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Well all be in love again. The president also offered his condolences to the families of anthony bore deigns family. Word of soup support to one of his own top picks, epa leader scott pruitt. With the president braming the press for the cabinet member whos facing 15 investigations. The latdest reports he made his staff fetch prodean bars, greek yogurt, moisturizer from the ritz. And what the president has to say about it about the we have a lot of ground to cover. Let me play for you some of the high lights of the president s lengthy remarks before he got on the chopper to head to canada this morning. Listen. Were you serious about really not needing to prepare for the kim jongun summit . I didnt say that. I said ive been preparing all my life. I always believe many preparation, but ive been preparing all my life. Is this going to be the g6 plus one . Maybe. You did call it anything you want. Is this the end of the g7 . It doesnt matter what you call it. It used to be the ga because russia was in it and the g7 which used tock the g8, they threw russia out, they should let russia come back in. Would there be more pardons . There will be more pardons. Im thinking about mohamed ali. On the pardon power, do you believe youre above the lawa and that you could pardon yourself. No, im not above the law. I never want anyone to be above the law. I do have an absolute right to pardon myself, but ill never have to do it because i dont anything wrong. We are looking at literally thousands of names of people that have come to our attention that have been treated unfairly or where their sentence is far too low. Are you worried about the things that rudy is saying in israel . Rudys great but rudy is rudy. But rudy is doing a very good job, actually. Is a porn star . He said what . He said a porn star is not respectable work. Im not going to disagree with him on that. All right. Well, thats a lot of headlines, peter alexander. Its a good thing youre tall because we saw half your face as you were talking with the president there out on the south lawn. Im so glad youre with us because i want to did he briebr little bit. Was that was not a formal news conference. Youre screaming over the noise there, that said, it was a lengthy q a session for this president , a lot of hid lines on everything from, as you heard, Rudy Giuliani to the department of justice, to leaks, to porn stars, to Dennis Rodman and mohame mohamed ali. Walk through what you got out of that moment. Reporter in terms of my positioning, i was standing on top of two ladders adjacent to me. This is pro tip, okay. Thats how it works. Lets focus on the significance of what he said today. The most important thing that the president said today as he heads up to the g7 where there are already these tensions over topics like trade and iran is the president didnt suggest but called on the g7 to reinstate russia to make it effectively the g8 again. Russia was expelled four years ago. That was significant. The president in his words said something to the effect why are we having this meeting if russia is not here . He said whether you like it or not, we have a world to run. He also, as the white house aides have now said, youve got to remind folks that im russias worst nightmare. Well let americans draw their own conclusions about the president s assessment of himself on that. You he you heard his comments about Rudy Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani took a swipe at Stormy Daniels effectively saying being a porn star was not respectable work like other career women. The president said im not going to quibble with that, im not going to disagree with that assessment. There were a variety of other topics. Melania trump roar his wife who weve only seen once in a public event now approaching several weeks, basically, since that surgery took place. He said that she has to stay here, cannot fly, that shes required by doctors to be here on Doctors Orders because of what he described as a fourhour operation. That was significant. It raises more question about exactly what that surgical procedure was and the significance of just how bad her circumstances were that she required that surgery. We did go through a laundry list. The other points i would say just given the highlights this week rerated the philadelphia eagles, the celebration of america, the president said he will not invite the Golden State Warriors or the Cleveland Cavaliers to the white house no matter who wins. But he appeared to try to make an outreach to the Africanamerican Community more broadly saying he would welcome americas athletes to reach out to him to indicate to him anybody they thought had been a victim of the justice department. Obviously the whole basis of this movement, those athletes who had taken a knee, of course none of them were philadelphia eagles, was their desire to draw attention to express their first amend meant rights drawing attention to social injustice and Police Brutality among other things . I followed up and asked the president if he would invite those athletes to the white house for a roundtable. On that the president said he didnt think there was any need. He didnt believe in grandstanders. Hall. I that is after, of course, peter said that they would ask the president about that, get back to you and he asked about that in the briefing this week. Very quickly i want to go to what you talked about at the top. The president saying russias our worst nightmare, but g8 lets bring russia back to the table here. That cannot, as we wait for the president to land in canada, we showed you that live shot at the top of the show, that cannot be sitting well with allies. Hes walking into a lions den. As youve been reporting