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The scars of the bellows political crisis and Opposition Leader meets the e. U. And demand sanctions against president Alexander Lukashenko. Donald trump says so announce his nominees for a place with Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Courts by saturday. And the global death toll from coded 19 is 1000000 as government struggle to control the outbreak. U. S. Secretary of state mike compare has announced a raft of new sanctions on those involved in irans Defense Sector 27 entities and individuals have been hit with new measures including the Iranian Defense ministry who has also announced sanctions on the venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro hes built a close relationship with terror on the us also warned that anyone connected to the sale or transfer of conventional weapons to iran will face sanctions just imagine what iran would be therefore able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms or burgo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the are a ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director. Bagus in terror all and has more on the iranian response to those u. S. Sanctions. We had foreign minister say that these new sanctions are nothing new that the intention of the United States was to bring the population to its knees and they have failed but what the real question is how iran will respond to the United States and how the United States decides to impose the u. N. Sanctions as they see it now within iran lots of political differences the president Hassan Rouhani and his reformists are defending the deal domestically because there has been some opposition to it but the conservative and hardliners who make up the majority of Parliament Well they want a stronger response if those sanctions are put back in place in fact the head of the commission of Foreign Policy and National Security has said that iran should return to prejudge a Nuclear State which means that a high level of enrichment more centrifuges more advanced centrifuges should be used and nuclear propellant should be used to aid irans navy and theres also suggestions from some of the conservatives here. Should reduce its cooperation with the i. A. E. A. In terms of reducing or limiting the amount of inspections that take place but president Hassan Rouhani is very much invested in the. 2015 nuclear deal and hes policy and hes allies policy is wait and see what happens and then looking forward to the u. S. Elections but ultimately irans response will come down to how the United States reacts of what the United States does if they start stopping iranian ships and also how the United Nations and other countries around the world will react if they willingly or reluctantly start to give in to u. S. Pressure and start imposing these sanctions then we could very much see a very tough or a tougher stance a response coming from iran. Christian salumi joins us live now from the United Nations christian have to stress these are of course unilateral sanctions in which case whats been the wider International Reaction to that u. S. Announcement. Well the United States did attempt to get the international communitys support for reimposing Multilateral International sanctions on iran by invoking the socalled snap back provision of the Iran Nuclear Deal under that deal any of the signatories could in fact reimpose those sanctions the problem is the United States left that deal 2 years ago under president truck and so the. Rest of d the signatories to that deal and other members of the Security Council including some of the United States notoriously closest allies on the Security Council the european members of the council have chosen to preserve the deal and prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon as their primary focus the United States and some support from israel in its maximum Pressure Campaign against iran some support from the gulf states but many of its closest allies here have said have outright rejected the u. S. Position on International Sanctions choosing instead to try to prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon and not focus on the conventional weapons given that what was interesting earlier was that neither the u. S. President or did the secretary of state to false it marking the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Absolutely this was supposed to be the big kickoff for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly the United States had honorifics spot at the beginning of the day the president was expected to give that speech virtually of course as everything is being done virtually. Remotely because of the coronavirus but the president did not submit a speech it was a relatively low level diplomat the acting deputy u. N. Ambassador who spoke here while the secretary of state and the u. N. Ambassador were in washington to announce these sanctions these new sanctions and this at a time when the u. N. Secretary general is trying to reinvigorate multilateralism reinvigorate an International Combined approach getting countries together to deal with some of the countries some of the worlds most Serious Problems and he said there are many in fact that need to be dealt with. Climate come i mean. Biodiversity is collapsing. Is again rising hates its spreading geopolitical tensions escalate and Nuclear Weapons remain on hand to be. Transformative technologies new opportunities but also exposed new sense and the coffee of 19 