Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20171211

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umeh. >> here we go. if you're not going to claim the, i shall. >> i'm here all week, ya'll. >> in for hold daal. hello everybody. okay. so coming up this morning, fox5 is spreading some holiday cheer with acts of just random kindness this morning. i love it. it is money monday erin and tucker getting ready to hit the road right now they're heading out the door. they are going to surprise some of our fox5 viewers and look it's monday monday. so we're not playing around. >> you can do the math and figure out what's going on. >> no opinions that say fox5 on us. this time. >> we have those. >> we got some some. >> okay. while you were gone. >> erin and tucker will drop you off somewhere. >> okay, all right. >> you'll bet the opinion. >> let's get serious and get to breaking news out of new york city. if you and that hear earlier this morning 90 minutes ago there was an explosion at midtown manhattan about block from times square outside of port authority in one of the subway tunnels in port auth authority. we are told that not only do police have a can you suspect in custody but only two people were hurt. non-life threatening injuries and one of the person who is the person in custody. only one bystander may have been injured in this attack. there's still very heavy police presence in the area. the details are still coming in. we've been hearing more and more details of course from our fox5 partners in new york city. who did say are reporting it was some type of pipe bomb that the suspect was wearing. the person who debt dough tow 98ed this, apparently detonated it was limit to do minor injuries. do you care the math there as well as to how big that blast may have been. we've seen video of blast it certainly was enough to shake up new york city this morning. you can see the very heavy police presence of local new york police and federal authorities there. speaking of federal response, we're also hearing from our bob bernard who's down at the white house this morning. they have expanded the security perimeter around the white house this morning. in response to the blast in new york city this morning. but the timing is there to make that assumption. we'll find out more details from bob in just a few minutes. bo is working a couple of other stories down at the white house right now. he's busy getting those details but wanted to pass along that news down at the white house if you're trying to get down there this morning the perimeter is extended to a slight bit where you would normally find it. >> times we're leaving there. >> president has been briefed on what's happened. he hasn't tweeted out anything yet given the relatively quick response how the suspect was taken in, perhaps hopefully we've heard the end of it and there isn't more to this than one person on a rampage. >> any time you hear something leap like this i'm sure there's a response from other majors cities as well. they don't know this is something coming their way. >> right. they have to get ready just in days case to be on the safe s side. >> okay. stay on top of that story for you. >> 9:03. let's check in with caitlin roth for cold temperatures looks like they're here to stay. >> cold and getting colder as we go through the rest of the week. by wednesday we are going to be talking about temperatures nearly 20 degrees below average and it's december. so that's cold air on the way. for today we're calling it cool. it is a quiet monday though. we've got sunshine out there and in case you missed it we are still rapping up what was a snowy start to our weekend. the snow totals pretty impressive when you consider it was tough to get those snowflakes to stick. 2-inches at reagan national. 4-inches at dulles. 2.8 at bwi this was throughout the day today. all three of these numbers broke daily snowfall records for december 9th. that was pretty impressive that was our first snowfall of the season. and we may see additional snowflakes as early as tomorrow morning. you see what's coming off lake michigan a cross parts of the state eastern chicago quick moving clipper system that will largely stay north of us ton tonight. tomorrow morning. but could still bring some snowflakes more than sections of our area like you're talking up northern maryland, hagerstown western cumberland, in order west virginia. 38 in d.c. mid to upper 30s elsewhere with enough sunshine and high pressure still in place. it should be a decent afternoon. so feeling like december with high temperatures in the mid 40s here in washington. those would be 30s as you get up into pennsylvania but we shall be doing a decent amount of melting for any of no snowfall left over from saturday. we'll call for 45 here in washington today with a mix of sun and clouds. snowflakes are possible for tomorrow and then the cold air arrives wednesday i'll have all of that still ahead in your seven day forecast coming up at about 9:30. but in the meantime, i'll send it back to you guys on the couch. steve. >> caitlin, thanks very much. happening today, the women who accused president trump of sexual misconduct uniting for the first time at least several of them. they plan to speak out. >> that's according to brave new films which has been documenting the women's stories. the group is hosting a news conference this morning in which the women will call for an investigation by congress. our bob barnard is live from the white house with the details this morning. bob? >> reporter: guys, good morning. that news conference is scheduled for 10:30 this morning in new york city. we were here earlier this morning standing basically on pennsylvania avenue in front of the white house and i think since what's happening in new york you can see here there are armed secret service people who have pushed this back. we're you will to h street now they basically closed off lafayette park. they haven't said why. we've spoken to them and they've been kind enough to say please move further off pennsylvania avenue and up here to h street. but you got to believe by the posture of at least the uniformed secret service that we see here it is because of what's happened in new york city. they haven't said so. but you sure get the impression that that's why this is happening now. we are here and have been here all morning because of that other event in new york city later this morning and as you mentioned these are 16 women who have accused of the president of some kind of misconduct. varying degrees of alleged misconduct. and as you mentioned we can show you bit from this documentary month called 16 women and donald trump by this company called brave new films which is ho hosg the news conference these women, these 16 women accusing the president of groping, fondling, forcibly kissing them, humi humiliating and harassing them. a do's season of these women leveled these accusations against candidate trump of course he was elected. this was all before the me too movement what these women will say today at this news conference we are told is that they want congress to investigate their allegations against the president. now, consistently the white house says that these women are lying although in that now infamous video of then celebrity trump back in 2005 when he was talking he thought off camera to access hollywood and billy bush when he said, look, i kiss women. i kind of force myself on them. they love it because i'm famous. they don't complain. these women are lying. they say what the president said then is what he has done. what trump said then is what he's done in the past and they want congress to investigate. so that is coming up this brave -- brave new films is going to put -- streaming this on their facebook page at 10:30 this morning. again, you see this armed secret service guy here because of what's already happening in new york the white house just posturing in a security pressure ahead of this thing that's going on later on in new york. guys. so in a sense a lot of ice on new york this morning from the white house. >> no doubt. both ways. again, the explosion in new york this morning the word right now just two minor injuries including the person who supposedly set off that explosive device. goo news there. >> 9:08 is the time. sticking to politics with just one day to go before alabama special election, president trump making last minute robo calls in support of senate candidate roy moore. >> hi, this is president trump for roy moore. it is so important. >> the 92nd call includes the progress saying progress on his agenda will be stopped call in voters bin democrat doug jones. moore spent the weekend out of the public eye his only appearance was pre taped interview he denied allegations of inappropriate misconduct involving young women and tine age girls. >> i do not know them. i had no encounter with them. i never molested anyone. and for them to say that, i don't know why they're saying it but it's not true. >> meanwhile democrat doug jones campaigned in new york with senate corey booker over the weekend. recent polls show the race is in a dead heat in the red state. all right 9:09 is the time. i want to take to you developing story. it's a sad day for teachers and students at walt whitman high school in bethesda. just one day after student boss' body was found following a desperate search the teen had been missing night. this morning grief counselors on hasn't at the white school helping students copy company witness tragic loss. fox5's melanie alnwick is live walt wait man high school with the latest on this very sad story. mel. >> reporter: that's right, good morning. i just got no touch with montgomery county police see if there was any sort of update what i'm told this is still on-going investigation. the medical examiner's. >> reporter: is still pending it does appear according to the accounts of friends that navid disappeared after a night out with friend. let's take you to the video when fox5 arrived on scene sunday evening this was after an al all-day search from family and friends. looking for the 17-year-old high school senior. they ended up in wooded area off the 6500 block of laverock lane near the bannockburn swim club. friends last saw navid saturday. according to what we're being told he was walking with a and somehow got separated from