the last 72 hours and weeks, this feud over tariffs and the president making it clear that the u. S. Will be imposing stiff tariffs on allies like canada, mexico, and the eu. We heard from macron, from france, we heard also from trudeau from canada in the last 24 hours lash being out at the president. The president not backing down today. Hallie. Thats for sure. Peter alexander, he next time i see you we will be in singapore. Peter navarro is the director of the National Trade council. Hes on the white house lawn. Thank you very much for being with us. Appreciate it. Reporter lovely day here in d. C. For the capitals and for the capitol. Thats for sure. Let me start here where peter left off because i want to talk about the g7, some of the trade issues, but also what the president hinted at which was the idea of a g8. Why should russia be allowed back into these meetings after everything its been accuse of doing, annexing crimea as we know did . Reporter so im the trade guy. I did tell you about the steel and aluminum tariffs and how tough the president son russia, the aluminum tariffs put one the biggest russia Aluminum Companies out of business. I think what id like to talk about is president well talk about those. But, peter, totally get it. G7 is will have a lot of focus on trade. I know youre not Foreign Policy but i had to ask you the question. Not my lane. You tried and im not im not dancing with you on that. Let me ask you this, because obviously the relationship with our allies you would agree is critical when it comes to negotiating trade policies, right . Sure. I guess my why does the president seem to be tougher on Vladimir Putin or macron and Angela Merkel allies than putin . He is tough on putin. I think the expression here is with friends like these, what weve got are massive trade deficits. And what the president is doing is standing up for the working men and women in this country on the trade issue. And trade disputes are very different from the National Security, geopolitics and all of that stuff that goes on. In the 80s we had strong disagreements on trade with japan, for example, but we were always able to work with them strategically in asia. But heres the thing. With friends like these, if you look at canada, for example, president tweeted correctly canada has 270 tariffs on dairy that really hurts our Dairy Farmers in wisconsin. Germany puts a tariff on our autos thats four times higher than the ones we charge on germanys autos. So germany sends us three cars for every one they send us. France gives air bus enormous subsidies at the bens of boeing and jobs in places like missouri. Sure. But the punch line here is that with europe we run 150 billion trade deficit in goods every single year and for every 1 billion of deficit we run with europe, thats 6,000 jobs that are in europe instead of here. So all were trying to do, hallie, all were trying to do is having a level Playing Field for the american workers. I get that, peter, and ive heard the president say very similar things. Let me ask you this. I dont have to tell you how unhappy those countries are with trudeau calling these tariffs insulting, unacceptable. Merkel says theyre illegal. You have macron saying were not doing this. Is the potential payoff from negotiating bet trade deals worth ripping these aliengss apart in your deal . I dont think to use your words ripping these alliances apart is you dont think were headed in that direction . What we have are leaders in these individual countries who are speaking to their own political base. But they fully acknowledge, they fully acknowledge that theyre ripping this country off. And what this has done, what the president has done with the steel and aluminum tariffs, what hes done with the threat of auto tariffs, theyre talking to us now. Im telling you, six months ago they wouldnt even talk to us. So this is the way the president works. Its the art of the deal. These countries have been having a great deal. I mean, look, every year 800 billion goes overseas in terms of the trade deficit. That comes back with foreigners buying up this country. And president says, thats not going to happen anymore. Let me ask you this i want to be cut into a little bit of a lightning round because 2019 get all these topics. Ill try to keep up. G7, does the president want to be there . Well, i think the president is very, very focused on an issue which is far more important at this point in history, which is the singapore trip. So is that a no . Thats why hes going, if he didnt want to be there, you know the president , he wouldnt go. But hes leaving early, right . Well, hes leaving early but he has a very good reason because that trip, theres a lot riding on it not just for the American People and the north koreans, its for the world because north korea, you know what the problem is there. Three more quick questions on trade for you. The president said today if we dont get a deal on nafta were going to cut nafta altogether and negotiate separate deals. I get that the president s point, your point has been that youll get better deals eventually if you do kill nafta. If do you kill nafta theres huge concern that will hit farmers, carmakers. In the interim. Why arent you more concerned about that . Were very concerned about that and i think this new move towards Bilateral Agreements with mexico and canada is really the way to go. Its something that the president wanted dodd ato do al along. We tried the threeway negotiation, multilateral negotiation. The problem with that is when you have two countries and us negotiating and theyre two dissimilar countries like canada and mexico, it gets out of hand. We think that theres a great deal to be done with mexico alone and they did benefit just as much as we