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Turned out he wasnt a very good lawyer. I dont know how you can impeach somebody whos done a great job. When you see mueller with the conflicts, hes so conflicted. Comey is his best friend. Considering a proposal to let states use federal money to buy guns for teachers. But lets begin today with that extensive interview that even by President Trump standards is extraordinary. In it, he dismisses the law. He excuses fraud that rips off the american taxpayer. And suggests that the economy depends on him being president. And thats just for starters. Weve got a great team here to break it all down for us. But we have to start with the details of that interview itself. The president sitting down with Fox And Friends Ainsley Ernheart yesterday for 22 minutes and turning on Michael Cohen so completely now. Dismissive of the man he employed for more than ten years. He was a lawyer for me for Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Existence, the Washington Post Fact Checkers call it a lie. His explanation of the payments, theyve concluded, is an outright lie. In the Bigger Picture it does bring to mind a watergateera question, of interest to investigators now. What did the president know and when did he know it . The president also doing something of an aboutface on Paul Manafort. Remember, thats the guy he once dismissed as only working for him for a very short period of time. But now, not ruling out a pardon. And, in fact, had nothing but praise for convicted manafort. Though he was very critical of his attorney general, jeff sessions, for his decision to recuse himself from the investigation. What kind of a man is this. By the way, he was on the campaign. You know, the only reason i gave him the job, because i felt loyal to him. He was an original supporter. He was on the campaign. So the end game from democrats for this investigation is impeachment. But the majority of democrats on the hill yesterday steered clear of any talk of the i word. While during the interview, the president put the i in impeachment. I get its Something Like high crimes. I dont know how you can impeach somebody whos done a great job. Ill tell you what, if i ever got impeached, i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor. So much to get to with Nbcs Kristen Welker whos at the white house for us. So kristen, look, the president s list of grievances is long. He seemed to touch on so many of them, including reviving that totally bogus claim that the Obama Administration bugged trump tower. Youve got reporting that the west wing is now preparing for a blowup. Lay that out for us. Hi chris, good morning. The team here at the white house has been working all of our sources and according to multiple sources, the president is definitely calm about all of this right now, however, some of his allies and advisers are bracing for a potential meltdown. Lets go back to the very beginning when all of this news broke earlier this week. He was headed to west virginia. He was on air force one. We were told he was calm. He was even joking about how this would be overplayed in the media. Youve seen some of his frustrations being reflected in his tweets, chris, so theres no doubt that this is getting under his skin to some extent, as this entire probe has done. Just overnight, the president Tweeting Rigged Witch Hunt yet again. For right now, the president hasnt completely started to sort of blow his top as some are concerned he might do. Remember, this is an administration that is used to being on defense. Is used to dealing with chaos. I think thats the sense right now. Look, this is yet another challenge. Theyve got to get through it. Theyve got to fight through. We saw that yesterday from sarah huckabee sanders at the podium. Repeating that line over and over again. The president has done nothing wrong. She was steadfast in that comment. Really didnt move from her Talking Points much. One source explained it to me this way. Its like a boxing match. Sometimes you take a hit, but at the end of the round, youre Still Standing and ready for the next round to begin. That i think really encapsulates the thinking here at the white house. What about outside of the white house . What about republicans . Theyre concerned about holding on to critical seats in the Midterm Elections. Theyre starting to get nervous. The sort of public response has been a bit mixed with some saying look, this looks very bad, this is unprecedented. Others saying look, theres no real smoking gun here yet. Democrats, as you pointed out are staying away from that word impeachment right now. They want to see how this plays out. Trump supporters in the swing state of florida are steadfast in their support. Hes planning to hit the road, 15 states after labor day, chris. Joining me, ben white, chief economic correspondent for politico, host of the politico money podcast. Noelle kimpoor. Most legal experts will tell you it isnt, then, a crime, heres the problem though. Prosecutors say they have audio recordings, they have text messages, they have Phone Records about cohens payments and the intent. Ben white, what do you make of this interview . Its sort of hard to pick a spot to attack on that interview because theres so many bizarre things. On the point of Michael Cohen and yes. And even if i did this, its not wrong. Of course its wrong, obviously. It doesnt make any difference whether it came from the campaign or his personal bank account or the Trump Organization. The fact of the matter is, its chief Law Enforcement officer . Well, youve got to look at how the republicans as a whole view donald trump. They think hes very successful. That he has checked off promises that he has made to them. They voted for him because they expected