them. police have not confirmed that account yet. or stories about perhaps where this group had been earlier in the night. now, he was a 17-year-old seen 84 here at walt whitman high school. letter was sent to the community from the principal and in that letter the principal said that navid's death appeared to be accidental but that the investigation was continuing. the principal also asked people to remember navid's love of art and commitment to others. now this as you mentioned a difficult day here at school because it was only a few weeks ago when a 16-year-old girl also student at the school died and so students were just kind of coming to terms with that and then to be hit with this as well that's another reason why they brought in determine grief counselors and resources for those students to help process their emotions today. live in bethesda, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. >> so sad. mel, thanks for that update. >> developing overnight in d.c. fire and ems c overnight fire on 13th street in northwest dc the fire apparently was accidental started near a gas fireplace. three people and two pets have didn't displaced they have somewhere else to stay and no one was injured. >> d.c. police are looking for a man who robbed a mcdonald's after climbing through the drive through window. this happened yesterday morning around 5:00 in the morning at the fast food chain on georgia avenue. police say the man climbed right through that window. once he got inside, he robbed the store and took off with an unknown amount of money. anyone with information is asked to call police. how brazen are you are you to do that at 5:00 in the morning oh and busy part of georgia avenue. >> didn't someone climb through mcdonald's window. >> the woman. >> okay. how big are those windows? >> right. >> coming up the first major award show announcements sill the hollywood sex assault scandal began. our kevin mccarthy joins us live from la with a closer look at the golden globe nominations. ♪ illuminate dull hair. with formulas infused with hand-pressed moroccan argan and camellia oils, garnier whole blends illuminating haircare indulges hair with moisture. for luminous shine. garnier whole blends argan & camellia oils. find every blend at walmart. hmm i can't believe how great this tastes! i can't believe it comes in... vegaaaan. and organiiiic. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! in it's vegan! and it's organic! >> boy, big announcement today the golden globe nominations just about an hour ago. seth myers will be hosting the show next month. >> still not us again. >> we're such a dynamic kevin mccarthy joins us live from la with all the dietz. hey, kev. >> good to see you this morning. a lot of interesting things came out of the nominationings start the many nominations ea earl eay this morning eight round 8:15. larger one z came out 8:45. we'll get to the main categories first a couple things i wanted to mention i found fascinating one of the biggest films of the year the big sick a comedy. great story. ray romano no nominations for that film even in the comedy category which blew my mind that movie made a lot of money. didn't cost a lot to make and became a huge critical film over the years. also, knot nominations for wonder woman nothing for that film. i'm surprised that patti jenkins didn't get a nomination for best director. that movie was very re wl received. christopher plumber, now if you're not familiar with the story. kevin spacey starring in all the money in the world. supposed to come out dece december 22nd. directed by ridley scott. once the spacy story broke, they replaced spacy with christopher plumber back in november. they finish all the scenes that they replaced spacy with the movie was done and now has been nominated for supporting actor roll for christopher mummer who replaced spacy and it got a director nomination by ridley scott. so fasc fascinating information. also, get out, nothing for jordan peel and the director category and nothing in the screen play category while it's one of the most best directed and best written films i've seen this year. so those are kind of the big surprises and snubs. let's go through some of the major categories really fast. best picture drama you have call me because your name, dunkirk which i was very excite bowed, not surprised, the post which is steven spielberg about the washington post, publishing the pentagon papers, you have the shape of water as well as three billboards missouri. great list. i have no complaints. i'm very happy with those five. best picture musical comedy, i still have no idea why get out is in this category. i'm happy to see it nominated at all. but it's not musical and/or a comedy whatsoever. the disaster artist also you have i tanya and lady bird great movies on these lists not complaining whatsoever. but i just feel like the golden globes they always tick me off somehow. i just fine it fascinating that they the tourists one of the worst movies you have eastern movie starring johnny depp and angelina jolie got three nominations. years ago in major categories the big sick and other films are not getting any nominations like wonder woman. that doesn't make any sense to me. in the acting categories, this is all pretty much predictable. timothy lead actor from call me by your name. daniel day lewis from, deanol man, denzel got a nomination i wa the movie wasn't as good as he was, he was fantastic so i'm actually surprised denzel got in there. and tom hanks for the post. and then real fast actress in drama category judy determine for victoria and abdul. helen mirror ren -- i'm sorry, actress drama in, my apologies. jessica chastain for molly's game sally hawkins, francis mc dorman, meryl streep and michelle williams. i was reading you actress musical comedy by mistake. >> if you want to tweet me your thoughts tweet me at kevin mccarthy tv. i'm interested in seeing seth myers host the show. i just feel like the golden globes to me it's more avenue party than really recognition of what really is deserving. i'm interested to see what happens. i just feel like it's a little weird the big sick is any other in there and/or wonder woman and a lot of other films. >> the shape of water came out like two days ago. so did the winston churchill movie. what is going on. >> a lot out yet. >> okay. >> what happens is the films you're referring to like shape of water, a screeners come out. they're screened months ago. i saw shape of water a month and a half ago. so even though they're not out where we live yet, they're going to all have a release date in new york or la at least before christmas day. what's funny about the christopher plumber movie by the way that originally had release date of december 22nd when they replaced him with plumber everyone was like how are you going to finish the movie in less than a month. they did it and moved the release date of three months. it comes out christmas day. >> all these nominations which to me says this is a dig at kevin spacey if you ask me. i love christopher plumber, come on i mean -- >> i'm fascinated to see how it's going to work. apparently they brought the actors back in. they redid his scenes. i see it next week i'm interviewing plummer. ridley scott. >> thanks, kev. >> golden globe awards nominees announced and my hash tag is golden globes its globes so boring. >> golden globes, go denzel. >> it's genius 93 wait to the last month of the year to put the film out. >> do they walk about the relevancy of the award shows any more. >> who votes for the golden globes. >> the foreign press much this was like a party and precursor to the oscars to so what comes out. >> okay. >> all right. >> it is what it is. >> still boring. >> of more important note it is money monday if you're not familiar with monday among, you'll learn from erin and tucker because they are out on the road this morning with special surprise on this monday morning for shoppers this holiday season who may need help on monday monday. we won't say what they're giving away on this money monday. >> first a message from overseas. ♪ hey mom, dad, uncle kenny, uncle dave aunt marilyn, grandma, it's colin i'm here in the hot sandy desserts of bag ran. want to do a christmas shout out to all of you. love you all. can't wait to see you soon. love you. bye! bye! see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. more than anywhere else in america. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens and you would even say it glows. christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. this year, start a new holiday tradition. delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at ♪ al, you ready? the pressure son right now. >> i'm ready. time to check stories making headlines this morning. that honor goes to my friend allison seymour. >> thank you very much steve. southern california wildfires now burning into a second unbelievable week. residents of santa barbara county are being warned to leave their homes behind as these fires continue to rage. the largest known as the thomas fire is only 15% contained. so far it's burped more than 270,000 square miles and it is only expected to grow. more than 30,000 people are under mandatory evacuation orders. there's big push this morning for complete band on window blinds with cords. new us study shows the number of children who are either killed or injured after becoming entangled or strangled cords still a big problem. despite decades of safety training and concerns, nearly 17,000 young children were hurt by these kind of blinds 199090 and 2015. 300 of them died. if you're looking to cut back on calories while traveling, delta or virgin islands might be your best bet. two companies tied for first place in a new study that ranks the healthiest airlines they were judged in calories, likes calorie count and accessibility they were judged in categories i should say. accessibility or nutritional information. hawaiian airlines in case you're wondering came in at the bottom of the the list but you're going to hawaii so. and finally, christmas came early for some kids in the d.c. region over the weekend. all thanks to united airlines nearly 200 children who are currently in hospice care got the chance to board a plane at dulles airport on yesterday and then they went on a journey to the north pole. once they arrived, stan clause and his helpers were there to >> so sweet. >> awesome. >> all right. >> it's 9:27. still ahead this morning it's almost time for our mo money moy surprise. >> we could us a you'll a money surprise couldn't we right now. we'll have their big reveal n next. >> that's clue. >> kevin sits down with hugh jackman at 10a to dish about his new movie the greatest showman and the uncut coming of christ. first baptist church of glenn arden is live in the loft with sneak peek of their ninth annual christmas play. tis the season to indulge the cheesecake fact four joining us any with holiday treats. that impress your gifts. back after this. