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Overdosed eight times and lived to tell about it seems like every time the toilet gets cleaned, someones there to undo it. After a superior clean, apply the lysol click gel. To keep it fresh, flush, after flush, after flush. For a toilet that gets clean, then actually stays that way. Lysol that. Its the second leading Cancer Killer in the u. S. But, it is almost entirely preventable. Most colon cancers start as polyps. And screening helps finds polyps, so they can be removed, before they even turn into cancer. Screening also finds this cancer early, when treatment works best so if youre over 50, take control. Get screened for colorectal cancer. Screening saves lives. Cbs news has learned that an amtrak engineer was distracted by radio transmissions just before his speeding train jumped the tracks in philadelphia one year ago. Eight people were killed and more than 200 were hurt. Kransportation correspondent is van cleave is following this. National Transportation Safety board investigators now believe the deadly amtrak crash was caused by engineer brandon bostians loss of awareness. He told investigators minutes before the derailment he heard radio traffic between a dispatcher and engineer of a philadelphia commuter train hit by a rock. The dispatcher asked him a couple of times if he needed medical attention, bostian said. They went back and forth a few commuter train, bostian said i blew my trains whistle. Concerned with confusion on the radio that they may have personnel on the ground. Bostian told investigators the incident got him thinking of a coworker in california injured in a train collision and had glass impact his eye from a tractortrailer. He accelerated the amtrak train going into the curve hitting 106 mild an hour before slamming on the brakes, but second before the train left the tracks. All those things put together created an environment where he lost situational awareness. Former ntsb chair, mark ros rosenkirk. Laike you driving down the beltway, you are in deep thought or listening to something and you were supposed to get off on an exit and you missed it. You, you really are, dont realize where you are at that moment. Reporter bostian told investigators he was concerned h the area where the commuter train had been struck. Scott, tomorrow the ntsb is expected to renew it call for technology that could slow a speeding train. Kris van cleave reporting from los angeles. Thank you. There seems to be no end to the long security lines at airports. At chicagos ohare airport, look at this, 450 people missed their flights yesterday. More than 100 of them had to spend the night on cots. The tsa doesnt have enough screeners. At least two airlines are exploring the idea of hiring extra people to speed up the lines. To date Supreme Court punted on one of the biggest cases of the term. Whether obama care can require religious groups to offer contraception coverage through their insurance plans. Youll recall there is a vacancy on the court. To date justices apparently did not want to risk a 44 tie which would have led to different laws in different states. So they sent the cas compromise. Some republicans owe posed to donald trump are trying to recruit someone to run against him as an independent. Here is Major Garrett on how that is going. I just think running third party, doesnt feel right. The long shot effort to mount independent campaign fizzled further today when john kasich one of the last on the list of potential candidates ruled it out. A Third Party Candidacy would be viewed as, kind of a silly thing. I dont think it is appropriate. 2012 nominee, mitt romney asked kasich to kid a run. Part of a recruitment effort led by bill crystal and Eric Eriksson to stop donald trump. Republican chairman ryan preibus dismissed the idea. A suicide mission. You are changing throwing out eight years of the white house and throwing out potentially generations on the Supreme Court. Reporter obstacles for a run are daunting. Organizers would need to 880,000 valid signatures to place a candidate on the balloten all 50 stachltes. The deadline in texas has passioned. The antitrump forces worry about the billionaires philosophy and personal character. Those concerns were mg ni tagni that trump used false identities in the 1980s and that he can be crude and demeaning to women. Conservatives fear trump is an easy target for democrats. This was president obama yesterday at rutge rsuniversity. In politics and in life, ignorance its not a virtue. It is not cool to not know what you are talking about. Conservatives opposed to trump say they need 100 million to wage an independent campaign in a few key states. Scott, there is no sign gop donors who have given 1 million to an antitrump super pac have any stomach for an even costlier endeavor. Major garrett. Th Hillary Clinton isnt having any free run to the nomination. Bernie sanders favored tomorrow in kentucky and oregon. But it wont change the inevitable. Clinton is only 144 delegates short of clinching the nomination. Heres nancy cordes. Time people stop listening to republican propaganda. In kentucky clinton blasted the gop and likely nominee. Trying out her trump impression on jobs. His answer, im going to create them. Theyre going to be great. I know how to do it. But im not telling you what it is im going to do. She did not do her best Bernie Sanders. Though he is the one who could beat her in two states tomorrow. And is laying the ground work in puerto rico. The people of the United States cannot continue a colonial tight relationship with the people of puerto rico. Clinton can afford to lose a few more states. But she cant like this. Recount. Recount. Over the weekend, sanders supporters disrupted the convention, protesting delegate rules and booing speakers. We need civility in the democratic party. It is a sign democrats are going to have some of their own struggles with unity. Recognizing that clinton its going to be tide up with these primaries for a while, the biggest super pac supporting her announced to day, scott, they would begin airing ad against donald trump this week. Nearly a month earlier than they had planned. Nancy cordes for us tonight. Thank you. Cancer patient has received the first penis transplant in this country. And, what are the odds that everybody could walk away from a crash like this. The cbs overnight news will be right back. What are you doing . Sara, i love you, and. [phone rings] ah, its my brother. Keep going. [phone rings again] what do you want, todd . . . . [crowd cheering] keep it going if you sit on your phone, you buttdial people. Its what you do. Todd if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. I know we just met like, two months ago. Yes [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. What do advanced care . N an antiperspirant . 48 hours hehe feels nice this is very very smooth. I am not messing around its soft. Your antiperspirant should give you more. Than just protection. Try dove advanced care. For softer, smoother underarms. This pimples gonna aw comon. Ver. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom wont walk in on you. Forever. Lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. We got word of a remarkable transplant surgery in boston. The first of its kind in this a man who lost his penis to cancer has received a new one. It is a Major Development especially for veterans who suffer genital injuries and our dr. Jon lapook is here to explain more. Jon, you spoke with two of the surgeons who did this. Why did they take on the case . Well it was interesting. One of their young doctors went down to walter reid and he observed some Wounded Warriors who had genital injuries. And this group does hand transplants. They thought, you know what we really should do something for these people. There are 1300 Wounded Warriors who have genital injuries. In addition to that. 2,000 men a year have cancer of the penis and that may or may not end up with injury to the penis. What do you know . Thomas manning, 64yearold from massachusetts. He lost his penis is a part of treatment for cancer of the penis that he developed in 2012. Ever since that, he has been telling his doctors. Is there anything you can do. If there is anything you can do at all. I want to be part of it in fact, a 15hour surgery. More than 30 doctors involved. And the surgeons i just speck to they expect him to leave the hospital some time next