certain things done. And he is going through a check list of marking them off. Youve also got to realize hes a lot of republicans, or maybe a lot of people that support trump or his base, are looking at this repeated attack on donald trump, the person. And its but not so much anymore. I know this whole witch hunt mantra seemed to be working. Theres a new fox news poll out. 59 of registered voters approve now of muellers investigation. Thats up 11 points from just july. Thats a fox news poll. Should that give those same people youre talking about pause . Nobodys happy. Nobody thinks this is an awesome thing thats going on. A lot of people are looking at trump. Saying all youre doing, that this is nothing but a witch hunt because youre looking for a smoking gun to get trump out because you dont like his tactics and you dont like the way he handles business. It is different. It is unusual. Its blowing a lot of peoples minds. This is not business as usual. This is the most different presidency weve ever had, right or left. But you cant use that as an excuse. You have to look at a lie and call it a lie. If there is illegality, it is the job of prosecutors to look at it. I want to show you a moment when senator mcconnell was asked for a response to the whole Cohen Manafort news. Senator, do you have any reaction to the Cohen Manafort news . Do you think its concerning at all . You you think it will affect the midterms . [ no audible comments ] you still Support Mueller, right . [ Inaudible Comments ] how long can republicans theyre going to get asked about this on the campaign trail. They are. How long can they defend the president . Theyre in an exquisite political bind here. Trump is popular among republicans. They do not want to be on the record criticizing him. At the same time, this Midterm Election is going to play out in a lot of suburban Swing Districts where independents are running away from trump. Female educated voters are running away from trump. Theyre in danger, if they defend him too hard, of alienating those voters. They havent gotten to the point yet where they feel that their conscience demands they come out and speak out against the president and Support Mueller publicly and talk about hearings on some of these allegations. We could get to that point where theres something out there so egregious they have to take that stand. Right now, if they speak out against the president , they alienate their base. If they speak out for him, they alienate swing voters. Is that maybe that point, that where people draw a line, if he decides to pardon Paul Manafort . One of the things that struck me about this, noelle, is he used to have really good things to say about Michael Cohen and now he used to be kind of not kind of, he was dismissive of Paul Manafort and what he did at a critical moment of his president ial campaign. Now, in this interview with fox friends, he sounds like hes his best friend. I just want to play a little from the interview, what he had to say about Paul Manafort. I have Great Respect for what hes done in terms of what hes gone through. He worked for many, many people. Many, many years. And i would say what he did, some of the charges they threw against him, every consultant, every lobbyist in washington probably does. If you look at Hillary Clintons person, i mean, look at the crimes that clinton did, with the emails and she deletes 33,000 emails after she gets a subpoena from congress. And this Justice Department does nothing about it . So he again diverts to clinton, which is something he does often. But is what were to take away from that, that almost if not every consultant and lobbyist in washington is a criminal, because everybody does it, and if people do it, everybody does it, even if its against the law, its forgivable. Is that what the person who the chief Law Enforcement officer really of the United States, he takes an oath. The oath that you take on the Inauguration Day talks about upholding the constitution, upholding law. Is that what we take away from that . Its okay . Paul manafort broke the law. Im not going to dispute that. I dont think donald trump is trying to dispute that. I think what donald trump is trying to do is tee the ball up for, number one, they were looking to get trump on something. And in the midst of this, they discovered all these crimes. Which are crimes. And Paul Manafort some of the charges they threw against him, the president said, every consultant, every lobbyist in washington probably does. Hes trying to set this up to where a lot of his base feel this is a witch hunt. They were looking to Paul Manafort to press on Paul Manafort and look through him to try to get something on donald trump. And in the midst of this investigation, they found all these crimes, all this activity that, you know, Paul Manafort its bad. Its bad. But i think that to, you know, to imply that every lobbyist is doing something wrong, who knows. I guess if you look who knows . Who knows . Well, not everyone taking tens of millions of dollars from the ukrainians and hiding it from the government. Theyre not laundering money the base of this was set up to say what he did was a crime but he is a nice guy. He worked for reagan, this, this, this. Hes probably going to tee him up to be pardoned. People will go nuts if manafort is pardoned. I dont think so. You dont think so . No. Coming up, investigators in new york issue a subpoena for Michael Cohen. Saying he could be a source of information regarding a new legal challenge facing trump and his eldest three children. A swrjuror reveals it was o person, a single holdout that blocked special counsel Robert Muellers team from scoring a conviction on all 18 counts. And, by the way, that jurors a trump supporter. With a maga hat. Applebees to go. Order online and get 5 off 25. