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Missing after that Apartment Building partially collapsed. This hour officials are set to give an update on the search for survivors and caught on tape, new reporting this morning on a recording of former President Trump talking about classified documents he kept after leaving the white house. In iran, a trial is under way for two Women Journalists who are among the first to report the death of massa amini. And on this first day of pride month, why some events across the country are coming under fire especially in one state. And we begin this hour on capitol hill with another major test on the horizon for the Debt Ceiling Bill to avert an economic catastrophe. The senate will now take up the legislation one day after the deal negotiated by President Biden and House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy was overwhelmingly approved by the house, and the house needs to act and act quickly. There are a few days to go before the government says it will run out of money and will be unable to pay its bills. 60 senators will have to sign off on the deal and just like the house, senators on both sides are unhappy with the agreement and Bernie Sanders is among them. We have more incoming Wealth Inequality than we have people on top doing phenomenally well, middle class struggling and lower income people really facing desperate times and you dont do Deficit Reduction in any moral sense on the backs of some of the people in this country who are barely making it right now. With us now to talk more about this, nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitale and mike menially. How quickly can we expect the senate to take up this bill . Its a good question, but you know the answer is as quickly as they can because they know and Chuck Schumer said this this morning, time is of the essence for a body that can go as quickly as they want and it tends to go more slowly and heres Chuck Schumer laying out the stakes. Time is a luxury the senate does not have if we want to prevent default. June 5th is less than four days away. At this point, any needless delay or any lastminute holdups would be an unnecessary and even dangerous risk and any change to this bill that forces us to send it back to the house would be entirely unacceptable. It would almost guarantee default. So what schumer is saying there is that as the senate entertains an Amendment Process which might be what some of the senators were threatening to slow this process down, want in order to get their agreement that they can go more quickly, any amendment that actually passes means that the bill is fundamentally changed and then would have to go back to the house. They would like to avoid that. Nevertheless, we are likely to see some announcement of amendment votes at some point today. Were hearing at this point some rosier pictures. Senator john thune, the Number Two Senate republican saying members may be able to catch a flight out tomorrow morning and that would be good news for both members and people cheering for the deadline to be met here, but at the same time we wont know anything on the firm timing of this probably until around after lunchtime and thats when we expect a lot of these senators will talk about it on their Caucus Lunches and then get onboard with the actual plan, but again, if all hundred senators come to the table and say all right, we want to do this as quickly as possible, they can decide to do that, and theyll probably have to do votes on amendments in order to get there and were not sure what the timetable looks like yet. Mike, President Biden and the white house made a big effort to get House Democrats onboard, what are they going to do on the senate. It is a president the knows very well and weve seen a situation where the white house was managing different blocks of votes in the house, progressives, moderates and some immediate rats and one of the big ones coming from virginia tim kaine who has been a close ally, and very unhappy with the process and a permanent process, and also virginia that he says he was only informed about after the bill was posted publicly. This speaks to the efforts that are supposed to be under way with the sirens around me, jose, that the white house is undertaking at the moment and weve been stressed by white house officials the degree to where theres been oneonone outreach to white house officials to members of the senate. The number of calls reaching out to senators has been rather minimal, but we do know as the president is in colorado this morning speaking at the Air Force Academy commencement, hes also been very closely monitoring developments at home and likely making some momentum and the senate can come to a quicker resolution if possible to help speed that process along. Ali, the passage in the house is a victory for both the president and speaker mccarthy. Getting more than 300 yes votes is a huge deal, but there are republicans not negotiating with democrats . Yes. Its the same republicans that were unhappy with the debt deal and frankly, a lot of the republicans during the speaker Battle In January are now once again coming to the fore because those detractors remain some of mccarthys toughest critics after the debt battle. Mccarthy is calling this a win. It passed in bipartisan fashion. We watched mccarthy trumpet those victories last night as the bill now goes to the senate, but this was always going to