To get us back to precovid levels . Our live report from wall street coming up. And our team this morning is spreading out across the country and around the world, with new reporting on every single front. We want to start in florida, though, with nbcs mike memoli in coconut creek, monica alba in tampa, and Steve Kornacki at the big board. We have our expert in florida politics, politico Senior Writer mark caputo. Mike, ill start with you, as we see our team lined up around the country. Biden is in the air headed to from are for his fourth trip as the democratic nominee but interestingly, our new poll shows he has a narrow lead but one within the margin of error. Reporter theres no state that biden has been to more than florida other than pennsylvania so that gives you a sense of just how important this is both terms of dictating an outcome. Biden team thinking this is a state we might get a fairly quick count and if the lead that he has now in our marist poll holds up a fourpoint lead that could be a positive sign where this election is heading. Elections are measures in fractions of a percent. Fourpoint lead would be considered a landslide if thats what the final outcome is. The biden strategy you get a sense of how you win florida. Broward county, a heavily democratic turnout here is what the Campaign Needs here. Hillary clinton more than doubled Donald Trumps vote count here but didnt win it by enough to carry to offset the losses in other parts of the state. So important to come here, drivein rally near an early vote site so trying to drive the voters to the polls, then hell head up to tampa today, the center of the fight for florida today, and thats also the center for the fight for undecided voters. You see a mix of the two strategies there that you need in order to win florida. Biden of course focused squarely on the coronavirus, even as we get these new gdp numbers the biden camp knew it was going to be a big number for the quarter saying the Mission Accomplished style rhetoric from the president doesnt reflect the reality and his bundling of the pandemic increased the risk of headed into a dibbledip recession. A little bit of everything here to expect from biden, including immigration, hallie, within the last hour we learned biden saying in his first day as president , he would sign an executive order to create a task force to try to reunite the 525 families separated at the border. A big diverse set of issues at play and biden hitting all of them. Monica alba on the other coast of florida, talk to us where the president is, how the Trump Campaign is feeling as they head into what a lot of folks consider a must win state for donald trump here. Absolutely, hallie. Were both football fans. Im outside the tampa bay stadium here. Pick your sports metafore, were in the Fourth Quarter of this campaign as the game clock winds down, whatever you want to say. Florida is credital, thats why the president has spent more time here, more stops, more visits, more overnights in the last couple of weeks than anywhere else. Of course hes also prioritizing pennsylvania similarly to the Biden Campaign, but florida and particular the i4 corridor is a place the Trump Reelection Campaign wanted to be in today, and will likely also be in again in the next couple of days before tuesday, as we know the president is going to be doing 11 stops in those final 48 hours. Florida will absolutely be among them and theyre also going to be doing outreach to latino voter. The Trump Campaign unveiling their American Dream plan for hispanicamericans if he were to win reelection but hallie, so many questions raised just as that florida poll is key to our understanding, theres also a poll out today from usa today reflecting what voters feel when the president holds these giant rallies that gather thousands of people, many of them maskless behind me, volunteers are reminding the supporters to wear them, and attendees have been shouting back we dont want to wear them. Were outdoors. Showing you how intense the health crisis. The usa today poll shows six out of ten disapprove of the president holding the giant events and prefer joe bidens strategy, which is to hold the drivein rallies like the one memoli is referring to later in the day. The president defiant saying the coronavirus is rounding the corner. We expect him to repeat that message in florida and tout the gdp numbers but hallie, florida, florida, florida, we talk about it all the time, today its tampa, tampa, tampa. This is a critical county. He needs to turn out voters aenif he wants to hold onto this state with right now it seems a razor thin margin in the margin of error as question see the line of people getting ready to head in behind you there. Steve, you heard from mike, the top line numbers, biden leading trump by about four points, within the margin of error. Break down for us what group are fuelling that lead . Take a look here, the overall number there, 5147 biden over trump. Why is biden ahead . The big answer in florida, Senior Citizens, voters 65plus in 2016 in florida, trump won the senior vote by 17 points, big reason trump was able to carry the state in 2016. In our new nbc marist poll, look at that reversal from trump by double digits to biden by seven among seniors, a huge group in florida, when you have that kind of swing. Thats going to move the polls. You might look at that and say well, wait a minute here, a swing that big bidens only ahead by four in florida . Theres a reason, because theres been another swing, and the swing is among hispanic voters, and theres our friends at telemundo have a new poll shows biden only ahead