Also another republican, wouldbe governor in another state that isnt new jersey. Thats all ahead tonight. But we start tonight with prince harry. And we start with prince harry because we can. Here is prinsz harry getting 26,000 people to do the wave. And i will warn you, he calls it the mexican wave, but that he gets them all to do it, right after he convinces them all to put down their drinks first. If youve got a drink, put it on the floor. No spillages. Were going to do a mexican wave from the front to the back. Put your drinks down. From the front to the back, one, two, three, go. Prince harry asking 26,000 people to do the wave. Front of the staid jum to the back of the stadium. But he is salve ri enough to know the consequences of that request will be, in his words, spillage, unless everybody puts down their drink before they try to wave their arms 234 the air. A very smart prince. That happened last night in london at the closing ceremony of something called the Invictus Games. In the United States, theres something called the warrior games. Prince harry is in the british army, thats included him serving in afghanistan. Hes a big supporter of veterans. Apparently, after seeing injured Service Members compete in the United States, he went home and founded basically a companion event. Its called the Invictus Games that took place over the last four days in london. More than 400 wounded Service Members come pepeting from 13 different countries. They used the facilities from the london summer o limpics for the venues. The red arrows flying low to open a spectacle of competitive sport. Members of the royal family were there. And, most notably on this occasion, harry. These are his games. The Invictus Games, a gathering of men and women from the military of different nations who suffered lifechanging injuries. A small team from afghanistan led the parade of athletes, soldiers injured on the battle field for whom sport has been a vital aid to recovery. As solemn and inspiring as the games were, you could tell at the end of four days of these games in london, the organizers, including prince harry himself, they were a little loose. They were a little willing to bend the royal rules. I think him going off script to the press yesterday about something the royal family in britain is not supposed to be weighing in on. The prince was asked by the press last night where he thought the next games should be held. And he said this. He said weve got america showing interests for 2016. Weve got canada showing interest nor 2017. So the question is, what do we do next year for 2015 . I would love to keep it in the u. K. Follow up quill . Where, specifically, in the u. K. Would he like to keep the games . He had a suggestion in mind. He said how about glasgow . That would be a great way to keep them in the u. K. Put them in skotland, for now, scottland is part of the u. K. The royal family, when theyre beloefed and when theyre not, theyre expected to remain strictly neutral. And the question of whether or not scotland is going to be a part of the u. K. Anymore, that is an acutely political question right now. 2 referendum is this thursday for scotland to decide whether it is going to vote no and stay on the u. K. Or whether theyre going to vote yes and become their own, independent country. Something like 97 of the Scottish Population over the age of 16 is registered to vote in this referendum on thursday. 97 . Skotsland says he hopes the queen would stay on. He says she could be elizabeth, queen of scots. Theres some precedent for that. Its not clear that would work again. The further the queen herself has been willing to go in talking about the referendum is to allow hrs. To be overheard yesterday while she told someone after a church service, i hope everybody thinks very carefully about the referendum this week. So shes definite ly keepin her cards close. But theres her grandson saying next year in glasgow. Everybody do the wave. Until recently, everybody thought that the independent campaign had a shot. Its looked like a tie or maybe even a yes vote narrowly leading. So the British Government and the other powers that be who do not want the u. K. To break up, they are now, right now, pulling out all the stops to try to stop the independent side from winning. The proindependence, the vote yes side, they know they have the moe men testimony heading into the vote. Theyre all of these experts coming north from england to scotland to say please, vote no. But that charge of desperation that is a charge the british Prime Minister is got running from anymore. The british Prime Minister is calling himself, desperate at this point. Today, he posted this on facebook. It says i desperately want our family of nations to stay together. It would be heartbreaking to wake up on friday morning to the end of the country we love. And, today, in scotland, Prime Minister David Cameron did hishearted felt begging in person. For the people of scott land to walk away now would be like painstakingly building a home and then walking out the door and throwing away the keys. So i would say to everyone voting on thursday, please, remember, this isnt just any old country. This is the ewe nighted kingdom. This is our country. That is about as emotional as upper crust british politicians get. But this is an emotional time for that country. It is an emotional time for the Prime Minister itself if David Cameron is the Prime Minister on whose watch the country breaks apart. There is a growing expectedation he will be forced out as Prime Minister. Even with the very close polling on the issue and the expectation of near 100 voter turn out, there is a large chunk of the Scottish Population that says they are still