be the case, jose when mccarthy made a deal that only one member needed to trigger it and that was always going to be something that loomed over every major moment of mccarthys speakership and this was the major moment that many of us were watching for, though. The debt battle was always going to be one of mccarthys toughest challenges and he succeeded when it came to passing something of substance from the debt and on the spending front and now he has to deal with the ramifications of that from his own conference and i will say in talking to moderate democrats last night, some of them may seem willing to help mccarthy keep his speakership. Its a little premature to be having those conversations in a real way, but we are watching some members of the Freedom Caucus including one ken buck of colorado who were saying there needs to be some kind of reckoning from mccarthy after this deal, but again, it hasnt come to a fever pitch at least not yet and it could be when mccarthy is trying to defend his job and this could be after the initial vote. This comes as we learn more about how that deal came together in the first place. What more can you tell us about the process . Agree. This is a reporting effort across our white house and capitol hill teams held by our colleague peter nicholas, and some really important moments to identify along this process and it starts with the fact that you may remember this with the state of the Union Address and the president trying to draw republicans out and challenging them to put out a budget to match his own, but then the reveal among capitol hill democrats, that once democrats did pass their version of the debt ceiling increase, the white house response seemed flat footed and that was the meetings and calls over the last 30 days for the resolution and we see the individual negotiators especially shelonda young, in order to bond and help reach the agreement with the shared louisiana roots and appreciation for gumbo. Ultimately, the development of that Negotiating Strategy especially by the white house which had been focused in the first two years of the administration especially managing the aggressive caucus and identifying the new Democratic Coalition and a group of moderates primarily and the senate Left Democrats who were able to power this over the finish line from the white house perspective. Ali vitale and mike memoli, undeterred by any sound effects. I thank you both for being with us this morning. Right now officials in davenport, iowa, are giving an update on the partial building collapse. Lets go right to some of the details. Nbcs maggie vespa joins us from davenport. Maggie, what are they saying and what more are we learning about the concerns with the apartment . Yeah, so, jose, at this point officials are giving insight into a number of things. Number one, theyre giving reporters in the room an update on the site surveillance and were awaiting details on that and they have Laser Scanning Drones over this property yesterday that can among other things build a 3d model of the site and what they were trying to do with that was determine a timeline as to when this site may come down. We learned this a couple of days ago. Officials now believe there could be two people trapped inside that trouble. Ryan hitchcock and brandon coleman. We talked to their families in the last couple of days and they have not heard from these men and brandon was in one of the top four apartments that basically collapsed on sunday. So were hearing about that. We also just heard that there is a third person who they say is still unaccounted for and was basically listed as a potential tenant in this building. The concern is they may have an old tenants list and theyre working to track this person down in particular working with the local Veterans Affairs and local agencies in the area who may have had contact with him, but basically, we have one unaccounted for at this point and two likely still in that building. Thats what officials are working with right now. At the same time weve also just in the last couple of days heard from the buildings owner andrew rold, not at the Press Conference and just releasing a statement only saying that he is thankful for first responders, thankful for the work that theyve been doing and also keeping the tenants and families who have been at this building and the tenants here and the families in his prayers. This comes as the city is taking andrew wold to court citing him for keeping this building in an unsafe, sanitary condition. That citation begins on sunday. Its a technical thing, and this is a long investigation and it is potential and theyre not ruling out criminal charges in this case and there could be a long, Long Court Battle tied to this. Keep in mind, this is just the first step, but the fine amount has gotten people caught off guard. Basically, they said that this citation that theyve issued comes with a fine of 300. And so a lot of people obviously, bristled to say the least, when they hear the fine amount when you see the destruction and tragedy that you see behind us. City engineers, and the mayor is speaking and weve not heard updates about finding brandon, finding ryan. This is a procedural update on the search and adding that the third person is now still unaccounted for amid all of this chaos here in davenport. Jose . Maggie vespa in davenport, iowa. Thank you so much. Up next, former President Donald Trump once said he