pandemic is laid bare for the g 8. We can only address them together. And we do expect president trying to deliver a videotaped address to the General Assembly when things kick off properly on tuesday that all speeches will be done remotely virtually because as i said the coronavirus making for a much more somber less exciting atmosphere here at the United Nations normally i would be surrounded by press wed be seeing dignitaries common go and heads of state but a very low key u. N. General assembly this year kristen at the u. N. Thank you. Now European Union Foreign Ministers of failed to agree on sanctions against belarus officials suspected of Election Fraud or playing a pass in the recent crackdown on protests these use considering asset freezes and travel bans on around 40 people but cyprus is blocking the sanctions move until similar measures are imposed on turkey as not a barber reports. In the prisons they were tortured. Harris and traped bellerose is Opposition Leader paying tribute to prodemocracy protesters in her country which she fled after last months president ial election widely seen as rigged in favor of Alexander Lukashenko sideline a taken off sky i was speaking at the European Parliament in brussels once again calling for sanctions on senior officials so i proceed to your friends to help us the basic things to recognize mr lucas and illegitimate to release Political Prisoners to introduce individual sanctions against all individuals involved in their election prosecutions and political crackdown earlier she held talks with several e. U. Foreign ministers ahead of their meeting telling them applying sanctions quickly could force the belorussian government to enter dialogue with the Opposition Coordination Council which have been going so hard to make their progress we will have to discuss the question of whether they shouldnt because those who participated in election rigging and those who participated in abuse directly who face European Union sanctions we must also ask ourselves the question of whether mr look at schrenker who bears the main responsibility should also be sanctioned by the European Union its not just sanctions also we have to report to to support Civil Society we have to support the media and we have to not just express and part of the people which are suffering the suffering still as we speak being called in cast of the daughter of raped and definitely in the service our attention will possibly independent international investigation. On sunday once again crowds demonstrated in the belorussian capital minsk and other cities activists put the number of minutes get around a 100000 similar to previous weekend rallies. Police say they arrested more than 400 protesters with more than 307 custody but the e. U. Cant impose sanctions. Travel bans and asset freezes unless all 27 Member States agree. Cyprus is been accused of blocking sanctions on belarus until similar measures are applied to turkey over its Energy Exploration efforts in the Eastern Mediterranean in the end the Foreign Ministers failed to reach a decision the issues now set to be discussed at the Leaders Summit on thursday nadine barber al jazeera u. S. President donald trump says hell announce his nominee for the Supreme Courts by saturday he says hes looking at 5 candidates to replace the nipple justice ruth Bader Ginsburg who died on friday and he wants the senate to vote and confirm the nominee before the november 3rd election an official has more from outside the white house. Well its clear that hes intending to get this done as quickly as possible he wants to put the name in front of the senate at some point by the weekend hes already said hell wait till after the Memorial Services have been held for the late justice ruth Bader Ginsburg that would suggest that saturday is the most likely day given that she is going to lie in state on capitol hill on friday the 1st woman in American History to be given that on or the president himself while hes on his way to a couple of Campaign Events but he says he wants the senate to act and to act quickly well id much rather have a vote before the election because theres a lot of work to be done and id much rather have it we have plenty of time to do it i mean theres really a lot of time heres whats interesting Mitch Mcconnell who is the republican leader in the senate has been speaking in the last couple of hours he says there will be a vote by the end of the year no thats important because it suggests that he doesnt believe he might be able to get this done by november 3rd so pushing it towards the end of the year which is when the come Congress Ends session but it also means what Mitch Mcconnell being a wily political operator that the whole idea of justices and particular vacancies on the Supreme Court go in front of the voters on november the 3rd and we know that there was a quarter of those who said that they supported donald trump in 2016 did so because of his stance on the Supreme Court and putting more conservatives there and also the judiciary as a whole across america where he wanted a lot more younger conservative voices. The global death toll from cove of 19 is nearing a 1000000 and the resurgence of the corona virus is forcing some nations to rethink their strategy is the United Kingdom a stylus that imposing tighter restrictions governments top medical adviser says if things continue on their current course virus related deaths could spiral out of control Prime Minister Boris Johnson will chair an Emergency