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Than a 1000000 voters go to the polls for a state election in malaysia that could have far reaching consequences for the Prime Minister. Hello we begin in egypt where there are reports that at least 3 protesters have been killed after thousands of people defied a Police Crackdown to protest against the government for a 6th straight day dozens were arrested in raids ahead of the demonstrations but that didnt stop people expressing their anger over corruption a deteriorating economy and poor Living Conditions and demanding the resignation of president ive been fought there has sisi. Reports. Despite the threats of arrest or even deaf egyptians took to the streets several areas across the country on friday. They dubbed it the friday over. Demonstrate their opposition to the rule of opting for tough a c c and the month that he resigns. Slogans like this say its outloud dont be scared of sisi has to go were heard in cairos one neighborhood. In the giza governorates which has been the epicenter since protests began last sunday police and other security personnel were deployed in force. This latest wave of antigovernment an anti military rule protests were triggered by ccs decision to demolish entire neighborhoods across egypt under the pretext that the homes were built illegally. These neighborhoods how some of the countrys poorest communities who have already been suffering the brunt of a faltering economy unable to cope with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to the world bank 70 percent of all egyptians 70 percent live under either under poverty or on the brink of poverty thats a situation thats and hannibal add to that the social and political constraints just yesterday 150. 00 appeared for the state Security Court im charges of terrorism because they were protesting in the street we know that terrorism charges in egypt are the ways in which the state clamps down on any bourses of dissent. There were calls to by former Army Contractor turned opposition figure mohamed ali now an exile for people to demonstrate with september 20th marking one year since similar demonstrations took place against c. C. S. Rule lets see supporters particularly those who control egypts media will claim that these protests are marginal and largely in significance but the way in which the states is dealing with the protesters would suggest otherwise. Human Rights Groups Like Amnesty International have a ready to announce the mass arrests of demonstrators over the past few days. Egypt has now witness 6 consecutive days of protests the slogans have all been demanding an end to ccs rule and while the number of protests may be growing gradually ceases grip on power doesnt seem to be loosening. Of jersey to somehow diseases a professor of law at Rutgers University in newark and she has more on why these protests are different from others in recent years. Well the trigger this time is that youre having massive home demolitions particularly in the rural areas because from 2000 to 2017 theres been 2000000 constructions that did not have authorization whether they were in urban primarily shanty towns or whether they were in rural areas on farm lands and so the government has been cracking down very aggressively and telling people if you do not either vacate if its farmland that they want to regain or if you do not pay fines what they call reconciliation where you pay a certain amount per Square Footage then the government is going to kick you out and ma wish the destruction so you can imagine the devastating effect that is in producing 2000000. 00 construction people who will be homeless in a country where the poverty rate is 33 percent which is 8 percent more than it was in 2011 around the revolution and at a time when inflation is almost 10 percent after being 30 percent for multiple years in a row after the revolution so this is create a significant hardship for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people all across egypt the number of people the number of confirmed covered 1000. 00 cases in the United States is now pos 7000000. 00 thats according to Johns Hopkins university and thats more than 20 percent of the worlds total reported infections meanwhile a study in the u. S. Says the reopening of University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000. 00 additional cases a day top Infectious Diseases expert anthony says he wants to see cases fall to below 10000 a day before the flu season starts in october president trying claims their country is relishing the corner on the crisis dr tom frieden is a former director of the centers for Disease Control and prevention he says the focus needs to be on longer Term Solutions and not just a quick fix. Its clear that different parts of the United States as different parts of europe are in very different places youve got the northeast and a few other states that have relatively low rates and have kept those low for many weeks now of other states with rapid increases one thing i think we need to be clear about is that we dont know what the flu season will look like this year in the Southern Hemisphere there wasnt a bad flu season so it may be that you dont have this kind of double trouble of flu plus coated but we do expect to see more code spreading in Colder Weather that would be expected and with people coming back to schools and colleges with not having consensus