Nomination . Amist talk of a con tegs. Plus well ask about the plan to stop trump. And our power playersst week, baby bald eagles steal the spotlight, all right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. We begin with the capture and questioning of most wanted man in europe believed to be the sole fugitive from the paris is massacre that killed 130 people n a moment well get reaction from the white house chief of staff dennisis mcdonough this week by on. That first, lets bring in fox news correspond Benjamin Hall in london with the latest on the terrorist investigation. He could be an intelligent gold mine. Authorities are looking closely in what happened in the leadup to the paris attacks and how he was able to evade capture so long hidden under their noses. It was a bullet to the knee that ended his four months on the run during raids on friday in which he and four others were arrested. France quickly issued a new arrest warrant with more charges to speed up the extradition but the process may still take up to three months. Investigators into the paris attacks now hope abdul salam will reveal information about the isis network behind him. He confessed already to prosecutors that he planned to blow himself up that night but he changed his mind. Prosecutors also claim that leading up to the attack, he traveled around europe picking up other attackers and that he was the one who bought Hydrogen Peroxide to make the explosives. His lawyer said was cooperating. There is a cooperation with lets go further on with that corroboration. I think its very important that he talks with the judge. Reporter abdul salam was caught 500 yards from his parents home. He was tracked down when a friend called the police and passed on the cell phone number he was using. Today the belgium interior minister said he was shocked at the level of support he received while on the run. It was a lot higher than previously expected. And now the hunt is on for anyone else that may want to commit attacks. Benjamin hall, thank you for. That now lets get reaction to the white house from denis m mcdonough. Welcome back to fox news sunday. Whats the significance of the capture . What is it going to help us do in terms of stopping future isis terror attacks. Its important because it sends a very strong message that our allies and we in support of them are not going to stop until and now i know there will be an intensive process to figure out what he knows an what he did and what he knows about what others may be doing. And thats why its important that we dig very hard into this case and why the president called the french president and the about belgium Prime Minister on friday. What have we heard from european authorities . We know that he is said some stuff to belgium prosecutors. But do we know whether or not in fact he is cooperating, the degree to his cooperation . And what about an electronic trail that he may have left . I dont know much about. That. What are we learning both from this and the prior investigation over the last four months about the extent of the isis Terror Network in europe . How many operatives they have . We do know that they say and we have to listen to what they say. We take that seriously. Not only from our friends ready but well trained. Were sharing the intelligence and training with them. That is what were doing. And do we believe that the attack on paris and abdeslam was involved in, do we believe it was directed and planned by isis or inspired and self radicalized people were involved . We believe that there are indication thats in fact that it goes back to some of those folks back in the middle east. But were going to get to bottom of this storey. But what were not going to do is let our guard down. That means staying on offense against isis and in syria and iraq. Thats why we did that over the course of the last many many months. Were not going to sit and wait. Were going to go get this. Im going to ask you stond by for a moment. The other big news this week is the president s pick for the Supreme Court judge Merrick Garland. Not to hold hearings or vote on the nomination and let the next president fill the seat. Well get mr. Mcdonoughs reaction in a moment. First, Mitch Mcconnell junz me from louisville. Senator, support for your hard line on the garland nomination seems to be breaking half a dozen republican senators have now said theyre going to meet with garland and late this week illinois senator mark kirk said this just man up and cast a vote. Its been only four days and it seems like your ranks are breaking, sir. Senator kirk is a terrific senator. Hes going to be reelected in november. I think what we need to focus on is the principle, the principle. Who ought to make this appointment . You have to go back 80 years the last time a vacancy on the Supreme Court created in a president ial Election Year was filled. You have to go back to 1888 when Grover Cleveland was in the time when a vacancy was created in a president ial year, a senate controlled about it Party Opposite the president confirmed. The senate has a role to play here. The president nominates, we decide to confirm. We think the important principle in the