week. This has been done successfully one other time in south africa. Dr. Jon lapook, thank you, jon. Well, winter makes a come back in late spring. Well show you next. On this late spring day, caribou, maine, got 4 1 2 inches of snow. A record this late in may. But it wont last. The high is expected to be in the upper 50s tomorrow. Now have a look at this. Sebastian alvarez captured a frightening ride on his cam when a skydiving plane had engine trouble and went down in a vineyard in central, california. There is no fire, relax. Everybody out. The plane flipped over. It had been too low for any of them to jump out. All 1 people walked away. At the white house today, president obama presented the medal of valor to 13 Police Officers. Among them, Gregory Stevens who stopped a mass shooting in garland, texas, after he subdued and philadelphia Sergeant Robert wilson, who was shot and killed in a store robbery, his grandmother accepted the medal for him. And well be right back. Introducing new ky for massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Has been actually quite recently just a year ago when i met donna. Because she was so motivated and ready to lose weight and to get healthier. Well since i met sue and listened to her guidance ive lost about 80 pounds and i have been taken off almost all my medications. To me, i mean thats something to shout about. I just see the future Getting Better and better and better. We end tonight with the next generation of aerospace engineers. Chip reid reports from Mission Control in arlington, virginia. Reporter if you are wondering what in the world made these students so happy . Well, actually it was out of this world. It happened in the blink of an eye. Here it is again. In slow motion. A Tiny Satellite being launched today by astronauts on the International Space station. 13yearold rebecca helped build it off the awe really excited, it is of in space. Reporter now saint thomas moore Cathedral School in arlington, virginia, the put a satellite in orbit. The main payload is a small camera which will beam photographs become to earth using an antenna that fifth grader felix pelligrin helped build. We dont control where it take is a picture. Take is a picture every 30 second. He gets to be on tv too. You are expecting Cool Pictures . Oh, yeah. Reporter teacher Emily Stocker says supposed to be a one to two year project. But because of set backs, explosion of an unmanned space station bound rocket in 2014 it took a sometimes agonizing four years. What do you think is the most important thing they learned . What we didnt plan on teaching was perseverance it would take to get the project completed. We are still not done. Reporter still not done because theyre waiting for the satellite to send a signal with the first photograph from space. And how nervous are you about whether you are going to hear a signal . I arghh reporter that is space talk for please phone home. Chip reid, cbs news, arlington, virginia. Thats the cbs overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news. Im michelle miller. It is another primary day on the road to the white house. Republicans in oregon will go to the polls, although donald trump is now essentially running unopposed. For the democrats it is oregon, kentucky. Although Hillary Clinton holds a big lead in the delegate count over Bernie Sanders, she is taking no chances. Nancy cordes reports. Reporter Hillary Clinton a big last minute investment in kentucky. Time and money. Hoping to pull off a win in one of two states. At a pair of churches, courting the africanamerican vote. And rallies. Her delegate lead is so large she can afford to lose all of the primaries from here on out but her campaign is worried that that would send her sort of limping into the Democratic Convention in july. And leave her a whacker candidate. Sanders has now won a pair of contests in a row with upcoming state the Clinton Campaign knows they have tough states ahead of them. In nevada, sanders supporters over the weekend showed unity is still going to be a challenge for this party. They disrupted the states Party Convention because they felt that the rules for allotting delegates were unfair. The Clinton Campaign isnt wildly successful. Wildly confident she will be successful. Though she won here by 35 points eight years ago. For the republicans, donald trump cleared the field of political opponentsable. His latest battle is against two of the nations biggest newspapers. The New York Times and the Washington Post. Major garrett has the story. Feast of Opposition Research and nagging questions, unreleased tax returns, alleged mistreatment of, and decades old pr stunts. Team trumps rinse to all of this. Look away. Look away. Nothing to see here. I have been working for donald trump for six weeks. Im using words he uses. Not the person on that tape. It is, no basis in fact other than, some allegation. Reporter Donald Trumps convention manager, Paul Manifort defended his candidate after the release of this audio. Whats your name again . Jon miller. Yes, thats correct. By the way, i am sort of new here. What is your position . Sort of handling pr. More than 20 years ago, trump frequently acted as his own Public Relations flak, jon miller or john baron in the 1980s something he admitted in 1990. Mr. Trump is the real life inspiration for ironman. Im his publicist, joey pepperoni. Trumps alter ego is already a latd night punchline. His pr impersonation was one of trumps tough business tactics. A documentary says trump acting as john baron threat and in lawyer representing undocumented polar workers who sued him for back wages i think one thing for sure, donald trump has rewritten the traditional playbook in politic thousands. By traditional, he means standard of conduct and transparency. Another example, trumps refusal to release his tax returns. I wouldnt be surprised if people dont care. The the New York Times published his front page story sunday with interviews from women who worked with or around trump, who said he could be crude, suggestive, and demeaning. Supporters said the allegations will phase and trump will repair historically high unfavorables among women. He is going to go out and women. Im sure he will answer them. People have not expected purity on his part. What theyre concerned abut, theyre deeply concerned about is this somebody Strong Enough to take on washington . Trumps inner circle know the stories scan be dangerous. If they make trump the issue instead of his promise to shack up washington. For the foreseeable future the battleground of this campaign. Reality of trump or the promise of change. Off many in the Republican Party along with top gop Campaign Donors are slowly getting in line behind trump and his candidacy. But others are looking around for a third party candidate. Julianna getman has that part of the story. People part of this effort tell us, three, four weeks are make or break. If they can raise the money or get on state bal lots. First and foremost, they need a candidate. So far no one has agreechltd. Agreed. Issuing this warning hind the sanz cenes to draft an alternative to donald trump. Not only changing and throwing out eight years of the white house. You are also throwing out potentially generations on the Supreme Court. Underground movement led by conservative figures, eric 6 eriksson and bill crystal intensified over the last few weeks. This is such an exceptional year. Worth trying. Conducting polling, reaching out to donors and candidates. Heres what i know. Donald trump is a phony, fraud. Sources involved, say mitt romney reached out to Governor John Kasich and ben sass. Advisers to both say theyre not interested. Sources close to conversations tell cbs news the door hasnt changed completely. You are going to make it or you are not. Others floated a businessman, mark cuban. He told the Washington Post, i dont see it happening. It is some where between Washington Post reporter, ed okeefe says mounting independent bid risks further dividing the Republican Party. Going to take too much work. Going to cost too much money. All it is going to result in is becoming a footnote in American History as the person who tilted the race to trump or clinton. As far as getting on the ballot. Deadlines like in texas passioned. Others are approaching. This couldnt be your campaign. Wouldnt play in every battleground state. Getting on the deep bait stage would be key. The price tag north of 100 million. The far cry from the 1 billion Hillary Clinton and donald trump are talking about spending. Britains queen liltz beth turned 90 almost a month ago. But the celebrations continue in london. Seth doan was at the latest party at Windsor Castle. Reporter a celebration well fit for a queen. Who arrived in nothing less than horse drawn some in the royal box covered their ears during a deafening cannon salute. While the queen appeared completely unfazed. Celebrity packed event featured tributes from dane helen miren. Kylie minogue. And military bands from the 53 countries that make up the british commonwealth. But overshadowing these alisters were the real celebrities of the evening, 900 horses. 