could declassify documents just by thinking about it. What he apparently said on tape that could turn his own argument upside down. Were back in 60 seconds. Youre watching Jose Diaz Balart reports on msnbc. Balart reports on msnbc permission to dig in . Granted. Breyers carbsmart is so rich, so creamy, it tastes totally offlimits. But with only 4 grams of net carbs in every delicious serving, youve got the green light. Better starts with breyers. tap, tap listen, your deodorant just has to work. I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later i still smell fresh. Secret works. Ohhh yesss. Now to a Major Development in the investigation into Donald Trumps handling of classified information. A source directly familiar with the matter confirms to nbc news the special counsels office has a recording made in 2021 of trump discussing a classified document he kept from his time in the white house, and acknowledging it was still classified. Trumps spokesperson told nbc news in a statement, quote, leaks from radical partisans behind this political persecution are designed to inflame tensions. Former president has denied any wrongdoing and the mishandling of classified documents. If youre the president of the United States you can declassify just by saying its declassified and even by thinking about it because youre sending it to maralago or wherever youre sending it and it doesnt have to be a process. There can be a process, but there doesnt have to be. I was there, and i took what i took and it gets declassified. I had every right to do it. I didnt make a secret of it. With us now to talk more about this, nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken delanian and joyce vance, a former attorney in alabama who is now a professor in alabama and cohost of the sisters in law in alabama. This tells me this was a recording of a meeting that took place at trumps club in bedminster, new jersey, in 2021, the summer of 2021, and it was about helping mark meadows write a memoir. Trump was being interviewed and he was discussing a secret document about Military Options to strike iran, and he made clear on the tape, we are told, that he knew the document was secret which is why he couldnt share it more explicitly with the people on the in the meeting, and the reason thats deeply significant because it refutes the statements from trump where he said he declassified everything which by the way, its not true that he can declassify things from his mind, it is incredibly significant evidence for prosecutors who would need to prove that trump intended to keep classified documents, that he knew he was doing it and that he knew he was Keeping Documents that he shouldnt have had when he was president. You cant overstate the significance of that evidence. Well, and joyce, how big a deal is this . Its incredibly important, and i think ken identifies the reason. Trump, in essence, is confessing on tape here and that tape will be available to prosecutors and they can play it to a jury. It would be, i think, admissible generally in connection with this entire notion of Trump Retaining Documents at maralago and now we have this intriguing new possibility that there could be a separate count, a separate charge against trump because of this document itself. Its classified and he retained it and he acknowledges that he knows that and this is what prosecutors would call a goldilocks document. This is the sort of thing that the reporting that classified as secret pulls up, that might be something that the Intelligence Community might be willing to be declassified and it might be used as evidence and typically something thats at the top, secret level and that could be difficult for them to let go up and something with the lower classification level might not have the significance and the Compelling Force that would convince a jury to convicts. Hearing documents about an iranian battle plan could be very compelling as part of an indictment. Joyce, this comes as trumps attorneys are trying to get the judge in the New York City Hush Money Trial trying to recuse himself from serious conflicts. What would it take for a judge to recuse himself from this. These issues are largely up to the discretion of the judge in the case. If the judge declines to recuse himself it could go on appeal and a panel of appellate judges may ultimately make the call. Judges are supposed to stay on cases unless theres a conflict or the appearance of impropriety. Here the allegation involves a very small, diminimus donation to the Political Campaign that the judges daughter was working on. I think it is unlikely that he will be forced to recuse here. Ken delanian and joyce vance, thank you very much. Coming up, donald trump takes a swing through iowa today as his former vp prepares a lunch, a bid against him. Well get an update from the Campaign Trail next. Om the Campaign Trail next. Can count o. And now shes got myplan. The Game Changing new plan that lets her pick exactly what she wants, and save on every perk. Sadies getting her plan ready for a big trip. Travel pass, on. Nice iphone 14 pro cute couple. Trips dont last forever. Neither does summer love. So, sadies moving on. Apple music . Check. Introducing myplan. The first and only unlimited plan to give you exactly what you want, so you only pay for what you need. 