middle of this president ial election is that American People need to weigh in and decide whos going to make this decision. Not this lame duck president on the way out the door, but the next president. You talk about principle, anything that happens in washington involves principle and politics and what we see with mark kirk is a senator or republican senator up in a tough reelection battle and thinking this is a hard line to hold. And i guess i have to ask you, isnt this going to be a hard argument to make over the next seven months . If youre going to say the president cant decide something, cant get his nominee confirmed because its an Election Year, couldnt you say senate that you shouldnt pass any laws . You shouldnt do anything because in a sense youre a Lame Duck Congress . No, were following the biden rule. He said the senate should not act on filling a Supreme Court vacancy if it had occurred that year. Harry reid when he was back in 2005 said the president nominates but the senate doesnt have to vote. Chuck schumer who will be the next democratic leader said in 2007 they wouldnt confirm. The democrats were in the majority in the senate. They wouldnt confirm a bush appointment to the Supreme Court if one occurred within 18 moves a president ial election. So all were doing, chris, is following a long standing tradition of not filling vacancies on the Supreme Court in the middle of a president ial Election Year. I am going to ask mr. M mcdonough about the biden rule in a moment. Amount of hypocrisy on both sides here . Right now president obama is calling for an up or down vote on his nominee. You oppose. That but back in 2005 when george w. Bush was president , you made exactly the same argument that obamas making now. Take a look, sir. In a democracy, an up or down vote should be given to a president s judicial nominees. Its not complicated. Its simple. Its fair. It worked for 229 years. And it has served us well. Senator, if an up or down vote for a judicial nominee was simple, fair, and a principle that has served us for 229 years, i guess over 230 years now, if thats true then, it is still true . Yeah. Were talking apples and oranges. That comment was not in connection with the Supreme Court vacancy an sichlt. Theyre not the same. What were talking about here is a Supreme Court vacancy in the middle of a president ial Election Year made by a lame duck president who is on the way out the door and the impact that will have on this court for the next quarter of a century. That is the issue before us right now. Some of your republican colleagues are already suggesting that if your side, if the gop loses the election in november that perhaps they would consider judge garland in a lame duck session because, in fact, he might be more moderate than, lets say, Hillary Clintons nominee would be. Here is republican senator jeff lake. I think republicans are fully justified in doing what were doing. Waiting. But if we happen to lose the election, then i think we ought to push him through quickly if we can. Senator, is jeff lake wrong . Yeah, i think so. Judge this judge a moderate doesnt make him a moderate. This judge would move the Court Dramatically to the left. Hes enthusiastically supported by moveon. Org. I dont think they would be signing up and have all this enthusiasm about a liberal judge. The principle is the same. Whether its before the election or after the election. The principle is the American People are choosing their next president and their next president should pick this Supreme Court nominee. So, final question. Just to make it clear. Youre saying no consider no consideration of judge garland by this Congress Even if Hillary Clinton wins the election . No consideration by this congress . Youre going to stand firm on that even in a lame duck session . Yeah. I cant imagine that a republican majority in the United States senate would want to confirm in a lame duck session a nominee opposed by the National Rifle association, the National Federation of independent business that represents Small Businesses that the Supreme Court o pointment before. Theyre opposed to this guy. I cant imagine that a Republican Majority Senate even if it were assumed to be a minority, would want to confirm a judge that would most Court Dramatically to the left. Thats not going to happen. Senator mcconnell, thank you. Thanks for your time today, sir. Thank you. Now lets bring back the white house chief of staff Denis Mcdonough. President obama is calling now for an up or down vote on the nomination of Merrick Garland. Back in 2006, senator obama participated in the filibuster of sam alead yoeowe lead yoes nomination. He said the senate should not consider a Supreme Court nomination in an Election Year. Lets watch. The Senate Judiciary consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the Political Campaign season is over. Question, arent obama and biden making exactly the opposite argument now from what they made back then . Chris, you said justice oledo. Yes. Who has been it is sitting on the Supreme Court for the last ten years. But obama tried to filibuster him. So hes been on the court for the last decade. President obama