Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20180124

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at 11. >> we begin at 11:00 with breaking news out of the north philadelphia. police say four people shot. they have just updated us. two, 13-year-old boys are among the wounded. let's get right to shawnette wilson. what's going on here, shawnette. >> reporter: thomas, we just spoke to police and you're exactly right. four people were shot. two of them are teenagers. one of the victims we're told is in the hospital in critical condition right now under going surgery. police telling us that this is a driver-by shooting as we take a look at video we got from the scene moments ago, the call came in to police about 9:30 tonight. they got a call about shots fired near 24th and ridge avenue. when they got here they say a 52 year old man was there shot in the back. police took him to temple hospital where he's in stable condition right now. then police say they got the call that two, 13-year-old boys shot in the leg were brought by a private couture hahnemann hospital also a 22-year-old shot in the back and leg also driven in another car to hahnemann hospital. all shot at this locate. here's what police say when we spoke to them moments ago about the shots fired. >> based on ballistic evidence we know that numerous shots were fired. we found 16 spent shell casings along 24th street and ridge avenue. they're large caliber. >> reporter: police are telling us that several businesses around here have security cameras. some of them actually captured a part of the shooting. we're told that police right now are reviewing a particular video that shows the car fleeing from the scene with shots being fired from the passenger side of the car which all we know right now a dark-colored sedan police at this hour do not know if any of those victims were the intended target. that's the very latest from here. back to you thomas. >> active scene there. keep us updated, shawnette wilson on the north side tonig tonight. shawnette, thank you senseless crime a four-year-old boy in montgomery county killed now his mother and her boyfriend are facing charges. this is a heart-breaking story. the little boy beaten to death for spiling his cereal. dave schratwieser joins us live at abington police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: thomas, details about the death of this young boy. the district attorney telling me that even veteran investigators in his office were shaken up by this case. tonight both defendants are hyped bars. >> there was shock on the 18 hadn't dread block of lukens avenue in willow grove tuesday night as a neighborhood tries tried to cree hen the death of four-year-old tajir smith here and at arrest of his mother and her boyfriend. >> i'm a grandmother. i'm a mother. i just can't imagine the horror. i can't. >> it's a senseless killing of a four-year-old, the child supposedly spilled cereal. >> reporter: 19-year-old lisa smith and 26-year-old keith king stand charged for now with attempted murder, aggravated assault and other crimes in the beating death of the little boy after he spilled his breakfast cereal at their home which police described as deplorable and crawling with roaches. >> severely punished and beaten and then burned in a shower. >> reporter: investigators say king and smith discipline the child after the cereal incident and made him lie down on the b bed. his clothes were removed. the child was punched and struck repeatedly with a sandal after smith claim the boy was quote sneaky. imprints were found on the child's body. >> footwear was used, um, we have recovered things from the scene. >> honestly i'd like to see people that beat to death get beat to death themselves. i know that's not the christian thing to say. >> the child stopped breathing king and smith dressed him up and took him outside they concocted a story saying he had passed out after coming back from the stores with smith. the coroner found old injuries including rib fractures. >> this is one of those domestic violence cases that is hard to comprehend how somebody could do this to young child. >> reporter: now the district attorney says those charges could be upgraded when the medical examiner finishes his report. both defendants are hyped bars on half a million dollars bail each. lisa smith we're told is six months pregnant with another child. thomas? >> hard to make sense of it. dave schratwieser is in abingt abington. thank you 86-year-old woman police arrested for robbing bank in university city will not be heading to prison. emily coakley walked out a -- worked out one year probation deal. it was back in november the 86-year-old pulled out a gun when she thought td bank shorted her out of the $400. the district attorney cited her health issues as part of the me to to drop robbery and theft charges. happening happening right now pennsylvania representative pat meehan is defending himself against allegations that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit. according to the report by the new york times meehan grew hostile when a former aid rejected his romantic interest in her. meehan says it's simply not true and speaking out tonight because the other side broke a confidentiality agreement they both sign. >> i did not have romantic feelings. i was -- it was a