Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20151223

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>> i should have gone yesterday. >> reporter: i'm sure you're regretting that decision. >> a little. >> reporter: no good deed goes unpunished. >> exactly. >> my flight was delayed three times, changed gates four. when i found out where it was, they started bringing people on board according to when they booked their flight. so i wasn't able to get on. they told me i could, but i couldn't bring my bag. >> reporter: that gentleman's friend got him on his new flight. he said he expects a drink waiting for him when he gets off the plane. i don't blame him. we mentioned earlier that this is the biggest day of the four-day holiday period coming up. it's also expected to break records with more than 100 million people traveling the next few days. live at laguardia airport, back over to you. steve: so glad i'm not one. that's a lot of hassle. accused of the shooting at roosevelt field mall yesterday. dari: jodi goldberg is live outside the mall with new info on the moments that led up to the shooting. >> reporter: hi. it was chaos in and around the mall. nassau county police telling us they received over 400 911 calls for this incident. that's 30 to 50 times more than they'd see in an hour. oliver lee didn't say a word as he left headquarters to be arraigned. the 21-year-old pleaded not guilty to charges, including robbery, assault and criminal possession and use of a firearm. it was tuesday afternoon when lee walked into the rolex section of torneau inside roosevelt field mall. security intervened when he tried to steal an $18,000 watch. he took out this handgun, firing one shot, hitting a mall employee in the shoulder. >> this is a life and death struggle where it started in the back of the -- very back of the guard interrupted this robbery. >> reporter: the security guard is being hailed a hero. the quick and methodal response stopped lee before he could fire any more shots. >> he was armed. he took a strong hand and disabled the gun. >> reporter: official says lee was found with ten oxycontin tablets when he was arrested. he posted this picture of gun, beer and pills on facebook. it's the same gun used in the shooting. it was illegally purchased more than a decade ago. he was represented by a court-appointed attorney and is being held on $750,000. he's due back in court december 28th. nassau county police are reminding people if you see something, say something. that's the latest from here, jodi goldberg. we'll send it back to you. dari: thank you. new york state government buildings tomorrow in honor of two national guardsmen killed in afghanistan this week. nypd detective joseph lemm and staff sergeant louis bonacasa were among the six troops killed in an attack outside of bagram air force base on monday. lemm was a 15 year veteran of the nypd. in a cyber attack on a dam north of the city raised concerns about the security of our nation's infrastructure . >> reporter: the cyber attack was by iranians in 2013. the u.s. government kept it quiet. nobody knew about this. the only reason we know now is the "wall street journal" uncovered the hacking and did a story on it last week. now senator charles schumer wants answers. senator charles schumer paid a in ryebrook after a report that iranian hackers got into the dam's control system in 2013. schumer wants to know why the federal government kept the hacking a secret. he says this incident is not the only foreign hacking in the u.s. >> we want to know how often this has occurred, who's done it, how successful they've been and that is being done to prevent it. >> reporter: in this case, officials say the iranian hackers were able to view the control system of the small dam, but were not able to take control of it. schumer says hackers could do serious damage if they were able to gain control of infrastructure like dams, power plants and pipelines. >> there are larger dams than this dam. there are public utilities. there are nuclear power plants. imagine if hackers, iranian, terrorist-related, got hold of these critical infrastructures. >> reporter: schumer is urging the department of homeland security to conduct a thorough investigation into how vulnerable the u.s. is to cyber attacks and to also work with local and state governments as well as companies on how to better protect themselves. >> the federal government and particularly some of our agencies know a lot about protection from hackers. they should be sharing that with our localities and our private companies that operate critical infrastructure. >> reporter: also tonight westchester executive astorino is outraged because he says the federal government, the department of homeland security, never contacted him when the hack occurred. that's the latest from here. back to you. dari: thank you. still no word on whether new york giants wide receiver owe jr., will suit up sunday. he received three personal foul penalties and was cited for a helmet to helmet hit on josh norman. the league says it was the hit that caused the suspension. the giants' coach, tom coughlin, insists beckham was not the only person to blame in this. >> to