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ time now is 9:30. but what it's time for really is money monday. >> fox5 is out on the roads getting the week off to an ma mazing start spreading some surprises and holiday cheer. so let's check in with tucker and erin. okay. so what's going on? what's the first stop? >> all right. so here's the deal. we are out trying to make people happy for the day, right. >> yes. spread the holiday cheer and kindness around. you know, money monday this is tie he was at the bus stop right in front of the best buy waiting to go to work. >> where do you >> verizon wireless. >> you actually watch us sometimes, right. >> i do. >> you said your mom watches. >> my mom watches often. >> yeah. >> excellent. well we are out here on the street. and we just feel like giving back. >> yes. >> the idea here is, tighe. , we'll give you a gift because we appreciate you watching. >> we partnered witness dc lottery. i have five scratch offs for y you. >> look around so everybody can see he them. >> if do you win it big remember tucker and i because we found at the bus stop. >> okay. >> we were excited to help with holiday cheer. to help you with your holiday shopping we have 100 goals gift card for you. >> have did you done your shopping yet. >> no. >> hopefully you can win a little bit of money. what are you thankful for this holiday season. >> i'm thankful for life every day i live. family and friends and just everything. the whole world basically the. >> good. that's really sweet. >> awesome. >> we appreciate you taking time out. that was worth waiting for, yes, it was, thank you so much. >> you didn't miss your bus much it's a win. >> you can head >> i appreciate you guys. thank you. >> what do you want for the holidays. >> i don't want anything. waking up every day is a enough for me. >> i want to be honest. if you win those lottery tickets you know where find me. >> you want half. >> i want a piece of the action. >> don't forget about me. >> we'll slit it three ways. >> is that your bus. >> go get it if you have to get it. >> you sure. >> that's our first stop. two more stops if you see us out on the streets,. >> come say hello you. >> want a gift, you know, you just have to make sure your favorite weather and traffic is tucker and erin and we're sold. >> tucker was his favorite. right away i knew. >> we got more people that want gifts. things are going crazy around. >> now, we can feel the kindness in the air. >> building an audience. >> so nice to meet you. >> thanks for watching. >> happy holidays to you. >> thank you. >> money monday. best hi assignment ever tucker. >> we'll keep moving >> where will he be next. >> making that gentleman happy. all of a sudden all these came running up behind to you get on the bus. >> look at that. >> hi everybody. >> what's up kids? >> that's awesome. >> now get to school. get to school. >> get to school. >> there you go. >> thanks guys. >> that's great. >> i love it. okay. let's get a which check on weather now with caitlin roth. good morning. >> all right. those two. they'll be flooded wherever they go. they are going to have quite the following today giving away on this money monday. temperatures are chilly outside right now 38 in washington. you saw everyone bundled up in their coats and little kids on their way to school. maybe not on the way to school. it's 9:30 usually kids are in school by now. any ways mid to upper 3 30s and seal temperatures rise in the 40s later today. satellite/radar nothing going on locally. in fact we'll see decent amount of sunshine with high pressure in place there's a little bit of snow moving east of chicago off lake michigan and actually that's going to form into a pass towards our north late tonight early tomorrow morning. there's tonight. 9:00 o'clock. some snow in cleveland and watch this thing unfold as it brings some bands of snow showers as far south as west virginia this is mainly going to be mountain snow early tomorrow and that will go up through parts of pennsylvania and new york it's going to stop short of really reaching us here in washington as it tends to do. those mountain show showers. but we can see a passing flurry with that cold front. the bigger story will be the reinforcing cold air that will arrive tomorrow night lasts through the day on wednesday with high temperatures in the mid 40 today's that doesn't sound that bad. but by wednesday afternoon, we're barely in the 30s and in fact there could be some widespread high temperatures only in the 20s. so for today, sun and clouds, 45. little bit of light snow is possible. the further north and west you go away from washington. although locally i just don't think we'll see much besides a murray. 48 degrees is the high temperature tomorrow but that will be 48 and falling we'll turn windy and colder by late in the day tuesday. and then wednesday look at that temperature bottom out at 24 degrees. just 32 for a high on wednesday that's really chilly. we'll keep that it way through the rest of the work week. chance for some more flurries on thursday. maybe some showers on friday. these are just weak little things moving by. but it is enough that it could bring some impacts if we get snow falling at the right or wrong time which would be namely thursday morning during the commute. we're watching that closely before that even happens we've got the colder air moving through and it looks a little britny's sorry as we head towards the weekend. that's a look at your seven day forecast. >> maureen, over to you in the kitchen. >> i love this. fox5 d.c. cares joining make a wish mid atlantic to help grant the wishes of children in our area suffering from serious illnesses and today wish kid john and his family are here to talk about the impact of having his wish granted to their family. he got the chance to be a chef earlier this year and so we can see some of his skills in ac action. danny knee owner of slate wine bar is here to get help from john. slate burgers will be more delicious because john is a master chef and he's about to just it up even more. >> we're so glad to have you john. welcome. >> thank you. >> i saw your individual row when you made the burgers for your family and brownies you did quite a nice job, young man. >> yeah. you'll replicate. i'll let you slide over here with chef danny to get started we'll talk to are to your parents. this mom dan sean. while you're getting danny -- while you're getting john over here i got to give a shout out you've been part of our make a wish events. we had a young man kaheem end save the day you helped bring him down from the fire truck. >> i was able to lift up to the museum on the second floor and set the mascots free and safe d.c. >> now your family is part of this. what does it mean to you to have your family be part of the make a wish process and to be able to have that wishful filled. >> make a wish has been mazing. not only john but his sister carly as well both of their wishes were granted and gotten involved in every way that we can to try and give back and try hopefully help somebody else's path a little bit easier. >> can you tell us about john's condition. >> so john has forest two my yo condrey ya'll disorder. he and carly are really the only two documented cases this late in their lives with it. they've had it since they were born. everyone else is not quite had the luck that they've had. >> john is 17 years old. >> 18. >> 18 now. okay. when he made the video he was 17. >> just turned 18 a month be before. >> okay. why cooking? i want to ask john, john what is it about cooking that you love so much, buddy? >> who do you like to cook for? >> for my family. >> i love that. and is this something that he's always sort of shown an interest in. >> always. >> he loves to always help in the kitchen any time you're out there. what can i do? >> and burgers. when i think about burgers i think about hearty. i think about warmth and family and is that his favorite food. >> yes. >> and brownies. >> and brownies. >> did he brownies. >> and they're delicious. you're putting together burger. let's show what you guys have done over here danny. famous slate burger. >> y. >> and you and john have assembled it give us a little low down of what you've done here. >> sure. put some herb mayo, tomatoes, cheese, burger we use very fresh ingredient to a local farm in maryland, and that's it. >> it looks delicious. >> brioche bun. >> you didn't have to do this but you're part of this making this young man's wish come true. >> yes. >> why do you do it? >> well, you know, for me i try to make people happy. i started with the same principal trying to cook for my family and friends and, you know, that gives me a lot of of pleasure. >> incredibly look at the smile on his face much he's able to do this his family enjoying meal. when i look at something like this i'm thinking some people might just be a burger. but this is a live changing thing happening here. >> yes. >> talk a little bit about what this means to your family as a whole having this come true in this way. >> i mean it was amazing. i mean make a wish was able to couple dc sports which is his other passion along with cooking and put it in a package deal for something that he'll remember and we'll remember, you know, forever. >> and we do too. like i said seems like something so simple when you see the joy on his face when you see what it means to familiars like you to have your child even if it is for that brief moment be normal and not have these challenges, you know, at every single minute of their lives much this is incredible. i know that you because you've got such a huge heart you wanted me to save sometime you had something to do you wanted to give to john and his