relationship that was a very professional relationship. i'm pretty lucky guy to be married to the woman i'm married to and that was why when i had the conversation with this woman i expressed right from the outset that i am happily married man. that i have no interest in a relationship. >> meehan claims the money given to the woman when she left her office was a severance and not cement. meehan represents the seven congressional district in pennsylvania. that covers parts of berks, moment, delaware, chester and even part of lancaster county. so what do the voters think? our dave kinchen on assignment tonight to fine out. here's joining us from springfield, delaware county. dave, good evening. >> reporter: thomas, good evening to you. many constituents very surprised by these developments. some say it shows the congressman has to go while others, well, they're taking a wait and see approach to fine out more information. >> inappropriate. certainly shouldn't be using tack pair's money to pay for things like this. >> reporter: it's her take on a new york times report that congressman pat meehan used taxpayer dollars to settle a sexual harassment complaint filed against him by a former staff. >> personal life is one thing, but you're working for the people, you're not going to take advantage of people by stealing money from us. >> reporter: the delaware county republican releasing a letter he wrote to the woman in may of last year wishing her well on her new relationship with someone else. calling her kind, sensitive and caring. adding, you are and have been a complete partner to me and have brought me much happiness. >> well, i wouldn't vote for h him. i mean you can't use money public money to do that sort of thing. >> reporter: text message between the two from the same day the note was written featured the woman in shock saying so much so sudden. kind of still in the blown away stage. >> do you think it will impact his chances of winning another term? >> sure. it can't help but meehan in his fourth term in congress and said he never went after a romantic or sexual relationship with the staff but called her his soulmate. >> i know a lot of people in many community are not happy with a lot of the things that he believes in and now with this. no way. >> reporter: again many supporters of the congressman not talking publicly tonight. taking a wait and see approach. if you want to see those documents they are on our website thomas? >> a lot of layers to this one. dave kinchen in springfield tonight. dave, thank you. let's talk about the big game here. eagles fans anxious to get their hands on some super bowl t shirts before next sunday's big game but not every company can crank them out because those team logos they're under trademark. so that's why one company getting a little creative with designs. chris o'connell in center city tonight. all right. i'm intrigued, my friend. >> reporter: well, thomas, super bowl reaching a fever pitch here in center city. at a take a look what they just put up behind me here at city hall. large cut outs of birds players but some businesses already cashing in on the super bowl frenzy. it's still 12 days away from the super bowl. >> it's going to be crazy for the neck two weeks. >> reporter: bite sound of screen printers are making, it might as well be game day here at russian order in northeast philly. >> people are calling in to make shirts about the team because they're celebrating, and everyone gets pretty wild together. >> reporter: it's here where your idea, your picture, your meme is transformed into a tee shirt like the now famous eagles undog image or the catch phrase "philly philly" and today's latest, remember the eagles subway guy? he's now got his own shirt. dubbed the pillar killer. >> when people jump on either a meme or something that's popular among sports teams, you know, they want to be a part of it, they want to wear that. you know,. >> reporter: that's how it becomes a shirt. >> absolutely. >> reporter: the company of life long eagles fans say shirts like these take on a life of their own. >> this is awesome. i think this is the best part being able to see like the shirts like so many people create crazy shirts and it's awesome to kind of see those playing the live and see them out there on the streets. >> reporter: back out here live, you see, yes, more of the city lit up. liberty two in eagles green tonight. now the company says they will be working their... >> i have feeling chris is saying workers will be working overtime cranking out those tee shirts. let's take look at mayor kenny you saw him. philadelphia's biggest fan giving his two cents before the big game. the city in previous years had decorated the billy penn statue on top of city hall in jerseys to support the phillies and flyers of course in the world series and stanley cup. so both teams lost while it certainly makes for a cool view mayor kenney says the statue won't be decked out in eagles gear. >> i want to winter super bowl. there's something about this team that's in our dna that unifies not just the city but the region. >> mayor kenney says he probably won't travel to the game to seat birds play in person but he should be here keeping an eye on things after all that excitement from last weekend. attacks driver busted and his yellow cab $800,000 worth of crystal meth. that is a lot of dope. also ahead this evening a massive sink hole taking over a local neighborhood and this isn't the first time homeowner have seen their street collapse. you'll never believe what happened when we got on scene. but first, the theme of this will be wonders of the water. 