Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20160418

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good boy. - [crying] - cooper. [loudly] cooper. where's caroline? - she's with a patient. - which room? - you can't go back there! - caroline! - what are you doing? what's wrong? - he's gone. i just woke up this morning, and he's gone. - cooper? - yeah, he's gone. i checked everywhere. - well, calm down. - the ranch. i'll bet he went back there. - no. he didn't. - and how do you know this? - because i know where he went. - where? - to help the next person. - ah. [birds chirping] - [sighs] - mr. bryant. - is he here? did he come back here? - you mean hank? no, we haven't seen him. come on in. can i get you something to drink? all we got's tea and soda. - i'm okay. - you sure? - [sighs] cooper ran away this morning. - oh, well, maybe he'll come back. he may be waiting for you when you get home. - did you train him to sit and fetch? - no, he came to us already trained. he was obedient right from the start. took to the horses in a snap. - what are you doing with this? what is this? how do you know my family? what is this? - this is your family? - yeah. - well, these are from the trail ride. - what? - we run a trail ride out here. folks come out and pay to ride the trails for a day. bobbie likes to take the pictures. - [mumbles indistinctly] - what's that? - i'm sorry. - mr. bryant? - you want me to make some phone calls before we go? but shouldn't we be doing something to help find him? - no, he's fine. - how come you're not upset? usually when a dog goes missing, you get all weepy-eyed. - she's been acting like that all morning. - [skeptically] hmm. - you guys ready to lock up? - we are if you are. [hopeful guitar music] ♪ - ♪ if i give too much ♪ i strangle each and everything i touch ♪ - baxter! come here, boy! [dog food clattering] baxter? baxter. you old deaf dog, you scared me. [dog barks] [dog yelping] [dog whines] cooper. what are you doing here? you okay? where's jake? how did you get here? come on, boy. [water rushing] [pensive guitar music] ♪ - [humming melodically] ♪ october sky above me ♪ shuddering ground beneath my feet ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets the feeling like i can't compete ♪ ♪ ♪ there's the scent of autumn burning ♪ ♪ an ache of something wrong ♪ a dark unsettled feeling that i'm too far gone ♪ ♪ still restless, still waiting ♪ ♪ still the spirit flies ♪ it's love that never dies ♪ ♪ ♪ when your dreams have lost their meaning ♪ ♪ and hope has lost its way ♪ ♪ and the platitude... - i'm gonna be all right. ♪ - ♪ still there's an elemental fervor ♪ ♪ a silence to respect ♪ a principle of faith we would die to protect ♪ ♪ still restless still waiting ♪ - jake! - what are you doing here? - looking for you. - where did you find him? - he came to me. - what? - i don't know. he just showed up on my doorstep. i thought he was gonna go to the girl-- you remember, the woman from the park--but he didn't. he came to me instead. - what woman from the park? - the one who looked ill. - oh, he must've followed your scent. - [groans] - what? - do you really believe that? - [sighs] caroline... he's a normal dog. he's not a miracle. come on, let's go. come on, cooper. cooper. - come on. come on. [sighs] come on. [smooching] [car dinging] - [scoffs] - [sighs] - he came to you. - he just showed up on my doorstep. - [sighs] what does that mean? come on, cooper. [pats leg] come on, buddy. it's okay. it's okay, buddy. - are you okay? - yeah, i'm okay. [pats dog] act® advanced with plaque guard™ helps prevent plaque and gingivitis, kills 99% of bacteria for a 12 hour shield of protection. act® advanced. act® advanced. my congestion's out of my way strong. allegra-d®. a fast non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. breathing free for 24 hours strong. allegra-d®. breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully she uses act® restoring™ mouthwash. it restores minerals to enamel for 40% stronger teeth. act®. smile strong. act®. smile strong. - so you stole the man's dog. nice. - i didn't steal his dog. - doc, you are never gonna find a boyfriend, are you? aren't you gonna say, "love stinks. you don't need a man to make your life complete"? ♪ buh-ba-buh-ba-ba-ba nothing? hmm. interesting. [bittersweet piano music] ♪ - ♪ this old house has so much silver ♪ ♪ i can't escape from my fate ♪ ♪ i called down the hallway ♪ and my voice just echoes in space ♪ ♪ but i always stayed with you, didn't i ♪ ♪ while the others they came and left ♪ ♪ but now you know my soul yearns for you ♪ ♪ with each and every breath ♪ ♪ this old house has so much gold ♪ - hey, jake, it's caroline, and i was going to take cooper to the park today. and i just thought that uh, uh... maybe you'd like to see cooper. so...give me a call. - doc, just a bit of advice. - stop it. - no, i will not. when you leave a voice mail-- yeah, you say, "call me back," and then give your name and number. 'cause this is how we do it. right, pretty boy? - so i rambled. - well, you know, maybe just a little bit. - where is he, cooper? he never even returned my message. [sighs] should i call him again? [dog whines] - i'm gonna take that as a "no." - ♪ but i always stayed with you, didn't i ♪ ♪ while the others they came and left ♪ [knocking at door] ♪ you know my heart yearns for you ♪ [knocking] ♪ - [crying] look at me. this is ridiculous. - new puppy in exam two. height and weight look good. blood work came back normal. your hair's on fire. anyone? hello? - yeah. - you okay? - he decided to move on. - the dog? - no, the guy. - oh. and you're just gonna-- - we weren't in a relationship or anything. - well, maybe not, but it's the closest thing to a relationship i've ever seen you in. - you sure the blood work was good? - yeah. - hey. - hey. - who's this? - this is hank. hank, jr. - after the country singer? - [chuckles] - hi, hank, jr. oh, he's adorable. i went by your place. - oh, yeah, i moved. hank and i got a place just outside the city. you know, fresh start. - i could use one of those. - how's cooper? - he's great. - are you doing anything after work today? - no, you should come by and see him. - well, actually, i was thinking maybe you and i could grab a cup of coffee or...something. - you and i? - mm-hmm. - coffee? like, alone? - yeah. - okay. we'll take it slow. - what? - the coffee. we'll sip it...slowly. 'cause it's hot. - uh...yeah. so i'll just pick you up here, then, later. - okay. great. - all right, bye. [lilting harmonica music] ♪ - ♪ maybe we got to shine on ♪ we're headed up out of the woods ♪ ♪ yeah, we got to shine on ♪ we ain't no damaged goods [lively instrumental music] ♪ ♪ baby, we got to shine on ♪ we finally took away the rust ♪ ♪ we got chrome fenders ♪ underneath the rust ♪ ♪ sometimes it takes a good rain ♪ ♪ to drag yourself inside ♪ but some things you can't explain ♪ ♪ so you do your best to believe in your own lies ♪ - don't you want to hold on to that? - oh, no. we've held on to that long enough. - care to join me? hey! - [laughs] - you have to eat on the floor. it's a tradition. cooper and i started it. hank, however, i don't think has grasped the tradition, have you? go on. eat your food. - [chuckles] he'll get it eventually. cooper! baxter, your food's right there. cooper? cooper? hmm. well... [sighs] i guess that's that. i guess it was time for him to move on. [cat purring] yeah. - doc, i made this for you in case you change your mind. - nita, i explained to you, he's not missing. he's moved on. - but what if he's hurt or something? - nita, let it go. we got to trust the doc on this one. - give it to me, okay? i'll think about it. [chuckles] - let me have some of that. - [laughs] [lilting harmonica music] ♪ - ♪ maybe we got to shine on ♪ we're headed up out of the woods ♪ ♪ yeah, we got to shine on ♪ we ain't no damage goods [lively instrumental music] ♪ ♪ baby, we got to shine on ♪ we finally took away the rust ♪ ♪ we got chrome fenders ♪ underneath the rust ♪ 'cause sometimes it takes a good rain ♪ ♪ to drag yourself inside ♪ 'cause some things you can't explain ♪ ♪ so you do your best to believe in your own lies ♪ ♪ ♪ baby, we got to shine on ♪ just like the moon on the waves ♪ ♪ baby we got to shine on ♪ now, ain't we both been saved ♪ ♪ and sometimes it takes a good rain ♪ ♪ to drag yourself inside ♪ and some things you can't explain ♪ ♪ so you do your best to believe in your own lies ♪ ♪ ♪ baby, we got to shine on ♪ we're headed up out of the woods ♪ ♪ yeah, we got to shine on ♪ we ain't no damaged goods ♪ good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." an aviation safety expert warns we're going to see more of this. a drone hitting a british airways jet coming in for a landing in london. there were no injuries or damage. this time. we have the full story ahead. >> ecuador's president has declared a national state of emergency following that devastating earthquake over the weekend. more than 270 people have died. the toll is expected to rise since so many are still missing. more than 30,000 runners will take part today in the 120th running of the boston marathon. it's been three years since the bombing at the race. there will be about 5,000 police officers along the course to ensure safety. >> and if you haven't filed your taxes yet, you've got less than 24 hours. the irs expected 5 million returns just today alone. millions of requests for extensions, as well. taxpayers in maine and massachusetts get one more day. those are your top stories on then monday, april 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we are a nation of procrastinators. >> everybody's filing at the last minute it sounds liking. >, of course. we're going to get started with the alarming aviation news. a british airways pilot reports his jet was hit by a drone as he was coming in for a landing in london. >> while there were no injuries or damage this time, experts it's just a matter of time before something worse happens. abc's gloria riviera has more. >> reporter: a collision on final approach. a british airways flight, about to land at london's heathrow airport, when the pilot reported he may have been hit by a drone. saying the object struck the front of the airbus jet. the flight with 132 people on board, landing safely. the airline saying in a statement, "safety and security are always our first priority and we will give the police every assistance with their investigation." if it is confirmed, it would be the first known drone collision with a commercial aircraft. but close calls are on the rise. >> for your information, we've had two reports of a drone at 900 feet to the left-hand side of the approach. >> i see three drones above the little village which was about two and a half miles out. >> you can see three drones. >> reporter: experts warning with the growing popularity of unmanned aircraft, there is a serious potential for disaster. >> sooner or later, we're going to lose an airplane due to a drone collision. >> reporter: while this object hit the front of the plane, this simulation from researchers at virginia tech's crash lab shows how a drone could destroy a jetliner's engine in just seconds. despite laws banning drone flights within five miles of airports, the faa reports an average of 25 drone incidents every month. and there's no reason to think that number will decline. the plane hit has been examined and it is cleared to fly. police are investigating what object hit the plane and if it was a drone, who was operating it. gloria riviera, abc news, washington. the pentagon is calling a move unstay of and unprofessional. a russian warplane doing a barrel roll over a u.s. reconnaissance plane flying over the baltic sea just days after russian fighter jets buzzed a u.s. navy destroyer in the baltic sea, as well. one of the jets got within 30 feet of that vessel. the president of brazil is one step closer to impeachment. the lower house of government has voted to open impeachment proceedings against president dilma rousseff accused of using shady counting to maintain government spend package she said past presidents did the same thing. the political scene in the united states is focused on new york state ahead of tomorrow's primary showdowns. all hopefuls have events across the empire state. the weekend had no shortage of barbs between the candidates. abc's mary bruce reports. >> reporter: donald trump is riding a huge lead into his home state's primary on tuesday. >> and we're going to have a landslide victory. >> reporter: on the stump, he was looking way past new york hammering his theme that the republican convention is rigged against him. >> you're going to have a very, very upset and angry group of people. i hope it doesn't involve violence. >> reporter: then training his sights on hillary clinton. >> crooked hillary. she's been crooked from the beginning and to think she has a shot at being our president. >> reporter: and trump is drawing some vintage scorn from old nemesis rosie o'donnell. >> he's not even qualified to run a game show. >> reporter: a trump sweep of all 95 new york delegates would officially block ted cruz from winning the nomination with bound delegates before the july convention. hillary clinton was feeling good enough about her new york prospects that she busted a move sunday at a campaign stop with a ten-point lead over bernie sanders, clinton took on trump. >> and i said to trump last summer, basta. enough. you stop with the hate-filled rhetoric. you are not going to divide this country. >> how are you? >> bernie sanders was on his hometown brooklyn turf hoping the old neighborhood woo help him pull off an upset. >> let's have a record-breaking turnout on tuesday. >> reporter: clinton hopes a win in new yorking will snap her streak of six losses to sanders. mary bruce, abc news, washington. today many will be watching the premium court very closely as it hears a major immigration case which could provide legal status for millions of people. abc's serena marshall has more on what's at stake. >> reporter: this is a case that will decide two important issues. the fate of more than 4 million people living in the shadows in the united states and whether a president has the right to the act alone when congress does not act. as president barack obama's executive action on immigration comes before the supreme court later this morning. at risk, whether the president can direct the department of homeland security to only go after criminals and recent arrivals. instead of as they say tearing families apart. offering kids who arrived prior to 2014 an undocumented parents of american citizens the right to stay in the u.s. without fear of deportation. obama took executive action after the house and senate decided not to pass immigration reform. texas led the way filing suit to stop the action and was joined by 25 other states. the administration remains confident even with an eight-justice court they will win this case based on whether the states even have the right to sue the federal government. justices roberts and kennedy the most likely to tip the balance. the justices will hear 90 minutes of arguments with a ruling expected in late june. serena marshall, abc news, washington. this morning, one maryland firefighter is dead another wounded allegedly shot by a man they were trying to help. the alleged shooter reportedly thought someone was breaking into his suburban washington home. the man's brother had called 911 when he was unable to reach his diabetic brother. the brother was also wounded. no charges have been filed. we have dramatic video of a woman being saved from an apparent suicide attempt. a chattanooga police officer noticed her sitting on the side of the bridge. she then stands up, faces the river and apparently says i'm done. that's when he runs over, grabs an the back of her shirt and pants and pulls her from the railing back to safety. johnny depp's wife has avoided jail time in australia after entering a guilty plea this court. they were met outside court in sydney by a tlochk photographers. amber heard