undecidesed as to how theyre going to vote. So that means, the next 48 hours 1 basically going to be no sleep, right . No holds barred. Con sfant campaigning trying to sway every last voter in skotland before they go to the polls on wednesday. This is a very highstakes, emotional time. And it happens at the same time the u. K. Is facing an important Foreign Policy challenge and an important terrorist challenge. Isis released another video of, yet, another beheading. Their first video showed the killing of an american journalist, jim foley. In that video, they threatened to kill a second video. And then they threatened to kill a british man named david haines. This video showed the killing of david haines and showed a threat to kill another british hostage, a man named allen henning. He was in his late 40s and working in syria as an aid worker and this terrorist group says they plan to kill him next. David cameron made a televised address. They made the last 18 months with extraordinary courage. And now david has been murdered in the most callous and brutal way imaginable. We have to confront this menace. We support their efforts. British tornadoes and Surveillance Aircraft have been helping. He closed by saying this is not something we d do on our own. We have to work with the rest of the world. Ultimately, our security as a nation, the way we go about our everyday lives in this free and tolerant nation that is britain against those who stand for hay hatred and destruction and that is exactly what we will do. David cameron said that in a televised address in the u. K. Last night. That is some of what is going on in the u. K. Right now. As the u. K. Simultaneously considering this week whether that vote will secede from their union. I mean, if you have ever wanted the job of being british Prime Minister, lets say you saw some great mini series and youve ever wanted to be Prime Minister, this week is not one of those weeks that you might fant size about having that job. Beyond that incredibly difficult debate in the u. K. , a lot of external issues 234 the u. K. And beyond whats going on here at home, the response to isis basically continues on three levels right now. The first level is diplomatic. Secretary of state john kerry was in paris for an International Summit designed to skurts commitments to contribute to the fight against isis. This summit today follows a similar summit of countries hosted in saudi arabia last week. U. S. Officials said yesterday that aufrs from the arab world so far, specifically, include offers to carry out air strikes against isis. Although no muslim governments are peting if theyre saying that behind the scenes. So the effort to have an International Coalition for action against isis, thats one level of response so far, the diplomatic level. The second level of the response is military, already. The pentagon confirming late tonight that this is a newly expanded military effort in iraq now. Were up over 160 air strikes overall. And what the pentagon just released tonight, theyre describing two air strike that is took place yesterday and today. And whats notable about these is that they have a different strategy behind them. The personality gone saying tonight, the air strikes southwest of baghdad was the first strike taken as part of our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian plans to hit isil targets as outlined in the president s speech last wednesday. The strikes destroyed 6 isil vehicles south west of baghdad that was firing on iraqi personnel. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. So military efforts had been stopping the key infrastructure, now theyre saying theyre hunting down isis missions and bombing them there. This newly expanded military effort, newly expanded air strikes in iraq and fighting i,sis on the ground. But yet theres a third response. Thats the political level here in our oun country and how that is going to play out, really, is anyones guest. This is fastmoving in terms of the politics here. They came back from a long weekend to start considering isis. They initially were going to have a meeting tomorrow. Congress has now decided to put that vote off until wednesday at the earliest, even though they wanted to vote tomorrow. Secretary of defense chuck hagel and Martin Dempsey is scheduled to testify tomorrow. And the house may want to listen carefully while they are speaking. As recently as last summer, Martin Dempsey had written this letter to Congress Warning congress about the risks of choosing rebels to support in syria. This letter said, the risks include extremists gaining access to capableties, retaliatory border attacks or our inadd ver tant association with war crimes, due to vetting difficulties. We try to vet those rebels. The decision of whether or not to arm syrian rebel groups 1 not an easy decision. If it was an easy call, congress could have made that decision last year. It might lead to all sorts of horrible results. But the arming the rebels question is something that congress thinks 1 an easier question than authorizing the u. S. Military action thats already happening against isis and that the president said he is expanding. Today, congressman adam shift swro deuced the latest resolution that would have congress authorize military force in iraq. His resolution would authorize it for 18 months. But such is the state of our politics on war and peace right now as a country. But the big question for our congress is not even whether your member of congress would vote yes or no to using force on a resolution like adam shifts. The big question in washington is whether you your member of congress would even like to vote at all. One way or the other on this rapidly expanding