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This morning, 2024 republican hopefuls are hitting the trail in early key states. Today, President Trump is making stops in iowa while ron desantis is stumping in New Hampshire and this as the race for the white house is set to grow yet again. Former Vice President mike pence and former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie and north dakota reporter Doug Bargum All Set to formally jump in the race next week. Joining me is correspondent Vaughn Hilliard joining me from iowa and doug hye, former rnc communications director. What does the day look like for trump in iowa . Doug knows how this works here, jose and that is that it will take multiple stops from these candidates. For donald trump, todays day, he will be taking part in the conservative breakfast in des moines and this will be his first stop in the morning and he will then go midafternoon and hell be meeting with what the Campaign Says are Faith Leaders and this afternoon hes taping a televised town hall with sean hannity that will be aired on fox here later tonight. For donald trump, i was talking to a close ally of his this morning and donald trump knows hes not going to be the anointed winner of the iowa caucus eight months from now and thats why he intends to put in the leg work. I want you to let you see the scene that were at. This is the machine shed, the Breakfast Place where donald trump will be speaking at momentarily and this is the press corps and we hope to get access to donald trump and there is a small contingency of reporters that are with him and were not sure if well get the chance to ask him some questions and you can see down the way, just beyond where this Electrical Van is pulling out, the rv of The Super Pac backing ron desantis and we should note this was the first moment in which donald trump and ron desantis, both official candidates were here campaigning in iowa at the same time. I want to let you hear from two of the folks, Stephen Carroll who came to hear donald trump about why theyre not supporting ron desantis, though they still like him. Take a listen. Why not ron desantis . We want to wait. In 2028. Yeah. Keep it going. I really like him as a vp and get experience. Hes a young man. Hes got a young family and hes very, very vulnerable. And this, jose, is the reality that ron desantis has to evercome and hes coming from behind and they like ron desantis, but youll have to get more than likes and youll have to convince them that the man who built a movement in the Republican Party over the last eight years is worth going to the iowa caucus eight years from now and standing among a group of your neighbors, Friends And Family and saying i am supporting a guy that is not the former president of the United States, and i am supporting the Florida Governor and thats what it will take for ron desantis and other florida candidates who are here in the day ahead. So, what do the desantis of the world, of course, that list is growing, but what does someone like desantis have to accomplish and how does he do that in iowa . In iowa, you have to work it. Its a place that specializes in retail politics which means you have to be visible in places like des moines and cedar rapids, but you have to be present. Places like evansburg and winterset, and iowans deserve it and they expect it. Ron desantis said hes going to go to all 99 contes and thats how you get it. Trump remains the alpha dog and if you want iowa, it takes a lot of leg work and a lot of real presence on the ground. Former Vice President pence is set to enter the race next week. What is his lane . Certainly, mike pence is very popular in the evangelical community. Hes going to lean in on that and so much of what weve heard from pence in the last weeks and months though hes been critical, very critical of donald trump on a lot of things and certainly january 6th, being first and foremost among them for very obvious reasons and pence wants to emphasize what the substance he sees of what the trumppence administration is and hell say trumppence administration a lot and hell talk about issues and policies he helped enact while he was president. There wasnt a platform for the rnc one of the times. Donald trump was an attitude. Mike pence is trying to say, heres the substance, what got done i was a vital part of. Theres an audience of that and we dont know how large that is yet. And so, whats difference between that and a desantis . He will say i was directly in the ram all of these things that you like in the room about donald trump policy wise i was one of the many reasons and one of the drivers for that to happen. Thats part of the conversation that desantis is going to have to have and pence and the others and nikki haley and certainly a part of the administration and tim scott who voted for a lot of those things in the senate and theyll be competing for a lot of the same voters in the hopes that donald trump either has his balloon popped which is why Chris Christie is interesting to watch and he makes stumbles and indictments that bring real opportunity and more republicans are getting in because they see donald trump as vulnerable despite his clear frontrunner status right you in. Vaughn hilliard and doug heye, i thank you very much for being here this morning. Thank you. A Staggering Number of children now heading into a deadly jungle to try to get to the United States. Plus a look at how wall street is reacting to the house passing the Debt Ceiling Bill. There you see it. Its up about 77 points. Youre watching Jose Diaz Balart reports on msnbc. Rt repc this is rochelle, who gives you a shot. Rebecca is there when you feel not so hot. This is larissa, whos feeling glown up. And this here is winnie, who zhuzhed up their cup. This is victoria, helping women stay healthy. These are your kids, Snacking Snacks made with veggies. And matty can help you find your new favorite color. And kyle helps find meds for under 10 dollars. Whoever you are, wherever, whenever, at cvs, healthier happens together. 