around mass wearing with not having good programs to test and trace people the u. S. Does not have the upper hand on the virus right now we hope there will be a vaccine rolled out through 2021 but thats not assured and even if theres a vaccine its not a fairytale ending to this pandemic with the vaccine were still going to need to be careful about interspaces be careful about hand washing and shaking hands and Wearing Masks do a good job of finding cases and contacts and outbreaks so that there isnt spread i think we need to get past the concept that we just need one thing and then this will go away we need to chip away at the risk of kogan and recognize that were all connected within countries and among countries and its an all of our best interest to Work Together to stop this pandemic and also be much better prepared for the next one. U. S. Media is reporting that President Donald Trump intends to nominate 48 year old amy coney berets a favorite with social conservatives to replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg on the Supreme Court members of congress have been paying their respects to ginsburg the 1st woman to lie in state in the u. S. Capital how does a castro has more. A military guard escorted Ruth Bader Ginsburgs casket up the steps of the u. S. Capitol on or a woman who helped transform life for millions of americans it is with profound sorrow and deep sympathy to the ginsburg family that i have the high honor to welcome Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg to lie in state the late Supreme Court justice was a champion for equal rights for men and women born to a world vastly different from the America Today in the 1950 s. Despite her brilliant mind and dog good work ethic she was demoted because of her gender and questioned for taking a mans spot in law school her tenacity and painstakingly thorough legal record eventually caught the eye of president bill clinton who nominated her to the Supreme Court ginsburg sat on the high bench for 27 years her diminutive size be lying her juggernaut status as a feminist icon for the left and voice for social justice through her scathing dissents. Lying atopic had a bill for president Abraham Lincoln ginsburg broke yet of final barrier becoming the 1st woman and 1st jewish person to be afforded the honor of lying in state at the u. S. Capitol as a lawyer she wanted quality for women and men not in one swift victory but brick by brick case by case through meticulous careful lawyer. She changed the course of american law. Democratic president ial candidate and former Vice President joe biden was among those who pay their respects at the end of a long struggle with cancer ginsburg dying wish was to have a new president named her replacement to the Supreme Court polls show a majority of americans feel the same but President Donald Trump plans to announce his nominee to fill ginsburgs vacancy saturday trump will nominate a conservative judge and Senate Republicans have the numbers to push through confirmation possibly before the november 3rd election that would give trump a significant victory to tout to his base the creation of an ironclad conservative majority in the Supreme Court whoever replaces ginsburg could wield key votes for upcoming cases on health care and abortion rights and as the president has acknowledged could even help resolve any legal challenge to the Election Results those powder keg circumstances fewer than 40 days before voters choose their president all but guaranteed contentious congressional hearings ahead but for now a last quiet moment beneath the u. S. Flag at half mast in honor of a woman who leaves the country more equal for individuals and more divided in politics. Castro aljazeera washington. Is. Isnt so over spring maryland has been looking at the career of a macone beret. There are several reports tonight that u. S. President donald trump has selected judge Amy Kone Barrett to take a position on the Supreme Court now she is beloved by conservatives but this would be a very controversial nomination because of her position its on things like abortion now she has not said that she would rule to outlaw abortion but in the public order she has made it much more difficult she has voted to take on difficult for women to access her pursued her and this is a very important position if shes nominated and confirmed that would mean there would be 6 conservative justices on the court compared to 3 liberals that could change policy for decades to come so the republicans say that they are going to push through with this even though theres less than 40 days till the election now point to point out the majority of americans think whoever wins the next election should in fact nominate someone to the Supreme Court but republicans say theyre going to push ahead but they have less than 40 days in till that election so theyre going to have to try and get her before all the members of the senate usually they all speak to her one on one that takes time then theyre going to have these hearings that are going to be widely watched and then they would have to try and get a vote and Mitch Mcconnell the Senate Majority leader could only lose 4 republicans if you wants to keep this vote go and hes already lost 2 so time is running against them but the process should begin with the official naming of the judge on saturday. Voting is underway in a state election that could have significant