family. >> this is an apron i use in competitions. so i -- it's washed up and everything. [ laughter ] >> i wanted to g and also gift certificate for you and your family to come to slate. >> oh, my goodness. >> thank you. >> wow. that is tremendous of you. >> and we know the slates got amazing food you guys will have good eats there. >> i hear your mom likes wine, too. >> there's wine for you. >> do you have another food item that you're working on you might want to show us next time you're around? >> pancakes. >> pancakes, yes. if you stick around we'll have pancakes at the end of the show. so maybe you can taste some with us. >> john, thank you so much. thank you so much for being here and thank you for helping make all of this happen. make a wish. we partner with them but my goodness, this is what it's all about showing love and kindness and helping dreams come true. thank you guys so much. you keep at it, young man. i see restaurant in your future. >> all right. >> he always says he wants to be a chef when he grows up. >> he already is a chef. look at his masterpiece he's done it and the apron to prove it. i'll hang out with these guys over here. send it back over to you maybe even taste the burger. >> great job. what a great job indeed. >> still ahead, some big named support pouring in for young boy after his video about being bullied goes viral. >> but first we're bundling up to keep warm easy to forget summer body all those summer bodies that are made in the wintertime. you got to keep that in mine if you want to get tight in the summertime you got to do it all the time. even when it's cold we've got helpful tips for you to help you from packing on the pounds from all those holiday gatherings. you stick eat it but you have to work. >> i didn't meet mean to put you on camera when we set that. >> look at that. hmm. ♪ i love you, basement guest bathroom. your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. dude. your crunching's scaring the fish. dude. they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. i got one! guess we're having cereal for dinner. kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. >> all right. here's the deal. well it may be starter to go feel little bit like -- come in here. we'll get this together. we'll get it worked out. this is how we do live tv. feel like every weekend and every event is filled with food and drinks and more food. all right. but we have to remember summer bodies made in the wintertime. you got to put in the work. and here to make sure we don't pack on those sugar cookie pounds is trainor and founder of ultimate goal success athletics this is coach e also known as emmanuel. what's up? >> how you doing. >> good to see you, sir. >> i like the look. can i get -- we'll talk about that later. >> you brought somebody with you. >> normally i would do this you know, i've been up since 3:00 o'clock. i can't -- in it way. you brought somebody with you to do exercises for us? yes. >> a lot of people will be at parties. they'll be drinking. they're going to be eating and summertime rolls around they'll wonder what happened. to avoid all of that, what do they need to be doing. we got a couple of tips. let's do five since this is channel five. headlights do five things that you can do to get your body right and tight for the summertime even though it's the holidays. number one, we're talking about hearts. >> heart is the key right here. let's get it on talk and we going to work. >> it's going to be peripheral heart exercise. >> okay. >> which really target the heart. >> uh-huh. >> and help you burn the fat. >> okay. what do we do. >> first we'll start with the kettle bell swing. >> let's do the kettle bell swing all about the heart. what are we doing. >> kettle bell. >> how many pounds is that. >> about 10 pounds. >> all right. you going to work your way up to that. >> work your way up start with a five pounder or ten and build your way up. >> >> switching hands. >> allotted of times work out they do one hand, 20 here and 20 here. >> now we trying to do ten and 12 reps on each side it could be done also together. if you're not strong enough just like that. >> both hands. >> get to work on the core. upper body. >> okay. little bit of the legs. >> gotcha. >> thank you. >> you do that all day. >> every day. >> every day. >> yes, ma'am. questions from the audience. >> will i get those arms if i do just that? [ laughter ] >> no, you going to do curls. >> onset, you're good. >> did you hear that laugh? >> mainly for the shoulders and core and legs definitely you can do some curls. you can do some push ups. >> more than just doing that? >> yeah. >> continue. >> no problem. >> all right. >> that's the first question from the class. >> we've done the kettle bells. we did the swings. >> now we're getting ready to do the push up slides. >> push up slides. we were talking about the arm now >> arms, shoulders, core, boom. >> oh wow. >> no, no, no i'm unable to do one push up. >> wait. >> i'm unable. >> when you have somebody who says something like that, i'm unable. >> i'm unable. >> you have to try. >> miss all the shots you don't take. >> i know that's right. you miss all the -- that's the quote of the day. i like that. >> there you go. >> now we're good now. you can do basically ten push ups. >> yup. >> every time you go down you alternate by bringing your leg up. what happens with the leg like she was doing she was tar getting the core. >> right. >> the shoulders, the chest, the triceps, all of that. >> okay. >> in one. >> a lot of focus on the core much almost out running out of time. butterflies. >> butterflies. >> what's a butterfly. >> we going here. >> focus on the core. >> oh yeah. very important. very important for your body to move. >> what i'm noticing you don't need a lot of equipment. >> no. >> you can do this rye after your meal, right before your yor >> exactly. >> the whole time. after their food. butterflies. >> butterflies. >> now is this proper form. not hitting her back. >> proper form. >> opening up, closing down, good, thank you jay. opening up and closing down. >> okay. >> then we'll do jump swats. >> don't forget -- >> class pay attention. >> almost like a super circuit. >> okay. >> what's going on with that we working on upper, lower core. >> so now she going right here. now she going to really active with the heart rate. >> get the heart rate up. >> working on the legs. once again, good. >> that looks simple. >> simple, good. >> squat jumps. let's get the last one in. >> reverse lunches. >> okay. ladies, build the legs and glutes. >> okay. >> legs and glutes. >> just like that. >> yeah. >> how many of those do do you? i guess it depends. >> ten to 12. when you work your way up you can go 15, 16. all right. when you don't allow yourself to lift weights, you going to do a lot of body weight exercises you go as you get stronger, up up the reps. >> push it notch. >> yeah. you lower the rest period. >> okay. >> how much time should you do in between periods. >> 30 seconds. >> we didn't have time. >> the circuit called the round. after you done, you rest for about one minute, two minutes you go right back at it again. >> go right back it. three to five rounds. >> gotcha. the information for co e, coach emmanuel on your screen. keep that in mind while you're at the party get your drink on. >> whoo! >> what are you whooing? >> i'm tired just watching. >> those really impressive. >> if you can do any of those, you can do some of these. ththese, as we go to break, lifs and tear. >> lift and tear. >> lift and tear. >> look at the disgust on coach e's face. >> i'll take this. >> no. >> make him do some push ups. >> make him run to it. >> go to break. >> get out thereof. >> that's >> ♪ if your skin had a wash tag what would it say? 80% glowing 50% freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. that's why dove is sulfate free. the #1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. don't do this? no new york city new york city. >> that's right. >> you can't handle the sni snickers. >> do you eat these? >> what is going on? >> okay. no. i see what you're doing. strength training. ahh! >> one for the gain, one for the glory. >> we working it out over here. >> i'll take it. >> no. >> thank you. i got to wrestle you for it, allison. >> come on. >> feeling froggy, jump. >> thank you so much. oh, man. once again the show is off the rails. countdown is on star wars the last jedi hits the theaters on friday and everybody is feeling the force. >> world premier is los angeles over the weekend look at the fans that camped outside the chinese theater in hollywood. right there from sunset fox's adam housely there to catch up with the cast members. >> the force is strong with this one! spectacle fit for galaxy far far away. as the cast and some invited famous guests took over the shrine auditorium in los angeles saturday night for the world premier of star wars the last jedi. >> ♪ >> 25-year-old lead daisy ridley who plays fin is still getting used to this out of this world experience. >> it's weird watching yourself. i was with a lot of other cast which was awesome because we sort of experienced it together much it's very odd watching a film you're in. ♪ >> this is the eighth film in the episodic zero reince ninth in the blockbuster franchise. it brings back most of the cast from the force awakens including the late carrie fisher in her final role as princess lie ya. >> it's really beautiful testament to her regard -- like her performance is orlando amazing and obviously with everything else there's -- it's more emotional. >> when you see this film, you will just remember her so well and so beautifully. i was shocked at my reaction when she came up in the first scene. i was putting mvo suddenly there's carrie and i was so touched by it. >> and after 40 years since playing luke sky sky walker the 1777 george lucas film mark hamil believes this one stays true to the star wars. >> george called the first star wars the most bow budget movie made. it cost $9 million. catering on d.c. movie. you can throw all the money in the world at it you got to have characters you care about. you have to have the story that's interesting. >> this is not going to go the way you think. >> expect a gallon lactic opening when the last jedi opens this friday. in hollywood, adam housely, fox news. >> all right. kev literally