slightly with the hispanic vote in florida and more specifically look at this breakdown, within the hispanic community, cubanamerican, big constituent in florida, donald trump opening up a gigantic lead there. Theres been you go back in time dominance of republicans among the cubanamerican vote in florida, trump reclaiming that here among puerto rican voter much more of the that dditional democratic advantage. Trump with cubanamerican voters has made inroads the polling is suggesting in florida. Doesnt cancel out his losses with Senior Citizen voters but still makes for what you see there, a competitive race. Very competitive for sure. So mark, let me go to you on this issue steve is talking about, the idea that senior voters, older voters are fueling some of that support for joe biden here. Our own Chris Jansing just sat down with a group of women in florida between the ages of 69 and 78. I want to play for you what they told her. Listen. He has done everything that anyone could have done. I had covid, so i do feel very strongly and have strong feelings about covid. And i feel had he done something earli earlier, i might not have gotten it. Ive been having people at my house without masks from the beginning, and i feel fine and im 78 years old. But when he turned around and said dont let this dominate your life. This is nothing. Baloney. I still have symptoms from thi. Mark, is that consistent with what youre hearing from florida . A range of people but for so many covid a deciding issue one way or the other. Its a deciding issue as that group of seniors shows and as the poll shows thats where donald trump is going to have his greatest weakness. What i am curious to see in the poll is how white voters are performing. If joe biden hits 40 of the anglo vote, hell probably win despite the hispanic polling numbers. Thats an underappreciated fact we get when we look at this race is that it appears that biden over time you look at the other polls has done rather well with them. Now we are in the middle of voting right now, Something Like 7 million floridians out of 14. 4 million cast ballots. We have a number of days to go, both in absentee ballot voting and early voting. Id urge people not to mail in votes, to drop it off at an early voting site. The democrats had a huge lead but republicans are catching up fast and the question is at what point if any do the two lines merge and do republicans are even with democrats in ballots cast and what are independents doing, so far in that poll biden is winning independents. If he wins independents, theyre the swing voters and tampa is no better place to see them, the swing area of the swing state going to help in the election. You have a line on your piece this morning related to this florida faceoff between the candidates, specifically in tampa, if the president is going to have another comefrombehind victory t starts here and if biden wants to kill President Trumps chances in one place, you say florida is the mag maga horcrux and tampa is the place for it. The correlation between a president s Approval Rating and how well they do in the battleground state of florida, if you look at the president ial Approval Ratings you can see how much they match up. The president currently has an Approval Rating of about 44 overall. He would need to outperform in this state. Do you think he could . Do you think he will . I cant say he will. The last thingily ill do is ben a florida election. Can donald trump win florida . Definitely weve seen time again republicans storm the gates on election day. On election day morning democrats cast more ballots than republicans in 20 16. When those were talliy ed ied u ahead by 250 but lost by 113,000 bus republicans showed up. Mark caputo, steve, mike and monica, thank you. Well be talking a lot more about florida throughout the day on msnbc. This morning breaking news about the economy with the last snapshot before the election of how were doing. You can start with the gdp numbers out in the third quarter, gdp spiked 33 , thats its fastest pace ever. After the economy dropped 31 because of the coronavirus shutdowns. Relative improvement in the job market, 751,000 people getting firsttime unemployment claims, down from the week before and the lowest level since march. Market reaction so far, yesterday we had that 900point drop in the dow, you can see fairly flat. The dow up maybe about 30 points or so there, the s p nasdaq up a little bit as well. I bring in dominic chu. Lets talk about the big gdp number, record gains after record losses but still not out of the hole. What is behind the numbers . Like you said, big drop, big bounce back. Things didnt get so bad during the months of april, may and june. Some of the biggest driving forces behind the sharp rebound in u. S. Economic activity came because consumers started to spend a little bit more. People had decided to maybe possibly look for new homes outside of large urban areas and if they didnt move many tried to improve their homes, put projects in place, tried to better what they already had, all of that with spent money. Consumers were cautious but started to spend as the economic lockdowns eased and thats important, because Consumer Spending makes up over twothirds of the u. S. Economy but a huge concern here is whether or not that kind of spending momentum can continue. What was noticeable for many economists and policymakers was the slowing of government spending, as many aspects of that big c. A. R. E. S. Act, the stimulus package expired. So hallie, even with the big jump in gdp as you point out, the American Economy is still not back to where it was at the end