Response meeting on tuesday in spain parts of the capital madrid are back in lockdown the countrys reported more than 100000 cases in the past 2 weeks france has also seen record numbers of daily deaths the United States is the worlds worst affected country and its expected to pass 200000 deaths shortly all across africa the centers for Disease Control say says infection numbers of now pass 1400000 south africa has nearly half the continents total cases with more now on those warnings across europe barkha has this report from london. The british governments been accused of sleep walking into a 2nd search of coronavirus if so this was the alarm call dispassionate data delivered by the you case chief medical and scientific officers showing a doubling of infections every week lets say there were 5000 today would be 10000 next week 20000 a week after 40000 a week of them and you can see that by mid october if that continued you would end up with Something Like 50000. 00 cases in the middle of october per day. More infections mean the likelihood of more deaths urgent action is needed elsewhere in europe spains ruled out a 2nd National Lockdown favoring partial restrictions where contagion levels are highest in the capital Madrid Police checkpoints are back the citys poorest areas are suffering the most a blow for businesses already on the breadline. In the Czech Republic a surge in cases has cost the countrys Health Minister his job restrictions lifted months ago and now likely to return. France greece and denmark have also imposed measures in virus hot spots for Health Authorities in italy say the average age of patients is creeping up risking more deaths governments across europe are wrestling with a worsening Health Emergency an ongoing economic crisis leaders are having to walk a very challenging fine line between controlling covert 19 and inadvertently fueling unemployment and poverty. Britain is now at the same Tipping Point more than 13000000. 00 people are already facing restrictions and curfews in the north of england and the midlands the capital could be next in the absence of a vaccine and while testing remains inadequate because of a shortage of Laboratory Capacity there are very few options and little time to lose me from aljazeera london when i was there is not a gallagher is in miami and explains how the center for Disease Control updated its guidance to warn of possible airborne transmission of 19 only to remove that advice hours later there are many people in the Scientific Community that believe that covert 19 is passed like that through these aerosols that go beyond 6 feet which is the recommended distance for social distancing and then the c. D. C. Removed that guidance from their website saying it was a mistake on their part and that is quite shocking when we are on the cusp of reaching 200000 deaths here in the United States or exceeding 200000 deaths and it raises the question as to whether the trumpet ministration has been politically interfering with the c. D. C. Or the c. D. C. Is refining the language of that latest warning and then they will release it but it has big implications it speaks to how politicized this pandemic has become here in the United States there is no ones life that hasnt been touched by the covert 900 pandemic as is the case with the rest of the world but the figures here are shockingly bad this is supposed to be the most advanced nation in the world and yet they are not handling the covert 19 pandemic very well and we have a president ial election in a couple of months. Well still ahead on the program from the capital city and into the provinces the coronavirus makes its way relentlessly across argentina. And cleanly cleaning up off the catastrophic sea down struggles with rampant inflation soaring prices. Hello weve got some right to the forecast for outback australia over the next couple of days big lot of cloud sliding all the way up into Northern Territory snaking further eastward heat a head of that but this is a cold front comes through well see some wetter weather well see some cooler weather coming in as well sydney at around 27 celsius not too bad some blustery showers raffling across victoria southern parts of New South Wales and to go on into wednesday the temps really falling away made chains there for adelaide melbourne and for hobart 24. 00 celsius for sydney in still somewhat to weather east in parts of queensland and back towards the outback and Northern Areas of the country to further west thats where the dry and fine weather is temperatures in perth at around 25. 00 celsius and well see a similar temperature there actually into central parts of new zealand christchurch with an old lee wind at around 2520. 