was just texting kev about star wars five minutes ago he's so excited he'll see it recent view it on wednesday. >> right. >> and then, you know, sometime next week we'll talk to him about it. >> when are you seeing it. >> i don't that's a good question. you'll go this weekend? >> i'm going to go saturday -- everything depends on basketball but i'm going to trying to saturday to matinee. i'm excited to see how this all shakes out. 20 more star wars movies i do want to see this. >> pace yourself. >> i'm hearing really good things this is one of the best ones since return of the jedi won critics said earlier this morning. >> do you ever hear bad about star wars before. >> not this good. >> really. >> i think i need to watch the last one to make sure i need to be where i need to be. >> coffee time. >> one mug is up for grabs if you want a cool good day mugs courtesy dunkin' donuts. perfect fort dunkin' donuts cuff fee. head to enter the mug contest one lucky winner selected by random drawing. get the entry in by 11am. 9:56 right now. back with the 10a next. this year, start a new holiday tradition. delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at cindy and frida appreciate the arts. frida is a work of art. when it's time to eat, frida enjoys the culinary-inspired taste of meow mix bistro recipes. made with real chicken, salmon or tuna. it's the only one cats ask for by name. >> must seat moments only only good day at 10a. trending right now, celebrities al ale round a young boy who is bullying video went viral. golden globe nominations are out it includes one for the queen of hiphop soul. plus, ellen evacuates as flames thr threaten to burn dowr home. >> he's one of hollywood's greatest showman what does he have in store for audiences this time around. don't miss kevin's interview with hugh jackman. it's money monday. tucker and erin random acts of kindness on the streets of dc. don't miss the surprises life. all right. let's do this in three, two, one. good day at 10a starts now. ♪ all right. let's get this thing started right now. minute past the hour at 10:00 o'clock we just mentioned tucker and erin the big question is where are they? they gave someone money earlier this morning. >> yup. sure did. >> making them very happy one of our great fox5 viewers they happened to find out streets of d.c. they're looking for someone to make happy and have a festive holidays. we can't not tell from that picture where they are where they are. >> i see a sign on the corner right there. >> a sign. >> never mine. >> never mind. i thought it was somewhere else. that's not it. the adventure continues. >> check in with them in just a minute. >> you see them in their blue coats around d.c. be very very nice to them this morning. we do want to get our top story this morning that is breaking news coming out of new york city this morning. an explosion a few hours ago in manhattan right near port authority. you can see there is still a law enfo we have multiple local law enforcement agencies from new york federal enforcement suspect in custody right now and that two people were hurt including the suspect. the person in custody both with minor injuries which is great news there. there is still as you can see a heavy police presence details still coming in. fofox5 in new york reporting it was some type of pipe bomb. explosive device that's the words they used strapped to the suspect who again has been arrested and is in custody. now at a in a hospital in new york. stay tuned for the latest on that. 10:02 is the time before we check and see what's trending my good friend allison seymour is here with a look at what else is making had he lines. >> thanks so much, wis. making had he lines on this monday morning several of the women who have come forward with accusations of sexual assault against now president trump will come together today to demand a congressional investigation. at least 16 women have accused of the then candidate of sexual misconduct. conference this morning at a hotel in new york city to demand accountability. over the weekend two democratic senators also called for the president's resignation. making headlines all eyes are on the alabama senate race and the election. voters head to the polls tomorrow to elect a new senator. the vase really too close to call republican roy moore is in a dead heat with democrat doug jones. moore was once again the clear frontrunner until allegations surfaced about a month ago that he made sexual advances on teenaged girls when he was a deputy district attorney. jones hit the road over the weekend trying to drum up last minute support. moore was absent from the campaign trail but has plans to hold rally to night with former trump chief strategist steve bannon. christmas wreaths on their way to the arlington national cemetery. the wreaths across america caravan will travel through several states before arriving in our area next saturday where they will be stones for the holiday season. this tradition started in maine, maine wreath maker donated 5,000 wreaths to arlington cemetery it has continued grown. our first snow of the season over the weekend on saturday and someone who is certainly enjoying it is mei xiang. the national zoo tweeted out this video of the giant panda rolling down the hill in the snow. the zoo says giant pandas are actually most active in the winter. >> aww. finally, a six-year-old boy making a big name for himself on the internet. >> ♪ >> is that a huge present for me? i wonder what's inside? [ laughter ] >> power rangers. >> aww. this is ryan. and according to forbes, he is ranked as one of the world's highest paid youtube stars. he's six. >> yes. >> he has 10 million subscribers on his toy called ryan toy review and in 2017 he made $11 million. >> wait, what? >> what am i doing wrong. >> what? >> he gots lot of free toys. >> is this a misprint. >> no. >> he's six. >> i have six-year-old. what is she doing? >> how many boys decided i'll film my six-year-old doing something. >> hello. >> i got three. if i get a million each i'll be doing good. >> right. >> i got to be in charge of the financial situation. >> that is true. >> come on. >> yeah. had he got to get to work. >> this little boy reviewing toys. >> he's six. what am i doing. >> i know. >> $11 million. >> we're not doing enough. that's awesome. he's set. hopefully he is -- >> zula has got to start pulling her weight. >> right. >> here's the question. if you're his parents do you get him toys for christmas because he's seen he have day. every day he's unwrapping a toy it. >> could be a business expense part of the business you guy will bebuy >> here's yours toy. i only gave that two stars. didn't you see my review. >> it's true. what's under his true. >> he's winning. >> he's winning. >> $11 million. whoo! >> six past the hour on this monday morning. let's check what is trending this morning. viral video another one catching everybody's attention showing young boy named keaton jones from knoxville tennessee. he's explaining how he gets bullied at school. if you haven't seen it, take a look. >> why do they bully? what's the point of it? why do you enjoy taking innocent people and find a way a way to be mean to them. it's not okay. if you are made fun of just don't let it bother you. stay strong. >> it's not okay anybody who has been bullied immediately feels that pain right there. young keaton if youing his emotions into words and his mom posted the video on friday after she pick up her son because he was too now -- >> where is the school in this. >> i'm sorry. >> the school has to be heard now. >> this has me so outrage as parent when i saw it. >> seriously. >> the school now can't hide. because this video has more than 22 million views. the video inspired a slew of famous people to support that little boy. he's received invites to concerts, invites to movie premieres. from chris evans. i'm just going to hang tight. station strong keaton don't let them make you turn cold. i promise it gets better. while those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how about you and your mom come to the avengers premier in los angeles next year? now, i will say i told allison this earlier. out of all the tweets that we talk about, that seem to get ten or 20,000 retweets that we make a big do over that tweet has over 200,000 retweets. over 700,000 likes and that in itself tells me there are a lot of people that are looking for the good in >> that's right. >> looking to spread the word of the good out there. >> he's getting a lot of attention. >> you're right. now that's out there -- >> i mean because -- >> let's take it to every school. >> as parent, oh, my goodness. when i saw that, i mean -- >> your heart breaks. >> your her breaks for him and the irony of is the other story we talk about is this movie wonder. oh top five in the thing eighty nine you're preaching to the choir because people who go to the movie theater to see the movie wonder but when i saw his face and i saw the differences that he lives with, um, you know, and that's the target in the meantime we're talking about this movie making i was this money because a boy similar to him is getting bullied. my thing is i'm this child's parent. if i have to go and sit with this boy every day in the cafeteria because when the fanfare is over, where is keaton. >> where is keaton? he's still -- >> hopefully the school steps in. >> getting bullied. hope if the the school at this point ashamed into a reaction. >> for everyone -- this didn't just start. >> for everyone who like that video i'm this. search your heart. some people who like this you are the bullies f you're doing that shame on you. >> show it to your kids. >> it's interesting because at school at our school they talk about bullying all the time and they deal with bullying issue a lot and we talk about it a lot in our household about how not only don't bully, but if do you see somebody being bullied -- >> right. >> tell somebody. >> that's right. >> don't let that go and just be nice. just be nice to your classmates and to other people at the school and in the neighborhood. so, yeah. nobody is above anybody else. >> nope. >> so yeah. >> stand with that person that. video, you know what maybe it's the sea change. we've been talking about a bullying a long time. maybe the face of it brings it home. >> okay. we'll switch gears completely