did. Thats a solid relationship. I have two more questions for you, peter. Thanks for being so patient. New york times says that theres an internal analysis showing that, in fact, tariffs will end up hurting the 60 economy, the new tariffs being put in place despite public statements from the president s economic advisers otherwise. Does that internal analysis exist. Fake news . That analysis doesnt exist . Fake news. Youre saying there nos internal report on this . Theres fake news. Tell me, are you and Steven Mnuchin and larry kudlow 100 on the same page on trade . You can definitively say that youre all on the same page when it comes to the economic agenda with the president . I can say two things. One is that the president makes the decisions, theres no divisiveness among the team, only differing opinions. And the president loves hearing those differing opinions to make the best decisions possible. Hes making zbrait great decisions right now. Look at economy, its off the charts and the American People are benefitting from that. Youll come back on the show . Absolutely, love it. Director of the National Trade council. Thank you for being with us. Its been a wild 15 minutes or so. Im joined by the ambassador to china. Its good to have you on. And Ap National Security and Foreign Policy reporter Josh Letterman are here as well. Its a mouthful with you guys but i love it. Ambassador, a quick round here had the what do you make with what you just heard when it comes to trade and the president heading into the g7 walking into the lions den . Well, i disagree with the administration on their approach to tariffs. Certainly we have a lot of issues with our allies, especially europe. But we need them because we also we also have some overriding issues with china. And exposiimposing tariffs on and aluminum on our alwlies were trying to zraets issue ad issue of china makes to sense. What does the president need to do today in canada . What does he need to do to repair these relationships or do you believe hes not interested in that . I dont think he is interested because hes imposing tariffs on our allies, on aluminum and steel, when supposedly were concerned about the oversupply of steel and aluminum coming from china. Under president obama, that flow of aluminum and steel has been dramatically reduced so why are we going after a canada, germany, france, mexico, and others . Ambassador gary locke, thank you very much for being with us. Betsy and josh, i promise youll get to speak in a second when we come back from the break because President Trump now says hes looking at thr3,000 names for pardons. And the president says he supports the first amendment, but the fbi has now apparently seized a New York Times reporters phone and email records. How it ties into the crackdown on leaks and what it means for all of puts. Lous, Anthony Bourdain has. Well have more on that coming up. With expedia, you could book a flight, hotel, car, and activity all in one place. Very interesting that they caught a leaker and a very important its a very important leaker. So its very interesting. I believe strongly in freedom of the press, im a big, big believer in freedom of the press. But im also a believer in classified information. Has to remain classified. And that includes comey and his band of thieves who leaked classified information all over the place. So im a very big believer in freedom of the press, but im also a believer that you cannot leak classified information. Thats President Trump this morning talking leakers and talking tangentially about this story, a longtime staffer on the Senate Intelligence committee whos due in court this morning. Thats james wolf. Hes walking as he has so often escorting witnesses for the Senate Intelligence committee. Thats been his role for years. Hes now been arrested and charged with lying to investigators about contacts with the reporters. And improperly handling sensitive committee material. Nbs julia annesly is here to break down the story. I know youve been working this with some of our colleagues for days. Wolf, its my understanding, has not been charged with leaking classified information, right . Yet at the same time the department of justice has taken what say rather extraordinary step of pulling records from a reporter as part of its investigation. What warranted that . Yes, that was going to be my first point to you. James wolf was the Security Director at the Senate Intelligence committee so he should know official what information he did and cannot leak and he should know to hand this will information very sensitively. What he was interviewed about was the mishandling of Sensitive Information, not classified information. What he did is that he lied to federal investigators about that. That is what is bringing him to court today. But just the information itself was not classified, and as we understand the way it was used was in a buzz feed article last year by watkins, and that article was about carter page being a meeting with a russian spy. Thats something that carter page ended up confirming to buzz feed news. It did not seem like it was an explosive story or a story that could not have been done without that information. So its interesting to see that of all the leaks to go after this is what theyre focusing on and the statement that attorney general Jeff Sessions put out last night, he said they were almost making an example of this. I wanted to show that Sensitive Information should not be leaked to the press. But if you boil down to the information itself, it does seem like they are taking a very big step here to go after information that was sensitive and not classified. Julia annesly breaking that down. Thank you for joining us. Joining me here is greg bauer, assistant director