depict this as odell beckham being wrong and the only one wrong is not right. it's not fair. it's not just. this is not the way it was. dari: for his part, panthers' josh norman was fined twice, totalling $26,000 but not suspended. steve: the ski federation is banning camera drones after one came inches from hitting a skier. skier. steve: it comes right behind him there. the world cup champion narrowly avoided being hit by the drone tuesday. it was carrying a tv camera as it crashed and the shatterer. despite the close encounter, he finished second. dari: i think they need to stick to go-pro. >> retailers are borrowing a page from uber. >> reporter: uber introduced surge pricing into our vocabulary ies vocabularies. that contributed to the rise of a surge pricing business model everywhere else. >> i don't really love it because the consumer can't prepare. the consumer has no power over this pricing at all. >> reporter: tray sees a fluctuation in rates. but with kohl's, the chain can manipulate in its stores at the same time, he sees consumers to corporate pawns. >> if you're in a store and the price is liquid, we have no control. >> reporter: airlines and the rental cars have employed a surge pricing. with internet providers and collecting data about shopping habits thanks to sales, they can adjust prices and do so as often as they like. >> i worry about it affecting consumer trust. >> i don't trust them at all actually. >> it's very deceiving around the holidays. they try to get you for your money. >> reporter: the culture of mistrust might lead to resentful shoppers, which could backfire for retailers sending would be customers elsewhere. >> retailers can watch consumers coming and going and interacting on their smartphones. they can send them messages on their smartphones. >> reporter: i'm mac king, fox 5 news. steve: change is coming to kitchens at chipotle. dari: the new food safety customers contracted e. coli. steve: a whiskey tour for the 1% or the top fraction of the 1%. see what $35,000 will buy in booze. >> hey, northport, new york. i'm with the 86th medical stationed in germany. my mom and dad, martin and dari: well, well, whiskey lovers have we got a vacation for you. steve: a once in a lifetime trip. take a sip with alison morris in tonight's lap of luxury. >> reporter: welcome to the lap of luxury. we're about to go on the ultimate whiskey experience. >> it is extraordinary. >> reporter: if you're looking for a lavish experience this holiday, this is just the thing. the whiskey connoisseur known for his $6 million, 5,000 bottle whiskey collection wants to take whiskey experience in scotland. >> the idea is to whisk people off, a group of five the package includes. somebody will be gifted this. five people, including the person who receives the gift, will fly on a personal jet to scotland. >> reporter: the trip includes private tours, tastings and whiskey dinners at some of scotland's most celebrated distilleries. >> you'll be able to pick up a cask of old whiskey. this is an old distillery in the 6th generation of the family membership right now. and there's only three distilleries left in scotland owned by families right now. you'll be selecting a cask and decanting this into your custom made cut crystal decanters. five high roller tickets to the experience at the wynne in vegas. total value? $35,000. expect 90 top brands and incredible meals. >> we're doing a special dinner, a whiskey paired dinner. i've been talking to the chef. an eight course dinner. >> we can't join him for the experience, so he brought a bottle to us. a mysterious 26-year-old whiskey that he's selling through his whiskey club for nearly a thousand dollars. >> prometheus is a unique whiskey, very rare. it comes from one of scotland's most iconic distilleries. we don't name it. it was an old style of whiskey that the house became famous for. it's a cherry-based whiskey. the naming has a lot of significance. we took prometheus, the same character that came out to the then died. the whiskey has come out to the world and it's going to die in four years. >> reporter: he will sell a thousand bottles next year at 27. another thousand at 28 and at 29. the stock is already dwindling. when these thousand bottles are gone, they're gone. today it's probably 999 left. >> reporter: expect the exclusive tastings when you jet off to scotland with him as your guide. >> we'll take you to glenfidich, different distilleries. we will bring the whiskey maker out and take you on a tour. if we say we want to drink out of this cask, we will. those are the nuances you can't walk in and do. >> thanks for joining us at we'll see you next time. dari: we were all -- steve: love it. love it. nick: love it. steve: those are all the favorites. nick: i would love to try that thousand dollars a bottle. dari: there's a big difference. that shocks me. steve: they get better. nick: they do. steve: 56 right now. we saw the fog causing issues today, which isn't what you would normally think, but that's what we're dealing with. nick: fog can be a big problem. the sun angle is low in the sky. it's not surprising we have that fog. we talked about that yesterday. we had dense fog most of the