now taken talk about nominations for the 75th annual golden globes announced two hours ago. among the favorite steven spielberg the post and christopher nolan dunkirk in the television category big little lies dominate thed category with six nominations. fx fargo >> it doesn't matter. ncb sounds good to me. >> okay. hulu's three nominations it. best original song artist mary j. blige for up for golden globe for her son metate river in mud bound. it will be hosted january 7th by seth myers and broadcast by nbc. >> beverly hills hotel. >> this prompter will get you oh and monday. i'm telling you. >> over the weekend saturday night live poked fun at the o on-going sex assault allegations making headlines these days with haute santa exit. keenan thompson played saintism did you know he's almost 40? >> no he looks great. >> he's been on the show 40 years. >> feels like it he struggled through a slew of questions from children addressing the political culture -- the kids messed up a little crinsky to watch they were so cute. take look >> tyler i guess you can say al franken is on santa's naughty list this year. >> what about roy moore? >> which list is he on? >> not really a list. it's more avenue registry. [ laughter ] >> okay. we shall keep this line moving along, hoe had he hoe merry christmas. who's up next. >> hi, stan. i'm jessica. >> merry christmas jessica. >> what would you like from santa? >> i wanted to follow up on tyler's question. is president trump on the naughty list? >> well, you know, santa tries to stay out of political matter. >> later in the exit a little girl said that she learned a lot from what's going on in the news that if you admit what you did something wrong you get in trouble but if you deny it you good tote keep your job. >> will you go. >> little tongue and cheek. >> okay. >> saturday night live pulse no punches with how they feel about what's going on. >> 10:11. jam packed show a ahead this monday among. vi one with hugh jackman. >> kim k opens up about her surrogate. beyonce', the celebrity dish is next. >> t swift fans don't come for me. i like her. i'm just kidding. ♪ this holiday season... give the gift of effortlessly smooth feet... from amope. amope pedi perfect with diamond crystals. removes rough, hard skin effortlessly... for touchably smooth feet. salon quality results you can see... and feel immediately. new amope pedi perfect soft feet kit... perfect for that special someone on your list. exclusively at walmart. amope. love every step. ♪ wis? >> yes. i have question. >> yes. >> what is the occasion for you to have a three piece suit on today, sir. >> i'm feeling like three times the man today. >> oh, okay. >> i'm feeling like more than a woman. >> and let's -- >> i don't know what's going on right not. >> let's get on the good day celebrity dish. ellen degeneres, her new beach side house is now under threat of being scorched by the wildfires in southern cali california. it sounds like she's starting to evacuate. here's what she had to say hour house is under threat of being burned. we just had to evacuate our pets. i'm praying for everyone in our community and thankful to all the incredible firefighters, ellen tweeted sunday she just had to evacuate her pets as we just read and purchased $18.6 million beach house. they had to evacuate. >> unbelievable. >> in addition to this in video posted to his instagram on friday justin beiber promised to help victims of the wildfires. half dozen fires are burning in that area ranging from santa barbara to san diego. they have scorched 200,00 200,000 acres. justin beiber you see him in that video i'm going to have conversation with some people and we're going to get moving on a solution. that's what he said in his video he continued obviously i'm not fireman but i can use my resources to figure out ways to get some sort of restoration in certain communities and fundraisers or whatever we can do. he added i'm going to get on that all the families and all the people who are struggling just know that everything is going to be okay. >> one of his buddies. >> okay. former one much your eyes, one directioner -- >> nile horn. >> yeah. >> he even commented on justin's video and wrote, goodman, give me shout if you need a hand. >> it's just so funny. sometimes all you need, you feel for her. steel she's still a person. her property is, you know, could be burned. >> um-hmm. >> but she can pay it back and her insurance is good you think about all the people just right there. >> yeah. >> maybe retired just need a little helping hand. i know beiber and horn and all the celebs can't really help with everything but that is awesome they're thinking that way. >> you hear that a lot. i was in that community where ellen lives over the summer. i never been there before but it's very small area. it's absolutely beautiful one of those places in california literally the mountains right down to the ocean. you can just imagine those flames as they come rushing down with all of that -- the fuel, the trees anding. >> what will it take for this to stop? >> the ocean. >> it's only 15% contained they're spreading. >> remember all the winds they had continue to fuel it. >> governor giroux brown is sounding at alarm saying that this is is going to be the new norm for california because of the way that the certainly is now. >> the problem this year to get into the speak they had so much rain in the springtime in california they had more greenery than they typically do in year and the worry was then because of all the rain they had and greenery they were ounce once that dried out now in the fall it's more potential problem and now we're seeing the realization of that. >> it's bigger than new york city and boston combined the area. >> crazy. >> continue to report on that. sadly, fire is not stopping any time soon. all right. shall we go to much lighter subject? >> i think we shall. >> okay. kylie jenner make up company under fire. pardon the wording. people are upset over the cost of her makeup brushes. the silver set kit costs $360. but most aren't willing to spent the cash on the brush set. kylie responded to the criticism with this tweet, i always fight for the lowest price on all my products. here's some other real brush lines for reference she went on to say i have developed for you guys the most amazing luxury brushes ever. i am very excited real brushes don't compare to synthetic brushes. different performance and quality and everything. i am 100% down to do entire synthetic line in the future which will it matily be cheaper. so do it. because who will by this? >> for $360. >> is it made of ming? >> is she really the villain. if it's $500 and somebody buys clearly some people are buying this. >> i know she's dilusional. >> i agree with you that. >> real brushes do cost that much. sometimes more. >> what is it made of? >> i don't know. >> you today they have a name on it. >> that's why i don't have real brushes. i'm not spending that kind of money. >> look how many celebrity t-shirts $50. >> when you see our make up artists come and in they have the real brushes it does make a difference. they are more expensive. kylie jenner she was in the line with other make up artists who have great brushes. synthetic line doesn't do as this i can't falter. >> so scott says -- scott on the floor, hey, scott our floor director mayor they'd of squirrel, ming, sable, horse or goat hairs. so i don't -- give me synthetic. >> right. i don't need no squirrel hair brushes. >> clearly i had to go on my low registry laugh on that. >> i heard it. >> you went deep. just the thought of it. >> all right. let's move on -- synthetic are fine. she'll come um with an option. >> do you, kylie. >> do you. ups and downs of the motherhood had the kardashian jenner ladies consumed. kim confessed to courtney she would like to give north who is four and saint who is two another sibling she would need to decide about that moving forward with her current surrogate. she says getting a surrogate and finding someone that you really trust is really so much more difficult of a situation than you can really imagine. so that'sha equation. >> i would imagine. that's hard. you got to find somebody to trust. we get that. let's talk about this part of the equation. there is a apparently a fight to be chris' favorite daughter that started when she mentioned to kim and khloe how kylie who is 20 has been so much nicer to her lately so khloe -- >> mommy. >> mommy. khloe decider to do compete for chris' heart by rearrange rahing her mom's teen to the likeness of her organized kitchen. kim brought over a cake from chris' favorite bakery so they're just going back and forth who can be the best. the best and khloe actually took her to a spa, fancy spa. >> this was all probably on their show. >> all on their show. this is what -- this is what they do. >> okay. >> this is what they do. >> you're not supposed to have a favorite. >> i know. i don't. do you? have favorite out of your three. >> each of them has special attributes. >> i'd try explain that earlier this morning. >> that baby is always like mom, am i your favorite.. to get me you. >> don't fall for it. waiting. >> you don't fall for it. >> no. >> don't fall for it. united front. >> united front. no divide and conquer. >> mo this one is for you. >> i'm all ears. taylor swift news. >> yay. >> look what you made me do singer was at single paul in new york city, ps that's tonight, here, at the cap center. >> okay. it's not cap center much what's it called capitol one. >> capitol one. arena. >> arena. thank you. jingle ball on friday night is when us weekly spotted taylor arriving at the garden to perform full on holding hands with boyfriend joe al win. might not sound scandalous but the first display of affection they've shown in public it's still really a song about. >> until she writes a song about him when it's over. >> move over. let's wrap it up with this. you want beer. queen b s has gotten a beer named after err. line up brewery fal beer in october of 2,016 for an oktoberfest party so win siding with beyonce''s concert. the taste is described as having a warming malt finish like a drizzle of honey in your cup of green tea. >> yes. like only the queen could do it. >> there you go. >> so there you go. some beer that -- >> drunken love. >> beer beyonce'. >> all on your mouth like -- >> like beer i guess. >> over to you. >> like beer. >> don't pass it to us. we're going to break. okay then. >> let that marinade. >> i'll try it. >> me too actually. ♪ ♪ >> talking about money. >> can i get an amen talking about money because this is our money monday. tucker barnes, erin como have been on the move stop number two of the day. they're joining us live from columbia heights now. telling us who they're about to get more mullah. hey. you got some friends there. good morning. >> what great day. >> we're having the best day ever. yeah. this is amazing. we're in columbia heights. the idea is we're going to be giving back today, right. >> yes. >> spreading wholy day cheer. >> kindness and holiday cheer good we found the cutest family ever tell me your name. >> rashad. >> aja. >> and here. >> this is sigh their whose 15 days. >> how cute is that, 15 precious days. >> say hism. >> sleeping all night? >> is mom sleeping? >> kind of. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> the idea here we're going -- giving back holiday cheer. what are you all looking forward this holiday season. >> spending time with family. the kids and everything. and just watching the kids run around and be happy. >> you got three year old just got off to school. >> uh-huh. >> that's why we're out. >> we want to thank you for -- by the way they watch every day. >> watch every day. >> they happened to recognize us. i'll say hi. >> doing a real good thing with neighborhood scratch offs. we what ton give you scratch offs. promise to share with me and tucker if you win. >> promise. >> we're giving you, $50 worth of lottery tickets. >> but then you also get a hundred dollar gift card. >> thank you. >> spread holiday cheer to the >> enjoy the holiday season with season with family. >> merry christmas to tasha and lea, love ya'll. >> i love those smiles. >> thank you. thanks for taking time out to spend with us. all right. we happen to have lot of people here fox5 every morning. what's your name, please. >> ava. >> how old are you? >> four. >> are you having a fun holiday season? >> yes. >> yeah. and are you going to get something from santa this year. >> yes. >> what are you asking for? >> a toy doll house. >> i hope that santa brings i was toy doll house. >> that's exciting. that would be mazing, wouldn't it? >> all right. this is her dad up here with her. thank you so much for joining us. >> that's the latest from columbia heights. one more give away. if you see us out on the streets wearing the blue jackets. come say hi. we'll toss it back in to you. >> thank you. >> that little one is so cute. >> bring the little smoosh she here. >> one of his first trips outside. 15 days. my goodness. >> except they're pose. first baby you don't. third baby or fourth. >> put the i them to start driving. >> push the pedal. >> take care of your siblings. >> two days old. >> still ahead kev sits down with hugh jackman in new movie call the greatest showman. fox beat life from los angeles coming up after the break. ♪ >> we're if youing together a show. >> people are going to like it when you put us on stage. >> i'm counting on it. >> all right. that was look at the trailer for upcoming movie musical the greatest showman. film stars hugh jackman as pt barnum celebrating the birth of show business. >> our kevin mccarthy joins us live from los angeles with more. kev, correct me if i'm wrong, but you haven't seen this movie yet, right, or have you. >> i've seen the film. i saw it on friday night. >> okay. >> in new york. >> my question is, i really thought it was like, you know, historical fiction about pt barnum but then the modern music through me off a little bit. so how would you classify the movie? >> well, it's musical but, yeah, the film tells the story of pt barnum kind of creating the circus. and kind of gathering the outcasts that he brings in to shine on this it kind of goes through this particular up and down arc of pt barnum's journey of dealing with critics who were criticize what he was doing and trying to put on the best show he possibly could. the music it's a original the music is original. a lot of it does have a modern tone to it. there's a lot of it has classic tone to it as well. essentially it's the pt barnum story that we based on the person that it's a real person just they added more modern flare music it to it doesn't take place in modern day whatsoever. but the music kind of hints at modern tones as well. >> kev, was it, um, based on the musical as spec of it was this broadway show was it based on or list just something kind of knew they're doing for the theaters? >> well, the movie you're seeing in theater social security brand new. the reason why you're getting a broadway sense it to the gentleman who wrote the music for this film they wrote the mew zig for dear la-la land. la la land they were the lyricist for dear evan hanson they were the broadway composer of the music and lyrics, i believe. don't quote me on that. these gentlemen are broadway writers. >> okay. >> so we're crossing from the stage to the screen here kind of but instead of broadway first in the movie going with the movie first. >> you talk with the star hugh jackman. >> really cool interview. really nice guy, and we'll have special message from him for something coming up that we have special happening on our show that's all i'll say about that. this particular interview that we did was a lot of fun. talked about the music, the idea of singing while you're acting and dancing and kind of keeping that rhythm going. the idea of the outcast that pt barnum hired and kind of similar to the x penn that we've seen in films before and also finally we speak on lot of other subjects as well. specifically criticisms that hugh scrapping man receive over the years that have made him change the way he performs. as an actor. >> one of the things i love about your character and the arc that he has throughout the film he let's reviews affect himth there's a critic in the movie and at one point the reviews are bad end ends up using the circus as a quote at one point the reviews are good end shuts his cast out and goes along with the rebec today ferguson arc line. i'm curious as an actor, i'm not shower if this still affects if you had reviews did you ever find changing things did you based on reviews you read about yourself. >> you know, my father when i told him i wanted to be an actor he said i'm a little worried, you're a little too thin skinned. i remember him saying that to me.e me. i'm sensitive and i read reviews a little bit like this. i don't want -- and also as an actor particularly on stage a good review can damage you as much as a bad review. if something gets in your head, someone says i love the way you say that line. how can did i say that line? you can lose it, you know. but ultimately i've had couple of new york city that i've have been tough to read they've said some things that actually on reflection have helped me. like -- >> like what? >> the one reviewer said one thing. hugh jackman all he requires of you is to love you loving him loving you. i remember the times going bright red. it was difficult thing to read but ultimately helpful. ♪ >> i'm very carry yous how the sinking works specifically in the scene when you're running really fast and singing. when you record that, how do you make it sound like you're running and singing? it was so cool. >> are you ready? >> from now -- literally doing this. i have to do all of that. and when you're running you have to sink as well. >> yeah. >> you have to actually sing i have the song here. >> when i think of what pt barnum did bringing these people into this cast who were afraid to show who they were and be themselves, kind of reminds me of who kind of the x-men are. >> 100%. >> they're outcast. >> totally. >> professor x gave them an opportunity to do themselves. i'm curious if pt barnum were to put on x-men show what do you think that show would be like? >> a hundred percent. >> he would have loved the x-men. really that's what he was doing. and it is the same theme. >> all right. so the movie hits theaters on december 20th you can hear the full interview full x-men answer at youtube.continue/fox5 d. d.c.kism i'm heading ready to head to my interviews with terry bradshaw and cat williams and anna kendrick on pitch perfect three. i see star wars later on today. i'm live from here tomorrow and see you back in studio wednesday morning i'll be live with you guys in the morning for sure we have more from zac efron and greatest showman. stay tuned for that. >> kevin is only 36 eye hours away from sleeping is the good news. >> i have not slept -- i don't think i've slept in 11 months. i'm looking forward to sleeping on tuesday night. hey, listen, i love my job so i'm excited. >> no bout doubt about it. have fun today. >> we are celebrating the holidays with some treats from the cheesecake f factory. >> first baptist church of glenn arden some members are here live in the loft with a sneak peek at their ninth annual christmas playing call the uncut coming of christ. stay tune. ♪ the first baptist church of glenn arden presents ninth annual christmas play it's called the uncut coming of christ. it's directed and co written by visionary playwright joshua jenkins and award winning artist anthony brown. before we talk to them about the power of the play we'll hear original piece from the play from the anthony brown he made this. it's tremendous. take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ celebrate the king of our kings is here. he is hope for all people everywhere ♪ ♪ >> with gifts and we will sing to him. we will worship him ♪ ♪ there's no love or joy like his, so to him i r really give everything i need he is, and his name shall be called, and his name shall be called wonderful counselor, the mighty god, everlasting father and the prince of peace ♪ >> halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah ♪ >> oh come let us adore him, halleluiah. oh, come, let us adore him, h halleluiah, wonderful counselor, the mighty god, he is the everlasting father and the prince of peace ♪ >> ♪ and the prince of peace he is the king. halleluiah halleluiah, hal halleluiah! ♪ >> yes, all right. [ applause ] >> if that doesn't get you in the spirit i don't know what will. hello, hello to all of you. gentleman come over here. anthony brown, josh jenkins. >> maureen. >> you've