was to dismantle the deep state. By which he means, the federal government that implemented but loss of the people, adopted by congress. So, if they cant repeal the clean air act, if they cant repeal the Social Security act, if they cant repeal the clean water after the fair labor standards act, they will make it impossible for the federal government to enforce any of these critical frameworks touch. s and congressman, let me get your thoughts on this planned, this socalled Logic 2025 Put Forth by trump allies. It sounds almost super willi enough. Why are they so desperate to get the federal government . How seriously should we take this . Well, very seriously. We see the white that they targeted womens right to choose in roe v. Wade. They packed the courts with Federalists Acidity right wingers, and they demolished roe versus wade. They threaten the country into and uproar over this assault on womens rights. Theyve ruled the clock back on but civil rights progress that weve made since the 1960s and 70s, in many different ways. I mean, youve got governor desantis, who is trying to teach childrens up slavery was basically a Skills Training Apprenticeship program. In you know, the beginning of American History. So, what theyre talking about doing is demolishing and destroying the new deal and revealing the Administrative State that is used to enforce statues like the clean air act, the clean water act, National Labor relations act. They want to make it impossible for federal loss to be implemented. Now, its the president s job to take care of the laws are faithfully affect executed. Thats the heart of the constitutional duty but, they, of course, lawrence to take care that all of the laws being totally frustrated and defeated, and thats their vision. They wanted to return power to corrupt, right wing state governments, and make the federal government just for military and National Security state purposes. And for passing out corporate largest to their best friends in business. Congressman, let me pivot for a moment and get your thoughts, if i can, either the Developments Georgia with mark meadows failing to move his Georgia Election case to a federal court. As somebody who has investigated january 6th so closely as a result of the second impeachment trial, what do you make of that development, and the argument that mark meadows is trying to make . He was simply doing his job as the white house Chief Of Staff . The critical issue in that ruling, ayman, was whether or not he was fulfilling his federal duties. And if he had been fulfilling his federal work assignment, then he really could have gotten his case removed to federal court. Those are statures that are there to protect, you know, federal workers who are trying to implement civil rights laws, for example, against recalcitrant, racist governments in the south. But the courts, i think, rendered and excellent ruling saying that if you are getting involved in politics, generally, as a federal worker, you are violating the youve have crossed the line to engaging in critical work, and if you go all the way through just getting involved in the campaign to try to overthrow an election, you are not just being involved unlawfully in campaigning. You are involved in the criminal assault against the constitutional order. None of those things can be protected by federal law. None of them give you the refuge of the federal courts from a prosecution in state court for your crime. And of course, there in our viewers know you very well as a congressman, but you are a Constitutional Law Professor for many years. Let me get your thoughts on this effort to use the 14th Amendment to bar trump from the 2024 ballot. Do you think this is a worthy legal strategy to pursue . Is it doomed to fail . No, the january 6th select committee invoked. It we talked about it also during the impeachment. It has gotten a new lease on life as an argument, because to very conservative Federalist Society professors wrote this law review article for the upenn larvae. But Section Three of the 14th Amendment says anyone who has sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and violates those by quote, engaging in insurrection or rebellion, shell never be allowed to hold federal or state office again. Those professors made the point that this is a self executing provision. Like the ones, youve got to be 35 years old to run for president. If you show up, get on the ballot in colorado, and your 22 years old, the board of elections of the Secretary Of State will say you are not qualify. They are making the point that these administrative actors can also say, you are not qualified to someone who is engaged in insurrection against the union. So, this is an issue that is going to break out all over the country. Inevitably, it will make its way up to the supreme of the United States. Section three of the 14th Amendment doesnt say you cant have been, you cant run for office if youve been convicted of insurrection, rebellion, it just says you cant have engaged in insurrection or rebellion. It can be determined as a civil matter. You dont need to go to criminal courts. Of course, Congress