10 acres of gardens to celebrate the beauty and inner play of plants and water. the show opens up march 3rd at the pennsylvania convention center. attracting 250,000 plus people every year. we're back this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. >> dr. james kauffman has a weapon. >> drop the begun! >> drop the gun. hey, drop gun. new foot too much from body camera released standoff and arrest of dr. james kauffman. the dramatic footage is from the atlantic county prosecutor's office. kauffman arrested back in june at his office on weapons offenses. he has since been accused of killing his wife back in 2012. he is behind bars tonight. a large sink hole has taken over the 2300 block of boston street. that's in fishtown. let's show that you sing hole it caved in part of the street and part of the sidewalk. crews they've been working are a at work here since yesterday trying to fix all that damage. the philadelphia water department says the main under the street did break but they don't know if something wept wrong before that. by the way this isn't the first time residents have won't up to a giant gaping hole on their street. and the next block up heading west had a major cave in about a year and a half ago where they had replace a lot o of -- i hope you guys got that. yup. >> we got it. city officials say they don't have any record of multiple locations collapsing so for now they're asking neighbors to call them if they have any concerns with the area right around their home. the city of philadelphia considering a controversial approach for containing the opioid epidemic. it wants to become the first u.s. city to allow supervised injection sites. that's where users can she shoot up heroin under the supervision avenue doctor who can administer counter drugs if necessary. officials claim the highly controversial program is a life-saving strategy and pathway to treatment. a new york city tax driver right here in a lot of trouble tonight after officials found hundreds of thousand of dollars worth of crystal meth. new jersey prosecutors say jirad nolasco pulled over yesterday in fort lee in connection with a drug operation. they say police found 10 pounds of meth worth about 800 to us san dollars. along with 4 grams of cocaine right in his car. nolasco facing several drug charges. we are following a developing story now out of kentucky as tragedy strikes a high school there. two students are dead and 17 people are injured. another school shooting. this time it happened in ben top, kentucky that's northwest of nashville. employees say the shooter, 15-year-old student, had a gun. they say he began shooting at students gathered in a common area at marshall county high school around 8:00 o'clock in the morning. police believe he did act alone. they've arrested him. why he did what he did, remains a mystery. lawmakers in delaware are eyeing a bill to prevent school shootings much the bill look at changing school construction standards like an intruder alarm, bullet proof glass in key areas on on doors and windows also classrooms can be locked from either side with a key. the bill was supposed to be voted on today but has been delayed for a possible amendme amendment. let's take you outside now. allentown, berks county, good evening to you. it is a warm january night. but don't get too comfortable just yet. i know. meteorologist kathy orr is joining us. so we're talking a 20-degree temperature drop here? >> yeah. from today. 62 today tomorrow around 40. so it's going to be much cooler the ski resorts will love it. blue mountain looking good with temperatures still cold there. it's 45 degrees in philadelphia. the normal high, thomas, is 40. so even at this late hour hour still 5 degrees above that normal high. right now in the poconos 35. 44 in allentown. 42 in pottstown. 43 in millville, and 44 degrees in wilmington. not so bad. still comfortable out there. ultimate doppler showing few clouds coming close we have some snow showers in central pa. we're not going to see that. but we are going oh see the cold. look at the nation as a whole. cold temperatures. 48 in dallas. 34 in memphis. 51 in new orleans that cold is going all the way down to the deep south and we are going to feel the chill coming into the delaware valley. we have the high pressure system to the north that's going to put in the cold air and we have some breezy conditions as well we'll be talking wind chills come tomorrow morning. waking up to wind chills that will be bakely in the 20s tomorrow morning. thursday morning in the 20s and the teens. and then we'll see some improvement. overnight tonight 36 in philadelphia. 32 in pottstown. 