done it again. >> oh, ma and. >> i love this calling this the uncut coming of christ. what does that mean? >> so it's a detailed look uncut look into the story of birth of jesus christ. we try to take it from a different angle that most people don't take it. not real fairy tale but real life pack tal tangible for people. >> modern day depictions. >> of the story of christ. >> why is it important to give modern day, you know, twist. do you think people may be understand it better does it resonate better for them it. >> makes me real. >> relatable. people relate it because lives is real. when people rd read it like it's a far away story. we try to. (it in way where people like, wait a minute, that could be me. i can understand that. signing people relate it to m more. >> absolutely. did you all originally mu sick for this. >> all original music. >> that was original we just heard. >> absolutely. >> it's gorgeous. >> thank you. >> how does it come to you? do you see the play and you start saying okay this is a song i'm thinking about? what's that process with this. >> i have this creative bond with this guy when we get together and he's writing scenes i want to depict killing the kids like they did in the bible. i go home and start coming up with the melody. nine years later we have something really really special. >> nine years you keep doing it over and over again. people look forward to this. really is the kick off for lot of people of the holiday season. >> absolutely. >> seeing these plays. for you how is it your creative process? how does that happen. >> normally, you know, like i said, nine years ago we didn't think it would be this what it's come to today. >> no way. >> i was trying to write something how crew mental that would be for christmas event for our church tha people. so i didn't have any music at the time when i wrote the sc script. i met him. he's a musician. >> right. >> creative musical genius. >> so i asked him i got musical but i don't got no music. >> once god gives it to me i put it on paper and heed the pieces. >> the event is free. >> it is free. >> give me some dates. on-going now. >> it is. this weekend we have three shows coming up. which is saturday 12 noon and 6:00 p.m. and then one on sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. as well. it's at first ban touch church in glenn are a dell. it's absolutely free. >> if you don't know where that check is check yourself. quick names. what's your name. >> shirley. >> jadin. >> terese. >> you go sound phenomenal. do you it year after year. congratulations. >> thank you, maureen. >> holly season just started. first baptist church of glenn arden. >> that's my favorite church? >> is that right? >> yeah, because i do go to that church. >> my people over there. >> shout out ever. >> still ahead, tis the season to indulge. we're headed into the kitchen with the cheesecake factory to check out their holiday fav favorites next. fa yeeeeaaaahhh! hmmhmm. uh oh...a painful sore throat? not now. if you want a max strength alternative to cough drops take cépacol instamax. this will provide fast relief. look! unlike regular cough drops it contains 2 max strength pain relievers and cools in seconds. dual power in one lozenge. bye bye sore throat. knock out sore throat fast. take cépacol instamax. >> it is money monday. wewelcome back. we have found kevin. >> you were supposed to sing it. >> kevin broadway. he came up to us. >> we have to set the scene. >> we're in mount pleasant. >> we've been giving away a g gift. >> we've been spreading holiday cheer and paying forward kindness. >> right. is he set the scene. we've bon few other spots now approached by someboy that's actually been watching us this morning, right, kevin. >> that's right. >> watched wisdom tell us the money is out here. >> thank you wisdom. >> he's getting out of the car. >> came right up to us and said i know what you guys are >> he came running over. >> yes, sir. >> what are you thankful for this holiday season. >> thankful for the family and all my friends, um, the employees i work with, my ch church. >> great. >> just family. >> okay. good. so since you've been watching all morning, we decided we're going to -- you'll have to pass one quiz question. >> one quiz question in order to get this prize package. okay. >> okay. >> who is your favorite on fox news morning? >> i must admit it got to be allison. >> yes. >> oh, allison. you hear that. >> kevin says hi. >> high name is kevin. >> kevin, i know you have a husband named mark. but --ing. [ laughter ] >> all right. that's awesome. >> we teamed up with dc lottery, right. >> oh wow. >> they are doing scratch offs that feature d.c. neighborhoods like this one on the ticket navy yard. five tickets for you and -- >> fifty dollars in lottery tickets. >> one hundred-dollar gift card for you you can spread holiday clear in your own live as well. >> oh, wow. >> okay. >> oh wow. >> great presents for the spread the kindness. >> thank you for joining you. >> thank you. >> you saw us at the zip trip in bowie. >> this is not your first time on fox5. >> thank you for saying hi. >> want to say hi to everybody on the couch in the loft. >> wisdom, allison, steve, maureen. >> kevin, here i am. i got you. >> holly is off today. >> it's just me and you kevin i got you right now. >> congratulations. >> allison says it's just me and you kevin i gotcha. [ laugter ] >> thank you. >> great work this morning. that is so cool. >> thanks erin and tucker. last hour we work off the sugar cookies with wisdom if you saw that. this hour i'm helping you back them back on with the cheesecake factory i'm joined by rick and he is the area kitchen operations manager at the cheesecake factory in washington, d.c. did i say it rode osorioo. >> yes, ma'am. >> thank you for having us. >> i love the cheesecake fac factory. >> thank you very much. >> i've always loved it. there's one right here on wisconsin >> yes, ma'am. >> favor britt writ binge place. you're here talking about one much your brunch options. >> known for extensive menu of 250 menu items all made from scratch. >> and now small plates, thank you very much. >> we have small plates. wee focus on ricotta pancakes staple our brunch and saturday and sunday. >> if you don't mind we'll get to work here. >> what do you need me to do. >> our wet ingredients. butter milk to really balance the rich flavors. some eggs and little bit of vanilla is in there. really take our pancakes to the next level. >> shall i whisk. >> whisk. while do you i have dry ingredient all purpose flour, baking powder to get the pancakes light and fluffy. >> i was asking what is the secret? you said the batter and a nice flat surface. >> yes, ma'am. batter, butterly mill tock balance those flavors an little bit of sal. >> how is that. >> that looks great. >> that looks great. >> do i continue to whisk. >> you can continue but we're going to use this batter right here. >> out his so muchun staff for a just a second. >> these aren't regular pan pancakes. >> do you need this. >> we'll use this one more time. >> i'm sorry. >> normally this is cooking with como. >> for good reason. i imagine. >> we have ricotta cheese which is going to add moisture to the batter. >> okay. >> and really bring a richness of the flavor. take it from ordinary pancakes to the next level pancake. you can throw this in there. >> hmm now this just became a lot harder to -- >> oh yeah. >> whisk. what's the perfect way to blend this. we'll try to do this at home. keep it moving good a whisk like that you can also use an electric and you want a bigger bowl. >> you admit it was a set up. >> they told me to do it. >> okay. i know they did. >> maureen i'm watching you. >> sugar in here for sweetness and then the kicker is going to be we'll zest lemon in here. geoff it citrus flavors. and use micro plane right here using a lemon zester and you don't have to keep whisking. >> i'd like to actually. >> okay get bites of that rich ricotta little bit of that lemon and help balance it. >> okay. then -- through the magic of television. >> boom, beautiful batter right here. good to have some lump in here's you get a nice thick batter. >> i was noticing i always thought that you waited for all the bubbles in the pancake but you didn't wait for that. you wasted just around the edges for -- to bubble up. >> normally you would but i just kind of gauged and saw the bubbles were getting bigger and enid it. >> you are the professional. >> we'll put one down heroine had one going over i'll prepare for you. >> thank you. >> at the cheesecake factory we serve these with a little bit of sugared berries i'll throw on here for you. >> and you've got a pretty cool promotion going on too. want to tell us about it. >> yes, ma'am. at the cheesecake we believe it's better to give and receive. >> okay. >> so this holiday season when you purchase one of our $25 gift card at a restaurant on our website through the end of the year we'll throw in slice of joy gift card which is redeemable or precise of january 1st to march 31 next year. >> peppermint bark on that too. >> yes, ma'am. >> how many different cheesecake do you have. over 30 legendary flavors. >> this peppermint for every splice we sell through the end of the year we'll donate 25 cents to our local feed america food bank. >> perfect. all right. my friends come on over know this one is mine. >> that's all hers. >> all righty. tell us about the other cheese cakes you brought. >> we have our hershey's just chocolate in there, chocolate sauce little hershey -- >> oh wow. >> that's a good point, steve. >> carry on. >> no problem. >> leave all this for you guys when i do. >> you became my new favorite. >> this is our peppermint bark white chocolate cheesecake with per per minute chocolate chunk in there. white chock las muse on top and chopped with pepper minute. >> rick, thank you very much. >> thank you all very much. >> happy holidays. >> i'll take that, rick >> wisdom -- >> thanks steve. >> thank you. >> enjoy it. >> we appreciate you coming in. you just made the whole show. >> you're very welcome. >> see you tomorrow. >> announcer: happy holidays live on "the wendy williams show!" now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you for watching. say hello to my co-host, my studio audience. [ cheers and applause ] how you

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