military operation. Or whether theyd just like to pretend that its none of their business and the president does this stuff alone on his own sayso. And heres just one more thought as Congress Considers how much they really want to tlie to duck this question. A new poll just came out today on how the American Public feels about fighting against isis. And the top line results on that poll are very interesting. Im not sure i expected this. Democratic support president obamas plan for using military force against isis. Republicans support president for what the president says he wants to do in terms of using force against isis. Keep that many mind. Then, look at this. Ask the public which broadly supports fighting isis, ask them what they think the effect will be of us doing that . What will be the effect of the u. S. Taking military action against isis. Do you think it will make us more likely to face a terrorist attack here at home, or do you think it will make us safer here at home . In this same poll. Way more people believe it will make us more likely to be attacked here at home if we take military action here against isis. But, still, the public broadly supports taking that military action. I told you these politics are changing fast. Joining us now is andrew basovijc. Hes currently a fellow at columbia university. Hes currently the author of breech of trust, how americans failed their soldiers and their country, as well as a number of other books, all of which i have read and liked very much. How is the debate going so far . Youve been a pretty harsh critic of how well we debate matters of war and peace in our country now. How 1 this debate going . I have think this confirms how peaceful the congress is. I mean, youve made the point that they are roughening away from the president s initiative. Were facing an offyear election in another what . Less than two months . But it seems to me that its very unfortunate. Over the course of the past basically 6070 years. Well, going back to the korean war. Weve developed this habit of deferring to the chief executive to dpds matters of war and peace. Many people say that we need to reverse that. This is a chance to do that. And the Congress Wont fulfill its responsibleties in that regard. I think its appalling. So far, they are not fulfilling their responsibleties. You do see individual members starting to swro deuce proposed resolutions to authorize the use of force. We dont yet know if theyre going to vote on it. It seems like what theyre going to view on first is the specific question of su porting syrian rebel groups against isis. Which is a peripheral issue. The main issue is shall we, once again, engage in the iraq war . And the president is clear that he wants to do that. Al bee it in a certain way, emphasizing air power, but promising not to use ground troops. But any way you cut it, its a war. And congress ought to be the body that decides whether or not were going to go to war. As they do consider this, as you put it, this peripheral issue, about arming syrian rebels, my sense, just as a political observer, is that theyve hived that off and put that first for two reasons. One, they think its an easier question. But its not. And also, if they think they vote on that bs that might think theyre voting on the issue and then they dont have to move on to the separate issue, that is an american war. I wonder what your sense is of the American Publics side of that calculation. Americans support action against isis. We are appalled by what this organization to get done. And, so, i think that evokes a popular sense of we need to do something to pay these people back. On the other hand, the american people, i think, have a larger appreciation that are military efforts in the middle east. Theyve failed. So theyre not eager to be a big war. Frankly, i think the president also appreciates that. He, on the one hand, says were going to degrade and defeat isis. And, on the other hand, dont worry, i promise im not going to commit u. S. Ground troops, which is a way of assuring u. S. Americans will be able to make this commitment a limited one. Scratch that itch, make people feel like something is being done. In fact, do something without starting another war. Or do we automatically reflex toward war when we want an action. Well, we do. To me,this is the subject i wished that the discourse here i dont think the question is what to do about isis. If we could magically destroy isis tomorrow, we would defeat them tomorrow. The conditions that gave rise to isis would still exist. What do you want to call it . My view is, yes, lets go after isis. But lets not kid ourselves that if we destroy isis, we . How accomplish some larger purpose with regard to moving this region back from chaos towards some amount of stability. And that needs to be our goal. Professor andrew bacevich, i should tell you, the professor has an online course. We have nfrgs on our web site if youd like to learn more. Andrew, thank you soo much. Its always good to see ewe. Lots more ahead on tonights show, including some latest news from tonight on the nfls me tast sizing doe mesic abuse scandal. Please, stay with us. 