did not object to a hearing. Did not object to private meetings, and did not object to votes in the committee and ultimately on the floor of the senate. He tried to filibuster him. Whether you think of Vice President biden and the role he played as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, nine Supreme Court justices came before him when he was chairman. Everyone was given a hearing, meetings, a vote, and even when they were tl were not enough votes in the committee to pass him with that justice with majority vote, they still went to the senate floor this vote at we think thats what should happen here. But a lot of those things happened either in spite of or over their opposition. On the contrary. He was chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Thing dont happen in the Judiciary Committee over or in spite of the objection of the chairman. In fact, it happens because the chairman makes it happen. Vice President Biden ensured that every one of those justices had a hearing, including, by the way in, 1988, an Election Year when president reagan proposed a republican president , proposed a Democratic Senate a Supreme Court justice. And in fact, Justice Kennedy who has now been on the court since 1988 was passed unanimously by the senate. We think the same thing should happen for judge garland. Do you think that the senate has a constitutional obligation . We think that it is quite clear in the constitution that when there is a vacancy, they propose the nominee and we think as been the practice for the senate that advise and consent means meetings, public hearing where that judge in this case judge garland is willing to go under oath on National Television and answer their questions and then a vote in the committee and a vote in the senate. Thats what should happen here. The Washington Post did a fact check. They actually gave that idea that there is a constitutional obligation, they said first of all the constitution says nothing about a vote. It says advice and consent before a confirmation. And secondly, there has been a long history, mostly in the 19th century that the senate has decided not to act in a number of cases. Look, chris, we dont need to jump back to the 19th century or the 1800s. Were in the 21st century. Look at the precedent over the course of the last many decades and as was the case on Vice President biden was chairman of the committee, every nominee got a hearing, got meetings, got votes and committee and got a vote on the floor. There is not difficult. The senate the this he have not reached back to the will 1800s. As we discussed with senator mcconnell, several republican senators are now saying that theyre willing to meet with judge garland and Illinois Republican senator mark kirk is saying that they should just man up and vote. How big an issue do you think that you can make this in the november election . How much heat do you think can you put on Senate Republicans . Well, like we dont think there is an election issue. We think this is a straight up governance issue. When senator mcconnell wait. The president , you, youre all meeting and mobilizing various groups on your side. There is nothing wrong with it being a political issue. I mean, youre trying to put heat on these people. You just asked what how big an issue it will be in the election . This can be resolved. The average time from election is 67 days. They indicated to us that theyll meet the republican of maine indicated shell meet with judge garland after the senate gets back from the two week break. We think thats good progress. Well continue to make this progress. This shouldnt be an issue in any election. They can resol of this in plenty of time and in the time they have. We believe there is consistent with the comments that Senate Mcconnell made when he took over the senate. He wanted to get Congress Working again. Well, getting Congress Working again would mean just obviously giving him a hearing, a vote, and getting this ton. Not taking this unprecedented step. One final question. Some republican senators say, look, if the democrats end up winning the white house in november, lets say Hillary Clinton, well, then maybe well consider judge gar landland in a lame duck session. Has the president made a commitment to garland that hell stand about it nomination or might he, lets say clinton wins nomination and let her pick the next Supreme Court justice . The president will stand by his nominee. This is an unbelievably qualified, extraordinarily decent man who comes to this nomination with more federal Court Experience than any nominee before him. He led our effort into the investigation and prosecution for the Oklahoma City bombing, the unabomber and hes just as youve seen in the ories, an extraordinarily decent man. Well stand by him from now until he is confirmed and he is sitting on the Supreme Court. Through the end of the president s term . Thats correct. Mr. Mcdonough. Thank you for coming in. Always good to talk with you. Thank you. Up next, well bring in our sunday group to discuss judge garlands nomination and what you would tlik as the panel about the Supreme Court bat snl just go to facebook or twitter the air. This