morning. it has lasted longer along the coast. we have had some rain come into the area. we're talking about that being an issue. it's been raining hard in the city. the last hour picking up over half an inch. 58, 52. way above average. we're going to blast through the records. high. 1883 was minus 1. you can forget about that anytime soon. raining pretty hard now. 55. humidity high. wind out of the east-northeast. the pressure is falling, but fox 5 sky guardian is covered up in rain. as you look at it here, you'll see that area of rain over the city. the heavier areas going into rock land and westchester county. steady rain up into connecticut and more coming up from the south over the next couple of hours. going to need the umbrella. look out for the heavy downpours. upper 50s the highs today new york city to belmar. 59. 61 at montauk. very warm weather. middle 50s into the hudson valley. the current temperature is still there. 54 sussex. 58 newark. 59 at the jersey shore. mid 50s in the city with the heavier rain. 52 at bridgeport. back to the middle and upper 50s from islip off towards the east end. wind all over the place. mostly an east wind. we'll have the southeast wind tonight at 10, gusting up to that will become more southerly as we head into tomorrow. here's the other radar source. again, i'll zoom in on the heavier rain and see what's going down. you can see that near the port washington area and extending up to the stratford, connecticut, area. we'll put this into motion. you can see how this is advancing northward with another slot of pretty good rain coming out of southeastern pennsylvania and clipping by wildwood in atlantic city. that's sliding northward on the wide view. we'll deal with this the first one-half of the night, maybe a little longer. and tomorrow we bust into the milder air as the storm heads northward. the warm front just about on top of us. that will come through and we get into this air, the milder air. look at your day planner tomorrow. we'll call for clouds, maybe a shower and breaks of sun, but 65 by 9:00 a.m. 70 lunchtime. 73 in the afternoon. and there goes the futurecast showing us into the warm air with the risk of a couple of showers. morning, clouds in the afternoon. we'll be mid and upper 60s an christmas day and showery weather returns for the weekend. rain and fog tonight. 50s in the burbs. 73 tomorrow with record warm temperatures and a fair amount of clouds along with a couple of showers. sun and clouds christmas day. 67. maybe a shower at night. saturday, a bet for showers at 53. 60s on sunday with more showers. cooling down monday at 45. rain for tuesday. 52. we'll stay in the low 50s wednesday. steve: incredible. december has been very consistent. it's been way warm. nick: above average by far. steve: by far. thank you. chipotle tweaking its cookie method after an e. coli outbreak that sickened more than 50. while the cdc has identified what triggered it, they will be putting the measures into raw chicken will be marinaded in bags rather than bowls. dari: a major announcement for the beatles and their fans in time for the holidays. help, i need somebody dari: right after midnight, the music will finally be available on several streaming services world wide. the deal includes 224 songs from their original 13 studio albums released in the u.k. spotify, apple music, google play, title and amazon prime are among the list of carriers. steve: they were the big holdout. ac/dc just went on. a real housewife of new jersey has returned home from prison. dari: simone boyce shows us teresa teresa's reunion with her steve: lidia curanaj speaks with the beauty queen about her brave decision to move forward. meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and we're always looking for ways to enjoy more. so we called time warner cable and got even more than we expected. more speed, like 300 meg. more tv shows and movies on demand. more places to make more unlimited calls. they even made it easy to switch with a one hour arrival window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get plus free installation with a one-hour arrival window. and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. call now. if you could see your cough, you'd see all the sickness you're spreading. new robitussin cf max severe soothes and delivers powerful relief of cough, sore throat, stuffy nose and fever. new robitussin cf max severe. because it's never just a cough. fact. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. the medicine in advil is pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. steve: teresa giudice out of work, depending on what work means. dari: simone joyce joins us to tell us how she's trying to make up all that time behind bars, which is a lot. her daughters. there's a lot of healing that needs to be done for them. steve: a lot of cash to be made. >> reporter: i'm sure it was an emotional day for everyone. tmz is reporting, speaking of makeup, she hit the commissary and bought a lot of makeup. dari: how -- >> how orange is the new black. funny you say that. she was released early this morning and it's the prison that inspired the show "orange is the new black". upon her arrival, she was surprised with a new lexus from joe at her new jersey home. we got reaction from the community about her return. teresa giudice is home for the holidays after spending 11-1/2 months in prison. the real housewives of new jersey personality and her husband, joe, pled guilty to several federal fraud charges, bankruptcy fraud in march of last year. >> i'm feeling numb. >> reporter: she arrived home early this morning. "people" magazine showing these photos of the reunion with her daughters. >> i couldn't imagine what she went through. >> reporter: we spoke with residents near her home. many are happy to see her back in the community. >> nice she's home for the holidays. >> she's been nice and friendly and a very good mother. we're happy to have her. >> reporter: some find the couple undeserving of the media attention. >> i don't think it's right that people idolize people like that. they were in jail. >> reporter: a judge allowed them to serve separate sentences. joe will begin in march. >> lots of stories about him. i don't know if he's going to be >> reporter: bravo tv host and executive andy cohen extends his well wishes via twitter as did kyle richards. they are daughter sent mom a warm welcome back. she will be on home confinement until february 5th. she will be at work on a new memoir about her experiences in prison. and she will be in the next season. steve: where all the drama is. thank you. dari: something else. steve: the real winner of the miss universe pageant was not miss philippines. it was miss colombia. >> when they say to me in hospital that i can go to the pageant, i was like are you joking? dari: wow. steve: lidia curanaj has the exclusive interview about the decision to compete after a seizure. dari: and taking a tragedy and turning it into a positive. what a young woman in newark is doing to help other girls whose lives have been affected by >> the first runner up is colombia colombia. dari: okay. despite the crowning of the wrong person in the miss universe pageant, steve harvey will host again. according to entertainment tonight, he signed a deal to host for at least three years. lost in the hoopla, after his mistake, was the courage of miss slovenia. steve: she suffered a seizure but still chose to compete. she spoke with lidia curanaj about the decision. >> i have to apologize. >> reporter: the miss universe crown mixup became a controversy heard around the world. some say the true winner of the night was 19-year-old miss slovenia. >> how this happen to me? what i did? >> reporter: what happened was a seizure two days into the competition. the seizure rendered the right side of her face paralyzed and despite the health scare, miss slovenia gracefully and proudly fulfilled her dream of appearing at miss universe. >> when i came to the stage, i was like, no, can't be true. no. it's me. wow. i can't believe it. >> reporter: the seizure, which she's never had before, caused a nasty fall that left her with a gash in her head and bruises to her face. she spoke to me exclusively about what happened. >> i was like why this happen to me, you know? but then it is fine. i was, like, god is with me. everything is fine. >> reporter: she was right. the professional model is already back to work, shooting with the official miss universe photographer. anna couldn't shoot during the competition, so he invited her to his studio in new york city. >> i thought when that happened to her, they would send her home. she said she wants to do a shoot it was a great honor to be able to give her something to feel good about herself. >> reporter: soon her face will go back to normal. but anna said this experience has forever changed her for the better, leaving no doubt that true beauty comes from within. >> i can say nothing else but just that i'm so glad to be right now here. >> reporter: almost as good as having the crown. >> yeah. >> reporter: lidia curanaj, fox 5 news. steve: very nice. a grand jury has indicted the truck driver who crashed into a limo van injuring tracy morgan and killing another man, charged with first-degree aggravated manslaughter, second-degree vehicular homicide and third degree aggravated assault. roper had not slept for 28 hours before the crash, but he denies that. dari: the woman accused of intentionally plowing her car with her daughter inside through vegas strip has been arraigned. 24-year-old lakeisha holloway didn't enter a plea. she'll remain in jail through the holidays while both sides investigate sunday's crash that killed a woman and injured dozens of others. she is charged with murder, hit-and-run and child abuse. a preliminary hearing is set january 20th. steve: the city's former top cop accusing commissioner bratton of manipulating crime stats. dari: lisa evers live in brooklyn where mayor de blasio fired back against that criticism. >> reporter: hi. in an interview taped earlier this week, former police commissioner ray kelly is questioning the way the nypd keeps its crime statistics. now mayor de blasio is coming out swinging in defense of commissioner bratton. during an interview, former nypd commissioner ray kelly was questioned by the host about a sense some have that the city is not as safe