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We get the four mostexciting words in athome viewing. Watch Supreme Court live. Exclamation point. The kansas Supreme Court live tomorrow morning exclamation point. And although i am sure orm arguments for the kansas Supreme Court are always exciting and worth watching, the arguments tomorrow morning are not only going to be great, theyre actually kind of a big deal. And you can watch them live. The high court of kansas is due to hear oral arguments on what could be a critical race on who controls the United States senate for the rest of the obama presidency. The court is going to decide whether the Kansas Senate election can be a twoway race between a republican incouple bant and an independent or whether theyre going to force this to be an unwilling threeway race. This is the race for repub ri can senator pat roberts. Because there is a strorng independent in the race, it looks like he may have a shot at beating pat roberts. The democratic kand cat wants to drop out of the race. However, kansas republican secretary of state says he didnt fill out his paperwork in exactly the right way so hes not allowed to quit if the court forces this to be a threeway race, then the polling says pat roberts looks to be on his way to winning reelection. Even though hes pretty unpopular. If the democrat can drop out in a twoway race, the popping says the ind pen dent can beat pat roberts. If so, republicans hope wills get much, much shakier. And, so, yes, ive checked. And i can tell you, that the kansas Supreme Court online streaming countdown chloric is rolling right now. The court battle kicksoff at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, 9 00 local time. Control of the United States sfat potentially at stake. Whats happening now in bright red kansas has been a fascinating story with this threeway, twoway race. But kansas is not the only place where something that weird is happening. We have seen the exact same thing happen in alaska this month. The democrat in alaska also decided to quit the race because it offered a better chance for unseating the incouple bant republican. But in alaska, the democratic candidate for governor quit the race for governor but, instead, signed onto run for Lieutenant Governor with the same guy he used to be splitting the vote. In 5 00 action, the democrats and the independents have formed a rare fusion ticket. In kansas, theyre trying to get the democrat out of the race all together so it can just be the independent versus the republican. This is kind of a thing this year in politics. Weve got it happening in kansas and weve got it happening in alaska. Because the rule of trifecta never fails me, there may be a similar dynamic emerging in maine. Paul lapage. He won the Gubernatorial Election in may last time with just 38 of the vote. And the reason paula page was able to become governor of maine with nowhere near a majority volt was because the vote in that race split. An independent named elliot cuttler was a couple of points behind him. And the democrat just got womped in that race. That created the amazing and often surreal experience of maine having a tea party governor. Now hes running for election. And this time around, that same ind pen dent candidate, elliot cuttler, is back in the race. But this time, the democratic candidate has a better chance of winning. At least thats what the polls look like. A new poll out yesterday says leading the field by a single point. Thats him in the center there. The independent, elliot cuttler making his second bid, hes only drawing 11 of the vote. By if this were a twoway race, then the democrat is already ahead by four. Half the people who say theyd vote for the independent got in a threeway race. Half say if it ended up being a twoway competition, that would be enough. So same dynamic at work here . I should tell you that the independent in maine, his Campaign Says he will not quit the race no matter what. He doesnt view himself as a spoiler. It should be noted that he did finish a very close second in 2010. But in politics, nobody ever says theyll quit the race until they kwit the race. Independents and democrats have decided to pull on the same side of the tug of war in order to defeat incouple bant republicans this year in the senate race and the alaska race this year. Are they going to do so in the maine governors race, as well. This is a new thing emerging for this years elections. How many states is this going to happen in . Watch the space. Time is running out. Hance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. With our visionary cloud infrastructure, Global Broadband network and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable secure agile. And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. Centurylink your link to whats next. Ti was naked ziplining with a man. No. No, no, were fine, honey. This is good. This is great. Im teaching her. man does this look familiar mom . grandma yes, i think this is it. Can you really talk to cats . Of course. grandma oh, the air. There it is. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. If energy could come from anything . Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. We know were not the center of your life, but well do our best to help you connect to what is. This is the Weather Report for the city of indianapolis. Its calling for temperatures of 62 degrees but a steady mix of rain and thunderstorms pretty much throughout the night. Sort of a rainy, unsettled mess. I am clearly not a weather person. We dont usually do local Weather Reports on this show. But, tonight, in indianapolis, its sort of an international story. It mean that is this banner will not be flying over Lucas Oil Stadium between the indianapolis kolts and the philadelphia eagles. This banner, you see it in red there . It says hash taggoodell must go . This pan banner was set to be flying over the stadium tonight during the coltseagles game. Naturally, the goodell in the goodell must go banner is Roger Goodell. Hes the commissioner of the nfl. While that sign will not fly above the skies of indianapolis tonight, it did fly over three yesterday in cleveland, San Francisco and new jersey. The banners were the work of womens rights Nonprofit Group called