Already determined, in the impeachment, that President Trump had incited insurrection against the union. There was a 57 to 43 vote to convict him of that on the senate side. Not enough to get to the two thirds of holding him culpable, but still, robust bipartisan majorities in both houses saying he did, in fact, engage an insurrection by inciting it. Congressman, we spent a lot of time on this show talking about your oversight colleague, james comer and his conspiracy laden quest to try to connect joe biden to his sons foreign business dealings. Now, you have House Republicans pushing for an Impeachment Inquiry into the president without any factual basis to do so. The republicans, at this point, even care about policy and getting things done for americans . If this is what the base of their party wants, how do democrats work to Counter Program all of this nonsense . Well, when the Trump Movement took over the republican party, they didnt pass a platform. That was a fairly explicit statement that their platform is just whatever Donald Trump Tells them it is. It is not a party that is unified by any programmatic or policy purposes. Its unified simply by their subservience to donald trump and their willingness to do whatever he tells them to do. So, i think that what is definitive of the gop today, alas lincolns party, it is become a cult of authoritarian personality. They are going to impeachment simply because donald trump feels like he doesnt want to run against someone who has not been impeached when he is the first twice impeached president in u. S. History, i keep reminding my republican colleagues that the constitutional standard for impeachment is treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. They havent late any wrongdoing at the footsteps of joe biden. They have nothing on him. They have 91 criminal charges against donald trump in courts all over the land, and there is nothing against joe biden. Trump cant live with that, so that is why they are saying they are not going to vote for a budget. Well shut the government down unless their Impeachment Proceedings and then he ate it against joe biden. And speaking of oversight, ive got to ask you about Jared Kushner. You have asked comer to subpoena Jared Kushners Investment Firm over its ties to the Saudi Arabian government, to the qatari government, United Arab Emirates as well. Can you explain why you are concerned . What have you seen that makes it worried about this, that you want to have subpoenaed . Jared kushner created a company the day after the Trump Administration ended, and proceeded to collect billions of dollars, more than two billion dollars, from the saudi government for investment there, despite the fact that the sovereign investment funds, Investment Advisors recommended against it. They were overruled by the homicidal crowd prince himself, Mohammed Bin Salman, who said he wanted to give that money to Jared Kushner in addition to a 25 million a year management fee. Theres been very little of that money invested. The whole thing smells like a huge payback. A payoff, essentially, for everything that kushner did for Mohammed Bin Salman and the saudis when he was running middle east Foreign Policy there. Remember, he covered up for bin salmans brutal dismemberment and assassination of jamal khashoggi, its drawing and quarter ring, he tilted towards saudi arabia in the yemen war, when there were terrible atrocities taking place against the yemen population. And, in fact, kushner had pushed for saudi arabia to be the First Destination of donald trump and his foreign troubles. So, he got this huge payback. We have been trying to get documents showing what exactly they were doing for each other. But Jared Kushner refuses to comply. He is not answering and the if the democrats request, and Chairman Comer Has said he agrees with us that kushner crossed the line, crossed a line of ethics. And if thats true, then he should go ahead and render a subpoena so kushner will comply with our requests, so we can get to the bottom of this massive conflict of interest, likely foreign emoluments clause violation, and crime against the public interest. Our Foreign Policy has been, you know, irrevocably damaged by what Jared Kushner did with saudi arabia. And the other gulf monarchies. We want to get to the bottom of it. Congressman jamie raskin, always a pleasure to see you. Its great to see you doing well, sir. Thank you so much for coming back on the program, and we hope to see you again soon. Thanks for having me. Always a pleasure. Coming up, new polling suggests that americans arent sold on bidenomics. I will discuss this is my saturday night panel, but first, Richard Louis is here with the Breaking News out of morocco. Hey, richard. Hey, ayman. We have an update right now to america. Rutgers king, oh, Hamadeh Clearing three days of National Mourning in response to the deadly earthquake that killed over 2000 people as of this hour. Up to 2000 people are also injured in. Addition to that, the majority of which are in critical condition. U. S. Officials say the was the alex timeout in rates, about 36 miles outside of marrakech in africa. Extensive damage reported across the region. Most confirmed deaths are in marrakech, 1000 year old city. Is densely possible aid with business buildings not the sign for large earthquakes, some are even in. Make damaging clues unesco heritage sites, including a 12th century mosque in the famous red wall surrounding the old city. Teams are struggling to reach remote villages because of roads that are blocked by debris and self and service cut off in some areas. Moroccos king of some of life an Army Search Teams and urging citizens to find shelter and houses. Well have more updates from msnbc throughout the evening. Ayman from Ayman Mohyeldin, coming up after the break. P after the break. I dont think you can clear this. I got this. Its yours now. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. A rare lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. Farxiga can help you keep living life. Ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. 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To receive 1,000 off your kohler® walkin bath. And take advantage of our they said millions would lose low Monthly Payment financing. Their jobs in the economy would collapse, but this president refused to let that happen. Instead, he got to work, fixing supply chains, fighting corporate greed, passing laws to lower the cost of medicine, cut utility bills, and make us more energy independent. Today, inflation is down to 3 . Unemployment the lowest in decades. There is more to do. The President Biden is getting results that matter. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. That was the Biden Administrations newest ad touting the president s record on the economy. But some worrying signs. There is new polling that shows that voters arent completely buying what the administration is selling. A Wall Street Journal poll, only 40 of registered voters responded that biden has a strong record of accomplishments as president. That is compared to 51 of registered voters who said that of donald trump. The poll also showed biden and trump block and a statistical tie, each with 46 support for a potential 2024 rematch. Now, were still over a year away from the election, and quite a bit to change before then. But polling can tell us what is on voters minds right now. We are bidens to focus to reach them where they are. Joining me to discuss this, renee graham and opinion columnist and Associate Editor for the boston globe. Christina greer, a public solids federal City College Of New York and kurt bardella, a democratic strategist. Great to have all three of you with us. Christina, these latest Poll Findings must be jarring for the biden team. They have stated clearly his legislative wins, the covid relief package, the infrastructure deal, the inflation reduction act, on and on and on. And yet its not there among voters. They are not feeling. It its not translating the political capital. The Wall Street Journal found that 37 of registered voters approve of bidens handling of the economy, 59 say they disapprove. Why that disconnect . What do you make of this . Disconnect yeah, ayman, we have the economy or pocketbook issues. And we know that voters go to the polls because of how they feel my personal circumstance. And seeing as the economy is strong because of the Biden Administration, because they are cleaning up the mess that the Trump Administration may, but regular Americans Still dont feel it when they go to say, the pump or the grocery store. They feel pinched. We know in new york city, weve got a housing crisis. So, this is a much larger conversation or one, but by the administration hasnt been great, just like the Trump Administration, and articulating all of the ways they have saved americans money, all the way say have prevented us from falling off a financial cliff, based on republican economic. Policies but its really hard for them to make that case, for some people, because so Many Americans are still feeling this post covid economic strain. And keep in mind we are not out of covid by any stretch of the imagination. So, that, coupled with so many businesses still not recovering so many landlords still struggling, and the list goes on and on, where when people go to the polls, are not necessarily feeling the success of the economy under the Biden Administration. Youre absolutely. Right you make a really good point about that. Rene, that poll also found that age is an issue. For joe biden. I mean, 73 of voters, look at this, 73 of voters said they think joe biden is too old to run for a second term. 47 held the same belief about trump. How much of a real concern to you think bidens age is for voters . I think the concern is real. But whats always remarkable to me is that donald trump is four years younger than joe biden. Theres never been any question about oh, its donald trump too old to run for reelection . It never comes up. I think the main reason it doesnt come up is because it is so drilled in media report after media reports. You hear two things about joe biden. You hear about his age, and you hear about the polls. So, there was a political headline that said biden won on