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Counts but now hes been served with a subpoena as part of a New York State Criminal Probe into the Trump Organization. Let me bring in tom winter. A robert beianca, a former criminal investigator. Weve been focused on the counts as it relates understandably to Michael Cohen and the president. The first five counts that he pled guilty to have to do with tax evasion. And so federal prosecutors have said he didnt declare over 4 million of income on successive tax returns from 2012 to 2016. If youre the new York State Division of taxation and theyre the ones who issued the subpoena, you would look at this and say wait a minute if he didnt declare to the feds 4 million of income, maybe he didnt declare to us 4 million of income. Were entitled to our pound of flesh here. And so in for Michael Cohen, he would have to pay both New York State tax as well as new york city tax. The implications only for him or for the trump family as well . So we can get beyond that. In the Trump Organization, depending upon how they accounted for certain of the payments that were given to Michael Cohen. So remember in count eight, thats the Stormy Daniels count, Michael Cohen pled that he received payment from the Trump Organization for what he was able for the payment he made to Stormy Daniels. They were also and its in the criminal information, there was Text Information and communications that occurred saying were going to pay you above and beyond that 130,000 because if we were to pay that as a paycheck, viewed to pay taxes out of it. Is there any issue with respect to the Trump Organization as far as did they properly account for and was this all proper the way they accounted for payment back to Michael Cohen for the payment to Stormy Daniels . So, again, very much like, though, the case that was laid out in court against Paul Manafort. Theres a lot of paperwork there. But bringing it down to i think a more understandable level in some ways. Something extraordinary happened here. In that cohen gets a subpoena. 99. 9 of the time, you tell me if im wrong about this, your lawyer then is in touch, right, with the New York State authorities who have issued this subpoena. He picks up the phone. Thats the reporting, that he picks up the phone. Whats going on here . Okay, listen, people are misunderstanding Whats Going On because they hear theres not a quote unquote cooperation agreement. The data is already there. They have him locked up. Hes got multiple federal and state jurisdictions. Not physically locked up hes locked up, his investigation. He is splayed on to the mercy of federal and state prosecutors in multiple jurisdictions. Even though theres not a cooperation agreement, theres kind of a wink and nod or understanding that says if you fully cooperate, if you do what we ask, if you go and give all the data and information, even though as a Defense Lawyer you dont want to do that because that opens them up to more criminal liability, thats not where Michael Cohen is now. His wife didnt get charged. Hes going on team and state usa and State Attorney generals. Hell go to the hill. Hell give every data he can. In the hopes that those jurisdictions will not go after him. Remember, that cooperation let me stop you there. That plea deal was something that really got the president going in his interview on fox and friends. So let as listen to that. Theres this whole thing about flipping they call it. I know all about flipping. For 30, 40 years, ive been watching flippers. Everythings wonderful. And then they get tenu years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is. It almost ought to be outlawed. It almost ought to be outlawed. In other words, hes saying people should not cooperate with legitimate investigations. Is that what you heard . I want to give credence to the comment in one way. Theres a body of people that are out there that have said this idea of flipping and where a person who is more culpable, more responsible, gets less of a sentence than somebody who may be a bigger fish or bigger target winds up going down for it. Look, its a prosecutorial tool that needs to be done. It shouldnt be eliminated. Certainly, this is not the wrong piece in order to argue that because theyre getting plenty of data to show theres a lot of activity and theyre moving up the chain of command. We heard from one of the jurors last night. Let me play just a little bit of it. How close i want to know did this jury come to convicting Paul Manafort on all 18 counts . By one. There was one holdout. What was their reasoning, if they shared with you . Reasonable doubt. The person, a female juror, was we all tried to convince her to look at the paper trail. We laid it out in front of her. Again and again. And she still said that she had a reasonable doubt. And thats the way the jury worked. Very Quick Reaction from each of you. That woman is a trump supporter, but she said that the evidence the rest of them all saw it as completely overwhelming. Does that discount the argument thats been made theyre afraid there will be just one trump supporter and that could ruin some of these cases . I agree it completely discounts it. I always say have faith in the jury. Theyre a jury of your peers. Having covered an incredible amount of trials, ive always seen the jury typically gets it right. Trying cases as a prosecutor and Defense Lawyer, i agree. It would be nice to know our politicians and elected officials would have the same integrity that the jurors did. Well said. Thank you both. Many teachers struggle to provide the necessary supplies for their students. They often dip into their own pockets to do that. But education secretary betsy devos is considering a plan to use federal funds not for educational purposes says a report but for guns. The fact is, there are over ninetysix hundred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But Allstate Agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But No Matter What park you live on, one of 10,000 local Allstate Agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Each of us is different. And each cancer is different. How it reacts, how it evades and adapts. And how we attack it. 