ultraviolet. An activist group along with the kmashl commission for women has called on Roger Goodell to resign over his handling of the nfls ray rice situation. Initially handing down a twogame suspension on rice after he was arrested on Domestic Violence charges. But the pressure that is building 1 no longer just about the ray rice situation. The nfl also has an Adrian Peterson situation. Adrian peterson is a real football star. Everybody in the nfl is really good. Peeterson is a star running back for the minnesota vikings. He was indicted lags week on charges of reckless or negligent injury to a child. At my decision, we have opted not to show you the images of the injuries to the 4yearold boy. He was hitting the boy with a switch, a thin, wooden rod, which is usually a tree branch. Hes report today have suffered unspecified injuries from the beating. Adrian peterson turned himself in to police in texas this week epd. He post. A 15,000 bond. That happened on saturday. And then when the vikings played against the patriots on sunday, the vikings held Adrian Peterson out of the game. He didnt play. Today, despite the indictment, despite his star player being out on bond, today, he will practice and play with his team in this week epds game. This is a very important issue. I want to take time to emphasize that the issue of Child Welfare is extremely serious and should be taken serious not only by us, but by everybody. We are trying to do the right thing. This is a difficult path to navigate, regarding the judgment of how a parent disciplines his child. Based on the extensive information that we have right now, and what we know about adrian not only as a person but what he has done for this community, he deserves to play while the Legal Process plays out. He deserves to pray. If you run an nfl team or if youre a coach or an owner, this is sort of the new normal. Mondays prez conferences used to be for talking about the game. But, now, the nfl press core is asking questions about Team Policies and League Policies concerning star players who beat their wives and children and the question of whether or not teams are going to let their star players play while under felony indictment. Or after theyve been convicted. Greg hardy was convicted on two counts of Domestic Violence in july. Greg hardy is appealing that conviction. His team allowed him to play pending the appeal after his conviction. Then, this past weekend, they decided that they were going to bench him. Today, greg hardys coach released him shifting to the response of that situation. Greg is with the team. I mean, were in a situation where, obviously, were going to go through this week and evaluate. The circumstances and situation. In light of a lot of things that have happened, were going to kobt to gather nfrgs on. This is a very fluid situation, guys. Well see what happened. In a new information since you guys played him in week one and saturday him in week 2 i dont think its so much new information as things that changed in the climate. This is a mess. Its all of these teams dealing with all of these Domestic Violence issues with no apparent rhyme or reason for how theyre dealing with them. Ray rice gets a twogame suspension and then ultimately an indefinite suspension for his domestic assault. Hes allowed to play a game and then he gets benched and not because of anything because of him but because of a changing climate. Now he is clear to play next weekend. Heres ray mcdonald who was arrested on suspicion of battering his pregnant fiance. Theres no reason to believe anyone will change in that regard this coming weekend. His Court Appearance has been postponed until later this month. Thats four incidents and four teams. This is a multibillion dollar industry. The premier Cultural Institution of the United States of america in the 21st century. Theres now a white hot spot on the nfl. Roger goodell has chosen to deal with that spotlight by disappearing. He attended last nights Football Game of San Franciscos grand opening of the mul multimultimillion dollar stadium. But Roger Goodell, in the end, was a no show. Were in a situation, obviously, where were going to go through this week and evaluate. The circumstances, the situation. In light of a lot of things that have happened, you know, were going to continue to gather information on chlts this is a very fluid situation, guys. And well see what happens. Very fluid situation. Caroli Carolina Panthers ron rivera struggling to answer one of the many questions hes now facing about how much of a Domestic Abuse problem is too much of a Domestic Abuse problem when et comes to deciding whether or not guilty you get to play football in the National Football league. A Sports Enterprise reporter for the boston globe, ms. Springer, thanks very much for being with us. Thanks for having me. So is this chaos at this point . Or is there a method to the madness that i do not see . As far as i can tell, its ray rice indefinitely suspended, ray mcdonald out on bail, playing, greg hardy, convicted, playing in game one, but not in game two. Now, Adrian Peterson, indicted, not in for game one but back in for game two. It feels like chaos to me, too. There is no rhyme or reason to any of these punishments, any of the stances the team has taken. That lack logic. To say its a fluid situation for a player thats been convicted is laughable. It just seems teams dont nope what theyre doing. The league doesnt know what theyre doing and theyre grasping at straws because theyre in total Crisis Management at this point. In terms of the nfls response, we heard today that theyre hiring or promoting four women to serve as advisors in shaping the leagues stance on doe m doe mesic violence. Do