6,000 spectators gathered on the grouch ground of Windsor Castle to watch, nations, azerbaijan, to fiji. The new Zealand Army Band ran in slow motion while playing the theme from chariots of fire. For the finale, a giant cake was wheeled into the ring. And those assembled sang happy birthday. To you the cbs overnight news will be right back. Apply the lysol click gel. To keep it fresh, flush, after flush, after flush. For a toilet that gets clean, then actually stays that way. Lysol that. Hey spray n wash is back. Ws . And even better. Its powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. Which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. Spray n wash. Back n better. We have been looking back at the life and career of long time 60 minutes correspondent morley safr, retiring after 46 years on the show. A bit of a legend here at cbs. The story goes, morley became interested in reporting during world war ii. When he was a kid in canada following the fighting in the papers. He fell in love with the works of Ernest Hemingway and dreamed of being a foreign correspondent. Heres steve croft for 60 minutes. Reporter surrender the great news of the century. And in canada as across the world. Both wild elation and sober thankfulness mor morely took up sports and read hemingway. He want to college for a few weeks. He dropped out. He had other things on his mind. I wanted to be a reporter. I was young, i was restless. I wanted to got out and do it. Reporter he got a job on a small town newspaper and bounced around the business a knew years sharpening his skills and learning essentials of news writing. Certainly respect for the language. Keeping the mush out of the story. Getting to the heart of it quickly. When he was 24. A door opened that would change his life. He was hired as a Television News writer at cbc, canadas premiere broadcasting network. They had trouble getting good people. Because no one in the newspaper journalism kconsidered televisin journalism. That was my view too. By the way. But i must tell you. Within about two weeks. This is the predominant feeling among those of Central Africa is that time is running out. Soon enough he was a foreign correspondent. The job he dreamed of. At this moment i am standing in east germany. Reporter his passport filled up from his base in london. Covered shooting wars in algeria, cypress, reported from budapest, tel aviv, amman, damascus, rome. For morely, the College Dropout the world was his university. In late 1963 he took part in a cbc discussion of the years events. One of the other reporters on the panel was angling for a job at cbs news. And sent this tape as audition. I would think. I would look to speak for a moment about the possibility. Instead it was morely who caught the eye of the American Networks executives who fired him to join the prestigious cbs bureau in london. I joined the yankees. Hello, america. Morely would be following in the food steps of edward r. Murrow, the cbs man in london during the war years. A hero. The countless listeners for his vivid accounts of the nazi bombing of the city. There are no words to describe what is happening. The flash and roar of the guns rolling down the streets. The stench of the air raid shelters. By the time morely got to cbs, murrow moved on. But his mystique remained. My desk was murrows desk. Murrows old world war ii, cbs desk. So there was a lot of baggage. Wonderful, positive baggage. Reporter he barely settled in london when a war, 6,000 miles away drew him in. The cbs executive in new york called to say vietnam. He said it will just be for a couple of months. Leave if the open ended. Call it three months. This thing is not going to last. Reporter he soon learned otherwise arriving in saigon in early 1965, as more american troops came in and more coffins p troupely, clearly an enormos buildup going on of terms of a major american commitment to this war. It was in the air. You could taste it. We are in the middle of seem to be pinned down by snipers. He did three years in vietnam. Reporting in language, as spare and direct as hemingways. Like old news reels. The same old young faces. The same shattered landscape. The same agony. There was a coas mel an k sadness. Barely survived a Helicopter Crash on the edge of enemy territory. Had plenty reminders of the random nature of death on the field. Interviewing a young man whose tank was about to take a direct hilt. Take care. Second later the boy is dead. Blown to bits when the tank exploded. Tomorrow we are going on operation match stick. 51 years ago, Joe Stringham was army captain commanding a green beret. He was all business. Reported what he saw. Nothing staged. Nothing phony. He wont out with the uniit. Searching for the viet cong. There is so much as a safe patrol. No such thing as a routine day. Its dusty. They were carrying a ton of equipment. Lot more stuff than we were carrying. Operation match stick, slogged through the streams with leaches. Morely was right in back of me. Every step of the way. I had to do it. He didnt. Morely would come under enemy fire in vietnam. Just got on the him. The first time with Joe Stringhams unit. The he was cool as the a hog on ice. The end of the long road back. At base camp. Walking for ten miles a day. All morely wanted was water for his feet. He was brand new with soft feet. Friendship had been born. Lasted half of a century. He is a very cool guy. Tie dees operation. In a august, 1965. Morelys controversial report. It started as routine missi marines. Talked to a young captain. I said, where are we going . What are we doing . He said, we are going to punish this village. I had never heard that word before in that context. It first appeared the marines had been sniped at and that a few houses were made to pay. As we came in. Guys started lining up. With matches, with lighters. With flame throwers. And theyre clearing these people out. And tofrping their houses. Wiss n this was not like any operation i had been on before with any american troops or troops anywhere, quite honestly. This is what the war in vietnam is all abut. It smelled very wrong. The old and the very young. The women and old men who remained will never forget that august afternoon. Many americaer he was tearing the cover off about the pacification of the citizens of vietnam. You know, we were going to make them our friends. And burning down their house at the same time. Reporter at the white house, president johnson and advise ore were enraged. Morely found himself in the administration cause hairs. The president of the United States wants you fired. For your reporting. Thats tough. Thats really tough. There were allegations i was kgb, well known communist. Was not the morely safer of cbs. And i think that made him, a larger target. If you will. Cbs stood behind him. His career flourished. And a few years later checking in for a flight from london to new york. Becoming morley safer of 60 minutes. Right down the shot part of a story about airline security. Just how safe is it to disarm a gunman from a plane. Im show you. Funny thing could have happened to me on the way to this broadcast. It didnt. For morely, it was a gamble. Broadcast was finding its way. The ratings werent great. 46 years later. Im morey safr, the stories to night on 60 minutes. He holds the record for the longest primetime run on primetime television. You can see more on the life and work of morley safr on cbsnews. C cbsnews. Com. Say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. More complete allergy relief. Flonase. 