pleaded guilty to providing a false immigration document. this is all in connectioning with allegedly smuggling the couple's dogs into australia. she was sentenced to what amounts to one month's probation. >> golden stay warrior superstar steph curry and president obama are apparently on the same team when it comes to monitoring. >> this is a new psa for my brother's keeper. we see the president giving curry advice about his resume. they also play a game of connect four with president obama pulling out a victory and doing his best impression of curry's dance move. i think the president went a little bit too far there. >> he may have. let's see. >> you got to have your elbow in a little bit. all right? release. make sure it's on your fingertips. >> maybe i should shoot lefty. >> you can try that. >> one shot at this. >> i don't know if steph curry needs many lessons in how to shoot a basketball. >> maybe in connect four he does. they do explode a volcano, as well in the video. >> got the dance down. >> it's all about monitoring. very cool. come up, a day at the ballpark lands another fan in the hospital. why friday night's line drive ball is raising new questions about how effective that additional safety netting in stadiums really is. >> and in says you missed it, saturday was national record store day. what's driving the multigenerational fascination with ditching digital and going old school? >> first, let's celebrate national animal crackers day today. this monday. >> did you bring me some? >> no. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by american visors group. this kid makes stains like crazy so we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in 1/2 the time introducing new k-y for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. well, the coast guard doesn't just rescue people from the ocean but also inland, as well. such as this kayaker who had plunged 80 feet down a water fall. this is in washington state. local rescue workers couldn't get account man out. the coast guard aviation survival technicians went down from a helicopter, then flew the injured german man to a hospital in portland. >> now to a fan injured during america's favorite pasttime. he was injured at the ballpark. >> yet another baseball fan has been smacked in the head by a line drive foul ball. this was time at the tampa bay game landing her in the hospital. it's raising new questions about those safety nets they put in the stands. here's abc's ron claiborne. >> look out. >> reporter: that screaming line drew drive foul ball went streaking into the stands striking a fan in the head. the rays an batter steven souza junior racing over to collect on the fan assley is taken away on a stretcher. >> people are more important than that game and that woman's health is more important. >> reporter: the fan remains hospitalized in stable condition. it turns out the foul ball that hit her shot through this narrow gap between two poles holding up netting meant to protect people in the stands. over the winter all 30 ballparks including here at yankee stadium added additional protector screening for fans at the urging of major league baseball after a rash of injuries to fans by foul balls and broken bats. by one estimate, more than 1700 injuries occur every year from batted balls. this red sox fan was struck at fenway park last year. >> the fact i got hit between the eyes kind of reflects that i couldn't have been looking more flushly at what was going on. >> reporter: that gap in the protective screen in tampa the ball slipped through hitting that fan. it has been closed off with more netting. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. the ball apparently squeezed through a tiny gap the size of 18 1/2 baseballs in an area designated for photographers. >> you have to there some of these balls are going 96 miles an hour plus. frightening. >> reviving the record. >> we're talking about vinyl and the new resurgence it's enjoying. why so many people are ditching digital and going old school, next. >> announc " ♪ >> forever i used to say right now baby. oh. so spinning sus right round right back into the '70s is a record turn around that's turning millions of music fans back on to vinyl. >> the latest sales numbers came in just in time for this year's annual and you national record store day which millions of vinyl fans celebrated over the weekend. joining us to tell us about it our resident music expert bruno del granato. good morning. >> reporter: hey, dianne and kendis. call it a love of knot nostalgia or new appreciation for the warmer sound of vinyl. nearly four decades after the lp was declared dead, vinyl sales show no signs of slowing down their ten-year climb. ♪ the earliest records were actually wax and metal cylinders dating back to the 1870s. then in 1930, rca launched the first commercially available vinyl long playing disk. ♪ >> holding up to a half hour of music on each side. the advent of final also ushered in a whole new world of high fidelity. we're the sultans of swing ♪ >> reporter: smaller grooves and slower playing speeds translated into a musical accuracy rivaled only by live performances. ♪ but the death knell for vinyl came in the early '90s with the cd. ♪ oh things ain't what they used to be ♪ >> which was virtually indestructible and offered perfect sound reproduction. just a few years later, the mp3 file pulled music from the world of the physical and tactile into the nanoworld of microchips and digit did pulses. digital pulses but it wasn't just records that suffered from the digital revolution. the other casualty was the record store. it wasn't just where we bought records. it was a social experience. >> my name's anna. >> my name's dick. >> reporter: national record day store founder kerry explains you can have a shared group experience with a record that you can't have with ear buds in your ears. humans, she says, don't want to be individually connected to machines all the time. but could that explain the world's renewed love fair with vinyl? audiophiles have long argued that music on vinyl has a warmer more pleasesing sound to human ears. listen to this youtube demonstration by q vinyl. david bowie on vinyl. ♪ much too fast to take that test of ♪ ♪ turn and face the strange changes ♪ >> reporter: and on cd. but could it be that the younger generation with an ocean of digital tracks as the their fingertips are rediscovering the multisensual music experience of their parents, the tactile feel of the record in their hands, lowering the needle into the groove, the album art, regardless of the reasons, the numbers don't lie. since 1993, there's been a gradual resurgence in vinyl. with sales really taking off over the past five years. of course, vinyl still has quite a long way to go to reach its peak sales levels of the late '70s. but most surprising is who is behind these numbers. consumer research group music watch says some 54% of vinyl customers today are 35 years old or younger. not even alive during vinyl's heyday. and the two largest vinyl retailers today, amazon and urban outfitters. so what does this mean for record stores on this year's national record store day? some 1400 independent record stores in the u.s. and abroad will take part in celebrations. spearhead bid this year's ambassador, heavy metal band metal ca. but as much as national record store day serves as a cultural touch zone, organizers say it is about marketing the idea of owning your own music. and not streaming it. kendis, diane, back to you. >> all right. >> our thanks to bruno there in miami. should we get the jam session going. >> looks like you were celebrating today. >> we're celebrating. a little mj. this is my own personal. >> i had one of these when i was a kid. >> straw examinerry short cake was on it. >> very cute. we were talking about crossley. this is one i bought from urban outfitters. last year they sold more than a million record players. this really has come back. >> my best friend was a deejay. much as we love vinyl, carrying crates and crates