for the Congressional Affairs at the fbi. Betsy and josh are here. Greg, talk tloi through, i want to play you senator Richard Blumenthal and what he had to say about the process the doj used to take these reporters records. Seizure of reporters records have to be an ultimate last resort. Other means of obtaining the information have to be explored first under these procedures. I want to know whether those standards and procedures were followed. What are the standards and procedures, greg, and do you believe the doj followed them in this instance . Those are very good questions that should be asked and im confident that the department did follow the proper procedures. Its a multilayered set of protocols within Department Policies that require multiple levels of approval, in some cases approval by the attorney general himself before certain techniques be used. You believe Jeff Sessions may have signed off on this going after the records . Its possible. I have no doubt that the this was fully vetted at the department, whether that included the attorney general or not depends upon the specific techniques used and what the protocols say in that regard. But i have to believe it was taken seriously by officials and the proper protocols were followed. You work there, betsy, you cover these men and women every day. I know when the story broke its a little bit a chill that goes through. Certainly. Thats something that free press advocates have been saying loud and clear ever since the story first break yesterday evening. Something they said during the Obama Administration when they tried to crack down on reporters. During the Obama Administration he went after more reporters than anyone combined. This is not covering new ground. Part of the reason theres so much concern over the particular seizure of alley watkins records is because she was not informed before those records were looked at. Generally the way the rules are suppose tobds looked at at the do jrk, these were rules that went in place, the way that theyre supposed to work is before the doj seizes or goes through a reporters phone records theyre supposed to let the reporter know that theyre going to do that. Thats my understanding. And according to the New York Times record thats why that does d not happen in allis case. This is rare instance in which the department of justice has done what the department of justice to do. Hes been calling after sessions to go after leakers, sessions back in august talking doing that. He doesnt like sessions other than that, josh, it seems. Then theres this issue as it relates to the department of justice putting together pardons for the president putting together a list of people like Alice Johnson who could be pardoned, not pardons for the president himself, to clarify. Talk through when the president talked about the idea of pardons, he was asked about this this morning. I want to play you a little bit of that and ask you about it on the other side. No, no, im not above the law. I never want anybody to be above the law. But the pardons are a very positive thing for a president. I think you see the way im using them. And, yes, i do have an absolute right to pardon myself, but ill never have to do it because i didnt d didnt do anything wrong. I havent even thought about it [ inaudible question ] i havent thought i havent thought about any of it. Its certainly far too early to be thinking about that. Far too early he says to be pardoning paul manafort. Hes in it deep. Hes been in court for a long time. Josh. Thats right. Now hes facing a deadline within the next 48 hours or so about how hes going to respond to the latest allegations. They seem to just be mounting against him as those who have traditionally been his allies seem to be abandoning him. But, look, if the president wanted to put this whole issue to rest about how he could use his Pardon Authority to means that would, you know, really be problematic, he could have left it at no ones above the law and full stop. And instead every time he discusses this, he adds this part about but i have the absolute pardon power to pardon myself. Thats what has so many folks on the hill and elsewhere in washington concerned that if push comes to shove, whether it be with mab abfor tnafort or th president himself, these are a signal that he has the power and i tends to use it when he needs to. Greg, when you look broadly, you worked with these agents, you know this stuff. Ask there thinking thats a red flag to you on what weve been reporting this morning . With respect to the pardons . Or the doj story, going off watkins records or jim wolf here . With respect to the wolf indictment, lets be clear on that that this appears to be just an isolated incident of one staffer on one committee having lied to the fbi. Although there has been a lot of discussion about the house side and that Intelligence Committee as adam schiff talked about with nbc news last night that there were issues and dhaerns they have as well. Thats a whole other story and i wont touch that today. But i think the wolf situation is isolated. That is not a Senate Intel Committee problem other than it needs to obviously take a look at its protocols and pro says to make sure it doesnt happen again. Its not an fbi doj problem. Fbi discovered the facts surrounding the false statements by mr. Wolf. So that was, i think, a specific situation specific to him. And yet you did also say that the doj should be asked some of these questions about the standards and procedures they fold, right . Im sure that the first thing chairman bird and warren did when they were made aware of this problem was took an internal look at their policies and protocols within the procedure to make sure they minimized the chance of Something Like this