of 2019. It also remains below trend, and thats going to be something we watch here in the coming weeks. That is for sure. Dom chu live at cnbc, thank you much. At least three people are dead and more than 2 Million People do not have power across the gulf coast after hurricane zeta slammed into louisiana wednesday night. Winds hit more than 110 miles. Er hour. Thats about as strong as a category 2 storm can get. Officials say theyre looking at the damage and its not clear if the storms going to have an effect on next weeks election there. Zeta is now a Tropical Storm set to deliver heavy rains and winds across the midatlantic region later on this afternoon. After the break in washington, the u. S. Smashes another coronavirus record, as the nations top Infectious Disease expert says it may not be til 2022 when we start feeling like things are back to normal. Plus, new lockdowns announced overseas, as the number of coronavirus cases in europe explode. We are live in london. And in a defeat for republicans, the Supreme Court refuses to take up a case involving late arriving mailin balance lots in the battleground of pennsylvania, talking to the states attorney general about that later. You can be certain o. The men and woman of the United States postal service. We are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. 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If things do not change, shep, if they continue on the course were on, theres going to be a whole lot of pain in this country with regard to additional cases and hospitalizations, and deaths. We are on a very difficult trajectory. We are going in the wrong direction. Dr. Anthony fauci, of course, there, and his point about the wrong direction, the u. S. Shatteredity single day record for new coronavirus cases again, more than 80,000 new cases reported wednesday. Faucis also warning that even if effective vaccines are producing soon, you shouldnt expect things to get back to normal before the end of 2021, a year plus away. As coronavirus cases spike, there is a new government warning there may be a cyber crime threat to u. S. Hospitals and health care providers, including ran somewasoransomwar. Parts of europe go back into lockdown. Keir simmons is joining us now from london and keir, this is not exactly super popular in parts of europe where theyre putting place these shutdowns again. Its not popular and that is because people are tired. President macron of france in a televised address overnight saying i know you are weary, but we are at risk in frons of being overwhelmed. So weve seen these protests from germany to spain to italy, some of them organized by the far right, but very much i think as well expressing this sense of frustration, but its the numbers, hallie, that number you just told people about is stunning, isnt it . The suggestion that 100,000 people in england are getting new infections of covid every day. Now just compare that to that 80,000 number you talked about there in the u. S. , but here in england, its a population of 55 million, quite incredible. In france they are talking about 33,000 new cases, and italy 25,000 new cases. Germany is approaching its april peak and the chancellor, Angela Merkel there, telling her country that shed agree with regional leaders for a soft lockdown. It means restaurants, bars, gymnasi gymnasiums, movie theaters closing for november and saying if they dont do it, there will be an acute health crisis. This is about and always is with coronavirus looking forward and what scientists see when they look forward is the winter, they see that this is just the beginning, and what they really worry about, too, is while deaths have been low up until this point relative to the numbers of infections, that were starting to see that increase over the last week, hallie, 40 increase in deaths in europe. If that carries down that will be a dire circumstance. I suspect in the uk a National Lockdown in the coming weeks, hallie. Keir simmons live for us there in london, thank you. I want to bring in dr. Ashish jha, dean of the school of Public Health at brown university. Dr. Jha, willet me pick up where keir left off with the new lockdowns in europe. You heard him talking about not much appetite, people fatigued overseas, people are also fatigued here in the u. S. Is it something you think will have to be looked at seriously in this country given the numbers were seeing . Good morning, and thanks for having me on. First and foremost, lets hope not, but it depends on what we do now. Europe started seeing cases increase in august, and they didnt do anything about it, for weeks and weeks and weeks and now they find themselves at a point where they really have no choice. We started about three, four weeks later, and we are i think also heading there, but if we do certain things, i think we roll back certain types of gatherings that are causing a lot of infection spread, and if we can ever fix our testing problems and have more testing available, i think we can avoid the broader lockdowns. The u. S. As we talked about broke this record now more than 80,000 new cases yesterday. Thats the first day that we hit that 80,000 number or above with new cases in this country. Over on the today show, they spoke with the doctor in wisconsin, an er doctor there. I want to play that for you. Compared to our previous peaks in march and april our volumes are doubled. We continue to break Record Number of patients each day in our hospital and having to expand our footprint for covid19 patients. Before we might have been able to take care of the patients and now all three wings are full and looking for