of records versus showing up with some mp3s which take up no space at all. >> this is my record collection so far. >> i got to tell you, beyonce is not the same on record. >> i didn't know you had that on record. >> i like the motown classics. >> that is kind of nice. >> i thought it said please do not touch on the post-it. >> got it all over the place there. >> it's good when you keep your records -- this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. illuminates skin with pearl optics science. your concert style might show your age, your skin never will. with olay you age less, so you're ageless. olay. ageless. (sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. i can't help but notice there's this is strange odor today. man is forbidden! mowgli. >> our parent company's disney's jungle book reboot roared to the top of the box office this weekend. taking in a whopping $104 million. >> got to check that one out. >> wow. >> made me jump back in my seat, just na one scene. rounding out the weekend's top three in second place for its debut weekend, barber shop the next cut took in just over $20 million and dropping into third place melissa mccarthy's the boss took in just over $10 million. >> there are three words, just three little words we're talking about. for so many kids, they're the three hardest to say. >> not for one particularly brave fourth grader from alabama using those three words to change minds and hearts about autism. here's abc's john done ran van. >> for most kids it takes courage to say i'm different. kudos to this fourth grader for the thing she said the other day at a school assembly in three words. >> you i have autism. >> reporter: a fact about herself that she has decided to share five years after her mom and dad were first told the diagnosis. i and like you she said but also different. >> i sometimes flap my hands when i get excited or overwhelmed. i don't always make eye contact when i -- and i don't always know when someone is being serious or joking. >> reporter: publicizing a condition that under today's quite expansive definition of autism includes girls like her but that also includes individual hozzle never speak at all. children and adults. >> people with autism have brains that work so hard and process so much so fast that they cannot even walk or talk. >> reporter: but here's what she said she wants for all of them and for herself, too. to be accepted and to belong pap. >> to be able to share that with her friends and be learning with her friends as she goes along is incredible for all of them. >> reporter: care ral calls autism her super power. she is super strong and we won't be surprised some day to see her soar. john donvan, abc news. >> very cool. very proud. >> what a great blessage she's sending. she is more self-aware than most adults i know. >> very smart young lady. >> that's the news for this half hour. >> follow us on facebook at we'll see you there. this morning on "world news now," the final push for an empire's worth of delegates. >> the new york primary is just a day away. all the candidates are on the ground hoping to corner some last minute votes as donald trump continues to speak out against the way the gop makes its picks. >> a desperate search under way for survivors in the rubble of the earthquake in ecuador. the death toll in the hundreds and continuing to climb. as our reporter meets the infant pulled from the rubble last week in japan. and the owner of this car was shocked to see this video. that's because the person behind the wheel is actually his mechanic apparently stretching the limits of the term test drive. we'll have some tips on what you can look out for. >> uh-oh. and walking red. the global movement of ginger pride redheads taking to the streets to take a stand against bullying and celebrating at amber locks that make them so unique. there's no parting this sea of red on this monday, april 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everyone. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. thanks for being here with us on this monday. >> happy monday to everyone. let's get started with the candidates for president all very much in a new york state of mind. >> of course, just one day before the new york primaries and all five presidential candidates are seeking votes across the state today. the democrats are trading jabs about big money in politics and republican donald trump is railing against his party's nominating process. >> it's your voice, your vote. we begin with abc's gloria riviera. >> the candidates for president bringing the battle back to new york. >> how are you? >> reporter: bernie sanders in the shadow of the brooklyn bridge taking his case straight to the people. the brooklyn native smiling for selfies. as hillary clinton be spent her afternoon dancing at a block party in manhattan. >> i'm so happy to be here in the heights with all of you. >> reporter: both candidates presenting a fun face on a race that's getting more heated. >> she has received $15 million in the last reporting period from wall street alone. >> reporter: on abc's "this week," he hit 8 at clinton's campaign finances. clinton firing back saying her fund-raisers do something his do not. >> i am raising money to elect other democrats. i'm a democrats. i want to see us take back the senate. >> reporter: even her supporter george clooney came out to defend big money events like the ones he held for her this weekend. >> the overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising is not going to hillary to run for president. it's going to the ticket, it's going to the congressman and senators to try to take back congress. >> reporter: donald trump also courting new york voters and defending his comments saying the republican party could be in for a rough july at the convention. >> you're going to have a very, very upset and angry group of people. i hope it doesn't involve violence. >> reporter: trump's rival ted cruz notched another win saturday in weening. now the trump campaign is threatening to file protests in several states. but john kasich says it's time for the front runner to stop complaining. > i mean, come on. act like you know, like you're a professional. be a pro. >> reporter: gloria riviera, abc news, washington. and her report mentioned ted cruz's weekend victory in wyoming. >> donald trump in the meantime and one of his top aides say their campaign actually didn't contest wyoming at all because they didn't want to waste money buying delegates. abc's jonathan carl now with some convention delegate math synergy trump can clinching this nomination before the convention but needs to go on a roll. he needs 481 more dels. that's about 63% of those remaining. here's how he can get there. first of all you mentioned new york. over the next nine days, all these contests in the northeast. this is trump's backyard. he's expected 0 win. he's going to need to win big in all those states. because then the month of may, the contest moves 8 west. pacific northwest, nebraska, not area that is necessarily trump's strength. most important state in may is the month of indiana. he's going to need to do better than expected in may because you no matter what, we are headed to the last day of voting. june 7th, several states including most importantly the state of california. 