week. That was judge merrick now time to introduce george will, lisa leer and Kristen Soltis anderson and bob woodward. Your opinion about the nomination. The republicans have two reasons for taking a position. One is to demonstrate to the Republican Base something that they very much doubt which is there is some reason to want the republicans to control the senate. They cant defund planned parenthood, they cant repeal obama care. This they can stand up and say we can actually do something. Second, this is a way they say of protesting executive overreach by the president. Although this is a clear constitutional right and duty of the president to nominate people whats puz slgzling is they all said hell support donald trump if hes the nominee. Were quite content to have judicial nominations made by mr. Trump whose quaufgsslifications are fogy. And its puzzling to hear Mitch Mcconnell saying that we must follow the biden rule. A biden rule endorsed by harry reid. The biden rule was he said no confirmations during a political season. When are we not in a political season . Its just not an Election Year. By what principle do we decide when a president s ability to nominate people becomes progressively obtained . After the midterm elections of the second term of a president . When is it . I dont understand. We asked you for questions for the panel. And following up on the point that george made, we got this from rob danger. He tweeted this. Will Senate Majority leader fold like he usually does . Kristen, at a time, want to pick up on this question of trying to keep faith with the base, at a time when grassroots support for the Republican Leadership here in washington is at all time low, when can you just see this in this election, how little they trust that the dc. Establishment is going to stand up for them, is this an infective wayinfect ive effective way for him to mobilize the base . Can he keep the soldiers in line . Remember that Mitch Mcconnell came out with a strategy pretty much the day that vacancy came open. He knew that if there was even a hypothetical that this would be the sort of thing where Senate Republicans might entertain the president s nominee, might allow the court to move to the left, that there would be outrage. He wanted to shut that down right away. Look at the members of the senate who are beginning to say i would be willing to have a meeting with the nominee. They are republicans up for reelection and they are in there are states that unlikely to vote for a republican nominee in a president ial election. And maybe to differentiate themselves from the National Party narrative so at the same time their state is voting for a democratic candidate at the top of the ticket, is still sending them back to washington further down on the ballot. Bob, i thought that the white house chief of staff made some news in our interview here. Went further than the white house has so far in saying that obama is going to stick by the garland nomination even into a lame duck, even if, lets say, Hillary Clinton is elected president that he would stick by the garland nomination. Kind of interesting that hes saying, you know, im going to stay by him and if Hillary Clinton, even if hes just been lekted ed lected president , if they want to confirm my nominee, so be it. This is all about politics. This is pure politics on both sides and as you pointed out, both sides argued exactly the opposite side. Exactly. And what mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader is saying, hey, look, we and its the advice and consent provision in the constitution. We can do it any way we want. And hes actually quite right. There is nothing in the constitution that says you have to do it in a timely fashion and so forth. So this this the issue is whether you can make the court a majority liberal body. Everyone concedes that if garland goes on the court youre going to have five votes on the liberal side. What is interesting and george has pointed this out. Garland is an extraordinary judge. He is somebody i did a book years ago on the Supreme Court and tried to follow it since. And hes exactly the sort of hes reasonable. He listens. He is not really partisan in any way. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You know what a lot of pep are going to say is when it comes down to a decision and its 54, hell end up being with the liberal judges as opposed to the conservative justices. He will. Look, step back. There will be liberals and conservatives on the court and if you are going to have some liberals have the sensible have rational person, i mean, like lots of people said about scalia, they didnt agree with him. He served an important function on the court. Thats the way it works. You have to be a consensus builder and garland is somebody like. That but i dont think hes going to make it. I dont think hes going to be confirmed. Lisa, lets pick up open this from the political side of the democrats. Democratic aspect, they clearly found that this argument, do your job. Youre there. Youre there for another eight and the idea that youre simply going to refuse to have a hearing, refuse to vote, when you talk to the sanders and clinton