Transcripts For WRC The News4 Power Play 20170429

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this case, for craig anderson, about how you handle the puck or mishandle it. that could lead to disaster. >> brian: the last thing you want to do is create a turnover for your team, that's going to cause you a hockey game. early in the playoffs, he had a turnover against the bruins and led to the shorthanded goal against. as the series wore on, he had a couple more. tonight, he had two turnovers that almost cost him. this one saved by kyle turris in the overtime session. was a big moment. for craig anderson, less is more when playing the puck. if he can do that and worry about stopping the puck, he gives his team a chance to win in game two. >> john: ottawa, rallying back late. lots of minutes for erik karlsson. he and ryan mcdonagh, anchoring the defensive boards. mika zibanejad, the former ottawa senator. a trade on july 16th, involving he and derick brassard. they've gone head-to-head in this o game three will be tuesday night at madison square garden. ottawa winning game one, 2-1, here on thursday night. mika zibanejad, mats zuccarello and chris kreider up front for the rangers. zack smith, and jean-gabriel pageau has a three-goal game. mark hoffman, the forward line for ottawa. ryan mcdonagh, through the middle. wedged out by methot. girardi in front of his own bench. mcdonagh, that mans the puck to kreider. five ranger goal scorers today. and zibanejad, zuccarello out in front. great defensive play by erik karlsson. j.t. miller. protecting that puck along the boards, karlsson's got it. erik karlsson, for pageau. at the ranger line. he will senld it in. ottawa, in a change. holden has plenty of time. back out through center ice for j.t. miller. miller, moving in on dion phaneuf. he will circle. moves inside by derek stepan. the odd bounce by nash. nash out in front, to the goal crease. nick holden at the point. miller let it go. derek stepan. will grind the cycle back. played along again for nash. nash away from ceci. stepan with a shot. easily detected by craig anderson. >> brian: dan girardi played a big part in the new york rang er s defense in the fourth overtime. that was probably the most nimir of all. getting and shooting lanes. paying the price for henrik lundqvist. this was a big on a three-on-two. dan girardi, with five blocked shots on the afternoon. but four in that first overtime. >> john: on his 33rd birthday. off of the draw now. taken back. harpur, dzingel off of the linesman. available. in neutral ice. moved across. brendan smith, now. shouldered by ben harpur, goes deep. frederirik claesson, forchecked jesper fast. and bobby ryan for the senators. harpur, through the middle. derick brassard and back out. ryan will move it by smith. brassard, off of the stick of lundqvist. captured by brady skjei. will hammer one off of the boards. kreider has room. right out in front. rolls off of his stick. kreider forced on the play by ben harpur. claesson now for brassard. through icing is called here. >> brian: chris kreider using his speed to create an opportunity for himself. he had a couple of chances this afternoon. does a good job of driving ben harpur. harpur, just at the end, able to get enough of him to get the puck poked away from chris kreider. kreider has been much, much better in this afternoon's game in creating opportunities for himself. and using the speed, which is his biggest asset. >> john: playing to his strength, in a face-off now in the ottawa zone. derek st stepan and brassard. the rangers with 48 shots. face-off won by brassard. kicks around, claesson, to the outside. nash is there for the rangers. pageau for ottawa. play it along the boards and get it deep. and hampered by burrows. and girardi will track it down. nash, re-collecting it. rick nash out to center. off the boards and back down for karlsson. rangers are changing. erik karlsson, away from stepan. pageau, can't get to it. a force by fast. lead pass for michael grabner, out in front. nobody home. nick holden with a pinch. golfed out by burrows. pageau on the offwing. wingels out in front, he scores. jean-gabriel pageau, his fourth, wins it in overtime. what a hockey game for j.g. pageau. unbelievable. >> brian: you think about guys ottawa senators. i don't think you would ever think it would be j.g. pageau that would come to mind. but, man, oh, man, did he have an afternoon. the new york rangers, trying to keep the puck alive here. holden pinches. the puck gets by him. and off to the races, a two-on-one. pass taken by the rangers defenseman, staal. the shot to henrik lundqvist and pageau beats him. staal leaves the shot for pageau. pageau snaps this high glove, past henrik lundqvist, a perfect shot, to end it. no pass option whatsoever. simply just rips it. past henrik lundqvist, to cap off an unbelievable afternoon for the ottawa senators. what an effort by j.g. pageau. >> john: four goals for number 44 at 2:54 of the second overtime. elation on the ottawa bench. they lead the series, 2-0 games. craig anderson, he and his teammates getting it done on home ice. game three will be tuesday night at madison square garden. the ottawa senators, with a 6-5 win in game number two. jean-gabriel pageau, with a game of a lifetime. four goals. on the 34th shot. ottawa will send everybody here home happy. final count on the overtime, ottawa, defeat the new york rangers, 6-5. coming up next, except on news. for brian boucher and our entire crew here in ottawa, this is john forslund. thanks for watching the stanley