infrastructure, democrats are struggling to get voters to care. Polls show most americans dont even know the law was enacted. That Article Rant In November of 2021, he hadnt even been in office for a year. So the kind of messaging that resonates and sticks has always been a problem with this ministration. But where does that lie . With the administration, or is it in the media, where, again all they talk about is joe bidens age, should he be running . Is he too old for the job, hell be 86 when it gets to this term. And then, hear about these really dire polls which never seemed realistic with what the administration has actually accomplished. So, rene brings up a really important point. Bidens 80, trump at 77. Why do you think we are seeing this gap between what voters make of trumps age versus bidens age . I, mean there are just many clips of trump saying something that sounds bizarre, doesnt seem like he is all there. But they dont seem to be as viral as Everything Else that we see when it comes to questions about joe bidens age. Yeah, because i think you have on one side, ayman, the rightwing media sphere constantly drumming up and churning up these Conspiracy Theories stories about joe bidens age and mental acuity. While always ignoring the absolute insane things that donald trump has done time and time again. And so it just becomes this vacuum that just repeats itself over and over again. I do think objectively, that you know, the Biden Administration and democrats in general, they have a bit of a style messaging issue. Thats at campaign belonged to during the opening week here in football season, its like when i see an ad like that i think, think about the audience that is watching the football game. And at that like thats going to run after you know, after a play, after a beer commercial, after a trump commercial, and then theres that. Its there anything in that abbott is going to make you turn around and not go a gary fill, not go get another bud light . What is capturing your attention . What about the ad grabs you in and banks you want to listen to that messaging . Thats just a generic one of the mill addict in the billion times. Its likely to resonate with anyone watching a football game. Thats a good point. Theres also the substance of the ad and not just the kind of cosmetic part of the at in terms of who is producing it, how its, produced whats the story of selling. . Christina, 67 of democrats, or i should, say democratic leading voters, say they wish the party would nominate someone other than biden, according to a cnn poll. Your thoughts on that . Yeah, amen. I talk to my students all the time about this because you know, we have a baton issue in our american politics. Especially in democratic politics, you, know in congress, eight of the ten oldest members of congress are democrats. We have just a wealth of riches when it comes to young, talented people who care about this country, and the democratic party, and to see many people not passing the baton. I think that is what the polling is picking up on. A lot of people want to see just the new future of the party. Weve seen Nancy Pelosi Pass The Baton to hakeem jeffries. She is an exit octogenarian. Joe biden is an octogenarian as well, i think people wonder, weve got this fantastic Vice President whos been doing quite a bit across the country. You, know why are we not thinking of that next generation of Democratic Leaders for the presidency . Got to say, the democrats have a deep bench. The problem is, youve just got to give them playing time to see what they can do. Rene, theres still more than 14 months until the 2024 election, and there is a historical precedent for candidates appearing neck and neck in the polls at this point, you know, you just look back to 2011. President biden only had a narrow lead on mitt romney. Should there be concern right now or is it way too early to even think about this . . I really try to ignore them as much as possible, because we know how these things work out. When people say now thats not necessarily reflect what theyre going to do in november of 2024. So, you know, its irrelevant. I think the polls at this point are meaningless and they are just filling time when they could be talking about lots of other things like exactly what joe biden has done. Thats a very good point. All right, panel, please stick around. Were going to discuss a lot more later on in this hour. But, first what democrats are doing to push back on Wisconsin Republicans who are trying to impeach a state Supreme Court justice. Just because. You know . The republicans. So, Wisconsin Democratic Chair Bentley Claire is back on the show. He joins me live, next. Ve, next woman it is high. Whenever you are ready. man are there any snakes . woman nope. man are you sure . Here we go vo its time to push your limits. man okay. woman youre doing great man oh, is that a buffalo . woman babe, thats a cow. vo the allnew Subaru Crosstrek wilderness. Adventure on the edge. Businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. 