camps, do they think this is effective and will move votes in the fall election . It was interesting to hear Denis Mcdonough say its not a Election Year issue. They think it is an effective issue. Theyll need to do two things in the fall, rally their base and pull over independents. They think they can allow them to do both. Its a strong emote vathe motivator for base democrats. They also think if trump is at the top of the republican ticket, they may be able to pull over some moderate republicans who may not like the idea of donald trump next picking the next Supreme Court justice, particularly as democrats like to point out, he said that his sister would be an excellent justice and she has a record of being very pro abortion rights. Where they can make a really Strong Political argument. The politics get a little more complicated once you get into a lame duck session. Because quite frankly, Merrick Garland is not the nominee that i think Hillary Clinton would like to choose. She would pick someone more liberal. Zbh a lot of the liberal groups feel that way. Thats why you see them focusing on the need for a vote and not really talking all that much about the nominee and certain not saying whether they would keep him and renominate him should either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders win the presidency. So george, in less than a minute we have left in the segment, what about the lame duck scenario . That Hillary Clinton wins or donald trump wins and some of those republicans say, you know what . Merrick garland doesnt look like such a bad nominee. If president crewsuz is president elect, you wait for the nominee. Have to guess who will be the nominee. Lets say the president says i know what mcdonough said to wallace, but lets adhere to the mcconnell rule. The mcconnell rule is that nominees should be sent up by a president after the people have spoken. The people have said mrs. Clinton and mrs. Clinton says, fine. Lets draw mr. Garland and appoint a 43yearold, not a 63yearold, not a moderate but a 43yearold firebrand, certainly republicans are right. All right. We have to take a break here, panel. See you later. Up next, Governor John Kasich is hanging his hopes on a contested convention. Well ask the president ial candidate about his path to the nomination, plus what do you think . Would an open convention divide the Republican Party . Let me know on facebook or twitter twitter. And can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right one for her . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. Between a trump versus cruz showdown is john kasich who cruz calls a spoiler. Right now, every single vote for john kasich is a vote for donald trump. Well ask kasich what he sees as his path to the gop back. A look outside the beltway of Salt Lake City ahead of this weeks caucuses there. Governor john kasich won his home state of ohio tuesday. Even though its his only victory so far, he said thats enough to keep him in the race for president. I spoke with kasich who was campaigning in utah. Governor, lets start with your strategy to win the republican nomination. Right now donald trump has 678 delegates, ted cruz has 423. Even if you Win Every One of the remaining delegates, 100 , you would still be short of the 1,237 majority you need. So what is your path . How does the Republican Convention turn to you . Well, first of all, chris, nobody is going to have enough delegates. We are going to go to a convention. Its going to be open. And let me also tell you that for the first time in this race in the last 2 1 2 or 3 weeks, i received more National Media attention in the last three weeks than i did in the last six months. And were rising. Our rallies are strong. We are raising money. Were bringing more people in to our effort. And were going to get to the convention and ive been to a convention that was contested in 1976 as a young guy. But let me tell you, when you get to a convention, there are two considerations, one, who can win in the fall . Im the only one that can win in the fall. And then there is a second issue, i know this was a crazy one. Who actually could be president of United States . So i see the convention as nothing more than an extension of this whole political process. And im very comfortable with heading to that convention with momentum and more delegates and well let the people there make a choice. If step one is to stop trump, to keep him from the 1237, some people questioning why youre even campaigning in utah because the fact is that if ted cruz were to win 50 of vote, he would get all of the delegates. But you by campaigning there are splitting the antitrump vote. I want to put up what mitt romney said. Hell vote for cruz in utah, explaining, a vote for governor case nick future contests makes it likely that trumpism would prevail. Your response, sir . I dont agree with him. Secondly, people tried to get me out of the race and said that rubio should be the pick. And i didnt stayed in the race and won in ohio, trum whop have won both florida and ohio. Clear to people. Im not in this to try to stop somebody. Im in this to tell people about my experience, my record, my vision, and