61 changes everything. cheering narrator birthday. Dishes. Thursday. game sounds dishes. Every dish, every time, only finish has the powerball to take on anyg. Thin id wash them, and itd be back before i even got to class. Finally, i discovered the new tide and downy odor defense collection. Tide gets out the yogaaroma, while downy keeps them fresh all day. I smell good. Dont just mask odors. Eliminate them with new tide and downy odor defense collection. sound of music histling introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. On, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. The pentagon surrendered to a sikh u. S. Army captain who insists he must wear a beard and turban to serve both god and country. Don dahler has his story. As the sunrises over fort belvoir, army base in virginia. Officers of the 249th engineer battalion play friendly football frisb frisbee. Among them 28yearold captain, the first sikh american soldier in 35 years, to receive permission to wear his religious turban and beard while on active duty. Ever since i fascination with being a soldier. In the 80s. President reagan passed executive order calling for all troops to look uniform. Which meant no facial hair. No religious head wear the to captain singh his beard and turban are sacred articles of his faith. In 2006 on his first day as cadet at west point he was forced to shave his beard and remove his turban. Something he had never done before. I remember, one of the hardest things to do was look in the mirror the next day and, have that, have that selfimage of yourself just shattered completely. Of what a good sikh is suppose to be. Reporter did it look like yourself . Hard to adjust. Reporter last february after a decade of Service Included being awarded a bronze star for valor for diffusing ieds in afghanistan, singh decided to stand up for his beliefs. He took the army to court, seeking religious accommodation to wear his turban and grow a beard. He won. When you got word that day what was that like . After ten years, wow. It finally happened. I was extremely excite add but that. Reporter even his commanding officer, major Vanessa Bowman agreed it was time for a change. It didnt create tension or anything . It didnt create any tension for us in office. Captain singh is a very professional officer. Comes to work he does his job. Reporter singh says sikhism its a religion based on service to others. Inspired by his great grandfather and others who fought with the british in the two world wars. You know, someday when sikh American Parents tell their kids they can be whatever they want to be, in this great country of ours, i hope that it rings a little built more true. It means that they can serve in the Armed Forces Just as freely. Under Army Regulations he wears either a black or camouflage sturban. Three more sikh soldiers received relij us aaccommodations to serve the u. S. While staying true how to their religion. Don the cbs overnight news will be r sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. There is a smespecial bond between a single dad and his daughter. Steve hartman unwind the story on the road. Reporter phil marguise of daytona beach, florida has always been good with his hand on guy stuff. When it came to the finer points of styling his daughters hair, phil admits he was about a quart low. Because every time i put a little hair clip in her hair it would fall out immediately. There with you, bro. What were you sending her out looking like . She used to wear a lot of hats. Reporter phil is obviously a single dad. And he hated that he couldnt put in a measly clip let alone a fourstrand braid. He wanted to learn really bradley. I told him it is so easy. Take four strands. Reporter this is his daughter emma. What emma didnt realize about her dad or most dads for that matter. Its that the y chromosome makes us folically challenged. I was like daddy i will do the three strand braid, just back off. Reporter at that pin the a lot of guys would have given up. Not phil. He watched a ton of youtube videos and when he eventually mastered it. A light went off. Something as simple as sending your daughter out and her being proved her hair and you being proud of your work its, beautiful thing. You know . The purpose of the class is just to go through the basics. Rip to share the feeling, phil gives free styling lesson to other likeminded dad. Daytona beach Police Officer kevin pedri, a fairly typical client. A lot more than i do. Arresting crooks is a cakewalk compared to capturing a ponytail. Phil presents it even the most macho man can understand. Look wrapping a rubberband around an extension cable. Reporter by the end of the lesson. Girliegirl, skills are second to bun. Wrapping the braid around the ponytail itself. Although phil says the real reward has nothing to do with hair. Thats excellent, time to sit there and just talk about your day. Yeah, my dad has a motto, not about the bun, about the bond. Or not about the braid, its about the bond. Or anything that has b, and then bond. Yeah, b, works. Yeah. Whatever the marketing it is a success. Since launching the class in october, lots of other dads have started workshops, pennsylvania, texas even the netherlands. What more can i say. The only question you havent asked, have i ever done hair styles on a cat . You are right. I left that one out. Have you ever done a hair style on a cat . Well, no. Hahaha. Steve hartman, on the road, in daytona beach, florida. Thats thecb continues. For others, check back with us a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center here in new york city, im michelle miller. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Before this broadcast is over, someone in america will die of an opioid overdose. It happens every 1 minutes. In one year 29,000 lost their lives to an overdose of heroin, or prescription painkillers, including oxycontin, hydrocodone, or fentanyl. That is an increase of 329 since the start of he century. Because it is a national epidemic, we are beginning our special coverage tonight. We will start with dean reynolds. Hes coming around a little bit reporter the frightening rates of overdoses are fueled by a mix of heroin and opiod called fentanyl, 30 to 50 times as powerful as heroin itself. There is a misperception that heroin laced with fentanyl is the better high, conversely, causes too many deaths. Reporter one person dies every day from an overdose in chicago where dennis wichem. With the Drug Enforcement agency. When they take heroin laced with fentanyl, it overtaxes chicago where dennis wichem. With fentanyl, it overtaxes the body you get overdoses and death. 25yearold chelsea blackburn, of pittsburgh, on heroin when pregnant is now clean. Says the search for a high can quickly reach a dead end. I started on opioids, like pain pills, and by 19 aye was a full blown heroin addict. Overdose deaths are highest in west virginia, new mexico, new hampshire, kentucky and ohio. Where in 2013 there were 84 fentanyl and heroin related deaths. But a year later there were 503. Last month a surveillance camera captured a drug user collapsing at a cleveland area restaurant. Falling into unconsciousness and then being revived by an antidote called narcan. Now in ohios 15 most hard hit counties relatives of drug users are being urged to get narcan to save lives. It can be obtained without a prescription. Dr. Mary diorio of the state department of health. We have more unintentional drug overdoses in ohio. It is a significant problem. We want to do what we can to save lives. This is one way to do it. The Obama Administration pro posed a billion dollar plan to fight the opioid and heroin epidemic, scott. Congress has the yet to appropriate the money. Dean reynolds with our overstrew tonight. Thank you, dean. Now, meet jason amaral, the face of the epidemic. He grew up in the boston suburb of arlington, massachusetts. Want to high school there and then on to college where he became an addict. He could be your child, or the kid next door. As the president said in his address on saturday, 44 of americans know some one who has been addicted to prescription painkillers. Well, tonight, correspondent Demarco Morgan and producer Jonathan Blakely begin a special series in the shadow of death jasons journey. Real quick. Is this good enough, dude. Your eyes open. You think about heroin. Nothing else. Nothing else. And any addict that is watching this will like, will attest off to that. And if you dont have money, you think how to get money to get heroin immediately. Reporter jason amarals hunt for heroin began at 7 30 in the morning, on a brisk day him as he tried to get money to get