[reading names] for many years, i have always look forward to my trips in and out of san francisco airport. the environment created by including the locally owned and iconic small businesses, like [reading businesses] joined by the new organic cafe, they have always filled me with pride. now known as the company's books has always given my family and myself a familiar place to pass time. as a small business woman, i recognize the economic benefit to the small companies that are able to operate in this high volume area. i'll leave this opportunity has benefited the businesses that are located in these neighborhoods. when i was fortunate enough to fly out of the new terminal on the very first day of operation, i looked around me at the small businesses represented, and the most important to the san franciscans employed, i felt it was time that our commission honors the work of the development team. the airport small business affairs office and the revenue department have made to the vitality of san francisco through their efforts to promote representation in the newly island terminal. there is a high business participation rate in demonstrate to travelers across the country in the world that san francisco is committed to its small businesses. his commitment shared by the family is demonstrated throughout the airport and helps make san francisco international stand out as a model airport both nationally and internationally. i think you. -- i thank you. >> thank you, commissioners. with me are folks from revenue development and management. there are very heavily evolved in the development of terminal 2. one of the most gratifying things that we do is seek out small and local business that we think might be a good fit at the airport. we are approached by small businesses as well. to meet with and engage and passion of a small business owner, helping them provide information about how to do business with us is very rewarding. navy because the heart, many of us can relate to the dream of business ownership, with the of the raw courage that it take to be a small the of the owner. it is very gratifying. the program at the international airport in relief to our visitors a very important impression of the city. 70-5 1/2 to prove a visitor have they're looking for our airport and commission and the airport director are very seriously and sincerely committed to doing business locally to the very greatest extent possible and meeting our small business goals. nine of the 22 stores have local ownership. 17 it started off at some point a very small. most of them local. some have grown from one store at an airport. one spot now has 30 locations, it started with us that way. the program will realize sales of about $40 million the first year of operation. that will mean rent to the airport and that drove down to a general fund contribution. [no audio] the russia we are back in session, we had to take a recess due to technical difficulties. -- >> we are back in session, we had to take a recess due to technical difficulties. >> we send money to the general fund, 15% of concession sales. it drove down to about $600,000 into the city coffers each year, that is just to the annual service payment contribution. and i wrapped up with how fortunate we are to get to go out and meet the business owners and look for restaurants and find really cool stores, go through local neighborhoods as part of our work. we're very proud of what we do and we are honored tonight. >> would you like to make an announcement? >> this wednesday, one of our small business affairs offices is hosting an open house. and the subject matter is doing business at sfo. the audience will be construction companies and service providers. what we work on the is revenue contracts, businesses that come to the airport and earn sales and pay us rent. we also pay a lot of small businesses to come out and pave the runway as, work on lighting in the garages, supplies, so on. we are a very large campus. the focus of this open house is on construction and services. it is a half day event with a number of different offices. we will have the capital improvement folks there is a victimless all of the projects they have going in the next couple of years so the contractors will know what to get ready to bid on. it is a tutorial of how to do business with the city. people see the airport as very high profile. they don't know who to call or how to get in the front door. this is an effort to break down some of the barriers. there will be another open house later this fall focused on concessions. >> will forward to hearing more from you, thank you very much. >> commissioners, martha will also be at the conference to present on our office's resources as well. >> the next item? >> item #7, general public comment. this allows members of the public to comment on matters within the purview of the commission and suggest new agenda items for future consideration. members of the public will have three minutes to address the commission. you can leave the speaker card at the front stand and please speak your name and clearly. >> in the afternoon, commissioners. i am a gay organizer here in san francisco. merchants of the upper market castro, this organization for eight months has refused to cooperate with the castro and the gay community regarding the large rainbow flag. starting in january, we were lied to when they claimed that they have a written contract giving them control of this flagpole. they said this contract was with the department of public works. after filing a public records request, nothing in writing turned out granting them control of this very important rainbow flag. a number of requests have been made in terms of both lowering the flag to honor such icons as elizabeth taylor and also repressed to raise the flags when gay marriages began. every step of the way, they have been heavy. they have offered petty excuses why they would not talk to us. why they would not let us come to their meetings. if you challenge their lack of a written process, he better get ready for the wo ever from the supposedly mature organization. it is harming small businesses and by not working with us. we want to stage events involving that five people on public property to bring people to the neighborhood. those people before and after attending rallies, celebrations, celebrations, would go spend the money that merchants. but that argument doesn't work. no argument worked with them. and i will hold up now the process that they used to that any requests. as you can see, i am not holding anything. that is because they do not have a written process to help the community with requests. i believe this commission closed the small businesses of the castro, all of the stakeholders, a public discussion about the amateur and petty behavior that is harming the neighborhood and the small businesses. >> next speaker. >> thank you for listening, because i am coming back. i'm not going away. i am coming back to this public forum. >> my name is karen smith, i am a property manager located in the financial district. i represent the owner and manager of building on the corner of sacramento. the property has for small business owners, all of ricwhich are restaurant tenants. 