cup playoffs, presented by geico. so long, from ottawa. ♪ ♪ good evening and welcome to the news 4 power play. >> folks we're just under an hour away from game two at the verizon center the washington capitals taking on the pittsburgh penguins. >> that's right puck drops just after 8:00 right here on nbc 4 we have team coverage to get you ready. >> doug and amelia are out in the heat, let's begin with carol right now. >> hey guys. yeah the gates just opened and fans just truckling in. about an hour and 25 minutes until puck drop. this is not a must win the players say that comes when you have three losses, the caps have one loss to the penguins. they know what's at stake. down a game. the difference in game one late third period break away goal scored by the campaigns zunino. right. guys know the stakes are high but they're trying to keep their stress level low. >> i don't see any sense of speaking out this early. >> we're fine. we know what we need to do. >> obviously it's an important game. can't give them the lead. >> for us there's only really one must game in the playoffs when you got three losses there's only one must game. so for us it's about being better. tonight we're going to be better. >> well another sentiment they've been saying over and over is own the big moment and they certainly have one opportunity tonight to take and even this series. you hear the fans, they're excited, starting to cheer, hoping to see warm ups very soon. so the energy level is rising, i know it's also going on outside this building, doug camer is standing by. >> hey guys. lovely to be here. i just said lovely to be at a caps game, i don't know if it could be lovely, it is awesome! playoff hockey. game two. game one was a little bit of a disappointment this will be better tonight i think. a lot of excitement tonight. >> it was nail biting game one but good news when the caps are behind in the second series ten wins, six losses, so the odds are in anywhere favor if we're looking at odds. >> and you see the crowds out here, still an hour to game time, a lot of people down here tonight, a lot of people excited to go. she's excited to go. i'll tell you guys, coming down here you can feel it, an hour away, the amount of people that are normally at a game an hour early not quite like this. tonight it's going to be a lot of fun. i got my ticket you got your ticket. >> i'm workin today thankfully we stayed dry, radar looks dry right now, 80s in the next few hours, dipping into the 70s. tomorrow temperatures 70 north of town and low 80s in d.c. and 90s south. who cares it's all about rocking the red right now. i know. >> i really want to wear my t-shirt right now i got to get that. it's a little warm but not bad we got a nice breeze. we'll send it back to you guys. >> let me get that really good impersonation of the capital fog hornqvist. . horn. let me get that three times. >> let's go caps. >> we want to the hear that a lot tonight. >> thanks guys. be back with you in a bit. up next the voice of the capitals. we'll be joined by john from the verizon center. >> when the puck drops we want what they want many they won the stanley cup last year. >> and we'll talk about what the caps owner says about the rivalry with the penguins and his love-hate relationship with d.c. fans, stay with us. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ oshie drops it, taking it in, ovechkin, he scooores! >> alex ovechkin firing up the home crowd on thursday hoping to do the very same thing tonight in game two and get the w. >> got that right, that's what caps fans want. let's head now to verizon center to talk to carol. >> hi guys. yeah we still have the calm before the storm. 42 minutes before they drop the puck but a few more minutes as they do introductions and all game one was disappointing here everyone said that. one game does not decide the series. all the experts are saying, including a guy way up at the booths right now john walton the radio voice of the capitals we talked to him. who has a face for television. >> i don't know about that far r. part. the radio suits me well but thank you. >> it's a big night how stressed are you houx important is this game? >> it's an important game no doubt. you don't want to go to pittsburgh down 0-2. if you come out first period the way we have seen them on the road do, they got to carry it over at home, get the first goal, if they do that going to be a fun night here in china town. >> braden holtby took a lot of the blame after game one, said he knows he could be better, taking is it fair. >> he will always deflect praise else where and take it. everybody on the back end probably needs to raise their game a little bit but they're capable of it won more home games in the nhl this year if they can carry it through to the series they're going to be fine. >> we know one of the story lines covering the penguins strategy of blocking shots, it's something they're famous for, and did it again, 83-41, more than double, how do the caps respond. >> well, you need to be quick. that's the difference between fast and quick. only so much speed you can have. you got to get zone to zone quick. got to win draws. and yeah there were more blocked shots against the pens by the caps than there were that the penguins took shots at all. o it. don't get frustrated you'll be fine. >> the campaigns like their chances and so. >> the caps like their chances so do the media members covering them. capitalizing is key and tweaking their game and keeping the emotions in check, it's all easier said then done. now back to