32 past the hour. Millions with federal Student Loans are bracing for the possibility that the payments could resume if the Debt Ceiling Agreement is signed into law. The legislation has a provision that will reinstate payments at the end of the summer, after then President Trump paused loan dlekz and President Biden extended that pause. Lindsay riser joins us. What are you hearing from folks about this . Jose, people are very tuned in to what is going on and most of the people weve talked to, these borrowers here at Washington Square park right near nyu and the iconic park in New York City, they say they have heard that their repages will start. To back up and add to what you were saying, borrowers have not had to repay any of the federal Student Loans while the Bidenharris Administration has been in office. They have extended that moratorium by former President Trump eight times. Interest during that time has also been paused and so now the new Debt Ceiling Bill will change that. It ends that moratorium. 60 days from june 30th these borrowers will get a notice that theyll have to start repaying within 21 days and the administration is saying this is in line with when they thought those payments would start and end of august and republicans say this will save taxpayers 5 billion a month and the Debt Ceiling Bill didnt do enough to deal with the Debt Ceiling Forgiveness Plan that the Biden Administration has currently tied up in the Supreme Court and ive been talking to borrowers about how this Repayment System having to repay will affect them and this is what they told me. I didnt realize it was going to be that soon and that abrupt. So, yeah, its going to be a shock because now we have to allocate more of a budget now to pay those back in a timely manner. Its a little nerveracking. I guess because interest will start. Im not too worried about it because i know the flexibility and i know whats available for me at this time. On top of paying rent and wherever ill be living at after college, i have to worry about that, as well. That gentleman wouldnt be affected because he wouldnt have to start paying back his loans yet, but he would be affected by that Forgiveness Plan and people are waiting to see what will happen with the Supreme Court which we should know by the end of june, jose. Lindsay reiser in New York City, thank you very much. Lets turn to the markets and the dow is up 110 pointsa the this hour and investors on wall street are closely watching washington as lawmakers race to avoid a debt default that could devastate the economy in just a couple of days. Meanwhile, some positive news from the u. S. Labor market. According to a new report out just this morning, private payrolls rose by 278,000 in may, thats a lot higher than expectation. Joining me with more is cnbcs frank holland. Whats the word on wall street . Good morning, jose. Urgency with cautious optimism when it comes to wall street. Everyone wants to see this Debt Limit Deal happen. We know its possible. A senate vote is possible before monday and then getting it passed by the june 5th date, thats also possible and there are real challenges that the market is trying to figure out. The first and maybe the biggest, all 100 senators must agree with this plan and give the unanimous consent, one issue, three senators, two republicans and one democrats have voiced serious concerns with a part of the plan under normal circumstances without the u. S. Facing the possibility of the firstever default and they will try to propose amendments and get it added by a vote and if successful that amended bill back to the house for another vote. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer says thats not an option. Mitch mcconnell, echoing that sentiment and these two senators on the same page, a rarity. What should we take away from the new adp number. You said the adp report was a lot higher, it was about 50 higher than expectations and a big move to the upside there. Another sign that the u. S. Job market is strong and resilient. However, adp did emphasize the gains were concentrated in leisure and hospitality. More than 200,000 in that sector alone and the majority of the job gains and small businesses. So the report is generally seen as an indicator of what weve seen in the monthly jobs report from the Labor Department and its being closely watched as a key data point from the fed as it decides whether or not to hike rates to the highest level in decades. Important to note the two reports, adp and the Labor Department can show some different numbers and also in recent days. Weve seen the odds of a Fed Hike Reverse and today according with the cme theres almost a 75 chance of no hike and also known as a pause. Frank holland, i thank you so very much. Good to see you. A brandnew report from the United Nations Children Emergency Fund says the number of children crossing the Dangerous Jungle Pass has rapidly risen in the past couple of months. The report found that more listen to this, more than 25,000 children and teens entered panama through the darien gap in the first four months of this year. Thats an eightfold increase during the same period last year when just 3,000 Child Migrants made that same journey s, cording to unicef. 