as it once was. with the numbers being hut out. i think there's some redefinition going on as to what amounts to a shooting. that sort of thing. >> reporter: during a q and a after an event where mayor de blasio gave out toys to kids in a homeless shelter, he responded to the comments. >> i don't know why he's saying it. i just don't. look, commissioner bratton has, once again -- i emphasize the words once again -- shown he can drive down crime anywhere he goes. two years running. last year, lowest number of murders in 50 years in the city. this year, fewer shootings than down. >> reporter: kelly disagrees. >> i can tell you people don't feel safer in the city. time. perception is reality. >> i would think the response to be to say thank you, commissioner bratton. we're using the exact same metrics system that commissioner the fact is shootings are down, something to celebrate. >> reporter: in a statement, the nypd told us that the definition of a shooting hasn't changed in more than 20 years, including the 12 when ray kelly was police commissioner. and if kelly has any ideas or specific examples of the redefinition or reclassification of shootings, the nypd would like to know. i'm lisa evers, fox 5 news. back to you. dari: thank you, lisa. well, a young woman from newark has made it her mission to educate and empower the next generation. steve: zachary shows us how. >> this is for girls affected by homicide that are served. >> reporter: according to the fbi, newark has one of the highest murder rates in the country. in a lot of cases, it means youngsters are growing up without a parent. inside this charter school, a 20-year-old college student is >> a big part of the focus is on creating young girls who are going to change newark, the country, the world. the other part is being able to have a safe community. it feels like family. >> it was awesome. >> reporter: outside a class, i was asked how do you tell your seven-year-old daughter over the phone that dad has been killed? start with what they know. "lion king". >> she asked if i remembered what happened to mustapha's dad. i'm like yeah. we just watched the movie. that's how she told me that my dad was dead. as a young woman, i'm thinking that was one hard work. >> reporter: it was july 2002. her father was closing up his store and on his way to pay her tuition when he was gunned down. what's remarkable is in that father's death, this was born. >> what's my story? what's my voice? how can i make a change? that's the philosophy that we operate by. if you talk to our girls, they're thinking about how to make the community better. >> reporter: as they discussed, the vision was created -- >> this was one of the last schools we went to. this is my senior year of high school. i got there. i got the feeling. this is it. this is it. i had a great time. >> reporter: she won a $10,000 grant to take the non-profit to the next level. through a variety of strategies, including mentorship, community service and a six week summer retreat, she has come to terms with her loss and is now helping others do the same. >> i'm proud of her. >> i am. she could have done something chose to do something here. >> steve: he's a swimmer who's not afraid of a little or a lot of sewage. dari: the creek he dove into to raise awareness about the polluted waterways. >> i don't celebrate christmas. i celebrate festivus. steve: things to do around the city if you're not celebrating friday. dari: here's tonight's new york minute. minute. >> a million dollar steinway is restored and ready for sale on long island. it was built in 1900 and once bought as a gift by a prussian prince to immortalize his love for his wife. million steinway. this is the only steinway of this nature in the world. dari: you can find out more at sunny's piano >> today is not no soup for you. today soup for you. >> that's larry thomas changing his seinfeld line today because he was helping serve soup to those in need. thomas, in the original soup man company, joined city harvest to donate more than a thousand soups to the holy apostle soup kitchen. >> we're so happy to give back to new york. our soup was born here in new york. we want to spread it nationwide and do stuff like this, help out dari: and that's your new york minute. means a house full of people, who all want to get online. so hurry and get only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. $79.99 a month online, you get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. plus, with a 2-year agreement, fios gives you $400 back, and all the premium movie channels for a year. so go online or call now for this great offer. steve: new york's bravest environmentalist and activist plunged into another polluted waterway. dari: stacey delikat was there as he swam through newtown creek. >> reporter: a 3-1/2 mile nearly three hour swim through one of the most heavily polluted bodies of water in the country can leave you feeling gross. >> this is definitely the worst thing i've done in 20 years. >> reporter: swimmer and clean water advocate christopher swain has plunged into dozens of polluted waters to raise awareness of the need for action, including the gowanus but sewage runoff and toxic