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Leaving it to the discretion of devos to approve any plans for firearms and firearms training. Lets bring in ben white once again, noelle. You supported this program and you think they should pay for this, that program obviously. Is it right to be using federal funds . I think it would be better if the nra would i think theyd make a lot of people happy. Maybe make a lot of people more sympathetic to what the nra really does and what they stand for if they would implement that Safety Shield Program again to where, you know, they would lets just say they put a Security Guard or they would do Something Like that. You have to defend yourself from these school shootings. Look, gun control, not gun control . Whether youre for it or against it, youve got to do something because theyre unarmed. Theyre using desks and safe rooms as their only alternative to protect from a crazed is that the only alternative, ben . I mean, you have a gun or theres no other way to protect yourself . No, of course there are other alternatives to trying to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people who come in and shoot up schools. So but i think when it comes to devos and this program, congress has been pretty clear in its intent it Doesnt Want Federal Funds used to arm teachers. In the specific program that language isnt there. In this program, the money is supposed to be spent on School Enrichment programs for kids. Its not supposed to be spent to keep ak47s in the hands of teachers. Why cant Homeland Security take this over . Why is this the Department Of Education . Why does betsy devos have the burden of having to do gun control . Why isnt Homeland Security its not gun control, lets not but, robert, i know you think teachers should be armed under certain circumstances. You have some background on this. You were a chief Law Enforcement officer where you set policies for officers and schools for people who are against this, for teachers. And ive heard a lot of them. Ive covered far too many school shootings. Who want to spend their time, their talent, their energy, on teaching children. What do you say to them . Ive listened to all the arguments. The bottom line is our kids are soft targets. These kids cannot be properly secured. More and more this happens, you have a perimeter around these kids. There has to be something done to interdict. Its like the bank robbery scenario. They know theres no guns and they can get in and out. Im sorry to say, with the proper protocol, most of the Law Enforcement officers you have to put a law in place theres no liability for the teacher . You know this, most Law Enforcement officers on the job never discharge a firearm thats right. Right . As a teacher, as a teacher, and youve got a classroom of 20 or 30 or 40 kids and you have to get it right, really . The training has to be done exactly police are train and theyre trained on a regular basis. And they should train thats the point it has to be properly trained on a regular basis exactly as the cops do about use of force. Im not saying its a great thing to do. We cant allow our kids to be subjected to be shotting up like this and you know what we have to do, we have to come to the scene with body bags. Because we have no opportunity at that time to do anything because were not proactive. Im sorry to say. Its just thoord Beliehard Te Alternative is put guns in the hands of teachers. Thats not i will i will they have a Security Guard who has a gun weve done all that. Weve done all the Target Analysis are you saying the answer in this question is to put guns in the hands of teachers . Im telling you as a guy who really did it for a living. It is impossible to secure the schools so there cant be ingress here, period, end of story. Im not saying i like it. Im going to make one more point. According to the National Center for education statistics, the average teacher, out of their own pocket, and theyre not getting rich being a teacher, spends 479 to help Kids Get School supplies. So were talking about not taking money to make sure that a kid has a pencil or a notebook or a book. Thats why another Department Needs to fund Homeland Security. Coming up, the trade war between the u. S. And china is escalating to a whole new level with a fresh round of punishing tariffs going into effect just this morning. There are frustrated apple and Cherry Farmers who are feeling the impact. Look at this, Whale Watchers getting the surprise of their lives. Patiently waiting and boom, that humpback off the coast of Pleasant Island just leapt out of the water right in front of them. They got Drench Bud Thed but th it was thrilling. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. Like these for only 2 or less but do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Time for money, power, politics. And the Trump Administration is escalating the trade war with china today imposing a new 25 tariff on 16 billion worth of chinese goods. The new tariff will impact 279 products that includes farming equipment, plastics and chemical products. Posing an even larger threat to farmers across the country still recovering from the last wave of tariffs. Nbcs Vaughn Hillyard is in Washington State with some of the growers who have seen firsthand the effects of this trade war. So, vaughn, apple and cherry producers, some of my favorite people, frankly are facing consequences for last round of tariffs. What are you hearing from people on the ground there . Yes, exactly. Good morning, chris. The growers were impacted by the retaliatory tariffs levied by china last month. That was in the middle of cherry harvest. About 80 of the u. S. Cherries come here from the pacific northwest, idaho, Washington State, oregon. 