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All right, that was wisconsins the priem court justice, janet protasiewicz, giving a Victory Speech after winning her election by 11 points back in april, marking a liberal majority in the state for the first time in 15 years. But now, guess what . Republicans, Wisconsin Republicans, are trying to undo the voice of the people. How democratic of them. In recent weeks, theyve asked Protegee Woods to recuse herself from Hearing Lawsuit seeking to overturn republican drawn electoral maps, and they are pushing for her impeachment. Before shes even heard a single case . Wisconsin republicans want to remove her because she referred to the states legislative maps as rigged during her campaign. The New York Times reports there is little precedence to determine how and impeachment would play out. The Wisconsin Constitution stipulates that impeachment is intended for corrupt conduct in office or for the commission of a crime or misdemeanor. This week, democrats announced 4 million or, i should, say a 4 Million Dollar effort to reach voters by its ev ads and in person that reach to pressure republicans to back down from their impeachment. Efforts joining me now, ben wikler, to our Wisconsin Democratic party, mr. , chair sorry to have you back on this. Show what are you hoping to accomplish in the coming weeks and duke you have confidence this will actually get Wisconsin Republicans to back down . Ayman, thanks for having me on. This is an unprecedented and unconstitutional and unconscionable threats that republicans are basically making to impeach. And elected in a landslide Supreme Court justice before she does anything in the job she was elected to perform. They are doing this as a pure power grab. Even the threats its a kind of political extortion to try to distort the outcomes of a judicial system because they dont think that they are going to like the outcome. Thats not how the american system of justice. Works in our country, you are supposed to what someone is elected, politicians cant overturn the election. So, over the next few weeks, republicans are going to make up their minds about whether they want to go through with a threat thats really breaches the basic foundations of our democracy and anything weve seen in our state until now other than trump trying to overturn the 2020 election. And voters are weighing in. As the democratic party, we are urging everyone who believes in democracy, republicans, democrats, independents, people who hate politics, to contact their legislators, weigh in, let them know that they dont want to see an election be overturned for political gain. Weve set up a website at defense justice. Com, where people can find out where their legislators stand right now. Find out how to contact them and make sure they find out. We already have seen the first republican defect and publicly say he doesnt think impeachment should be for political gain and say he would vote against impeachment. The question now is whether his colleagues will actually listen to their own conscience is to their constituents, to the constitution of our states, or whether they will seek partisan gain at all costs and, really the fate of Judicial Independence and democracy in the state of wisconsin tanks in the balance. You are on our Network Earlier this week and you mentioned that it seems to sow some republicans are recognizing that impeachment is a bad idea, as he just, mentioned but others have been doubling down on their efforts. Robin haas, the speaker, assembly speaker, said democrats who said democrats doesnt make it more or less likely that republicans will pursue impeachment. But is your response to that . Well, im sure robin voss has to maintain his school in front of his colleagues. The question he has to ask is whether he will be the robin vos who launched a totally focus Sham Investigation into the 2020 election, and appointed a Conspiracy Theorist and wasted millions of Taxpayer Dollars to try to dig up nonexistent evidence that the 2020 election was a fraud or whether he will be the robin boss who fired the Conspiracy Theorists after the primary election in 2020, two and robbyn boss survived a threats by a trump backed extremists by a handful of votes. I think there is a part of the speaker of this Wisconsin State Assembly who understands, like brian kemp in georgia, that there are some lines that should not be crossed, and this is really really the defining moment, i, think of his political career. If he launches this impeachment, and he will be recorded in every textbook about american politics for alltime, as the first person to impeach a judge to stop them for making a judgment he didnt like in order to gain political power. Does he want that to be his legacy . That is the question before us right now and that is what we want to make sure that voters can weigh in and make clear. That this moment will not be forgotten and that if republicans do cross this line, it will turn into a massive political backfire. That will sweep through 2024 and well beyond. If they do cross that line, what are you when your fellow democrats prepared to do . Well, the 4 Million Dollar campaign that we announced this past wednesday with allies and partners that will