oil in the creek was disgusting, especially the smell. >> the smell of chemicals, like cinnamon toast. the fumes from gas and oil. there was some sulphur type of smell. i was ready for the gas and oil. not the visual reminders of sewages i got. >> reporter: this is the site of one of the largest oil spill in united states history. between 17 and 30 million gallons of oil have leaked into the soil from processing facilities. in 2010 the area was granted superfund status by the epa which promised a cleanup. the creek is home to the city's largest wastewater treatment plant which only complicates the cleanup. >> every time you flush a toilet in lower manhattan, that gets piped to the newtown creek wastewater treatment plant. and when it's raining, they can't handle the load. we need to fix that. we need to fix that. >> he collected samples he plans to share. onlookers gave him credit for his dirty work. >> good props for him. who else is going to do that? >> i'm willing to freeze. i'm willing to swim in poop because i think unless someone put themselves on the line, nothing changes. >> reporter: swain's not done with the newtown creek. it has five estuaries. he only swam one of those today. he hopes to come back in january and do the rest. i'm stacey delikat, fox 5 news. dari: 'tis the season of eating and drinking. be sure you celebrate responsibly. steve: the heart problems doctors are seeing even in people with no history of heart trouble this time of year. >> the tradition of festivus begins with the airing of grievances. dari: yes. and lots of new yorkers will not be celebrating christmas on friday. baruch shemtov will show us the things that you can do around >> hey. i want to send christmas greetings to my mom, my children children. i want to say merry christmas we're always looking for ways to enjoy more. so we called time warner cable and got even more than we expected. call now to get more. more speed. like, 300 meg. more tv shows and movies on demand. more places to make more unlimited calls. call now. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg ultra fast internet, hd channels included, and unlimited calling to international destinations. we find more good things every day! more ways to watch more shows. on more wifi connected devices in our house. time warner cable made switching easy with a one hour arrival window. they even made sure all of our connections were up and running before they left. why settle for less, when you can get more! call now. get free installation with a one hour arrival window. and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. steve: in fox 5 health news, holiday cheer, but holiday drinking can spike heart problems. dari: joining us, dr. devi of nyu. good to see you. >> nice to see you. dari: talk about this. what do we need to know? >> we call it holiday heart syndrome. it doesn't happen to everybody. it's not a disease. it's a pattern we see where people have more problems around the holidays with heart abnormalities. the heart has two different parts. there's the structure itself. that's the muscle. there's the wiring. those are the nerves and impulses that keep it going. think about a tv. you have the structure. if you crack the screen, you have a problem with the structure. if you lose the batteries and remote, you have a problem with the electrical system. with the heart, the same thing can happen. alcohol and caffeine actually interfere with the electrical system of the heart. if you have a lot of drinks, you're having a lot of coffee after a lot of drinks and you start to feel like your heart is beat, it could be because of that. if you have any symptoms, like if you feel light-headed or short of breath, if you feel like you're having chest pain, it wants -- it's better to get checked out. steve: it could happen to people who don't normally have problems, but you go weekend warrior mode during the holidays. and it's too much. >> exactly. exactly. when people are having salty foods, some are predisposed to hold on to fluid. dari: you get to a certain age. you think you can do it because you could recover well. steve: that's when you realize you're getting older. [indiscernible - talking over one another] drunk droning. this is a thing. to worry about. or choose to worry about. >> basically people start trying to fly drones at that time. you worry they're going to hit scaring somebody. what if they have a heart attack looking at a drone out of control. steve: don't drink and drone this season. dari: i can't believe we have to worry about that. let's go back to being old and drinking and you can't recover so well. steve: we appreciate it. let's talk about the weather. nick: recovery time is much more difficult now. not that i do it often. but that makes it worse. listen, the weather has been definitely way off the charts. we're talking about more mild weather today. 58 in the city. to the south, it was in the lower and middle 60s. our temperature reading will stay where it's at. it may start rising as the night goes along as the warm front moves along and we get into rain. the heavier rain sliding to the ridgefield, connecticut area, northward to poughkeepsie, and west. look at the bigger picture. as well. come through. coast. eventually this will shut down a bit. tomorrow we'll have the milder forecast with record warmth coming our way. temperatures soar into the lower 70s. 56 poughkeepsie to the city. 58 islip. 