more space. Id love to tell you were doing great but were struggling. Are our hospitals ready, dr. Jha, for whats coming in. I think a lot of hospitals are not. In new york, in march and april, we saw it was a surge of doctors and nurses from around the country who flew in to help out, thank goodness. The problem is the whole country is up in flames in terms of infection. Youre not going to be able to surge doctors and nurses to help wisconsin and inspecteded in and south dakota. So this is much more of a national problem. I dont think we appreciate how hard the next few months will be. We played the warning from dr. Fauci. It could be another year before things get back to normal and people hear that and think my god, 2022. How could we do this . Weve done this for eight months so far. How do we last until then . Do you realistically think we are looking at that kind of a time line . I think things will get better in 21 and by the spring and certainly by the summer, assuming we have a vaccine authorized later this year and more widely available by march, aim, may. I think it will be better. Some things will still be difficult, sort of packed indoor concerts they maybe have to wait until 2022 but im more optimistic that a lot of our life will start looking more like normal by this summer and fall of next year. Lets talk about that optimism. Theres an interesting new study out from nyu that found that covid deaths dropped as the understanding of the virus ended up Getting Better in this country. For example, the study found at that hospital system, nyu langone, 30 died in march but the death rate dropped to 3 later by the end of june. It seems like that is a sign of the advances at least that have been made from the treatment and P Therapeutics as it relates to the virus. Absolutely. Back in march we were making estimates how to manage the disease based on what was happening in italy and china but without very good data. Now we have a lot of experience and we figured out who really needs to go to the icu, who really needs to be on a ventilator and learning its far few people than we initially expected and therapeutics. Remdesivir is helpful in some people, dexamethasone is a therapy useful for people with advanced disease and doctors and nurses have gotten better at managing this. All of that made the disease less deadly. Still a thousand americans are dying every day so its not like weve made the disease completely nonlethal but its better than it was. Dr. Ashish jha, thank you for being on the show and for your expertise. We appreciate it. Straight ahead on this show thank you. Unemployment workers going door to door in communities of color to get out the door in a key state that could determine the election. Were live following volunteers on that mission to get underrepresented people to the polls. If, this morning, three people were killed, others hurt in what police described as a terrorist attack at a church in southern france. At around 9 00 local time somebody armed with a knife attacked people inside the notre dame basilica in nice. Two people were killed and a third in a nearby restaurant trying to escape. The suspect was later shot by police and taken to the hospital. The french Prime Minister declared a maximum terror alert in the country. A country already on edge after the beheading of a school teach twoer weeks ago in paris. Well keep you updated on the developing story this morning. Ok, just keep coloring there. And sweetie can you just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Gimme five, good job all right isaac, good to see you. How are you, man . Nice to meet you mr. Vice president. God love you, i just wanted to say hi. Well i cant preach like you guys can. America is a place for everyone. Those who chose this country, those who fought for it. Some republicans, some democrats, and most just somewhere in between. All looking for the same thing, someone who understands their hopes, their dreams, their pain to listen. To bring people together. To get up every day and work to make life better for families like yours. To look you in the eye, treat you with respect, and tell you the truth. To work just as hard for the people who voted for him as those who didnt. To be a president for all americans. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Back now brand new numbers just into our newsroom on the 2020 election. More than 77 million americans have already voted. 77,306,352 to be exact. It is a staggering number, as we keep an eye on those early voting figures all across the country. And now theres also some new Supreme Court moves that might determine how 2020 results play out in two of the most important states this election. The cases out of pennsylvania and North Carolina both involve how many days after election day those mailin ballots can arrive and still be counted. The ballots have to be postmarked by election day but gives the post office a little more time to get the ballots where theyre supposed to go. North carolina will have until november 12th to to that after the court chose not to strike down a state decision and pennsylvania will have until the friday after election day, friday november 6th. Here is the thing on p. A. , that date is not entirely settled for good. The Supreme Court decided not to fast track that case but theres still a chance they could take it up later. Pennsylvanias attorney general josh shapiro saying that decision not to expedite a review is good for voters but adds we know that fight is not over and we need to be prepared. Attorney shapiro, thank you for being on the show this morning. Good to be with you. Give us a reality check on where things stand right now. Seems like youre in the clear at least through election day but youre alluding to a potential fight that could happen afterwards. What does that mean and that wha does that look like . Here is the reality check. Theres incredible enthusiasm by voters all across pennsylvania, from the town you grew up in, bucks county to erie, pennsylvania. 