00 further north so we have got some wetter weather some breezy a weather to somewhat some breezy weather making its way towards japan at the moment this area cloud is clearing out of the way the next system coming in behind that is a Tropical Storm Tropical Storm dolphin making its way further north which will see some wet weather grassy pushing into q. C. To southern parts of honshu and sliding all the way across tokyo by wednesday. But. This is a story about a small village the society that inhabits it and 2 of its most important characters the village is a telephone and its a mexican. Discovering new filmmaking talent from around the globe if you find in latin america delves into this cuban my culture its only in line for the outside world people calling on aljazeera. The. The. The earth. Balogun undermined at the top stories here on aljazeera u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei was an else or raft of new sanctions on those involved in irans Defense Sector is 27 entities and individuals have been hit with new measures including the Iranian Defense ministry. European Union Foreign ministers of failed to agree on sanctions against belarus officials suspected of Election Fraud or playing a part in the recent crackdown on protests the use considering asset freezes on travel bans on about 40 people. And as the global death toll from cave at 19 is a 1000000 the resurgence of the virus is forcing some nations to rethink their strategy s. Chief medical officers in the u. K. Are warning that without further action new cases could reach 50000 a day by mid october or the us is approaching 200000 deaths. Well the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in argentina has now passed 600000. 00 a south americas 2nd largest nation struggles to bring its infection rate under control after early successes infections have soared in recent months and the virus is now spreading from its focal point in the capital buenos aires into the provinces phrase a bow has more details. The intensive care unit in this one of his hospital has been on the front lines of the fight against colvin 19. As patients here struggle to stay alive doctors and nurses have become their main sources for comfort and support. Do your kind of a nurse tested positive for the virus after recovering he returned to the job he loves. The reality is what we see here is this fight against death we are making an effort so a person can recover but sometimes its difficult because their bodies are in a very bad shape and many believe this is a joke an underestimate the virus but this virus kills. A few months ago the hospital was forced to close this unit because of the number of infections among Health Care Workers given argentina was one of the 1st countries in latin america to impose a lockdown the virus has continued to spread but the quarantine was crucial to allow the Health Ministry to get ready for the workers who are here in the intensive care unit never Public Hospital in web sites and what were being told is that they build this more for example in the past month among other things to protect the Health Care Workers. This is the the hospital in what our site is named after the wife of former president juan put on since march the hospital has increased its i. C. U. Beds from 4 to 24. Might only runs the hospital and says the pandemic shows the importance of the Public Health care system when it comes to saving lives put on the little case that hello we have a profound sense of what Public Health means we have policies that promotes the right to health and that makes us proud there are more vaccines there are more supplies with hard more people there is a pandemic that is killing Health Workers destroying families we have the time to prepare and thats crucial. Argentina has been a lockdown for 6 months but the government has been slowly opening up some sectors of the economy in an effort to save jobs despite an infection rate that remains high in grade one a site is. The situation is different in other parts of the country reports indicate that covert 900. 00 prating 2 provinces that a few months ago had 0 cases in the city of odone in northern argentina hospitals are also under strain. She said i mean at the moment ill tell you the truth this is hilde stay at home get bored to toil yourself out enjoy your children paint do whatever you can stay at home 10 seconds out on the street its like having a loaded gun to your chest its preferable to bore yourself out at home than to come here and cry out god dont take me or to cry out for oxygen. Early on argentina successfully managed to contain the spread of covert 19 now authorities are hoping the Health Care System will be stable enough to cope with the uncertainty in the months ahead that is how i just want to. Mollys former defense minister bond hours been appointed by the military genter as the countrys new interim president clearly just made the announcement on state television theyve also named a Vice President colonel a scenic oyster a military gentile now has 18 months to hand over power completely to a civilian government because harkins been following developments from dhaka thats in neighboring set a goal. The announcement came on the heels of days of negotiations between the military involving Civil Society religious leaders and the Opposition Movement the m 5 it came in the form of a statement to read out on national t. V. By the new Vice President of mali of the transition of mali colonel a see me going to who is leading the military the new president is the former defense minister under president in 2014 also a former military man a colonel and so it seems that the leadership in the transition leadership is heavily based on security given the situation in mali where there is still an armed insurgency in the north in the center of the country this comes as no surprise that it will address the issues by their protest movement the 5 who want to see the return of the state in mali in places where they have been deserted interestingly this is have been in the last few days where weve seen the foreign minister of algeria heavily involved in negotiations try to find a new leader in mali remember that there was the 2015 algiers accord signed as part of the accord this new government will not only have to reform the