52 going into bridgeport. the wind out of the east-northeast, coming to the southeast tonight and to the south and southwest as we go into tomorrow. that's going to pump the temperature right up the scale here. let's look at the big picture. storm center midsection of the country. snow behind it. if you're traveling to the minnesota area to iowa, problems with snow, not for us. the warm front will move north of us. look at the high temperatures as we push 72, 73 here. the record, 63. you can forget that. that's gone. 70s to atlanta down to the gulf coast. here's the cold. minneapolis going back towards the northern rockies. into the 20s there. 40s and 50s for the west coast. that cold air not coming our way. we'll get a little cooler next week. we'll have to watch to see how much the cool air sticks around in the tuesday timeframe. see on the futurecast we'll be seeing clouds breaking for sun tomorrow with a couple of showers around. maybe even a little thunder. we climb into the lower 70s tomorrow. christmas day, sun gives in to clouds. more clouds in the afternoon, mid to late afternoon. a shower late in the day. temperatures will in the mid and upper 60s. cooler for the weekend. we'll have showers coming in, too. 60s in midtown. 50s in the suburbs with temperatures rising a bit as rain continues with fog and the wind out of the south. tomorrow, clouds break for sun. 73 for the new record high. can't rule out a couple of showers. check out the seven-day. that's going to show sun and clouds on christmas at 67. saturday, showers, 53. 65 sunday with more showers. cools down monday. there's the system for tuesday. we'll see how warm it gets. staying in the lower 50s wednesday. steve: thank you. new yorkers who don't celebrate christmas will need something else to do friday. dari: fox 5's baruch shemtov tells us about businesses that are not closing for the holidays. >> reporter: get the party started on christmas eve at the 29th annual matzah ball. christmas day, celebrate at the zoos. if you're craving intellectual stimulation, head over to the museum of mathematics, the 9/11 museum, or the jewish museum, which will all be open. don't forget to give back to those in need. there are plenty of christmas volunteer opportunities listed online on sites including nyc if you want to keep the christmas night party going, lace up your dancing shoes at the bollywood disco. if the this has you stressed, find your inner zen in college point queens, featuring indoor and outdoor facilities for you to indulge. why should people come here on >> spa castle is the only place in new york that you can get a getaway without flying away. have an all inclusive day resort. you get access into seven sauna rooms, indoor and outdoor pools, relaxation lounges, a meditation room and many other amenities. dari: that was baruch shemtov reporting. we will see you here at 10:00. steve: here's christina park with what's coming up at 6:00. >> tonight a look at concussions. the push to figure out their effect on our brains and how to keep kids safe as they play sports. and whatever happened to the people who sparked internet we'll loo meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and as you can see, we need an internet that can do more. we do more games, and more streaming. so we need more speed. that's why we switched to time warner cable. now we can connect more devices, at the same time. hi grandma and grandpa! ha, look at that! [laughs] time warner cable even has an internet plan for us. get 50 meg internet for $39.99 per month and ask about free installation. fact. advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. to treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. it's here, the first gummy multivitamin... ...from centrum. a complete, and tasty way to support... ...your energy... ...immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. christina: hello and good evening. i'm christina park. there. ernie anastos is off tonight. concussions have been a hot topic in this week in america. there are several developments in the research. researchers found that an advanced mri revealed undetected scarring in the brains of soldiers who suffered mild concussions. this suggests mild injuries could lead to long-lasting damage. the government announced it's launching its review of concussions in 2016. a committee will work with professionals in the military, sports and scientific communities to gather and analyze research. from there, a national set of treatment and prevention guidelines could be developed. >> a massive concussion study at boston university will go on without any money from the nfl. the league promised the money to the national institute of health to be used. but the league is refusing to participate because the lead researcher has been critical of the league. all this begs the question how safe is the sport for kids and duke castiglione has a closer

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