high. Get my money at western union. I will go with you wherever, buddy. Are you serious, come on . Didnt answer your phone, you [ bleep ] dumb. From a parking garage he called aunt beth in florida, begging for cash. Can you send me 30. The last time i am doing this. If this doesnt work. He hopped a train to meet a friend who gave him klonopin. Antianxiety medication known to addicts to take it edge off the urge. He searched for a bathroom where he could crush and snort his pills. Such a high drug area they dont let people use public bathrooms. So jason went for the one building he knows is always open to the public. Excuse me. Where is the entrance to city hall . Right up there. Once inside city hall. Hope they dont check my bag. Headed for a basement bathroom and put the money to use. Thats klonopin. Around noon, we met jason on the street after he scored more drugs from friends. I just did some heroin. And i was sick now. I just did a shot. Im very, very high. Like i feel great. And im going to go do what i need to do to make money, you know what i mean. And thats just how it is. Jasons life wasnt always like this. He group in massachusetts with his younger brother andrew, raised by a single mother. Who by all accounts, gave her boys a happy childhood. But when jason was only 11, his mom died of cancer. So the boys moved in with their father. And in college, jason started experimenting with the pricey pain pill, oxycontin which soon led to heroin. So began the life of an addict. The morning we met him, he was on multiple drugs. Look over the past three days. Whats in your system . What have i done . Yeah. Heroin. Klonopin, xanax. Cocaine, crack. Thats it. Reporter by that evening we found jason at a friends house. The two scored heroin mixed with powerful drug, fentanyl. They prepared it while the friends 3yearold child watched tv in the next room. Remember, that next morning, jason is suppose to show up at a rehab center. His phone rang. And it was his younger brother, andrew. My brother. My brother. Andrew is also an addict who called to tell his big brother he was dropping out of a detox clinic. Dont leave, buddy. Its not a good idea to leave. Please dont. Im going to rehab tomorrow. Im going to stay. But as he begged his brother to get help. He couldnt help himself. Okay. All right, bro. Reporter when he hung up the phone, jason was overcome with emotion. But not for long. Just tie it off like that. Stop. Red means go when you are shooting heroin the you know what i mean. Reporter over the next couple hours we watched as he nodded in and out. Show the shot up again. Snort more pills. And saved some heroin for later. By then his best friend, mike dugan arrived. Mike is a recovering addict who has been clean seven years and was taking jays on to rehab the next morning. Its life or death. Like you will die if youve dont get it this time. You know what i mean . Like. Its just really what it comes done to. Often a celebration like these guys here. But if you or someone you love has a food allergy, you may feel anxious about dining out. Great job, coach thats why our friends at Food Allergy Research and education want to spread the word that you can have a safe and enjoyable dining experience. You just need a game plan and you can find one online at safefare. Org. Visit safefare. Org to learn more and remember. Were all on the same team a Public Service mes fsagerom Food Allergy Research and education. Has been my life long mission for almost 40 years. Nutrition is the hallmark of good health and pairing nutrition with an active lifestyle and educating our children on those values i believe can really change the face of the disease in the future. I view my life differently now, because i no longer felt alone anymore. I saw all the little kids with diabetes just like me. With good exercise and Good Nutrition diabetes can get easier cbs news has learned that an amtrak engineer was distracted by radio transmissions just before his speeding train jumped the tracks in philadelphia one year ago. Eight people were killed and more than 200 were hurt. Sptranortation correspondent kris van cleave is following this. National Transportation Safety board investigators now believe the deadly amtrak crash was caused by engineer brandon bostians loss of awareness. He told investigators minutes before the derailment he heard radio traffic between a dispatcher and engineer of a philadelphia commuter train hit the dispatcher asked him a couple of times if he needed medical attention, bostian said. They went back and forth a few times. As train 188 approached the commuter train, bostian said i blew my trains whistle. Concerned with confusion on the radio that they may have personnel on the ground. Bostian told investigators the incident got him thinking of a coworker in california injured in a train collision and had glass impact his eye from a tractortrailer. He accelerated the amtrak train going into the curve hitting 106 mild an hour before slamming on the brakes, but second before the train left the tracks. All those things put together created an environment where he lost situational awareness. Former ntsb chair, mark rosenkirk. Like you driving down the beltway, you are in deep thought or listening to something and you were supposed to get off on an exit and you missed it. You, you really are, dont realize where you are at that moment. Reporter bostian told investigators he was concerned for his safety moving through the area where the commuter train had been struck. Scott, tomorrow the ntsb is expected to renew it call for technology that could slow a speeding train. Kris van cleave reporting from los angeles. Thank you. There seems to be no end to the long security lines at airports. At chicagos ohare airport, look at this, 450 people missed their flights yesterday. More than 100 of them had to spend the night on cots. The tsa doesnt have enough screeners. At least two airlines are exploring the idea of hiring extra people to speed up the lines. To date Supreme Court punted on one of the biggest cases of the term. Whether obama care can require religious groups to offer contraception coverage through their insurance plans. Youll recall there is a vacancy on the court. To date justices apparently di would have led to different laws in different states. So they sent the case back to the lower courts to explore a compromise. Some republicans owe posed to donald trump are trying to recruit someone to run against him as an independent. Here is Major Garrett on how that is going. I just think running third party, doesnt feel right. The long shot effort to mount independent campaign fizzled further today when john kasich one of the last on the list of potential candidates ruled it out. A Third Party Candidacy would be viewed as, kind of a silly thing. I dont think it is appropriate. 2012 nominee, mitt romney asked kasich to kid a run. Part of a recruitment effort led by bill crystal and Eric Eriksson to stop donald trump. Republican chairman ryan priebus dismissed the idea. A suicide mission. You are changing throwing out eight years of the white house and throwing out potentially generations on the supreme reporter obstacles for a run are daunting. Organizers would need to acquire 880,000 valid signatures to place a candidate on the balloten all 50 states. The deadline in texas has passioned. The antitrump forces worry about the billionaires philosophy and personal character. Those concerns were magnified that trump used false identities in the 1980s and that he can be crude and demeaning to women. Conservatives fear trump is an easy target for democrats. This was president obama yesterday at rutgers university. In politics and in life, ignorance its not a virtue. It is not cool to not know what you are talking about. Conservatives opposed to trump say they need 100 million to wage an independent campaign in a few key states. Scott, there is no sign gop donors who have given 1 million to an antitrump super pac have any stomach for an even costlier endeavor. Major garrett. Thank you. Hillary clinton isnt having any free run to the nomination. Bernie sanders favored tomorrow in kentucky and oregon. But it wont change the inevitable. Clinton is only 144 delegates short of clinching the nomination. Heres nancy cordes. Time people stop listening to republican propaganda. In kentucky clinton blasted the gop and likely nominee. Trying out her trump impression on jobs. His answer, im going to create them. Theyre going to be great. I know how to do it. But im not telling you what it is im going to do. She did not do her best Bernie Sanders. Though he is the one who could beat her in two states tomorrow. And is laying the ground work in puerto rico. The people of the United States cannot continue a colonial tight relationship with the people of puerto rico. Clinton can afford to lose a few more states. But she cant afford dischord like this. Recount. Recount. Over the weekend, sanders supporters disrupted the convention, protesting delegate rules and booing speakers. We need civility in the democratic party. It is a sign democrats are going to have some of their own struggles with unity. Recognizing that clinton its going to be tide up with these primaries for a while, the biggest super pac supporting her announced to day, scott, they would begin airing ad against donald trump this week. Nearly a month earlier than they had planned. Nancy cordes for us tonight. Thank you. Cancer patient has received the first penis transplant in this country. And, what are the odds that everybody could walk away from a crash like this. The cbs overnight news will be right back. This pimples gonna aw comon. Ver. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Wont walk in on you. Forever. Lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. Everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. And no one wants that feeling to fade. Thats why theres woolite darks. Its free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. Woolite darks. Breyrich chocolate sauce. Ato, Peanut Butter cups. Tonight is perfect. Can someone read me another story . Daddd . Mmm coming breyers gelato indulgences its way beyond ice cream. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. My m. About my toothpasteice. She eveand mouthwash. Ice. But shes a dentist so. I kind of have to listen. She said jen, go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Advance to healthier gums. And stronger teeth from day one. Using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my. Whole mouth feel awesome. And my teeth are stronger too. Crestpro health advanced. Is superior to colgate total. In these 5 areas dentists check. This check up . So good. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Moms right. Again we got wor of a remarkable transplant surgery in boston. The first of its kind ins a man who lost his penis to cancer has received a new one. It is a Major Development especially for veterans who suffer genital injuries and our dr. Jon lapook is here to explain more. Jon, you spoke with two of the surgeons who did this. Why did they take on the case . Well it was interesting. One of their young doctors went down to walter reid and he observed some Wounded Warriors who had genital injuries. And this group does hand transplants. They thought, you know what we really should do something for these people. There are 1300 Wounded Warriors who have genital injuries. In addition to that. 2,000 men a year have cancer of the penis and that may or may not end up with injury to the penis. What do you know . Thomas manning, 64yearold from massachusetts. He lost his penis is a part of treatment for cancer of the ever since that, he has been telling his doctors. Is there anything you can do. If there is anything you can do at all. I want to be part of it. He is doing very, very well. In fact, a 15hour surgery. More than 30 doctors involved. And the surgeons i just speck to they expect him to leave the hospital some time next week. This has been done successfully one other time in south africa. Dr. Jon lapook, thank you, jon. Well, winter makes a come back in late spring. Well show you next. On this late spring day, caribou, maine, got 4 1 2 inches of snow. A record this late in may. But it wont last. The high is expected to be in the upper 50s tomorrow. Now have a look at this. Sebastian alvarez captured a frightening ride on his cam when a skydiving plane had engine trouble and went down in a vineyard in central, california. There is no fire, relax. Everybody out. The plane flipped over. It had been too low for any of them to jump out. All 1 people walked away. At the white house today, president obama presented the medal of valor to 13 Police Officers. Among them, Gregory Stevens who stopped a mass shooting in garland, texas, after he subdued two gunmen. And wilson, who was shot and killed in a store robbery, his grandmother accepted the medal for him. And well be right back. P . P . O . Gv we end tonight with the next generation of aerospace engineers. Chip reid reports from Mission Control in arlington, virginia. Reporter if you are wondering what in the world made these students so happy . Well, actually it was out of this world. It happened in the blink of an eye. Here it is again. In slow motion. A Tiny Satellite being launched today by astronauts on the International Space station. 13yearold rebecca helped build it off the awe really excited, it is of in space. Reporter now saint thomas moore Cathedral School in arlington, virginia, the First Grade School ith put a satellite in orbit. The main payload is a small camera which will beam photographs become to earth using an antenna that fifth grader felix pelligrin helped build. We dont control where it take is a picture. Take is a picture every 30 second. He gets to be on tv too. You are expecting Cool Pictures . Oh, yeah. Reporter teacher Emily Stocker says supposed to be a one to two year project. But because of set backs, explosion of an unmanned space station bound rocket in 2014 it took a sometimes agonizing four years. What do you think is the most important thing they learned . What we didnt plan on teaching was perseverance it would take to get the project completed. We are still not done. Reporter still not done because theyrewaiting for the satellite to send a signal with and how nervous are you about whether you are going to hear a signal . I can put it into one word. Arghh reporter that is space talk for please phone home. Chip reid, cbs news, arlington, virginia. Thats the cbs overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news. Im michelle miller. It is another primary day on the road to the white house. Republicans in oregon will go to the polls, although donald trump is now essentially running unopposed. For the democrats it is oregon, kentucky. Although Hillary Clinton holds a big lead in the delegate count over Bernie Sanders, she is taking no chances. Nancy cordes reports. Reporter Hillary Clinton a big last minute investment in kentucky. Time and money. Of two states. At a pair of churches, courting the africanamerican vote. And rallies. Her delegate lead is so large she can afford to lose all of the primaries from here on out through the primary season. But her campaign is worried that that would send her sort of limping into the Democratic Convention in july. Sanders has now won a pair of contests in a row with upcoming state the Clinton Campaign knows they have tough states ahead of them. In nevada, sanders supporters over the weekend showed unity is still going to be a challenge for this party. They disrupted the states Party Convention because they felt that the rules for allotting delegates were unfair. The Clinton Campaign isnt wildly successful. Wildly confident she will be successful. Though she won here by 35 points eight years ago. For the republicans, donald trump cleared the field of political opponents, but his latest battle is against two of the nations biggest newspapers. The New York Times and the Washington Post. Major garrett has the story. Rte feast of Opposition Research and nagging questions, unreleased tax returns, alleged mistreatment of, and decades old pr stunts. Team trumps response to all of this look away. Look away. Nothing to see here. I have been working for donald trump for six weeks. Im using words he uses. Not the person on that tape. It is, no basis in fact other than, some allegation. Reporter Donald Trumps convention manager, Paul Manifort defended his candidate after the release of this audio. Whats your name again . Jon miller. Yes, thats correct. By the way, i am sort of new here. What is your position . Sort of handling pr. More than 20 years ago, trump frequently acted as his own Public Relations flak, jon miller or john baron in the 1980s something he admitted in Court Documents 1990. Mr. Trump is the real life inspiration for ironman. Im his publicist, joey