you. >> you got it carol. they are saying even though this is the second game is a must-win game. >> yeah pick up the spirits around here. doug is outside the verizon center sweating up a storm in that jersey, what's going on doug? >> it's not too bad, i will say that, we have a nice little breeze. i wish i could put this on when i get inside. because it's just a nationals shirt, you know, they lost earlier today so we can't bring that karma into the game tonight many you mentioned barry trotz was saying they need to keep their emotions in ec tonight. the first goal we went behind 2-0 the other night. as soon as we scored the first goal the emotions went right the ceiling. yes! i can't wait for that to happen tonight. i brought my wife with me, guys, 2 is just like when i brought my son with me one time, i just want them to experience the win. because when we get a win here in the playoffs you guys know it's like nothing we've ever seen so i can't wait for this game tonight. and of course you're talking about playing the pens. go caps! come on! and we still got an hour to go, i love it. 40 minutes. >> here's what we really love, seeing nothing but the campaigns jerseys. >> that's right. >> usually when you go to a game somewhere else you see a lot of jerseys for the other team not tonight. >> rocking the red tonight. there's a lot of enthusiasm for our sports time in three years campaigns and wizards are both in the playoffs. >> caught up with owner ted leonsis who said he's excited. >> there's a lot of cities right now that don't have this level of exciting, don't have a lot of people coming into town we are blessed right now to have both nhl and nba team still playing. >> at the beginning of the season does you think you would be here again, you've been here before. >> yes i had a lot of confidence in our team, our front office, our coaches, we're right where we expected, we have very, very high expectations and aspirations and hope to bring the two great championships to the fans in washington, d.c. >> tell me about the penguins do they bother you a little bit. >> no the penguins and hawks are great franchises we're all like a brotherhood but when the puck drops we want what they they won the stanley cup last year that's what we want this year. >> does it bother you at all the fans are so excited and all of a sudden when there's a loss they are so mad and don't like the players any more, until the next day. >> i had one say two days ago i was the greatest owner in sports and the next day saying i should sell the team i'mot worse owner in sports. no i love our fans, there's nothing they could say or do and make me not want to be appreciative and understand the situation the fan is in. they want what we want. we want to uplift our community. we want to bring a championship here vvm. so i share in their excitement. fi i share in their pain. i feel badly when i let them down. what i want most is to bring the championship to our city for these great fans. >> let's hoping he is >> absolutely. coming up next we'll head back out to the verizon center where amelia draper is now. >> guys we're here in game two, going for the win, caps are going for the win talk more about that coming up after the break. it was smoka great night oue the verizon center. t-shirt weather for sure. >> absolutely, it's so loud out here, the energy is infectious right now. we have to get a win. if you have seen my facebook page i get so hyped about the caps. let's talk about the weather. today it was the first 90-degree of the year. tomorrow will be on the warm side but not as hot. will start in the morning in the 60s. heavy fog with plenty of clouds but will break up by lunch time with temperatures in the mid 70s. high tomorrow 83. going to get cooler south town near 90 degrees, maybe a thunderstorm or two. heading to the evening really nice. 83 tomorrow. still warm for your monday. temperatures in low 80s a cold front will sets off showers and thunderstorms and we'll watch for strong gusty straight line wins on monday, could be a weather alert day, something to keep an eye on, tuesday lower humidity, in the 70s and nice on wednesday, cooler after that thursday and friday there's a chance of rain. today definitely a hot day out there. i have my let's go caps, i've had people ask for this. he doesn't want it but he needs. thanks, doug, thank. all right guys back to you. >> i would take a towel from you. >> stolen by the kid. >> thank you. coming up next on the news 4 power play, the caps red rocker joins us. >> stay with us we're back with much more. . . ♪ >> tie game! looked like the old dirty bird from the atlanta falcons, whatever it is though, we like it. the news 4 power play getting you ready for caps and penguins game two about 30 minutes from now the puck will drop at verizon center. >> and our news 4 coverage continues right now. let's hear from miss carol maloney. >> hey guys. i'm sure you heard all about game one. people saying here we go again playoff disappointment. when arriving three years ago, one of the first things he did was change a sign in the locker room, chaunging the sign was start of changing the culture. >> i was up there and i was, you know, it was up there, like, win, win, win, that's all you get. i said you know what, number one it was getting old for me. it's like i can't tell you. >> so a new sign hangs in their locker room. when greatness becoming tradition success is limitless to themphasize a new mind set. >> every time you step on the ice you win, you win, you win and you will break through, i