3 million pennsylvanians requested mailin ballots, nearly 70 of the ballots have already been returned. Registration is up by nearly 1 million voters, and so we anticipate a large turnout on election day. So the first reality is i think the voters tend to be drowning out the noise coming from donald trump and his enablers who have consistently tried to sow doubt in our process. Thats reality check number one. Reality check number two is that donald trump knows clearly if they add up all legal eligible votes here in pennsylvania, hes very likely to lose this election here in the commonwealth, so what hes tried to do systematically is subtract votes from the equation and tried to use the courts to do just that. Now, the good news for the voters in pennsylvania is, weve confronted this president each and every time in court and won each and every time in court. Hes gone 06 in his attempts to subtract the votes. What my message is to voters is maintain your enthusiasm, vote for your preferred candidate. If youve got a mailin ballot right now, drop it off in a drop box and if you plan to vote on election day, make your plan right now, and all legal eligible votes will be counted. To be clear, and put it into real simple terms for us here. Im not a lawyer, is it possible that election day comes and goes, we have a number, you have a count in pennsylvania at some point after election day and then the Supreme Court decides that those ballots that arrived after election day that youve set aside basically dont count after all . Is that a possibility . So in simple terms here, the Trump Campaign has not been particularly secretive about the fact that they want mass ballot challenges. They want to throw away as many of the ballots as possible so they may go back to the United States Supreme Court, and ask them to take this issue up again. The win last night was that this case will be handled in regular order and these ballots are going to be counted. I suppose the Trump Campaign could go back to the Supreme Court and try to get them to change their view but there is a legal principle, i wont fully nerd out on you, hallie but break this down. Are you going to talk about the purcell doctrine . I hope you do. I am. You read my mind, but its important, because the purcell principle says is that federal courts should leave to the states matters of state election law, and this is a matter of state election law thats ben settled by our states highest court. Right, yes. I want to talk to you about the issue of anxiety around this election overall. My colleagues Savannah Guthrie on the today show sat down with former secretaries of the department of Homeland Security to talk about this issue. I want to play a little bit of that for you and ask but it as it relates to your state. Watch. Im not that concerned about the integrity of the actual vote. We had a National President ial election in 1864 when the nation was literally at war with itself. We know how to do this. I am not concerned about the security of the election. I am concerned about the anxiety surrounding the election. Im not concerned about widespread fraud. I think thats a myth. Tom ridge, of course, the former governor of pennsylvania. Do you share that concern about anxiety around the election . Well i think governor ridge is right, as the other experts are, that we have a security election system and weve been voting for quite some time in this country, and its been secure. The anxiety that governor ridge refers to, i think was quite real, particularly about a week or ten days ago, hallie, mainly due to the president s efforts to try and sow doubt in our process. What i think has changed over the last four or five, six days is that the public has really just kind of tuned out the president. I described him the other day as the incredible shrinking president , and what i mean by that is that they have said you know what . Were done following the tweets. Were done listening to the noise, and were ready to vote. And so i think what youre seeing is that that anxiety that maybe existed a week or two ago before people got their ballots in hand or had a plan to vote has waned a bit. Theyre tuning out the president and theyre excited to vote and voting in Record Numbers. Pennsylvania attorney general josh shapiro, thank you very much for that and for being back on the show. Good to be with you. We stay in pennsylvania wheres theres a big focus voters of color could tip the state for either candidate. Tennessee historically a blue state and changed in 2016. Every racial demographic that year increased voter turnout except black voter turnout which went down last time. Campaigns are asking is that going to happen again . One group of hospitality workers found themselves out of work because of the pandemic is hoping to make sure it does not. They are going door to door in communities of color in philadelphia to get in touch with voters who could potentially decide which way the state goes. Joining me from on the ground, laura barrett. You spent a couple of days with the canvassing group. Talk to us about what the home stretch push means to them. Reporter it means everything. Were five days to the election. A cold rainy day in pennsylvania but canvassers will