happening again. Was this a warning shot, betsy . I think so. This is a strong indicator this is the first major headline grabbing leak investigation thats come out of the Sessions Justice Department involving a reporter. And that sends the signal that theyre willing to take steps that would be considered by many advocates to be extra order snaer to go after leakers. Im going to ask both of you to stay where you are. Greg, its always a pleasure to have you on this show. We want to talk about some of the devastating news for a lot of folks this morning. Anthony bourdain dead at the age of the 61. Cnn has reported the host of the networks parts unknown program was found dead of an apparent suicide in his hotel room in france several hours ago. They were asked about this as the news was breaking just this morning. I think its very sad. In fact, i want to extend to his family my heart felt condolences. That was very shocking when i woke up this morning, Anthony Bourdain is dead. And i enjoyed his show, he was quite a character. I will say. So i just want to extend my condolences. And also to the family of kate spade. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk is with me now. Stephanie, i know youve been reporting out some of this. You can share what you know this morning . We know it was incredibly sad. We know his body was found by one of his friends, a french chef. Theyve been friends for decades. You know, this has stunned a lot of people, hallie, especially at the end of a week where weve already been talking about suicide and the fact that kate spade took her own life. And, you know, when you look at Anthony Bourdain and the arc of his life, it is remarkable. He started off as this chef, he then started writing books that were instant New York Times best sellers, kitchen confidential, a lot of people read, had a big impact on me. I dont eat eggs benedict anymore because of it. Same here. And even went on and had this Incredible Television career. And you know, lots of people do these travel logs where they go to places and its not a new format but yet somehow he reinvented it and he reinvented it through food, through his thoughtfulness, and through this incredible ability. And you being in television as well, you know his effortlessness with which he spoke to everyone. He was this incredible interviewer. So it didnt matter if it was president obama or a 5yearold kid on the street in cambodia, he spoke to them exactly the same. And it was an enormously endearing quality of his. Hallie. And were watching him, i remember that when he went former president obama on that overseas trip and the two of them had dinner together. I know colleagues of nine used to work in the white house were there in the travel pool with bourdain and former president obama, as you see that video there. And he had a lot of friends. He had so many friends. And some of them are talking this morning. Theyre coming out and not just sharing their memories of bourdain, but also telling people, get help. Its okay, there are places to get help, right . Yeah. Thats right. Obviously theres an outpouring on social media and a lot of people saying, look, suicide contagion say real thing and its something thats been proved out in studies over and over again that theyre vulnerable at times when a lot of attention is being put on suicide, the vulnerable can be even then more vulnerable. Thats why its important to look out for the people that you care about. Its important to look out for yourself and to talk about it with friends and family if you are feeling vulnerable. Hall. I stephanie, i appreciate you joining us there. I want to bring in dr. Gail salts, a doctor. Dr. Salts, thank you for being on with us. Stephanie talked about the outpouring of love and support for Anthony Bourdains family. One of those tweets comes from brian krans ston who says when it comes to bourdain it illustrates that success is not immune to depression. We all need to be more aware of our friends who are suffering. So what did people do . What are the warning signs and what should people do if they thinker that loved one might be struggling . Actually if they think their loved one is struggling, they should absolutely ask. They should ask whether theyre suffering, whether they feel blue . How blue . But really when it comes to suicide, if you have any inkling, you need to ask directly. I think its a myth that people often believe i shouldnt say anything about suicide because i might suggest it. And that is simply untrue. You should ask someone if they have thoughts of harming themselves. If they say yes then you should ask them if they have a means or plan of harming themselves. If they say yes, which often they do, you should take away the means in the moment. You should stay with them, be with them and if need be take them to an emergency room. You did absolutely save a life. There are various hallmark red flags, lets say, in terms of suicide if someone is increasingly isolating themselves, feeling intense pain in the form of hopelessness and helplessness and worthlessness, something that us kas sha caun is a spark. As you brought up, copy cats do happen and particularly in the wake of this week where two people who people think they have it all commit suicide, you have to be concerned about people in general because the numbers have gone up dramatically in the last couple of years. And this is really a National Crisis at that point. Its more deaths than people die in car accidents. And the opioid epidemic. So we have to be tuned to the fact that if youre suffering depression there is a real possibility and you need to seek treatment. Unfortunate unfortunately stigma keeps many people from seeking treatment for themselves. We have to talk about it and talk to each other. I appreciate you joining us here. Weve been showing at the bottom of your screen the National Suicide prevention lifeline but lets say it. Its 1800273talk. 1800, 2738255. That number is out on my twitter and social media pages as well. Its important. Coming up lafrt on in the show, President Trump touches down in capd this morning its a ditch kind of summit on the other side of the world. But former preparations for his meeting with president kim jongun may not be in the plans. Why he says hes already ready. Im alex trebek, here to tell you about the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85, and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that cant increase, and a price that fits your budget. Im 54. Alex, whats my price . You can get coverage for 9. 