23 in the poconos. we'll feel colder with little bit of a breeze tomorrow morning. by the afternoon those deep blue skies will be building in. high temperatures in the 40s. mostly sunny and seasonal. when you have winds gusting to 25 miles an hour it makes that temperature feel much cooler. we will be seeing less win in the forecast by thursday. even though it's 39, it will be probably most likely more comfortable than tomorrow& because the lack of wind. friday cool start but the afternoon high 41. we jump to 55 on saturday. just great day to be outside. sunday in the upper 50s but rain and cook down monday 48. tuesday 39. how about a look at the eight to 14 day outlook. in the northern plains it's. especially in minneapolis but for us, above average a really good chance of seeing above average temperatures right through the first week of february. that's our toe bonus thomas for having such a crumb pee december and january. >> we'll forgive you for the temperature drop. >> thank you. >> and thank you for the above average temperatures. wee seashorely. kathy, thank you. in your money tonight united airlines wants eagles fans to get to the biggest game of the year without major delays. airline adding 16 more flights to minneapolis ahead of the super bowl. the flights will take off on february 2nd and 3rd which is that friday and saturday right before sunday's game. united will also add 12 extra flights out of minute miss to several cities. twin cities prepping for the big matchup now we're getting our first look inside u.s. bank stadium. crews making a lot of adjustme adjustments here like covering up all the vikings logos and adding the eagles in one of the end zones added more projection screens an massive lighting setup for the half time show. by the way rehearsals begin for that on friday with justin timberlake taking center stage. kristen rodgers, can you stay up for 12 days with all the excitement. >> i'm excited i need to figure out how i can do an interview with jt that's my goal for this week. eagles have decided on their jersey for the super bowl while there may be stats about those uniforms that are giving philly fans some pause, i'm here to put you at ease. my take on why the plan accordingly eagles fa fans. the birds announce this afternoon they're going with midnight green jersey for super bowl. i know philly fans are being apprehensive about lost things. they don't want any jinxes. so i'm here to calm down any nerves about the uniform choices. so here's the thing for the 12 of the last 13 teams that have won the super bowl they've worn white jerseys. new england patriots will be wearing their white away jerseys again this year. however, the one team to win the super bowl and not wear white the green bay packers. they wore green. just like the eagles are. a little extra mojo the eagles are ten and one when wearing midnight green jersey the only loss was that finale against dallas which really doesn't count. of course, the birds are two two-zero in uniforms here in the post season. i'm not saying eagles win because of the color of their jersey but i will say, they're going to ball out for the name on the front. e-a-g-l-e-s! thomas? >> kristen, thank you what do people remember the day after the big game? besides the winner are the commercials rig right. mountain do and doritos teaming up and calling in two big names to help out. they released the tort cease sorry starring free man and peter ding lidge. the caption you mess with peter and new dorito blaze you'll get burned. >> game of thrones anyone. >> eagles fans have another reason to root for victory. bud light promising to buy beer for every un. lane john season said if the eagles win the super bowl if they win the super bowl he would buy everyone a beer. so bud light responded on twitter saying the party is on. after the game on sunday fans of course wanted to know if the bet was still on. bud light tweeting, we haven't forgotten. >> how fun is that. >> philly philly. >> that will be the end of bud light. >> how fun of bud light. >> it was philly philly. i mean everything -- everything just seems to be like falling into place. >> yes. >> this has to fall in place. >> it's a win/win on the road 12 days and counting. that does it for us. tmz up next. have a safe night, everyone. we'll see announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok. let's start with a logic question. how do you reconcile? james franco not getting nominated, kobe bryant getting an oscar nomination. >> for best animated short film. >> "dear basketball," kobe bryant is an athlete. is i think that has so much to do with it. >> he gets a rape pass? >> i think he does. >> you guys are missing one thing about kobe bryant. >> what? >> he scored 81 points in one game. mark wahlberg out in l.a. we asked him about the allegations he uses steroids. >> that's hard work, baby. that's hard work. >> you can't show your muscles at 40 and say i don't take steroids. >> you can be jacked without steroids. to prove it, you show your butt. or you should show your balls. if he has normal-size testicles, i will buy what he has to say. >> tom brady's super bowl jersey is safe this year. he got federal, state, local

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Center City , Texas , United States , Pennsylvania , Willow Grove , Jersey , Berks County , New Jersey , Allentown , Delaware County , Delaware , Russia , Philadelphia , Pottstown , Lancaster County , New York , University City , Marshall County , Kentucky , Millville , Dallas , Russian , James Kauffman , Billy Penn , Pat Meehan , Lisa Smith , Kristen Rodgers , Tom Brady , Kobe Bryant , Emily Coakley , Kathy Orr ,

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