political scene in mali but also address the peace accord which involves changing the constitution so a lot of work ahead for this Transition Team that will be sworn into power on friday in this announcement was just made just before the 60th anniversary of mollys Independence Hall succeed on a bracing for more heavy rains even as the cleanup from earlier floods is continuing aid efforts also being hampered by an economic crisis the currencies declining against the u. S. Dollar needing to run touch inflation and a sharp increase in food prices. In the for so how many dumb have somebody hot hopes things would get but to pull them off to the removal of saddam slow. But a year and a half later the prices of basic goods are still sorting an officer who is disabled and makes falafel or being cake to support our family is finding it hard to make ends meet. Of course this life is very hard prices are increasing by the day and some days we eat some days we dont. A week ago the Sudanese Government declared a state of economy convergence the move followed a sharp decline by the sudanese pound against the dollar since then inflation has risen to a record 106 to 7 percent with prices of essential commodities like bread and sugar rising to more than double long queues for bread are now visible almost everywhere we get if we are forced to wait in queues for more than 3 hours at a time to buy bread just 10 pieces of bread the elderly who cant stand for long are really suffering were all suffering the inflation has also affected the provision of aid to tens of thousands of people displaced by the weeks long flooding in 17 of sudans 18 states aid agencies say theyre forced to deal with a huge shortfall in funding actually it has been quite catastrophic if if i may. When we receive lets say a dollar only 0. 25 of that maximum is what were able to use because of the inflation last july inflation was at 144 percent in august was almost 167 percent so that means our ability to buy things is only 25 percent sedans Transitional Government blames the decline of the currency on what it calls a systematic operation to vandalize the economy by those opposing it where limit to how one have been few has when we will crack down heavily on those trying to manipulate the markets we wont be united in doing this as a government we will also introduce regulations for import and export of god and yet some people are blaming the government itself for the crisis. Raise the minimum wage from 5. 00 to 60. 00 just played in the countrys history but broken with motorists also solve its own the government up that the fund increment by printing more money something done on a path to follow economic decline u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei old recently of raised hopes of but the economic prospects here when he announced the possibility mobile of sudan from its role of state sponsors of terrorism perhaps even before the u. S. Elections in november that would allow saddam to shed its but i a status attract Foreign Investors and once again access to credit from institutions like the i. M. F. And world bank but diplomats say thats hinged on sudan 1st normalizing relations with israel a bitter pill it may be forced to swallow to ease its own domestic problems without the wall jersey to hold tom sit down. And remind of the headlines on aljazeera u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei i was announced to announced a raft of new sanctions on those involved in a rolls Defense Sector. 27 entities and individuals have been hit with me mashas including the Iranian Defense ministry. Also an outside actions on venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has built a close relationship with terror on just imagine what iran would be and therefore able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms embargo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the array ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director. The United Nations is marking 75 years since it was formed this year for the 1st time the General Assembly will be held virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic opening the event secretary general antonio terras warned that the un was needed now more than ever European Union Foreign Ministers have failed to agree on sanctions against belarus officials suspected of Election Fraud or playing a part in the recent crackdown on process the e. U. Is considering asset freezes and travel bans on about 40 people cyprus is accused of blocking the sanctions until similar measures are imposed on turkey. As the global death toll from coated 19 nears a 1000000 the resurgence of the virus is forcing some nations to rethink their strategies chief medical offices in the u. K. Are warning that without further action new cases could reach 50000 a day by mid october. Malise former defense minister bandar has been appointed by the military genter as the countrys new interim president q leaders made the announcement on state television theyve also named a Vice President colonel a scenic. Miller she joins her now has 18 months to completely hand over power to a civilian government those are the latest headlines if you find a latin america is coming next stay with us of. I am see i have a question about what these days its hard to filter out the noise and keep track of whats really important the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on aljazeera. Viewfinder fresh perspective

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