95 a month. 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Oh, what a relief it is [ inaudible question ] i . I would only do a deal if i get it through conzbles we are just three days away from that historic summit where President Trump and north korean dictator kim jongun are set to meet and greet this morning. President trump said hes been, quote, preparing all my life. Joining us on set, michael allen, former special assistant to george w. Bush at the National Security council. Betsy and josh are back with me as well. Michael, so, we got the president talking about north korea yet again today. You saw secretary mike pompeo sort of walk back that the president wasnt preparing. He said ive been briefing him, im briefing him all the time since he first started inside this administration. And hes also dangling this prospect of a white house summit if things go well. Good idea . Bad idea. Thats a big dangle to deliver a white house meeting. By the way, kim jongun may not want to come to the white house. He could risk a real coupe if he comes all the way to the United States. But the president s build builtup expectations for a successful if not terribly substantive summit performance this weekend, he says this going to get along. Its about attitude. Right. But im not so sure whether theyre going to create a peace treaty or mechanism or a process for the future. What about this idea of expectations, denuclearization . Do expectations meet where the president has set them, betsy . This has always been the problem with negotiators trying to work with north korea. Any time an American Administration tries to sit down with the koreans or the south koreans, the question always ultimately comes to how much foreign interference are the north koreans going to be willing to accept for their Nuclear Program . How many inspectors . How much oversight . How much involvement on the part of the u. N. To make sure that north korea is actually rolling back its Nuclear Program. Thats always been the hurdle and theres no evidence thus far that that hurdle is any closer to being overcome. Youre on a flight at 6 00 a. M. Tomorrow, im on a flight right of a get offset here. What are you watching for most closely when it did toums thcom summit . I want to see it turn into a substantive summit where they talk about technical aspects that betsy was talking about. The sequencesy of when does sanctions relief happen compared to when do they actually dismantle their Nuclear Program or whether it turns into more of a meet and greet, get to know you big diplay of look at these huge leaders coming together. Whats interesting to me is how closely two people who will not be in singapore will be watching this, which is president putin and xi jinping of china. How much is this going to affect their geopolitical relationships . Are they just Live Streaming this into their snaufrs thats an interesting dynamic here . You saw Sergey Lavrov go there recently and say dont forget were here. And xi jinping required kim jongun to come down to china and visit with him to say, listen, were in your neighborhood, dont get too kpieltd about yo excited about your relationship with the United States. I am worried about the sanctions enforcers, which is hey, you know what . If peace is breaking doubt do i ne out, do i need to go extra hard to break the Pressure Campaign . When you look at the president s cirque rrl there a president s circle, he talks to a lot of people. Rudy giuliani, the president s outside lawyer set to handle issues of the special council talked about kim jongun and he got a slap back from mike pompeo. Here it is. Kim jongun got back on his hands and knees and begged for it. Which is exactly the position you want to put him in. I know rudy. Rudy doesnt speak for the administration when it comes to this negotiation and that set of issues. Troubling to you that Rudy Giuliani is talking about this or do you think its a hot mess, who cares . Troubling if the president s trying to discipline his team and to achieve a Foreign Policy objective to have one of your chief guys running out there and talk about extraneous issues is not helpful to what pompeo is trying to pull off. Josh. If there nez Foreign Policy issue where somebody popping off has the potential to upend it all is north korea. We saw the summit was canceled when the president was unhappy about the way north korea was talking about the United States. Yeah. So this is not the u. S. Sitting down with, you know, germany in the say volatile situation. Thats like the understatement of a century, yes. You dont know how Something Like this could potentially create a whole lot of havoc. Bets, final thoughts. I think its important to the president s selfconception that this work. The president has been running up with so many problems with deal making over the course in time in office. This is the biggest, best chance he has to show that hes still got it when it comes to the art of the deal, and thats part of the reason i think hes putting so much pressure on the people around him going into the summit. Come back. Coming up next, just when you thought you heard it all, new details about scott pruitt and how his staffers are reportedly spending their time on the job. Wait till you hear what the president had to say about how scott pruitt is spending taxpayer money. Spoiler, greek yogurt. Thats next. Your plaques are always there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Im ready. Tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks. 