be unveiling their plants as the days roll into this coming week, that really is just the beginning before republicans have decided whether they want to do an impeachment, we want to make sure the public finds out and ways and. But if they do impeach, this could be a months long process and during that period, i think everyone who cares about democracy and Judicial Independence, rule of law, also the idea we should have a Supreme Court that can consider our near total abortion ban in this state, republicans are pointing to the maps that the jerry rigged, gerrymandered maps as their basis for impeachment. But of, course theres also a lawsuit moving through the courts about wisconsins abortion ban. And i think they are trying not to say out loud that they see this as a way to avoid a real constitutional look at that abortion ban if this lasts for months, this will be seared into the minds of the memories of every Wisconsin Voter that republicans were willing to throw away their votes because they lost an election. Republicans are willing to torpedo our constitutional system and nullify the voters to gain power. That is what comes next. Wisconsin democratic chair been with, laredo is a pleasure, sir. Thank you so much for making time for us tonight. Thanks so much. Next, stick around for ever worst of the week. Trying to own the libs addition. Who will Take The Crown . The first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldnt do things without losing my breath. I couldnt make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. Every Physical Exertion seemed to exhaust me. And finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. When i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. Instead, i tried to let it pass. If you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or lightheadedness, you should talk to your doctor. Afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. 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Aka, taylor swift political nemesis to decided to hijack a perfectly fine bipartisan bill called the kids Online Safety act, in a recent video, blackburn praised the bill, which she cosponsored, also adding quote, protecting minor children from the transgender in this culture should be a top priority for conservative. Lawmakers to comments were a big record scratched to the bills lead democratic sponsor, senator richard blumenthal, who had to clarify the bill does not target or sensor anyone, including members of the Lgbtq Community. Then, theres ohio senator j. D. Vance, who rushed to respond to the recent rise of covid cases by pushing a bill to ban Mask Mandates. The socalled Freedom To Breathe Act would prohibit any federal official, including President Biden, from issuing Mask Mandates on domestic flights, on public transit, or in schools. Or it would have, if it hadnt been immediately struck down by democrats, but hey, at least vance, like blackburn, signaled hed endanger his own constituents for the sake of owning the libs. Lets bring back my panel, rene, who is your pick, blackburn or vance . Here heres the thing about republicans. Theres always room for any given a number of them at the bottom of the barrel. This is like choosing between what you rather get stung by a horrid hornet or stung by a bee, this is what they, do it is all empty in, this its all a lack of seriousness. These are absurd, things but i almost have to give it to marshall blackburn. Because she took a bill that democrats and republicans, like that the president was on board with, and as you, said she hijacked it by injecting this hateful rhetoric about trans people. All right, christina, who are you going with . Yeah, i agree with renee. Its always a race to the bottom with republicans. But definitely the blackburn. You know, this obsession with the Lgbtq Community in trying to take away their civil rights and civil release, especially tired and young people, is particularly heinous. And the fact that she tried to pull a bait and switch, might even be successful, is really disconcerting. And kurt, who you got . I mean, i got to go with vance because if you play out the conclusion of what he wants to do, what will end up happening is his constituents and the republican partys constituents, which tentatively on the older side of the demographic, theyre going to end up dying at some. Point and its, like lets just follow the virtue here of telling and instructing your voters, who you really, need to do things that will get them sick and probably die. Is like, man, thats, i dont know how you can get worse than killing your own people. I was going to say, that is definitely a new low. Rene, the kids Online Safety act, as you both just mentioned, had the support of both parties. It had the potential support of President Biden and now, lawmakers are being forced to. Explain away misinformation and thanks to blackburn, who, as we noted, was you, know one of the cosponsors. Politically, i dont understand how you could be a cosponsor of a bill and turn out to trash. Its you, know i think it becomes a political ploy against what republicans do. Because what she now has to say is we