172 delegates. if trump is going to win this, even if he's going on a roll between now and then, he's going to need a big win in california. jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> jon karl, thanks so much for that. today the eight justices on the supreme court hear arguments in a major immigration case. at issue is president boll's plan to shield more than 4 million people here illegally from deportation. texas and 25 other states have sued to block the plan and so far, lower courts have sided with them. but texas still has to prove that it has the right to sue in the first place. >> there's been yet another buzzing incident by a russian jet. this time a u.s. reconnaissance be plane was flying over the baltic sea. the pentagon calls the russians barrel roll over the jet unsafe and unprofessional. of course, this happened just days after russian fighter jets buzzed a u.s. navy destroyer. there were more than 30 passes over the "uss donald cook" within 30 feet. >> now to the quake devastation on both sides of the pacific ocean in japan and kek wa door where much needed aid is finally arriving. leaders of other south american countries are promising to send rescue workers to the quake zone and the u.s. military is preparing to help in the wake of the deadly quake in japan, as well. here's abc's mut gutman. >> reporter: the third massive quake, the strongest yet, leaving shoppers screaming, products tumbling off the shelves, and then darkness. the epicenter of this powerful 7.8 magnitude quake just 110 miles west of ecuador's capital. its president saying today hundreds are dead. this man using his hands to dig into a mountain of bricks. he tells us, three are alive and a girl is dead. experts warning the united states is also in danger. >> we're all on the ring of fire. this is a very active part of the earth, and 80s reminder that this is a hazard that we face. >> reporter: across the pacific, a spasm of hundreds of earthquakes and aftershocks killing dozens. most of the dead in the town of mashiki. at this one on friday, rescuers gently delivered this 9-month-old baby girl from death's grip. that rescue, the one bright spot amid the grim task of recovery. in that same neighborhood, we found these rescuers. this crew is checking out the hardest-hit homes, and one house in particular they want to hit, is the one where that 9-month-old baby girl was rescued from. they want to make sure that nobody's still in there. minutes later, they found it. so this rescue crew finally found the house where they rescued that girl just a couple days ago. when you look at this house, it's incredible that anyone was able to survive. then, a man approached. he said he was the baby's grandfather. her name, baby miku. rescued. >> rescued, exactly. >> rescued. >> thank god, right? wow. he then tells us we can meet her, hopping in the only possession he has left. hi, sweet girl. and she was right there when we walked up to the shelter. all cheeks and completely unscathed. >> miku's family told me that they lost everything in the quake but also that they found the most important thing, their family. >> but the recovery has been hampered by hundreds of after shocks and the fear another massive one could come any time. mat gutman. >> thanks, matt for that report. back here at home, more than a dozen people injured in a city bus crash in las vegas. police and bus passengers say a pickup truck ran a red light and rammed the side of the bus. one of the passengers in the truck was taken to the hospital in critical condition. she had not been wearing a seat belt. police say the driver of the pickup showed no signs of impairment and suffered only minor injuries. >> today is is patriots' day. that means a couple things. one a late morning start for the red sox game at fenway park and the boston marathon. >> more than 30,000 runners will take part in the race's 120th edition. many of them carb loading at big pasta dinners across the boston area yesterday. >> i did that part with them, too. >> except not the run? >> right, exactly. this is the third anniversary of the boston marathon bomb. there will be about 5,000 police officers along the 26.2 mile course. organizers are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first woman to complete the race. >> you know mark wahlberg is a local in the boston area. he was there over the weekend. surprised some of the runners because he's in boston shooting a movie called "patriot's day." that movie coming out in december. >> i went to boston college. this was a huge event. all of those years. brings back many, many fond memories. >> you've never done the marathon itself? >> see, my cousin ran it once. i did sort of jump in and i ran with him for a short distance for moral support. but i was kind of wearing jins and pig tails and a bandana around my head. you heard people comment someone was run flth marathon in jeans. before i jumped back out on sought lines where i belonged. in a way i ran in the marathon. >> you did the carb loading and did you five blocks. >> marathon runner right here. coming up, the incredible moment when a daev child hears music for the first time. >> first the playoffs. the basketball playoffs that is are under way. the chance for one of the best teams ever to take its crown. but can the warriors stay healthy all the way through the finals. >> later the guy taking somebody else's car for a spin when he probably shouldn't have and why the dashcam video got him in hot water. >> you can find us on facebook, twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." oh my goodness! happy birthday! oh, you. (laughing) this was a wonderful surprise. you know, at our age, not all surprises can be this good. you're not kidding. (female #1) remember peggy's surprise last month when frank died? so sudden; all the funeral expenses. they were not prepared. well, i'm not going to burden my family with my final expenses. -huh? -i called about the colonial penn program this morning. i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, call about the colonial penn program now. your acceptance is guaranteed. coverage options for this plan start at $9.95 a month for women and men age 50 to 85. that's about 35 cents a day. and your acceptance is guaranteed. you can't be turned down for any medical reason. no health questions, no medical exam. once you're covered, your rate will never increase. it's locked in for life, guaranteed. (female #1) so, what are you waiting for? you're right, i'm not getting any younger. i'm calling about the colonial penn program today. after this last piece of cake. 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"wor ew ♪ ♪ come on and take a free ride. ♪ >> everybody likes a free ride, right. >> everybody does. >> especially on a monday morning unless you're the one paying for it. then it's not so much fun. >> then it's not fun at all. most of us think nothing of actually dropping off our keys at the mechanic and having our car get fixed or dropping it off with the valet. but do you know what happens after you do so. >> here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: a mechanic's joy ride caught on camera. >> this is going to be fun. >> reporter: the owner of this audi shocked to find this dashcam video after he picked up his car from the shop. according to the owner, this is a worker at the palo alto audi dealership cruising along hitting 87 miles per hour and blasting the radio. when the owner discovered the video, he posted right on the dealer's facebook page accusing its staff of abusing a car while it was supposed to be serviced. shaman on you. >> whenever you're handing over the keys you've got to be careful. >> reporter: but it can be more than just a joy ride like the one from fairy buhler when you hand over the keys to your car to a virtual stranger. >> driving is not unusual. i'm talking about full throttle acsellation, heavy braking, hard cornering. >> reporter: on then "20/20" experiment we dropped off a tesla at the hotel valet and within minutes hidden cameras captured workers rivaling through the car even lifting a $20 bill. there are ways to protect your car when you are not behind the wheel. >> if you've got a valet key, use it so they don't have access to anything that you might have stored. >> reporter: and apparently your car can be a risk even in a parking facility. 