my ability to bring people together and to be a successful president of the United States. This is beginning to deteriorate into some sort of a Political Science class with a bunch of pundits trying to play a parlor game. Im not interested in that. Chris, my entire lifetime has been to bring about change. Do you know how many people in the establishment i made angry whether i reformed the pentagon . Do you know how many people in the establishment i made angry when i balanced the federal budget . Do you know how many people got upset what wh i brought change in ohio . Im a change agent. Were seeing the establish. People one more time trying to stop me. Im interested in improving this country and being a good president and thats precisely why im running. And people are beginning to understand my vision and my are beginning to allow me to be heard. Well, i want to ask you about being allowed to be heard. Fox news was scheduled to hold a debate tomorrow in Salt Lake City. Trump said, number we were still going to hold it with you and ted cruz. And then you surprised a lot of people by saying you werent going to participate in the debate including charles krouthammer. He complained sec ignored, not getting enough time, whining about it again and again. He and carson. And here he is being offered two hours without the interruptions of trump to him and cruz. He can present his case and he turns it down. Governor . Im disappointed to hear charles say. That he says that i was whining . Let me tell you the New York Times had a piece the other day that showed that donald trump received 1. 8 billion worth of National Media attention. And i was like tenth. Look, im not going to go to a debate where we dont have everybody involved in the race involved in the debate. Im using my time to campaign the most effective way i can. I have never thought that these debates were the best way to pick a president. If somebody wants to sit down with me for an hour and interview me and ask me any question about my record, my policies, my Foreign Policy experience, my domestic policy experience, im willing to do that. But, you know, i love charles krouthammer. Hes a good guy. Maybe smimd peopleometimes people just dont understand the way i wosh in politics. Im not a plodder or schemer. I look at problems and try to solve them which ive done all of my career, creating jobs in washington, creating jobs in ohio. Not me creating them, but creating an atmosphere and having the experience to run this country. You have talked, as you say, about running a positive campaign. You also have criticized donald trump for creating a toxic atmosphere when it come to violence for speaking in what you consider objectable ways about women. The campaign hes running . Well, you know, look, i heard yesterday that his family was threatened. And that disappointed me. There is no place for this kind of back and forth in violence. So from that regard, i was disappointed to hear that people were threatening that family. Thats a disgrace. But i also have pointed out at times when i thought his language was inappropriate like if i dont get nominated, there is going to be a riot. What kind of talk is that . But i have to tell you, chris, ive done more town halls and more interaction with all the voters. I take questions from the crowd. You guysolw it. And at the end of the day, i rarely ever rarely mention anybody elses name because i spend my time giving them the answers about what i want to do, what my vision is and thats the way i really proceed. Let me ask you about a specific question and the time we have remaining. I want to explore your position on people in this country illegally. You have called them a critical you called them good people. Theyre not criminals. Well, look, chris, what ive said is that, you know, reagan tried to fix this whole thing in 1986. And it didnt work. We didnt finish the border. I think we need to finish the border. Once its finished, people cannot sneak in. They shouldnt sneak in now. They have to be sent home. We should have a guest worker program. And for the 11. 5 million here who are illegal, if they didnt commit a crime, i would give them a path to legalization, delay in any kind of benefits they get. I think that is a reasonable approach approach. But not a path to citizenship. My position has not changed. The idea that were going to yafrpg people out of their homes and leave kids crying on the porch, thats not what were going to do. That is more promises that will never happen and the people will become more cynical. I dont make promises, by and large, that i cant keep. Im not deviated from this position at all. But you know what ted cruz calls that. He calls it amnesty. He can call it anything he wants. To im just telling you my position and i believe that position will be accepted by the American People and that position can pass the congress. I lay this out in every town hall meeting. If somebody asks me, i tell them. Look in the 30 seconds we have left, what about the argument they did break the law . They came into this country illegally. They d. And youre letting them basically be able to stay in the country despite that. Chris, chris, i