have a bill which protects children. And here democrats are, yet again, endangering our children. Its the same old nonsense over and over again. And with this one, again, shes submarine in her own bill because you, know its all about owning the lives. Right . But its a difference because it doesnt benefit the kids who actually are supposed to be getting help from this. This was to be protected, but they get to use that narrative against democrats. Not to mention kurt, there is no indication to your point that the white house is considering Mask Mandates again. Republicans like to say democrats want to bring back a mandates or lockdowns. But they seem to be the only ones talking about these restrictions. I mean, joe biden and some have criticize him for this. Basically declared the pandemic over, even though in some places, were seeing a new strain of the covid virus. Were seeing numbers begin to climb back up. And republicans are pretending that this is an issue that americans are talking about. Yeah. Again, its self sustaining, self creating echo chamber that republicans love to dive into, where they elevate an issue. They make an issue, they create a controversy that isnt a controversy, they create rhetoric and narratives no one else is talking about and they say well, everybody is talking about. This Iphone Hearing about this myself. Because you are the ones talking about. It you are the ones driving. It nobody else is, and youre trying to score chief political points on the fact of a health care crisis, basically. And for the party that walks around, wearing the prolife badge all the time, its shocking how often the things that they espouse do the exact opposite. They dont do anything to protect life. They actually support things that help and life. I was going to say, with the republicans, its always you know, projection. Every accusation is an admission of guilt on their own part, in some capacity. For bella, christina greer, greg, thank you so much for joining us this evening. Really appreciate it. Next, an update on a televised Non Consensual kiss that drew backlash around the world. Were going to give you an update on this important story. We want to end this hour with an update on a controversy that has resonated with people around the world. Start Soccer Player hany hermosa has formally accused spanish soccer chief, luis rubiales, of Sexual Assault for forcibly kissing her on the lips during a world cup celebration. Hermoso said the televised case was not consensual and she was quote a victim of aggression, a sexist act, rubiales maintained the kiss was consensual. Rubiales has refused to step down from his post, even though the Spanish Soccer Federation has formally requested his resignation. Even the fifa has suspended him from all Soccer Activities for 90 days, and even as prosecutors announced a federal investigation of the incident. Two days after, hermoso accused him of Sexual Assault. Rubiales could face a fine or a person sentence of 1 to 2 of 1 to 4 years if he is found guilty. It appears we could be entering a new era of upheaval and accountability in womens soccer. This means womens soccer coach for hate vita has been fired after he was accused of mistreating players and creating a sexist Work Environment prior to the world cup. The former coach also made news for unofficially backing his boss, rubiales, in the aftermath of the world cup final. And players on spains top Womens League announced they are going on strike. The Players Union has sought higher wages for years and now they are demanding contracts that continue during Maternity Leave as well. As access to the same nutritionists and physical therapists has male athletes. The spanish womans team is refusing to play for the National Team as long as the current federations leadership remains in place. And european and u. S. Club teams are standing in solidarity with hermoso, displaying the phrase, we are with you, jenny, on banners, shirts, and response. This week, barcelona player lucy bronze wrote in a column for metro quote, im optimistic we can find a way to make womens football globally, a more comfortable place to be. I am ready for the fight and we are all standing with them. Thank you for making time for us. Make sure to come back tomorrow night at nine eastern on msnbc. Noah bookbinder, president and ceo of citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington, well be here. The organization is backing six voters in a lawsuit that would ban donald trump from the ballot and colorado for violating the 14th. Amendment until then, im Ayman Mohyeldin in new york, have a good night. Good night i was stuck. Unresolved Depression Symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall Depression Symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. 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What it could mean for his old boss. , plus the gops efforts to rebrand a stance thats costing the Party Elections and the latin election shining a spotlight on latino artists and Fashion Designers during new york fashion week. This is american voices

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