can't tell you when but it will happen when you have that mind set. >> when winning becoming a part of you that is an every day occurrence you can go out and not have to worry about so many things, play with confidence and be free in yourself. >> yet an unfortunate tradition conditions. trailing in a series to the penguins. players ready to change the narrative. >> a lot of times we're labelled as a regular season team and i don't think anyone is too happy about being labelled that. i now it's at approach, at just trying to keep everything moving forward. >> it's about getting to the dance every year, if you get to the post season and you're playing good hockey there's going to be those moments will you have to own that will make or break you but if you're there playing in those games sooner or later you will get success if you play the right way. >> all i can tell you is it's going to happen for this franchise at some point. i might be here. someone else might be here. it's going to happen i can't tell you when but i can tell you if you have a culture and winning tradition where winning is very important and it is a high standard than you will break through. >> that's certainly the franchise that they have no team in the nhl lass won more games in the past two seasons than the washington capitals. heard it when he said it will happen for this franchise, it will. doug, did you hear that? >> it will. yeah it's got to happen now. yes carol it's got to happen now. i mean, if you're going to make it happen, we're down one, we need tonight, we got to go back to pittsburgh at least 1-1 here with general manager, don, obviously this is an exciting time for you. you've been in the playoffs, this is the second round, we have to go through pittsburgh almost every time what's it like for you guys jugs about every year. >> just about all of the us saw it as inevitable,we sort of expected it, here we are. let's win a hockey game. >> how great to get an 8:00 game, everybody's here way early tonight. >> it's fun the building is going to be sold out i hope it's almost all caps fans it's going to be an awesome >> you knew the forecast so brought in extra air conditioning. >> yeah the building staff knew months ago if we got to the second round the weather could be like this, and if you were outside you know it was pretty hot. >> we got to 91, we set a record high temperature. i love when i have cheerleader when i talk about the weather doesn't happen very often. are you traveling with the team when they go to the pittsburgh. >> i'm going to stay here and do the morning yoga with all the fans. >> that's right. that's awesome. you guys ready for this? >> we're so excited. stoked. it's amazing. >> i got to go. i would talk to these guys all day long, but i got to go. back to you. >> that's it. he got the pom-poms down there. >> leave it to the meteorologists to geek out over the weather. >> that's exactly right. >> thank you doug. >> all right, get out of here. coming up next the new sports power play head back down to verizon center for more. ♪ well the center of attention in this town tonight is down at verizon center we're going to go back down to our meteorologist. >> it's a hot night for hockey. >> yes indeed. >> i think the best pun i heard tonight, red hot out here, red hot in there, it's so exciting out here right now. so many fun fans. for the caps, people stopping by saying hi. we like to do the four things you need to know. so yesterday i put this together. the four things you need to know i already gave one away earlier. but in the second series, the caps actually have a good record if they are going in 0-1 like they are tonight. looking back we have ten wins and six losses. hopefully those odds are in our favor again tonight as they do take on the penguins. so the second thing you need to know. the penguins are the second worst possession team in the playoffs. shout out to the russian mission for figuring that fun fact out for me. this is the second straight year obi and crosby meet in the playoffs. and the it fourth thing you need to know, penguins have won four stanley cups eliminating caps in route to each of those stanley cups so we're changing history, we're winning tonight. now a quick look at the forecast. first day we hit 90 this year, usually we hit 90 around day 17. it's hot again tomorrow. monday late day thunderstorms and severe weather. enough about the weather. take a look out here guys. go caps. matty -- i'm still trying to give away this towel if you know anyone that wants it. >> we'll take it. up next on news 4 power play we're going to hear from the sports junky. >> displeased with the loss, others diggs gusgusted about it. we'll hear about it just ahead. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. just 15 minutes to game time let's check back in with carol at verizon center. >> i'm sure you can hear the difference here in verizon center it's getting loud and crazy, all of the big dogs are coming out. here's a bonus. the junkies. >> thank you carol. so the junkies are nervous after game one but the campaigps play well. >> they outhit them, outshot them, fewer turnovers, everything on paper but made that one extra mistake you can't make against the penguins. >> they went the first ten minutes without first shot on goal. braden holtby looked shaky on two of the goals he admitted such after the game that he would like to have couple of those chances back and they didn't get a power play. part of that is on the refs. can't blame the caps for that. >> what bothers me is now we're in