25,000 children and teens. And now to a growing mystery as to why a Native American man was shot killed by u. S. Border patrol agents where he lived near the arizonamexico border. Raymond mattia called Border Patrol for help and was shot dead when agents reported to his home. Joining us now julia ainsley, what else do we know about this . Jose, this could be a matters of wires being crossed. What we know about cbp is they were assisting the native police in the reservation in response to shots fired call and nothing in the statement states what raymond mattias family said that he actually reached out to Border Patrol hours before he arrived complaining about undocumented migrants coming to his home and asking to use his bathroom and use his phone. He called Border Patrol, as he often did and he was known for them. Ive met these people before. That was his understanding, but of course, they are saying theyre responding to a shots fired call at his residence. Now we also know the family says they werent able to get close. In this culture they want to be able to be with the body and to bless the body and they had to say goodbye to their Family Member in a body bag after he was left for hours without them being able to get close and to see what happened here. They also just think that in general, they want more answers. We know the fbi is investigating this, cbp is investigating this and their Office Of Professional Responsibility and the local police there, but so far they say there are really no answers as to why Border Patrol came so close. In their statement Border Patrol said they saw mattia with an object in his hand and he abruptly moved his right arm and it came close to the agents and officers there, the family thinks it might have been his cell phone and he was instructed to drop it. One way we may get clear answers on this is when Body Cam Footage is released. We know Border Patrol have started to wear that more often and as soon as we can get more videos we might get more answers. This happened two weeks ago, julia. Thats right. They still dont know why Border Patrol shot their loved one. Julia ainsley, i thank you so very much. Up next, two Women Journalists in iran facing the Death Penalty for bringing the death of mahsa amini to light. Well talk to an iranianamerican journalist who says their trials are a sham. Shes a good friend of ours and well talk to her in just a minute. Youre watching Jose Diaz Balart reports on msnbc. Reporc power e trades easytouse tools, like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless. And its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. E trade from Morgan Stanley. With powerful, easytouse tools, power e trade makes complex trading easier. React to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. E trade from Morgan Stanley in iran two Women Journalists stand trial for several charges including colluding with hostile powers which they deny. Their trials are linked to the coverage of the death of mahsa amini, an iranian woman who died after the Morality Police took her into custody for violating a dress code, sparking a historic wave of protests and protests that continue to this day. The husband of one of the journalists said her trial session on tuesday lasted less than two hours and her lawyers did not get a chance to even defend her. The trial for the other journalist began on monday. Joining us now with more is masi ajhad. Thank you for joining us. Youve spoken out on the justis system in iran which in many ways is a contradiction in terms. What do you want people to learn about what these women are facing . It is unbelievable that in 21st century, two journalists, niloufar and elaheh are in a sham trial which is disgusting. Why . Because they covered thester of the brutal death of earth woman called mahsa amini. Mahsa aminys brutal death parked a revolution in iran and now the two journalists are in the court being prosecuted by one of the notorious judge who has executed many other protesters, who sentenced many innocent protesters to death and now patronizing, harassing these amazing journalists. You know, this is disgusting, but on the other hand, the killers, those who actually killed mahsa aminy and more than 600 innocent protesters are walking freely in the streets, but these two journalists are in prison for almost eight months and being now in sham trial and what is disgusting is the killers and theyre being appointed to the United Nations Human Rights Council. That breaks my heart, jose. So the people that are in charge of repression, oppression and since 1979 really having clamped down on iranians rights to even think are at the United Nations Human Rights Council which is just a surrealistic thing to begin with, but then you have like an iranian newspaper leaked details of a new hijab bill introduced to parliament there including fines for not wearing a hijab or wearing tight clothes. Nbc news has not confirmed the report yet, but whats your reaction to that . How do you let us know . What is the reality for the iranian people . I want every Single Person now listening to me to just ask a simple question, like, you know, to