know that you dont believe that we can go housetohouse and block to block trying to track these people down to ship them out. You know that. Come on. The people know it, too. Thats just silly. You know what . Im in this race to try to fix things, not to go out and make crazy promises that are not going to happen that, are going to further aggravate the American People. So, look, you know, people dont im cool with it. But im not going to change my position because i think its reasonable and this whole problem is fixable. I believe it. Reagan tried. I will get i will finish the job. Governor kasich, thank you. Always good to have you. Thank you. I enjoyed it to day, chris. I was fun. It was fun. Up next, will bring back the panel to discuss the republican it is too little too late . Your path to retirement. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. [both voices] you your fault my fault . Your fault your right what . Its my fault maybe both of us . Just the two of us just the two of us womans voice maybe just you we can make it if we try protesters shut down a highway before a donald trump event yesterday. Were back now with the panel. There were protests not just in arizona but also in new york city outside the trump tower on fifth avenue. You can see the protest there. And all of this adding to concerns among the republican establishment and Movement Conservatives about donald trump actually winning the nomination. Kristen, every day there is a new story whether its a bunch of fat cats have dinner at some club here or now there is a new story about a third party and tom coburn, the retired senator from oklahoma running as a third party cancandidate. How seriously should we take the stop Trump Movement may have run out of time. There is so much time spent last fall attacking donald trump and be insufficiently conservative. Those attacks fell flat. Most voters dont like him because they think hes conservative and they think hes strong and a winner. The time has eehe lachsed. If you like donald trump, its unlikely youll be persuaded to chafrpg your mind. So i think at this point the math or for anybody to stop trump before the convention becomes very hard. Hell pick up delegates in arizona. Well move forward into a state like new york or the last poll showed him up by 50 points. This looks pretty good for him for the next month and a half or. So its going to be very difficult for folks to stop him from winning the republican nomination. Do you agree with that, bob . Yes. I mean, first of all, if you try to excavate this, you realize the only way for trump probably now to get the nomination is for and that is not going to happen. If there is one thing that trump does, he never quits. And so, you know, hes got hes the heavy in this. And theres something that hes brought forth in the populous that those of us who try to understand this dont understand. I was going to ask you about. That you covered a lot of campaigns. A lot of candidates. Can you put this ill ask george the same thing, in any kind of Historical Perspective . Do you compare it to, you know, some people are saying richard nix none nixon in 68. What do you compare trump to . You cant compare him to anything. And i think there are people out there who just kind of say lets repot the plant. Lets give somebody else a chance. Its not just anger or disappointment in their lives. Its the sense of lets shake this up. Much as trump. George . Stylistically, trump is in the George Wallace tradition. There is too much dignity in american politics, we have to have more meanness. Wallace got 36 electoral votes because he is a regional bait. He has support all over the country. The problem is this, not only are his negative 61 almost doubled his positives, 32 . But hes appealing entirely to white people. Now, in 1988, George Herbert walker bush got 59 of the white vote which is high. That translated in 426 electorate votes. Mitt romney in 2012 got 59 of the white vote that, translated into 206 electoral votes. Romney got 17 , that is all, of the nonwhite vote. Trump by every measure would do worse than that which means he 65 of the white vote to win that reagan got sweeping49 states, he would have to get 70 of the white vote. A, it wont happen. B, it would destroy the Republican Party by making it the party of white people. Now, im sure that clinton camp and the sanders camp, they look at exactly that same demographic and say that country, the democratic face demographic facest country is changing. On the other hand, you do hear talk, lisa, about trump reshuffles the electoral deck. That suddenly the rust belt, the industrial midwest, pennsylvania, michigan, states, wisconsin that have gone reliably for democrats for several election cycles, something would be in play. How seriously do they take that . Smart democrats, the ones that im talking, to at least are not overly confident about. This and in part thats because trump is so wildly unpredictable. Like, yes, they agree on the demographics point. Theyre certainly going to try latino voters and women. But with trump, he had the republicans had obviously a lot of trouble taking him out. And you just dont know what youre