a must-situation for game two and i don't want a must-have situation backed in the corner especially at home in game two so early in the series. that's the way i feel they're looking at it. you have to win game two you go down >> it would be one thing if you're blown out but they shout and outhit them. so if you do what you did in game one in game two maybe you get a better result. >> they could win 4-3 still a win. >> the thing is you got ovechkin and crosby and from game one lived up to the hype. crosby two goals. ovechkin scores. and so you got star power with two goalies going back and forth playing pretty well i have to think marc-andre fluery is not going to play the same level in game two as game one. >> i think he was just too hard on the caps, overall i thought they played very well. the one minute killed them. if they could clean it up they'll be fine. >> those are the break downs you can't afford against a team on the level, the pittsburgh penguins. they'll mak world's greatest playoff player? >> he is against the caps. >> he ended our season last year in game six and closed out game one of the series. >> at some point we need holtby to stand on his head. he's due for a break out game. look i don't want to blame him for some of their struggles so far in the playoffs but he needs a 38 out of 39 save game. we don't have to come to a miraculous finish in the third period. >> you're typically a panic when it comes to the local team. thash in the whole they're in the whole 1-0 where's your panic meter right now. >> on a scale one to ten about a four, not too panicky. if they lose tonight it goes to 9.5. >> mine's a full on ten if they lose tonight. >> but right now what it is. >> between three crosby was born, you know me, i was a negative nelly going into this series because of the history of these two teams and the rivalry and haven't beat them since 1994, lost 8 out of 9 we all know the numbers. they just don't make mistakes. they're seasoned. they know how to win. they got a good coach and superstars. >> the players and coaches may say what happened in the 90s doesn't matter but what does is you and me who lived through the caps disappointment in the playoffs. maybe it's a different year because they trailed toronto two games to one and same old caps. they stormed back and won three games in a row. >> i hope you're right zblx they outshoot them 83-41 and outhim them 37-17 they have a big chance. >> i think the key shots on net. >> back to you carol. >> just like hockey experts across north america, split on how this will go down. i can tell you this though. the penguins came out and they are not well liked here. from the sports junky to the weather junky, take it away. >> ah, carol, inside is where we will be in just a minute. i know i'm getting in there. thank you. thank you. >> this is live tv right now, folks. every night though. >> absolutely amazing. take a look at everybody just trying to come in. i mean, look at the crowds. we are here, game time coming >> i'm going to try to give another towel away. here these kids i think they want it. ah, look at that. ha, ha. >> who else needs a towel? who else needs a towel i through it threw left-handed. that wasn't right. here we go. we need a sling shot. so much fun down here we're having a great time. see you again soon. >> once again the best thing about that shot we don't see any penguins jerseys or gearit there. all right. still ahead on the news 4 power play. >> the four things to know before the caps take on the pens. thank for joining us on the news 4 power play let's head back out to the verizon center one last time before the game. >> you got some company there. >> yeah the power play wouldn't be the same without the power writer from the washington post. we know you love the series. >> i love the series, i love being with us especially. >> four things to talk about quickly. one can you get past the torture test. >> i think it's possible but won't happen in game >> number two, holtby, does he have to be better? >> absolutely he's vesna finalist two years in a way got stop them. >> number three i hate when zunino and crosby scores. >> doesn't matter who scores they just have to beat the team. >> i am wearing the red i'm not objective any more. and four can you have fun watching them go at it. >> i think it's more important for the players to have fun. i talked to justin williams game five how much fun they were havi having. have to relax. feel it. >> i'm not freaking out because he has his lucky hat on. >> didn't work last year though. >> thank you for wearing the lucky hat it makes us all feel better. >> give him a new hat then please. >> thank you carol. >> all >> that about does it for the news 4 power play. >> all right now the puck drops in just a few minutes from now. coming up next right here on nbc sports. >> and join us after the game for news 4 at 11:00. see you then. ♪ nbc sports, home of the olympic games, the nhl, premier league, the nascar playoffs and prime time's number one show, "sunday night football," only on nbc. a warm saturday night in washington, d.c., where famous landmarks are found in a line. there's another line in town, at the verizon center. alex ovechkin is on it. and in game one of this playoff series, he blasted in a goal. but pittsburgh penguins captain sidney crosby got two. and the penguins won in a frantic finish, 3-2. from the capital of the country, it's the stanley cup playoffs on nbc. a series loaded with world-class players. round two, g

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