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G6 plus one but as the president seems to be pushing the g8 because he wants russia back in this group. The president has land in what you could call a lions den. Hes walking into a situation in which some of our closest allies have turned into frenemies. Their furious about the new tariffs trump has placed on steel and aluminum. They have tried to convince the president to change his mind, to no avail. Theres been reporting that the president kind of doesnt even want to go because hes thinking about whats going to happen four days from now which is a different summit, the one in singapore. He will be heading there tomorrow. As you see air force one pulling up. As we talk about all of this, we have some new reaction from a european diplomat about the idea that russia should abi part of this meeting with the very always been clear we should engage with russia when innocence our interests. But we need to remember why g 8 became the g7. Going on to tell tus is not appropriate for russia to rejoin until we see it behave responsibly. Putin should get nothing for free. You bet this is going to come up at the g7 with Angela Merkel, trudeau at a bit of a war of words with trump. The two of them kind of had a bromance. Seems like that isnt quite so broey anymore. Were watching and waiting to see President Trump walk out of air force one. Hes going to come out, give some waves, my colleague Kristen Welker is in canada. Were all getting ready to head to singapore in a little bit. I want to bring in josh and betsy and new guest, mark slid up onset. Betsys colleague at the daily beast. Lets talk through, josh, the risks and the rewards for the g7. It seems like theres a lot of one and not a lot of the other. For trump theres not a whole lot of reward at this point. It doesnt seem like hes going to be able to leave this having achieved much or improved his standing, certainly the fact that hes leaving early before the summit has ended is going to be the take away message for the European Countries for canada and others who seem to think that the president is just not showing up for this. I think one thing thats really important here is just the extent to which the president is not focussed on this summit. The president , all his staff, everyone in the white house hes been working with is single mindedly zeroed in on north korea. This is an aftermath. Kristen welker is on the ground in canada. Youve ecommerced yourself in the study of the g7 for days and days now. And the president s remarks this morning seem to indicate that hes ready to go in fighting talking russia and about the possibility of making it the g 8 again . Hes been escalating his war of words with some of his closest allies. Youre right. And then the remarkable comments on the south lawn calling for russia to be reinstated in the g7, making it the g8 again. Diplomats pushing back saying russia hasnt in any way met what the other World Leaders have been asking it to do. Remember, this all happened because russia annexed crimea. That is still the case. Theyre essentially saying no way. President trump saying look, we have to deal with the reality. We have to deal with russia. That will be one of the big issues here today. But tariffs is going to be another huge topic. Of course President Trump as well as the Prime Minister of canada. The president of france who the president had a big bromance with throwing bitter barbs throughout the morning. All of that is going to be at the forefront. I want to underscore something that one of your panelists just said which is north korea. The president really focussed on that right now. I spoke with a Senior Administration official who said look, the reason why he wants to leave the g7 summit a little bit early is so he can get to singapore and get to pussed on his preparations for north korea. That is what well be tracking. At the end of these International Summits they all sign sort of a joint agreement, commitment. Its not its not even going to happen. The communique is weve been talking about whether or not were going to see it. A lot of skepticism about whether they can come to an agreement on language. I want to play a little bit as we wait for the president to walk down the steps of air force one. Step onto canadian soil. What he said before he got on the plane about the idea of tariffs and where this whole thing goes. We have massive trade deficits with almost every country. We will straighten that out. And ill tell you what. Its what i do. It wont even be hard. And in the end well all get along, but they understand, and you know, theyre trying to act like, well, we fought with you in the war. They dont mention the fact that they have trade barriers against our farmers. They dont mention the fact that theyre charging almost 300 tariffs when it all straightens out, well all be in love again. I know youre not in the business of predictions. If the president wants to have everybody be in love again, it seems like hes got to make concessions on this tariffs issue, at least according to his allies. Reporter it seems that way, but hallie, i wouldnt anticipate were going to see any real from gresz progress conclusion of the