continue to knock on doors and looking to find a personal connection with the black and brown communities here in philadelphia because when a tended this canvas launch yesterday there were about 200 out of work hospitality workers because of the pane dem demmdem lost their jobs. About half of this group raised their hand that they lost a loved one to covid and especially in philadelphia there are thousands of layoffs due to covid, the black and Brown Community disproportion porgpor affected by covid deaths, canvassers look to make the personal connection and engage voters to remind them their voice does matter. Listen to one of the lead can s canvassers yesterday, he broke down the calculus theyre looking to achieve. In the city of philadelphia itself, in 2016 more than 100,000 voting sitouts, individuals that did not get up and voice their opinion. The difference in the state of pennsylvania was somewhere around 44,000 votes. We could swing an entire election just by getting up and going out. If we could get just those voters out, we can literally move pennsylvania by ourselves. Reporter as they look to engage the black vote the latino population working to get more engaged in philadelphia and northeastern p. A. To democrats looking to harness on that energy as we see a drop in support among white voters without College Degrees who largely carried the state for President Trump in 2016. Hallie . Maura barrett, thank you for that reporting. The well keep our focus on the key state of pennsylvania tomorrow, and the governor of p. A. , Governor Wolf joins me on the show, 10 00 right here on msnbc. You wont want to miss it. Also coming up, a former Homeland Security official ends a years long wash washington guessing game he is anonymous, the writer behind the infamous New York Times oped that described the resistance inside the Trump Administration. Well talk to a former administration insider who worked with miles taylor about why now. [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. vo jack was one of six million pein need of a home. Ers he found it in a boy with special needs, who also needed him. As part of our love promise, subaru and our retailers host adoption events and have donated 28 Million Dollars to support local animal shelters. Were proud to have helped over 230,000 pets so far. Changing the lives of dogs like jack, and the families who adopt them. Subaru. More than a car company. Is often unseen. Because the pain youre feeling could be a sign of irreversible joint damage. Every day you live with pain, swelling, and stiffness. You risk not being able to do the things you love. Especially in these times, its important to keep up with your rheumatologist. Schedule an appointment today. They all endorse yes on prop 25. To end unfair, unjust, discriminatory money bail. Governor gavin newsom and van jones. Theyre voting yes on 25. The western center on law and poverty. The Dolores Huerta foundation. Californians for safety and justice. And the California Democratic party. They all agree that the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. So, vote yes on prop 25. So some criticism piling up left, right and center after the anonymous person who wrote about a trump resistance inside the administration stepped forward to reveal himself. Remember that oped . Now we know miles taylor, the former chief of staff of the department of Homeland Security is anonymous. He shared that in an online post saying in part we do not owe the president our silence. We owe him and the American People the truth. Taylors got some questions to answer about his own record with the truth after first denying that he was anonymous. Heres how he explained it. When i published a warning, i said in the book that if asked, i would strenuously deny i was the author and heres the reason. Because the things i said in that book were ideas that i wanted donald trump to challenge on their merits and i owe an apology for having to maintain that necessary misdirection. Acting dhs secretary chad wolf calls taylor selfserving, says he never vocalized disagreement with the president s policies and expressed strong support. Here is President Trump on the whole thing. I thought it might have been hope hicks who is right there. I thought it might have been jared. I thought it might have been mike lee. I was extremely worried about rand paul, maybe it was rand. Instead its a lowlevel lowlife that i dont know. He should be prosecuted. Joining me is olivia troy, top adviser to mike pence on Homeland Security and known mr. Taylor for a while. Thanks for being back on the show. Good morning. Good morning, hallie. Thanks for having me. Sure, so your name was invoked in that post by miles taylor. He mentioned you and he revealed his identity as one of a number of peoplewho had everything to lose but stood up anyway. Did you have advanced knowledge and know he was going to be coming forward yesterday . I had no idea. I actually found out when the news was breaking on cnn, i think a colleague tried to call me right as it was happening so i wouldnt be caught blindsided but i honestly had no idea and to be honest with you, ive actually been speculating it was john kelly for the past two years. Thats where my money was on the bet, so i was surprised it was miles. But i cant say that, given how strong miles has been on speaking out and the examples that he has used, that i have at times personally witnessed, i guess it all makes sense now in my head. I wonder, given the way that this reveals, i dont think speaking candidly you were the only one that thought perhaps anonymo anonymous was more of a household