2012, the orlando abc news affiliate wftv dropped off this red corvette with a long-term parking company, a gps racker hidden in the trunk. the station's cameras and chopper capturing a string of joy rides including this white knuckle u turn. >> you can add a discreet dashcam to your car. >> documenting every move your car makes can be installed for as little as $40. for this palo alto driver, it was the only proof of a mechanic's wild ride. eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. one tip how to protect yourself. they say always tell the valet you need the car back shortly. >> oh. everyone loves how they feel in dark clothes. and to keep those darks from fading... there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks. ♪ approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some 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course, we have some famous gingers that include prince harry, ed sheeran and, of course, the world famous carrottop. >> really? >> that's what comes to mind. >> julianne moore. >> some day. if you wanted to list of the c list actors. >> more adorableness on the way. get ready for this one. 2-year-old ezra somnitz. he you can tell is very entertained by his new recorder. this is the first time he's playing some music. >> so why is it a big deal. >> ezra is completely deaf but his mother says he just is kind of blown away by the power of the instrument. you can kind of feel the vibrations in that. >> so he can't hear it but he can feel it. >> it's one of his new favorite things. and she says they're very proud of him not trying to make him different. they just want him to be proud of being deaf and embrace it all. it seems like he's doing just that. i love his little laugh. >> it's great. we have another kid. this one is pretty cute, as well. take a look and listen to what he had to say here. >> i don't know. >> was it you? >> no. >> who was it. he's saying batman did it. he got caught scribbling with his mom's lipstick all over the mirror. it's like he'll just blame batman. >> mom seems to be buying it. she seems to be. >> no doubt. >> there's a flu meme out in japan. remember the hot dogs or legs. a bunch of photos where it's lard to tell what's in one and what's in the other. now it's baby or bread. one of these pictures is a chubby baby arm and the other is a loaf of bread. it's hard to tell which ones. >> the one with the wrapping. > they're making it easy for us. this set of parents in japan started to taking to twitter and sharing photos. some of them are difficult to tell. awesome. the #is my baby's got this morning on "world news now," rescuers are searching for survivors in the aftermath of the earthquake in ecuador as crews in japan try to make some rescues of their own after getting hit again. >> severe flooding threatening a large swathe of this country. heavy rain set to stick around for several days. as residents across the midwest and south are on the watch for the possibility of tornadoes. the forecast coming up. >> new this half hour, a massive fire is darkening the skies over l.a. >> the junkyard inferno blanketing entire sections of the city in smoke. the investigation into how this started. and we have some breaking news about beyonce. queen b released a full length trailer of her mysterious project called "is lemonade." and it seems to raise more questions than it answers. we have the full story ahead in "the skinny" on then april 18th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> april 18th. tax day. >> it is tax day. a reminder for you all. good morning. it is monday. i looked at that entire beyonce clip a couple times. >> still confused. >> still confused. the only thing i can decipher is i know definitively she's coming out with a new line of beverage called lemonade. that's what i think it is. >> i'm not sure you're right on that one. we'll have to dig more into this a little later in the show. we'll look further into it. >> shifting gears we begin two major earthquakes devastating two different countries days apart. we have new images in overnight from the powerful earthquake in ecuad ecuador. collapsed highways look like they were completely thrown around. the death toll rising past 270. >> in asia, in japan, some hard to reach areas have been cut off from aid because of lands slides becaused by the quakes over there. we will go to abc's joohee cho. >> reporter: sirens in the streets. chaos in the stores. video capturing the moments a massive 7.8 earthquake rocked ecuador knocking products off the shelves. and sending customers scrambling for the exits. the warning sirens blaring, the devastation heartbreaking. houses and apartment buildings crumbling to the ground. the tremors flattening this overpass crushing cars beneath. the rescue starting in the dark. the government already confirming hundreds of people killed. this marks the third quake in three days along the so-called ring of fire. the area along the pacific basin where a series of tectonic plates move causing most of the world's earthquakes. in southern japan, two strong quakes followed by hundreds of aftershocks shattered entire neighborhoods and triggered massive mud slides. now rescue teams are racing against the clock still searching for any survivors trapped in the rubble. the united states now jumping the united states now jumping in to help. the marines sending four osprey helicopters. people are hoping for more scenes like this. a 9-month-old baby pulled out of a collapsed home friday. our own matt gutman caught up with the family of baby miku. >> this is the miracle baby. >> reporter: the little girl entirely unhurt. they are now one of thousands of families left homeless living in shelters. joohee cho, abc news, fukuoko, japan. >> and back to the situation in ecuador where the desperate search for survivors continues at this hour. police tweeting out a photo of a mother and daughter rescued with the headline good news. on stand by to help with rescues like this is a team of specialized los angeles county firefighters. >> there are new worries this morning about drones and aviation safety. it appears a drone collided with a british airways flight coming in for landing at heathrow airport. if so, it's the first incident of this kind involving a major airline. there were no injuries on board nor did the plane sustain any damage. but british authorities are investigating. >> let's move onto the presidential race. the candidates making their final push ahead after tomorrow's new york primaries. all of them have events today across the empire state. on the democratic side, bernie sanders' campaign says he drew his largest crowd yet. they claim more than 28,000 people to a rally yesterday in brooklyn. sanders continued attacking hillary clinton for her links to big money contributors. for her part, clinton did some, i think that's some dancing at a street fair. this is in manhattan. earlier on abc's "this week," clinton responded to being attacked and being called crooked by donald trump. >> he can say whatever he wants to say about me. i really could care less. i'm going to stay focused on the issues because there are -- >> clinton also said his insults are hurting american unity at home and defended herself against sanders' big money attacks saying she was raising a lot of cash for democrats in general. on the republican side, donald trump has a strong lead in the latest polls at appearances yesterday, trump continued attacking what he called the corrupt republican delegate system which he says might result in violence at the party's convention this summer in cleveland. trump says he didn't contest saturday's voting in wyoming because he didn't want to spend money buying delegates. ted cruz picked up all four available delegates in wyoming. he will be on good morning for a live town hall this morning. >> a live flash flood watch in texas this morning with some areas seeing up to six inches of rain. it will dump a month's worth of rain on the central plains. that's not the only extreme weather affecting the heartland. here's abc's phillip mena with more. >> reporter: relentless rain in texas and oklahoma. three to six inches falling in some areas triggering flash flooding. west of fort worth, the driver of that red car had to be rescued from a flooded road. a lightning strike believed to have sparked this oil tank fire south of dallas. and for the first time in three seasons, a texas