you see that as a substantive move . Is this improving the masthead sort of decision . Or is this something that might change the way the league is behaving . I think it might change the way the league is behaving because of one woman in particular, lisa friel. She was the head of the sex crimes prosecutions in the massachusetts massachusetts, rather manhattan district attorneys office. And i have spoken to people who have worked for her in that office and they have nothing but praise for her. More importantly, they say she is a woman who can speak truth to power, who will speak her mind and will not fear telling goodell or the owners, for that patter, wh matter, what they need to hear and maybe dont want to hear about various sexual abuse cases that come across her desk. Shes going to be in charge of the investigative wing of the nfls new policy. I am hopeful with more strict investigations into these matters, more thorough investigations, that there will be more fitting punishments and more rhyme and reason to those funnishments. I have a person who follows football enough to be a fan, but i before these scandals, never paid attention to the administration of football. Is a weird thing that Roger Goodell was a noshow at the sunday game in San Francisco yesterday . He was expected today be there, as far as i heard. Yeah, he was expected to be there. And the owner of the 49ers, id believe up until saturday afternoon, believed he was coming. So, yeah, it is weird. I know when youre putting out, opening these billion dollar stadiums, you want the commissioner there. At least you used to want the commissioner there. Now, that may not be the case. Thanks for helping us understand this. Very help 68. Thanks a lot. Weve got lots more to come, including a best new thing in the world. And you know you need it. Well be right back. Tigers, both of you. Tigers . Dont be modest. I see how youve been investing. Setting long term goals. Diversifying. Dip you got our attention. We did . Of course. Youre type e well, i have been researching retirement strategies. Well thats what type e s do. Welcome home. Taking control of your retirement . 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When . Feels like a while ago. Want to take it from the top . Rates for us and them. Now thats progressive. Call or click today. Its monday. A brand new start. Your chance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. With our visionary cloud infrastructure, Global Broadband network and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable secure agile. And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. Centurylink your link to whats next. Whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. Okay. Best new thing in the world today, i love this one, god bless you usa today. Look at their headline today. Senate has a secret book of rules. Oh, really . Tell me more. Usa today obtained and published something that has never been made public. Its the official handbook of how to be a United States senator. This is a real thing. And apparently, its so secret that the United States library of congress doesnt have a copy of it. Apparently this handbooks been around forever. Before today it was always secret. Its basically a reference guide for everything senators need to know. What constitutes an appropriate expenditure on travel or a map of all the parking lots that you can park in as a senator. And then theres this, quote, music on hold is available as an alternative to silence. Comfort secretaries may select one hold music source from the options. There is something that was a secret rule about. We called that number listed in the handbook today that offered Senate Leaders their choice of hold music. This is what happens when you call that number. Welcome to the senate music hold selection line. Your four selections choices are as follows. Press one for classical. Press two for environmental. Press three for patriotic or press four for country western. Four different choices. Lets go with environmental. Sample environmental music. Why is that environmental . Anyway, maybe something with a little more edge. Sample country western music. Yes, hit it. Yes. That last one, if you are listening closely is the country classic she thinks my tractors sexy. And if youve ever had the pleasure of being put on hold, she thinks my tractors sexy. You can classify them as country and western, environmental or classical. Senator patty murray is classical. John barrasso picked patriotic music. A lot of brass. So did House Speaker john boehner. He went with the patriotic category. We also know how your Senators Office gets its paper. They get an amount of paper by dictate of the senate, according to a very strict form lachlt each member gets one and one third pieces of paper for every adult constituent in their state. So if youre from california, that means Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein have more than 30 million pieces of paper per office. Much less for wyoming, right . If you were ever wondering how your senator decorates his or her office, a little help from the u. S. Botanical garden. Each is that thor is allowed to borrow up to six plants from our National Botanical Garden annually but no more than three plants at a time. No hoarding the plants it used to be secret, but usa today published it. It is the best new thing today. That does it for us tonight. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. When i was working in the senate, we didnt have music on hold. I would have spent my whole day trying to choose which one we should use. And everyone would think your tractor was sexy. Thats right. Thank you, rachel

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