name, period, given taylors previous denials, his own record inside the administration, advancing some of the controversial policies. Do you worry that the way this whole sort of drama has played out could undermine the voices you of and others who used to work in the administration who have stood up and spoken out against the president . I really dont. I think miles had his hearts in the right place, he has the best intenses. He has been speaking out adamantly along the way, and i think if people like miles and Elizabeth Newman and organizations such as Republican Voters against trump, the lincoln project, all of these organizations amplify and provide a platform for people like me, who were quite frankly very terrified to speak out because ive seen what the administration does and what the president does when you do speak out. They call you disgruntled, they ascribe lies about you, tell people things that never happened in my situation, so i can understand why miles went anonymous to begin with and i remember reading the oped in the white house. I was there reading it on my phone and i remember being nervous reading it and remember looking around saying did anyone see me read this. I remember other colleagues reading it and all of us looking at each other going hes right, this person whoever it is, thank goodness theyre out there telling people what this really is because were watching it unfold before our very eyes and it got worse and miles eventually comes out and in a text and spoke out several months ago. I dont think it does. It doesnt change my decision to speak out. Miles hes a colleague of mine and actually the one that recommended me to the Vice President s office based solely on my merit and my work. He had no idea that i actually leaned republican. In fact miles i dont think really found that out until right before i decided to speak out, and so i think that speaks to miles trying to find the best. Did he place me because he knew i would do the right thing . So many things i could speculate but the fact of the matter is people like him and others are the reason that i felt like i could do this, and i credit them for that. Im grateful that i have that. Olivia troye, we are out of time, thank you for being with us and sharing your perspective this morning. Thanks. Coming up next, what joe biden says he will do if elected to unite separated migrant kids with their parents. Weve got new nbc news reporting just out next, right here on msnbc. At dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. I want to share with you two new headlines just in this morning on immigration. First, sources inside the Biden Campaign tell our team that the democratic president ial candidate will announce today that, if he win, he plans to create a task force that would work to unite children separated from their parents at the border, and hell do that on day one as president. Watch for more of that from joe biden later on in florida. Its happening as were also learning that the federal Agency Responsible for caring for Migrant Children was not told that the Trump Administration was intentionally separating those kids from their parents. Thats part of a new report from a House Judiciary Committee which says the secrecy remained even after one official asked in 2017 why there were so many unaccompanied kids requiring care. I want to turn to nbc news Jacob Soboroff covering this story from the start. What do we know about this new reporting about what the Trump Administration was or was not telling the federal agency in charge of these kids care. Reporter hallie, that agency is health and Human Services which we know at this point was responsible for the care and custody of the thousands of kids that were systematically taken away, tortured in the words of physicians for human rights, by the Trump Administration from their parents. What this report does, it lays out underlying documents we have reported previously. One is that story about the 37 kids made to wait in vans overnight for hours in order to be reunion fied with their parents. The head of i. C. E. And tom fitzgerald, the data analyst for health and Human Services, it was the disaster we saw with our own eyes. This lays out the documentation behind it in this new report. What are we learning from it this morning, jacob . I think what were learning is exactly what weve been talking about over the course of the last two years, three years if you count the pilot program. Folks were warned. Hhs warned, dhs warned. All this stuff has been laid out in public reporting. I wrote about it in my book. The idea is that Trump Administration political appointees ignored those warnings, pressed forward with these separations resulting in the lifelong damage and trauma that were all talking about right now that Vice President biden in his new plan says he will address on day one of his administration with an executive order to reunite the 545 children whose parents the government literally the ngos that have been tasked literally cannot locate at this point three years after they were separated. Jacob soboroff, thank you for that reporting this morning. We want to thank all of you for watching this hour of msnbc live. A busy show today. Another one tomorrow. For now, more more after the break with craig melvin. 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The broward canvassing board examining ballots of early voters. So far, lots of those ballots, more than 77 million americans have already voted nationwide. Once again, i want to remind you all, this warning from election experts, if you hav

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