rangers home game was rained out. for two days this massive storm system hovering over the heartland. bringing tornadoes and whiteout conditions. forcing the cancellation of nearly 450 flights at dallas fort worth and another 850 at denver international. more than a foot falling there. and in nearby pine cliff, a whoching -- whopping 50 inches. the blinding storm causing multiple wrecks along interstate 670. and a new danger for drivers. deeply flooded roadways. >> here in dallas, they're bracing for more torrential rains and all that water will cause the trinity river to flood its banks. phillip mena, abc news, dallas. >> and a bad situation only getting worse as we mentioned. it will be awhile before the rain stops. >> let's get the full forecast from accuweather's paul williams. good morning, paul. >> good morning to you, as well, diane, kendis. soaking rain, basically soaking the central part of the country all the way up towards the dakotas and to kansas city, oklahoma city, dallas, where we're expecting thunderstorms with a chance of isolated tornadoes and soaking rain along the coast. san antonio over towards houston. and then not only then but we expected the wet weather continuing going into wednesday. the low will be blocked by this high pressure system keeping waves of soaking rain in the middle. kendis, diane. >> thank you. washington state police are looking for brothers they say are armed and dangerous. john and tony reed are suspected of murdering a married couple who haven't been seen in nearly a week. police say surveillance video puts the brothers near the couple's vehicles which were dumped in a wooded area and they may have had some prior disputes over property. >> the palm beach zoo reopens for the first time since a zookeeper was kilds which a tiger. 38-year-old stacy konwiser was attacked on friday by a malaysian tiger that was familiar with her. she was working behind the scenes in a closed area where the tiger sleeps when the attack took place. the tiger has now been put down. >> there has never been blame nor will there ever be blame assigned to the wild malaysian tiger involved in this deadly incident. >> her coworkers call konwiser the tiger whisperer for her work with the animals. her husband is also a keeper at that zoo and he says, quoting here, human beings and animals lost a wonderful friend." >> a top government health official says women here in the u.s. do not need to delay pregnancy because of the zika virus but dr. anthony fauci warns it's a different story if those women plan to travel overseas. he says they should pay attention to the warnings and avoid certain countries in central and south america as well as the caribbean. >> amazon is putting pressure on netflix with new options for its prime service. the giant online retailer is now offering video streaming as a a stand alone service for $9 a month. netflix, of course, is $10. >> for most of us, today is tax day. that's the deadline to file your income tax returns. it's normally april 15th. but because last friday was a legal holiday in washington, d.c. the deadline was pushed to the next business day, but if you live in massachusetts or maine, you have one more day because today is patriots' day. >> of course. >> holiday there. >> so the irs expects 5 million last minute returns today but you can ask for a six-month extension. keep in mind, it's only extra time to file the paperwork. you still have to pay today. >> guess who one of the last minute returns is going to be? >> really. >> this girl. >> just filed the extension. >> got it in though. it's happening. > there are a lot of freebies on tax day. including red robin has a deal for bottomless fries. >> boston market is offering a half a chicken meal for $10.40. get it? 1040, the tax form, the 1040. >> oh, i get it. very cool. it's normally every day it's five bucks. but today it's $10.40. thanks, boston market. >> thanks. >> coming up, oh, go ahead. >> a new tool in the fight against texting and driving. > it might be harder to get away with now that police can see if you were indeed using your phone before a crash. >> and the festival season has begun. thousands flocking to the california desert for something called coachella. including "a" list celebs previewing the summer's hottist fashions ahead in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no! no! hair removal. brought to you by no! no! hair removal. wow food for giants oooo no wonder no one has eaten this sandwich kids discover the world with their mouths keep laundry pacs out of reach and away from children brought to you by tide >> we have >> we have some new video in now of a massive fire. this is more than 100 vehicles is up in flames at an auto wrecking yard in los angeles. you can see the black smoke just pouring into the sky above that plant in the san fernando valley. the fire was fanned by five to ten-mile-an-hour winds. the cause of the fire still under investigation. >> nearly half a million americans are injured in -- or killed in traffic accidents that are blamed on texting and driving. and it's not an easy thing to prove. >> but now law enforcement may soon have a powerful new tool in the fight against distracted driving. it's already sparking some controversy. here's abc's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: it's a temptation for so many drivers, texting behind the wheel. a third of drivers admit to doing it. >> it's going on all day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. >> reporter: but police may soon have a new tool in the fight against distracted driving. lawmakers in new york will soon consider giving police so-called textalyzers. think of it as a breathalyzer for your phone, a device that could reveal if you were texting at the time of an accident. >> we would plug that cell phone into the text analyzer and it would give us information that would let us know if the operator was using the phone. >> reporter: the proposed law in memory of evan lieberman, who was killed in a head-on crash by a driver who was texting. his dad fought for the cell phone log. >> it was a lot of real gut wrenching back and forth and it took me about six months to get the phone records. >> reporter: critics worry the law could lead police to seize phones without justification. >> i think that there's much that needs to be done, that can be done both to address the problem and to respect the privacy rights of drivers. >> reporter: the company behind the textalyzer says it won't be able to read your texts but it will be able to see when you touch your phone. under the proposed law, drivers could lose their license if they refuse to turn it over. eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> we're going to switch gears and get to the "skinny" next.a . "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this ♪ skinny, so skinny >> it is time now if you haven't guessed for "the skinny" and topping our headlines this morning, we have some breaking "skinny" news. >> this is huge. we should have a banner that says breaking "skinny" news. one day after posting a 20-second teaser of "lemon nad," you see it there flashing, beyonce and hbo just last night release add extended trailer of their mysterious project. >> why can't you see me? you're the love of my life. >> this is going to be -- this is going to be awesome. >> if you are still confused you are not alone. many are still wondering what it all means. fans commented it looks like something out of american horror story. it's billed as a world premiere event. beyonce's "lemonade" will air on hbo this saturday. >> i will drink it up on sunday. that was great, right, jack? that was awesome. he can't wait. let's get to another major event playing out over the weekend. the music festival coachella. slugs. >> got to love it. >> the 17th annual event attracted lots of "a" listers including taylor swift dressing down like we've never seen her before. showing off new platinum locks. >> it is platinum, isn't it? so katy perry in the meantime sashayed through the