pepperoni. Trumps alter ego is already a late night punchline. His pr impersonation was one of trumps tough business tactics. A documentary says trump acting as john baron threatened a lawyer representing undocumented polish workers who sued him for back wages. I think one thing for sure, donald trump has rewritten the traditional playbook in politic thousands. By traditional, he means standard of conduct and transparency. Another example, trumps refusal to release his tax returns. I wouldnt be surprised if people dont care. The the New York Times published his front page story sunday with interviews from women who worked with or around trump, who said he could be crude, suggestive, and demeaning. Supporters said the allegations will phase and trump will repair historically high unfavorables among women. He is going to go out and make his case. Tiff there are any particular issues with women. Im sure he will answer them. People have not expected purity on his part. What theyre concerned abut, theyre deeply concerned about is this somebody Strong Enough to take on washington . Trumps inner circle know the stories can be dangerous. If they make trump the issue instead of his promise to shake up washington. For the foreseeable future the battleground of this campaign. Reality of trump or the promise of change. Off many in the Republican Party along with top gop Campaign Donors are slowly getting in line behind trump and his candidacy. But others are looking around for a third party candidate. Julianna goldman has that part of the story. People part of this effort tell us, three, four weeks are make or break. If they can raise the money or get on state bal lots. First and foremost, they need a candidate. So far no one has agreed. It is a suicide issuing this warning to fellow republicans work being hind the scenes to draft an alternative to donald trump. Not only changing and throwing out eight years of the white house. You are also throwing out potentially generations on the Supreme Court. Underground movement led by conservative figures, eric 6 eriksson and bill crystal intensified over the last few weeks. This is such an exceptional year. Worth trying. Conducting polling, reaching out to donors and candidates. Heres what i know. Donald trump is a phony, fraud. Sources involved, say mitt romney reached out to Governor John Kasich and ben sass. Advisers to both say theyre not interested. Sources close to conversations tell cbs news the door hasnt closed completely. You are going to make it or you are not. Others floated a businessman, mark cuban. He told the Washington Post, i dont see it happening reality and bs at this point. Washington post reporter, ed okeefe says mounting independent bid risks further dividing the Republican Party. Going to take too much work. Going to cost too much money. All it is going to result in is becoming a footnote in American History as the person who tilted the race to trump or clinton. As far as getting on the ballot. Deadlines like in texas have already passed. Others are approaching. This couldnt be your campaign. Wouldnt play in every battleground state. Getting on the debate stage would be key. The price tag north of 100 million. The far cry from the 1 billion Hillary Clinton and donald trump are talking about spending. Britains Queen Elizabeth turned 90 almost a month ago. But the celebrations continue in london. Seth doan was at the latest party at Windsor Castle. Reporter a celebration well fit for a queen. Who arrived in nothing less than horse drawn carriage. Some in the royal box covered their ears during a deafening cannon salute. While the queen appeared completely unfazed. Celebrity packed event featured tributes from dane helen miren. Kylie minogue. And military bands from the 53 countries that make up the british commonwealth. But overshadowing these alisters were the real celebrities of the evening, 900 horses. 6,000 spectators gathered on the ground of Windsor Castle to watch, nations, azerbaijan, to fiji. The new Zealand Army Band ran in slow motion while playing the theme from chariots of fire. For the finale, a giant cake was wheeled into the ring. And those assembled sang happy birthday. To you the cbs overnight news will be right back. Cascade platinum. Powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. So let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. See . Told you it would work. Cascade. Seems like every time the toilet someones there to undo it. After a superior clean, apply the lysol click gel. To keep it fresh, flush, after flush, after flush. For a toilet that gets clean, then actually stays that way. Lysol that. Hey spray n wash is back. Ews . And even better. Its powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. Which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. Spray n wash. Back n better. We have been looking back at the life and career of long time 60 minutes correspondent morley safr, retiring after 46 years on the show. A bit of a legend here at cbs. The story goes, morley became interested in reporting during world war ii. When he was a kid in canada following the fighting in the papers. He fell in love with the works of Ernest Hemingway and dreamed of being a foreign correspondent. Heres steve croft for 60 minutes. Reporter surrender the great news of the century. And in canada as across the world. Both wild elation and sober thankfulness. Reporter after the war, morley took up sports in high school and read more hemingway. He want to college for a few weeks. He dropped out. He had other things on his mind. I wanted to be a reporter. I was young, i was restless. I wanted to got out and do it. Reporter he got a job on a small town newspaper and bounced around the business a knew years sharpening his skills and learning essentials of news writing. Certainly respect for the language. Keeping the mush out of the story. Getting to the heart of it quickly. When he was 24. A door opened that would change his life. He was hired as a Television News writer at cbc, canadas premiere broadcasting network. They had trouble getting good people. Because no one in the newspaper journalism considered television journalism. That was my view too. By the way. But i must tell you. Within about two weeks. This is really fun. The predominant feeling among those of Central Africa is that time is running out. Soon enough he was a foreign correspondent. The job he dreamed of. At this moment i am standing in east germany. Reporter his passport filled up from his base in london. Covered shooting wars in algeria, cypress, reported from budapest, tel aviv, amman, damascus, rome. For morley, the College Dropout, the world was his university. In late 1963 he took part in a cbc discussion of the years events. One of the other reporters on the panel was angling for a job at cbs news. And sent this tape as audition. I would think. I would look to speak for a moment about the possibility. Instead it was morely who caught the eye of the American Networks executives who fired him to join the prestigious cbs bureau in london. So i really felt that i joined the yankees. Hello, america. Morely would be following in the footsteps of edward r. Murrow, the cbs man in london during the war years. A hero. The countless listeners for his vivid accounts of the nazi bombing of the city. There are no words to describe what is happening. The flash and roar of the guns rolling down the streets. The stench of the air raid shelters. By the time morely got to cbs, murrow moved on. But his mystique remained. My desk was murrows desk. Murrows old world war ii, cbs desk. So there was a lot of baggage. Wonderfuos reporter he barely settled in london when a war, 6,000 miles away drew him in. The cbs executive in new york called to say you are going to vietnam. He said it will just be for a couple of months. Leave if the open ended. Call it three months. This thing is not going to last. Reporter he soon learned otherwise arriving in saigon in early 1965, as more american troops came in and more coffins went out. There was clearly an enormous buildup going on of terms of a major american commitment to this war. It was in the air. You could taste it. We are in the middle of seem to be pinned down by snipers. He did three years in vietnam. Reporting in language, as spare and direct as hemingways. Like old news reels. The same old young faces. The same shattered landscape. The same agony. There was a compassion,000 to what he was saying, there was a sadness. Barely survived a Helicopter Crash on the edge of enemy territory. Had plenty reminders of the random nature of death on the field. Interviewing a young man whose tank was about to take a direct hilt. Take care. Second later the boy is dead. Blown to bits when the tank exploded. Tomorrow we are going on operation match stick. 