15 small-business owners who spoke against herman application number of 11 mfs -- it was helped by the director of the dpw. there has not been a ruling to issue the permit. on july 29, [reading names] met with supervisor scott wiener to discuss how it is affecting the small brick and mortar restaurant owners. i won't go into what was discussed, but i do have meeting minutes if you want to see them. the reason why i am here today is to ask you to consider putting the food truck permit issue on the agenda to hear directly from the real small business owners. the way the current ordinance is written, it does not protect these owners. if the food trucks are allowed to infiltrate, it will severely impact their incomes and cause a trickle-down effect. restaurant on a full one-third reduction in rank which will lower the value of the property and it will undoubtedly cause the property owners to have the property reassessed and the city will lose property tax income. i urge you all to consider these consequences. >> next speaker. seeing no more speakers, public comment is closed. next item. >> commissioners, i did not see the prison term for item #8. if it is of pay, we can move to item number nine? thank you. commissioners, presentation, discussion of possible action regarding small business saturday. ever-present asian of women impact in public policy. to have comments, director->> of the outreach committee met with barbara who is the executive director for women impacting public policy last year. our office had a discussion with american express and the visitor and convention vero which is now sf travel. it was just -- we did not have enough time to build attraction. this time, we are starting a bit earlier. i was very excited to hear women impacting public policy working on this. i wanted to bring it to the commissioner's attention. i will turn it over to you. >> with the nation's largest political advocacy group for women known to businesses. we work on behalf of 57 different organizations. in 2010, american express launched small business and saturday after hearing from their small business customers that the greatest needs at the time or more customers coming into the shop. and also recognizing that when small businesses succeed, communities and 60. it is estimated that when $1 is spent in a local business, three times as much money goes directly back into the community. with the success of small business saturday 2010, american express realized they wanted this to be a community movement and not something sponsored by a corporation, so they invited the women impacting public policy to lodge the coalition. so far, we have over 150 organizations nationwide supporting it and we have over 5 million people engaged through those organizations. the purpose of small business saturday is to designate the saturday after thanksgiving to shop independently owned businesses. for this year, we are also planning to host about 15 different events across the country with san francisco being one of the target cities. there is also a new research being released by civic economics that has a san francisco's pacific section. we would love to have the commission's support as an official supporter of the small business saturday for this year. >> this is an action item? to provide for the commission to take action if they want to support small business saturday. president o'brien: that concludes your presentation? commissioner adams: i would love to support this. and when american express did their small business saturday, there really wasn't much in my neighborhood, there wasn't a lot of outreach. as long as there is more out reach, i love to have you come speak. we do get over 100 people at our meetings and they love to hear something like this. the day after thanksgiving, we get a handful of people into our neighborhood and we have a lot of women under businesses. having this would be great. >> we would be happy to come speak. commissioner dooley: i heard from your cohorts at the outreach committee and i want to say how enthusiastic i am about rolling it out. i think it will be better than previously. i am excited that we have lots of leave time to get out to the merchants and get them participating. i want to thank you for doing such a great job. you have another comment? i was just going to suggest we make a motion. >> the only comment i would like to make is that we participated in small business saturday, and it was very successful and very popular with people. we shared a lot of information with other businesses and people were really enthusiastic about it. it was really well embraced. thank you for continuing that. >> director, you started saying something about support? >> the small business commission will be listed as one of the supporting organizations, and upon your support, we can start providing the information, putting it in our bulletin and making sure that merchants are aware of it. and also, we will work with the city to have a larger city presents. >> if i may suggest we take public comment. president o'brien: thank god somebody is alive and the way around here. do we have public comment on this matter? public comment is closed. commissioners, he can have a motion? >> i would like to move that we support the small business saturday and lend our name in terms of promotion and approval. we will do what we can to move this event forward. >> i would like to add to also directed staff to work with the greater city family to include them in this promotion and project. >> do we have a second? any objections? the motion is passed. >> we look forward to working with you. >> i would love to have you come talk to us. we would love to hear that. president o'brien: next item, please. >> commissioners, you are a hot item number 10, presentation on the projects, priorities, and more of the san francisco bike coalition. president o'brien: welcome. >> good afternoon or evening. i'm the director of the bicycle coalition. thank you for allotting some time. i will be very brief and tell you a little bit about us. we have 12,000 members and have been working for 40 years to promote a bicycling for everyday transportation. the reason i thought would be helpful to come here is that we have been working more and more with folks at city hall, whether it be your staff promoting and bicycling to small neighborhoods with a great small businesses to the upcoming activities. i would like to give you a bird's-eye view. we're starting to do more out reached 2 merchant corridors and business corridors have wanted to have a small business commissioned first so if you are asked questions or you hear things in the business community, you will be knowledgeable on edge. i have a few slides from our point if that is okay. great, thank you. the project was connecting the city, to connect neighborhoods, commercial corridors, schools, destinations in our city. before i get into that, i want to share some brief numbers. kinfolks' see that? seven out of 10 san franciscans rode a bicycle in 2009. most of my trips were maybe a family like this that comes out to send a street once a month. as you know, we have a great culture. you probably know that it was held just yesterday. an amazing event, i was happy to be out there. filled with children, families, really diverse faces. i was really proud to be a san franciscan on that day. and joining -- history is a front yard. it seems quite successful -- how do we make the streets better? it is not about bicycling for us, but it is about great public space. we just need to have enough saved and will remain -- 73% of people that we pulled plan on spending money at sunday streets events. they spend an average of $20 a at stores, restaurants, and vendors. i had a brief note. it was really nice to be a neighborhood that frankly i don't go to as much. what we are seeing is that the sunday streets is not only a great way to get folks more active, it is about physical activity,