going to get. You dont know he doesnt play by the standard rules. So that makes a lot of democrats a little nervous, particularly given that Hillary Clinton by her own admission is not the worlds best campaigner. But the case is basically three cs, credentials, character, and controversy. So theyre digging through the business records. Theyre going to highlight deals that went badly. Theyll bring back the statements about latinos and women and all those things and talk about his temperment. Is this someone you want with the finger on the button trying to pull over moderate republicans particularly women and the swing states. Its important that the people in the Clinton Campaign and as you called smart democrats are worried. And that, you know, this is a serious worry. And just from the polling perspective, what are there vote, right . And trump is getting some of those people. The polls there are good number on that. Thats maybe why people are worried. Lets face it. If trump is a target rich environment, so is Hillary Clinton. And lord knows there is plenty of research to be done there. I want to ask one more thing here, kristen. Trump is going to be in washington tomorrow. Hes going to meet with apac, the proisraeli lobby. He is going to have a meeting with a lot of mainstream republicans. How possible is it that he could, having taken this dance to get this far in the primaries, change his tune. I mean not change it completely but become a much more mainstream figure and somehow make an accommodation with the gop establishment . I believe there are many who will want to coop donald trump, make peace with him, find a way they can still show their face at a Republican Convention that is nominating him and call themselves republicans and get through the next couple of but i think there is going to be a big division for folks consider themselves hard core conservatives who care deeply about things like limited government, who oppose someone who sounds like an authoritarian and wants to expand executive power. Theyre troubled by him and says if he define what it means to be a republican, then maybe im not anymore. George . I think its a big, big tent can expand to include donald trump at least through november or is this a stretching tight far. It cannot expand that far and remain a conservative party. Which means it would be if hes the nominee, there would be no conservative running in the race and the republicans who are coming to terms with as collaborators with the takeover of their party have to understand that. And do you see a third party under those circumstances . Possibly. Are you going to lead the ticket . No. I would vote for it. You would vote for it. Certainly. All right. Wow. I think we made news ourselves. Thank you, panel. Next, our power players of the week. Washingtons newest celebrities have a coming out party. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at d. C. Was taken by storm this week, no not about it president ial race or the new Supreme Court nominee, someone more important stole the spotlight, a symbol of our nation. Here is a power player of the hundreds of thousands of viewers tuneded to the web as an eaglette hatched. Even i got caught up. How is the eaglette doing . Almost all the way out. Bird watchers have been minding the nest since mid february when a pair of bald eagles laid two eggs. Excitement turned into anticipation when the first crack was seen Late Wednesday on one egg. And friday, just after 8 00 in the morning, a fuzzy wing flopped out and d. C. Had the latest star. The eaglette was quieted first but quickly pepped up. The proud parents nicknamed mr. President and the first lady first nested there in 2014 when they gave birth to one eaglette. They take turns, one monitoring the nest while the other gets food often a big fish. The hatching is trending on facebook and the arboretums and on this first day of spring, we have a big happy announcement, the second baby eaglette was born this morning. Forget march madness and check out the legal cam link on our website, foxnewssunday. Com. Be sure to watch Fox News Channel tomorrow night for a must see prime time lineup, interviews with all three republican president ial candidates starting at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. And thats it for today. Sunday. Joel osteen may god bless homes. And if youre ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I promise you well make you feel right at home. But i like to start with something funny. And i heard about this 84yearold woman. She went on a blind date with a 93yearold man. When she returned home to her daughters house, she seemed kind of upset. And her daughter asked her what was wrong, and she said, i had to slap him three times. She said, you mean he tried to get fresh . She said, no, i thought he was dead. Say it like you mean it. This is my bible, i am what it says i am, i have what it says i have, i can do what it says i can do. Today i will be taught the word of god. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive, i will never be the same. In jesus name. God bless you. I want to talk to you today

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