127 million alone worth of cherries went to china, which accounts for about 12 of the Cherry Market here out at Washington State. I want to introduce you to burt. Hes a Cherry Grower in washington. Cherry harvest just wrapped up. This is what he told us. Washington is the largest producer of sweet cherries and of apples in the nation. So agriculture in general is very important to this valley but those are two of the biggies. Whats your concern with the current Trade Standoff right now . Well, it definitely costs the Cherry Industry quite a bit of money this year. Most of my cherries have been going to either japan, taiwan or china. You cut off one of those pipelines and that puts more pressure in the other markets. What is your hope from this current trade effort that the president has engaged in . I would hope that the longterm effect counteracts the shortterm effect of the money we lost this year. I would hope it goes a long ways toward reducing the Trade Deficit and creating a lot more jobs for americans, putting more money in hardworking americans pockets and offsets the losses weve had this year. Chris, shortterm effect burt was talking about was about a 60 million to 80 million effect in this region alone. Yakamo, where apple production here is beginning, a 25 tariff on apples from china, 20 from mexico. Also in just three weeks from now, indias looking at adding an addition aal 25 on the Appl Industry here. There will be more here later on this morning. Were looking at the impact on cherries and Washington State growers. Back with me is ben white. U. S. And chinese trade officials meeting today in washington. Is anything going to come out of that . I dont think so. Theyre not close to any kind of agreement to stop this trade war between the u. S. And china. Its good theyre talking. I think thats hopeful for markets and for people like you were just reporting on. The exporters are getting hit by these retaliatory chinese tariffs. Were a long way from some kind of agreement. Perhaps there will be a meeting between President Trump and chinese premier xi jinping later this year. The problem with all of this is its not clear what the United States wants exactly from china. China has agreed to try and reduce its Trade Deficit with the United States. Take other steps to end these back and forth tariffs. Its never been clear what trump want, what the administration wants. So until you have a clearer set of demands on the table, its hard to get to a final agreement. The president today not talking about trade said just generally that, you know, he gives himself an aplus and he basically said the economy is great because of me. Let me play some of that sound from that interview. I guess its Something Like high crimes and all. I dont know how you can impeach somebody whos done a great job. Ill tell you what, if i ever got impeached, i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor. Everybody would be very poor. You want to weigh in on that . Yes, i do. Not the case. You talk about this longest bull market run. Obviously it started under obama. March 9th, 2009, 9 1 2 years later most of it happened under president obama and the economy was improving under president obama. It is true the market is performing well under trump. It is not true that everybody would be poor and the markets would collapse if somehow trump got impeached and removed from office. There would be some tumult in the short term. Markets dont like uncertainty. But i talked to im going to stop you there. Just because theres been so many times when weve done these stories and said look, in the old world, this would have been something that made things move and it didnt this time because were in new territory. I dont know. If there was even the serious thought of impeachment with that. Yes. I dont know. It would make some difference in the short run but ive talked to a lot of traders and Market Analysts about this very idea. What would happen if we had a constitutional crisis and the consensus is shortterm volatility. But the markets and wall street would be 100 fine with a president mike pence who had trumps policies on taxes and deregulation without trade wars, without waking up every day to crazy tweets, without the absolute chaos of a trump presidency, markets would be absolutely fine with that. The markets are not where they are because of donald trump. Theyre where they are because of tax cuts and because of deregulation, because we have a Strong Economy and weve laid Strong Economy for multiple years that has nothing to do with President Donald Trump. So his idea that everybody would be poor and the markets would crash without trump is an insane and ridiculous idea. Ben, what do you really think . Thank you so much. We would not all be poor. Coming up, indicted republican congressman Duncan Hunter taking a page from President Trump, claiming that he is the victim of a politically motivated witch hunt. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Helps you quit smoking. Chantix, without a doubt, reduced my urge to smoke. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. I dont think about cigarettes anymore. Talk to your doctor about chantix. California republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife are scheduled to be arraigned today. A grand jury indicting them for misusing 250,000 in Campaign Funds for personal expenses and for falsifying campaign records. He was the second sitting member of congress to endorse President Trump taking the page from his book now, calling the whole thing political, blaming democrats and the doj. You have a partisan biased department of justice employees that are doing it to trump and doing it to me. This is political, period. This is this is a u. S. Government what i would call the deep state or folks in the u. S. Government that dont care what the election does, that they want to rig the election their own way. Ben and noel are back with me. I want to read so people know about misuse of Campaign Funds from the couple who they say evidence overdrew their bank account 1100 times. Among the things they spend the government says or deep state depending on perspective, money on, trip to hawaii, italy. There were many other vacations by the way. Las vegas, boise, las vegas again, pittsburgh, london, washington, a lot of peoples favorite is they bought their pet rabbit an Airline Ticket for 600. Is this a witch hunt . No, hes trying to do a little mini trump fake news. Theres a witch hunt epidemic. This is the theft of Campaign Funds to pay for River Dance Tickets and Bunny Rabbits and golf shorts and saying its golf balls for wounded warriors. Thats particularly despicable. He stole the money, obvious he stole the money and trying to play the trump card which is nonsensical. Did they think i guess this is the question as to how stupid they think people are, do they think that 250,000 in Campaign Funds can just go away and nobody is going to notice . Apparently they did. Ive got to say, trump has his reasoning justify fibl for his witch hunt. Duncan hunter . Its not witch hunt. Its caught. Busted. This has nothing to do with anything. This is blatantly out here. Blatantly what he did. Moon dogle trips he had Campaign Money paying for. This has nothing to do with trump let me make the argument this way though, that there does seem to be a large number of people both within his administration, within his inner circle and who endorsed him early on, who have either been proven to be or are accused of being in court crooks. Yeah, i mean, youve got a universe around President Donald Trump of people who have pled guilty or been convicted. In this case duncan hunt ter, the second person to endorse him has been charged with stealing money. It does not speak to the administration that hired the best people for every possible job. It does not look particularly good for his choices to people who have worked for him. Maybe these are not specific things that implicate donald trump but also the fact he has poisoned the political culture to the point where a guy like Duncan Hunter can try to invoke trump in the deep stake and all of this nonsense. People will believe it. There another thing that is going to make it harder if bordering on impossible for republicans to retain control of the house . No, i think that the republicans will retain the house and the only reason i think that. I think that there is and in Duncan Hunters case, i do not know. But in general i think its looking strong for republicans to take the house and the senate again. I think its going to be okay. I think these are isolated incidents. On what basis do you think they have a strong number one, they are looking at pocketbook issues and looking at the economy, they are figuring out weve got jobs, were being paid, the Housing Market showing that things are okay. Everything is indicating that its going up. And that is going to be very hard for a democrat for somebody that is looking at the Republican Party saying why do we want to cancel out a vote here when we are living better than we did . So this is what this is what the democrat the last 15 seconds. It is helpful to republicans that the economy is good. Its not great. Wages nor n s are not outpacing inflation. The midterms are a referendum on the sitting president and democrats have a good shot to take the house. Thank you, both. Its been a lively day. Coming up, President Trump sparking a fierce new debate after using the murder of 20yearold student Mollie Tibbetts to push for his border wall. Its Pretty Amazing out there. The world is full of more possibilities than ever before. And American Express has your back every step of the way whether its the comfort of knowing help is just a call away with global assist. Or getting financing to fund your business. No one has your back like American Express. So where ever you go. Were right there with you. The powerful backing of American Express. Dont do business without it. Dont live life without it. At t provides edgetoedge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your retail business. 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We like to see you every day but now is the time we get to say you dont get chemo anymore that is doctors and nurses at saint judes, memphis, tennessee, celebrating 3yearold hadley grace, she finished her Chemo Treatments and been living at the hospital eight hours away from home, went through four rounds of chemo over a sixmonth span and she is not only home, but she is in remission. Cheers to her and cheers to the people who take care of the kids, we appreciate them so much. Im Chris Jansing in for stephanie ruhle. More news with Hallie Jackson. Appreciate it. I am Hallie Jackson in washington where everybody gets an a plus today, except the Justice Department and except Michael Cohen, at least according to President Trump. Battling his betrayer, defending a defendant, swinging at jeff sessions. The president basically says hes a snitch, arguing flipping is the real crime not the campaign violations

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