themselves, that if it was not women of iran, if it was Women In America Being kicked out from schools, universities and stadiums just because of being women or not covering their hair, what would have been the reaction . So i want you to do the same reaction because this is a gender Apartheid Regime, putting cameras everywhere, like chinese camera to identify women who are unveiled. Kicking out women from stadiums, bullying women, targeting school girls on their chemical attacks. So these are the situation, women in iran as i mentioned niloufar and elaheh are facing sham trial just because of voicing, giving voice to iranian women. So this is a gender Apartheid Regime, and i want you, every Single Person can hear me, join us, and ask the leaders of democratic countries to expand the definition apartheid to all International Laws to gender apartheid, as well and thats how we can isolate a gender Apartheid Regime otherwise a lot of women being killed in iran. I getting killed in iran. I thank you very much for being with us. Appreciate it. Thank you for not abandoning irani women. Up next, lgbtq rights under assault. Pride month begins. 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Soon, President Biden will be giving the Commencement Address at the u. S. Air force academy in colorado. This is the third time he is speaking at an Air Force Academy graduation. His first as president. This class has the highest percentage of women and minority students to graduate from the academy. We see the president arriving. Lets take a live look outside 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. You see the rink decked out in rainbow flags for pride month. Across the country, lgbtq rights are under assault. The aclu is tracking 491 antilgbtq bills across the u. S. In this legislative session. In florida, new laws ban gender affirming care for minors and restrict it for adults, limit the use of bathrooms to a persons gender assigned at birth, prohibit drag shows. Im wondering how these laws, the new ones in florida, are Impacting Lgbtq people. Thank you so much for laying out the real situation on the ground in florida. Its interesting. Ron desantis talks about his blueprint for the nation. Here it is. Government intimidation of businesses, of leaders, of whole communities. Its an effort to mandate conformity, as you said. We have restrictions on medical freedom. And you rightfully pointed out the restrictions on adult care. 80 plus percent of trans lost their health care with the snap of a finger with ron desantis plan because the Florida State legislature decided health care was a political Talking Point for them. Its important to say that vigilantes have gone viral on tiktok and instagram harassing people in bathroom stalls. It impacts everyone. They are telling they are determining who is feminine enough to be in a womens rest room, who is masculine enough to be in a mens rest room. They are getting in peoples faces. When freedom is under assault in this country, its under assault for all people, not justlgbtq people. Its causing damage to communities. You say 80 of the people lost their health care. Give me more explanation on that. Sure. Senate bill 254, the bill that really has been characterized nationally as a ban on gender affirming care for minors, had important provisions that restrict care for transgender adults. One of those is that it bans Nurse Practitioners and physician assistants from providing gender affirming treatment. In florida and around the country, 80 of tran adults get that care. Because that was taken away, people started getting emails, people got phone calls and Text Messages from their provider saying, i can no longer renew your prescription. Thats what happens in a state that ron desantis likes to call free, where someone who has been getting their hormones for 15 plus years from a Nurse Practitioner can no longer get access because their health care has become the political boogie man of the moment. Thank you so much for being with us this morning. Appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Today businesses are many businesses are shutting doors to participate in a day without immigrants to demonstrate the cultural and economic contributions of immigrants to the u. S. This years strike prompted by the Immigration Law signed by Florida Governor ron desantis which goes into affect a month from today requiring businesses to verify their employees Immigration Status Via government database, Requirement Hospitals accepting medicaid to ask patients their status, that will invalidate out of state drivers licenses among other provisions. Today is the start of the atlantic hurricane season. They predict a near normal season with 12 to 17 named storms expected. Would you believe it . On the list of the 21 storms, say it aint so, jose is there. Each year, storm names are alternated between male and female using all letters of the alphabet. Today is the beginning of the Central Pacific hurricane season. Please prepare if you could be at risk. June through november. Day one of the nba finals between the heat and nuggets tips off this evening. The mayors have placed a friendly wager. The miami mayor will send food to denver and wear a nuggets jersey. Requesting denver mayor wear a heat jersey and send over bison steaks. They agreed. Lets see what happens. That wraps up the hour for me. Im jose diazbalart

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