summit. I think there may be some concessions from the u. S. , but based on where things are heading and the negotiations over nafta which seem to have all but broken down, it doesnt seem as though theyll be able to get on the same page any time soon. I dont have that crystal ball. Maybe youll see some type of a miracle happen, but President Trump has been talking about this since he was a candidate on the campaign trail. Hes basically saying look, i am doing what i said i was going to do. Hes getting fierce pushback, though. This is the g7 summit right now. A lot of people are saying this year it looks a whole lot more like the g 6 summit with the United States isolated not only on the issue of tariffs but also on the issue of iran. A lot of the leaders here took exception to the fact that he pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and also the paris climate accord. Its dividing what used to be the United States from some of the closest allies. Stand by, Kristen Welker. If you had a crystal ball, id like to know where youve been hiding it. It hasnt been in the white house booth. We actually brought another guest onto talk about whats the area of expertise, some of the reported misbehavior or questionable spending by scott pruitt and the tasks hes assigned his people to do. Im going to ask you for an analys analysis. You know the ins and outs domestically of whats happening with the president as we goes on the overseas trip. One thing about the clip of the president defending his trade actions, you didnt hear him mention National Security. Youve seen a lot of pushback on for instance, marco rubio tweeted out yesterday, there is a much stronger National Security rationale for keeping sanctions in place against this chinese firm zte hthan for imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum. That was the reason for the comments from the president. Getting pushback from Congressional Republicans informal youll see domestic opposition. Popping into my email as we wait for donald trump to step out of air force one and greet folks here for the g7, canadian official, this is a new statement were just getting in says the Prime Minister, and our sherpa have stated publicly we do not support russia returning to the table as long as they continue to illegally occupy crimea, and here is President Trump now walking out on what looks look a little bit of a windy day in quebec. And josh, he is going to step off this plane. Hes going to come down the stairs and shake hands with folks and shake hands with justin trudeau. Theyre going to say what russia, really . And the next question hes going to face is about sanctions. Because the longstanding position has been look, we put the sanctions in place on russia in response to the annexing of crimea. They dont come off until that ends. Thats a position that did stay consistent between the end of the Obama Administration into the Trump Administration so far. Now, today that the president is talking about okay we should put russia back in the g8 without letting go of crimea is going to immediately raise questions about what the sanctions that we kept on russia will be continued by President Trump or whether hes considering changes to that too. Betsy, we know that melania trump, typically in some of these moments we might see the first lady. Shes not traveling with the president today. She did last year part of a longer trip. Shes not going to singapore. We learned this morning the reason for that is because according to the president her doctors have said the first lady cannot fly for a month because of the hospitalization for a kidney procedure that happened a few weeks back. The president solo greeting folks here on the tarmac. After this hes heading to the site of the g7 summit. Kristen welker is near the site. Betty, we talked about tariffs and the russia factor, the tariff factor and the russia factor. Realistically, what could the president accomplish here or is the bar thats been set get out unscathed without making a mess . I think its possible well find some way to have conversations about tariffs that could be productive. Although its hard to speculate as to what it might end up looking like. The reality is we seem to be lurching in the direction of a trade war with eu nations as their tariffs. The president and his aides may try to keep from punishing American Industries and slow them down because of the because of the way the United States put tariffs out. It remains to be seen if they can accomplish anything on that front. I appreciate you all being here with us as we take a look now at the president on the tarmac in quebec landing for the g7. Ali velshi and stephanie rule are hanging out in a minute. This is canada and tariffs. Its everything that you love to talk about. Yeah. So this is this is really important. When you think about europe putting about 3. 5 million in tariffs tariffs on that much. Canada almost 13 billion worth of goods. This is the lifeline for canada and theyre really mad about this. And this reference to russia joining the g7, Christian Free l lfreeland. Shes on a banned list. The former minister of canada cant travel to russia. Canada putting out a strong statement saying not interested. As long as russia is in crimea, no seat at the table for them. Its also confusing the president on the south lawn im going to go there and get nafta down. How is he going to do that at the g7 when mexico is not one of the seven nations . Were going to continue the conversation. Have a good morning and afternoon, hallie. Im ali velshi. Im stephanie ruhle. Its friday, june 8th. Lets try to get a little smarter. Were going to deal with the unfair trade practices. If you look at the european io

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