crowd in a quirky cloud print jumpsuit with pink hair buns. >> and sparking fresh speculation the former maybe lovers leonardo and rihanna weren't spotted hanging out together in the crowd. >> they don't look former there. and pop star kesha took a break from her legal fight with dr. luke to belt out a performance. >> and some shamefully '80s nostalgia. the festival reunited guns n' roses guitarist slash with axl rose. rose was nursing a broken foot. he remained seated on a throne. in the words of one critic, how the mighty have fallen and can't get up. >> the guy in the blue is angus young from ac/dc. >> in very vet it -- velvet it looks like. >> in the desert no less. >> next glad tidings for one of our favorite celebrity couples. >> grammy award winning singer john legend and chrissy teigen welcomed their first daughter on tuesday. legend announced the birth of luna simone stevens. beautiful name. >> teigen also posted her weight on instagram. six pounds, 11 ounces. our best wishes to mom, dad and baby luna. >> very nice. glad tidings for a member of our abc news family. >> this weekend in miami, florida, abc news correspondent gio benitez married his fiance lieu of style blogger tommy didario. >> i love it. i was there for it. this is a first dance. and, of course, disney corporate synergy here, it was the lion king. >> such a loyal employee. >> bob iger from disney is smiling. i did take some photos. take a look at the wedding. this is the official photo that came from "people" magazine just after they said "i do." that's tommy's sister who officiated the ceremony. then the couple walked down the aisle as it would be at this resort in homestead, florida. this photo i took as they were walking. >> quite the photographer you are. >> i try. could have a job. >> yea. >> this is our abc crew. everybody there. martha, our producer senior like let's all be excited. after a couple of drinks that was easy. rebecca jarvis, alex perez was there, martha raddatz left . i even got to class. finally, i discovered the new tide and downy odor defense collection. tide gets out the yoga-aroma, while downy keeps them fresh all day. now, i don't smell like wet dog... i smell good. don't just mask odors. eliminate them with new tide and downy odor defense collection. introducing new k-y for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. sic) (group) surprise! oh my goodness! happy birthday! oh, you. (laughing) this was a wonderful surprise. you know, at our age, not all surprises can be this good. you're not kidding. (female #1) remember peggy's surprise last month when frank died? so sudden; all the funeral expenses. they were not prepared. well, i'm not going to burden my family with my final expenses. -huh? -i called about the colonial penn program this morning. i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, call about the colonial penn program now. your acceptance is guaranteed. coverage options for this plan start at $9.95 a month for women and men age 50 to 85. that's about 35 cents a day. and your acceptance is guaranteed. you can't be turned down for any medical reason. no health questions, no medical exam. once you're covered, your rate will never increase. it's locked in for life, guaranteed. (female #1) so, what are you waiting for? you're right, i'm not getting any younger. i'm calling about the colonial penn program today. after this last piece of cake. (laughing) call now for your free information and free gift. (soft music) ♪ (colonial penn jingle) it's one of the final frontiers for women, kind of a rocky terrain loaded with male bravado. the world of late night television comedy. >> one woman is blazing her own trail breaking through and sharing what it takes to stand tall and hold her own against the boys club of comedy. here's yahoo!'s global news correspondent katie couric. >> senior correspondent samantha bee. >> reporter: she lit up late night as a correspondent on the daily show. >> have you had your picture taken with a black person yet? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: that biting wit signature samantha bee using political satire with brutal honesty. holy [ bleeped ] you guys. this week is bananas. >> reporter: now taking center stage with her own solo gig "full frontal with samantha bee." >> we have never seen anything like this election. a race between a barely contained cluster of frustration, a human cup worthy post and, of course, etan jer reen tinted trash can fire. >> reporter: let's talk about "full frontal." i love the whole experience. i'm learning, i'm collaborating. i think we're doing the show that we want to do. >> reporter: who has provided the best comedy red meat for you? >> ted cruz. >> ted's classmates at princeton and harvard law fondly remember him as arrogant, pretentious and a nightmare of a human being. those were just the reviews for his performance in "the crucible." >> why am i persecuted? >> reporter: and you afraid to throw said into the occasional punch into commentary, bee is using her pedestal to take people off theirs. >> so the intention of the law was not to do away with abortions. >> no. >> reporter: it was just to make them impossible. >> reporter: the only female voice in late night. >> anybody have any questions. yes. >> is it hard breaking into the boys club. >> okay. what's it like being a woman in late night? >> how can i watch your show as main? >> what's it like to be a female woman. >> we kept saying our show going to be different not just because it's being hosted by a woman but because it's being hosted by a different human being. it's being hosted by me and i have a different point of view. >> reporter: and no problem sharing it every monday. for "nightline," i'm katie couric in new york. >> always a big fan. >> loved her on the daily show". and the show is getting absolutely rave reviews. >> brian seems to love it. >> brian? >> our producer. all right >> don't miss our updates next on facebook, >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. or two decades. (lock clicks) (dramatic music) (group) surprise! oh my goodness! happy birthday! oh, you. (laughing) oh! oh! well, they say 70 is the new 60. (laughing) were you really surprised? oh, this was a wonderful surprise. you know, at our age, not all surprises can be this good. you're not kidding. (female #1) remember peggy's surprise last month when frank died? so sudden; all the funeral expenses. they were not prepared. well, i'm not going to burden my family with my final expenses. -huh? -i called about the colonial penn program this morning. i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, call about the colonial penn program now. your acceptance is guaranteed. you'll get free information about this whole life insurance plan that might surprise you in a good way, because it's easy to get and easy on your budget. coverage options for this plan start at $9.95 a month for women and men age 50 to 85. that's about 35 cents a day. and your acceptance is guaranteed. you can't be turned down for any medical reason. no health questions, no medical exam. and here's the best surprise of all: once you're covered, your rate will never increase. it's locked in for life, guaranteed. so, what are you waiting for? you're right, i'm not getting any younger. i'm calling about the colonial penn program today. after this last piece of cake. (laughing) call now for your free information and free gift. (soft music) ♪ (colonial penn jingle) making news in america this morning -- deadly earthquakes in two countries. days after the disasters survivors are still being pulled from the rubble. u.s. troops landing overnight to help. severe storms and flash flooding overnight after torrential rains. those storms are slowly moving east right now. mid-air collision during a landing. could it be the first time that a drone hit a passenger plane? and a mcdonald's introducing the unbelievable all you can eat fries. we say good morning monday morning. we begin with major earth

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