51 years ago, Joe Stringham was army captain commanding a green beret. He was all business. Reported what he saw. Nothing staged. Nothing phony. He went out with the unit searching for the viet cong. There is so much as a safe patrol. No such thing as a routine day. Its dusty. Hard work. There is one otherng they were carrying a ton of equipment. Lot more stuff than we were carrying. Operation match stick, slogged through the streams with leaches. Morley was right in back of me. Every step of the way. I had to do it. He didnt. Morley would come under enemy fire in vietnam. Just got on the him. The first time with Joe Stringhams unit. Morley was cool as a hog on ice. The end of the long road back. At base camp. Walking for ten miles a day. All morley wanted was some water for his feet. He was brand new with soft feet. Friendship had been born. Lasted half of a century. He is a very cool guy. Todays operation in a august, 1965. Came morleys most controversial report. Wi started as routine mission marines. Talked to a young captain. I said, where are we going . What are we doing . He said, we are going to punish this village. I had never heard that word before in that context. It first appeared the marines had been sniped at and that a few houses were made to pay. As we came in. Guys started lining up. With matches, with lighters. With flame throwers. And theyre clearing these people ou. And tofrping their houses. This was not like any operation i had been on before with any american troops or troops anywhere, quite honestly. This is what the war in street names all about. It smelled very wrong. The old and the very young. The women and old men who ma Many Americans were shocked at what hey had seen. He was tearing the cover off about the pacification of the citizens of vietnam. You know, we were going to make them our friends. And burning down their house at the same time. Reporter at the white house, president johnson and advise ore were enraged. Morley found himself in the president ial cross hairs. The president of the United States wants you fired. For your reporting. Thats tough. Thats really tough. There were allegations i was kgb, well known communist. Was not the morleysafr of cbs at that point. And i think that made him, a larger target. If you will. Cbs stood behind him. His career flourished. And a few years later checking in for a flight from london to new york. Becoming morley safr of 60 minutes. Never in two waist time. Right down the middle. Shot part of a story about airline secuty just how safe is it to disarm a gunman from a plane. Im show you. Funny thing could have happened to me on the way to this broadcast. It didnt. For morley, 60 minutes was a gamble. Broadcast was finding its way. The ratings werent great. Im mike wallace. Im morley safr. Those stories to night on 60 minutes. He holds the record for the longest primetime run on primetime television. You can see more on the life and work of morley safr on cbsnews. Com. babies crying narrator life. Dishes. Death. slurping dishes. Every dish, every time, only finish has the powerball to take on anything. sound of music histling introducing new ky touch gel creme. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. And i cant wait to startlanta telling people how switching to geico could save them hundreds of dollars on car insurance. But first, my luggage. Ahh, there it is. Uh, excuse me, sir . I think youve got the wrong bag. Sorry, they all look alike, you know . Well, cars here, i cant save people money chatting at the baggage claim all day. Geico®. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. This pimples gonna aw comon. Ver. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom wont walk in on you. Forever. Lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. Looktry align probiotic. Our digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Live 24 7. With 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the 1 ge recommended probiotic. The pentagon surrendered to a sikh u. S. Army captain who insists he must wear a beard and turban to serve both god and country. Don dahler has his story. As the sunrises over fort belvoir, army base in virginia. Officers of the 249th engineer battalion play friendly football frisbee. Among them 28yearold captain, the first sikh american soldier in 35 years, to receive permission to wear his religious turban and beard while on active duty. Ever since i was a kid i had in the 80s. President reagan passed executive order calling for all troops to look uniform. Which meant no facial hair. No religious head wear the to captain singh his beard and turban are sacred articles of his faith. In 2006 on his first day as cadet at west point he was forced to shave his beard and remove his turban. Something he had never done before. I remember, one of the hardest things to do was look in the mirror the next day and, have that, have that selfimage of yourself just shattered completely. Of what a good sikh is suppose to be. Reporter did it look like yourself . Hard to adjust. Reporter last february after a decade of Service Included being awarded a bronze star for valor for diffusing ieds in afghanistan, singh decided to stand up for his beliefs. He took the army to court, seeking religious accommodation to wear his turban and grow a beard. He won. When you got word that day what was that like . After ten years, wow. It finally happened. I was extremely excited about that. Reporter even his commanding officer, major Vanessa Bowman agreed it was time for a change. It didnt create tension or anything . It didnt create any tension for us in office. Captain singh is a very professional officer. Comes to work he does his job. Reporter singh says sikhism is a religion based on service to others. Inspired by his great grandfather and others who fought with the british in the two world wars. You know, someday when sikh American Parents tell their kids they can be whatever they want to be, in this great country of ours, i hope that it rings a little built more true. It means that they can serve in the Armed Forces Just as freely. Under Army Regulations he wears either a black or camouflage turban. Since this victory, three more sikh soldiers have received religious acomadditions to serve the u. S. While staying true to their religion. Be right back. Youd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. So why not take care of that spot on your skin . If youre a man over 50 youre in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. Check your skin for suspicious or changing spots. Go to spotskincancer. Org to find out what to look for. A message from the American Academy of dermatology runners on your mark music get set youre rolled out at the dawning of the day sfx starter pistol shot heart racin as you made your little get away but theres always scars, when you fall back far we lose our way, we get back up again its never too late to get back up again one day, youre gonna shine again, you may be knocked down but not out forever we lose our way, we get back up again its never too late to get back up again and one day. Its the second leading Cancer Killer in the u. S. But, it is almost entirely preventable. Most colon cancers start as polyps. And screening helps finds polyps, so they can be removed, before they even turn into cancer. Screening also finds this cancer early, when treatment works best so if youre over 50, take control. Get screened for colorectal cancer. Screening saves lives. It could really save your life. Its tuesday, may 17th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. You can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. A new antitrump ad uses his words against him. The presumptive nominee finally sits down with one of the women hes heard attacking in the ad. I have Great Respect for you. Looking to stop Bernie Sanders winning streak, Hillary Clinton crisscrosses the bluegrass strait ahead of todays primary. Still, some are questioning comments shes made about her husband, hinting bill clinton could land a top post if h

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