consequences for malaysias National Government voters and choosing their Legislative Assembly its seen as a test for Prime Minister. Delicately balanced Coalition Governments and its neighboring state have a quarter of all parliamentary seats lets bring in florence luiss joining us from the state capital. So. Local election but with possibly big implications whats at stake. And thats a lot at stake in these elections this is the 1st test for Prime Minister and we need to win since he took power in a political coup about 7 months ago and you currently holds a raise that thin majority in parliament now there are calls from even within his coalition for him to call lets not elections that are not due till 2023 to secure a strong mandate so the results of these polls could have an impact on the on when the next general election will be called now on top of that the Prime Minister is also facing a new challenge from the opposition a couple of days ago Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim whose government. When Prime Minister and leading his supporters withdrew that support now i know i brought him said a few days ago that he now has come on come on to majority support in parliament and will be asking the king to appoint him as the Prime Minister he hasnt yet been able to meet the king because the monarch is in hospital now the Prime Minister has dismissed unless plains and says he is still in the just to make Prime Minister but unless challenge has also thrown open or underlined just how fragile the support for the Prime Minister is even within his own coalition now the United Malays National organization thats the biggest component party in the governing coalition now theyre also known as well the president of that party has said. But there are there are politicians from the party who have defected to honest ponty and that indicates just how fragile the support for the Prime Minister is and that intense rivalry between the Prime Ministers party is also being played out in these elections in these state elections so amulets say the Prime Minister and his party they need a win here in these elections to strengthen his position at the federal level and also to ensure support for his coalition doesnt slip away florence thank you for that updates. Still ahead on all of 0. Accused of her pressure nonprosecution venezuelas president defense attorney forces from u. N. Allegations. Making history and original artist wins australias most prestigious art prize for the 1st time. We have the remnants so what was struggle storm beta now making its way through the Tennessee Valley pushing of its will cease to see some very heavy rain coming through on this shot solve some localized flooding but dry weather will come back in bihar we got some wet weather up towards the lakes into central parts of canada western canada also seeing some rain about whether that will push its way in through p. C. Sliding down across the Pacific Northwest and continue to strike a little further research as we go on through sunday nice on any rain where we need it into california 31 celsius in San Francisco and l. A. The record breaking heat continuing here then by sunday we will see some wet weather through the Central Plains just pushing down towards kansas prices cause over towards the eastern seaboard but still some showers there just around the panhandle and across a good part of florida joining up with some showers that we still have in place across a good part of the greats rantis cuba said hes seen some of the wet weather over the next day or so some showers there once again into Central America the west the weather will be across the western side of the caribbean but there will be some showers for the Eastern Islands as well as we go on into sunday some wet weather pulling away from Trinidad And Tobago pushing all the way up into the lee woods. As a strictly prepares for bushfire season survivors of the last 7 years catastrophic fires are still struggling whether one east follows one communitys road to recovery on aljazeera. On the counter in the cost brazils economic meltdown coburg 19. 00 did not allow corruption but both are modest popularitys on the law and bust mexican farmers for what little that i have given to the United States on the buffel to get electric cars off the grid. Counterculture on aljazeera. Following the top stories on aljazeera at least 3 protesters are reported to have been killed in egypt as thousands of people defied a Police Crackdown to protest against the government for a 6th straight day theyre demanding the resignation of president the fact that his sisi anger is rising over the worsening economy and rampant corruption. The number of confirmed with 1000. 00 cases in the u. S. Has now cost 7000000. 00 thats more than 20 percent of the worlds total infections us study has found the reopening of University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000 admission all traces a day. Voting is underway in local elections in malaysia states its seen as a test for Prime Minister more to do nelsons delicately balanced Coalition Government and its neighboring state have a quarter of all parliamentary seats. Protesters in the u. S. City of louisville have returned to the streets for a 3rd night since a grand jury decided. Not to charge Police Officers for the death of Briana Taylor taylors family have condemned the ruling and are calling on the Kentucky Attorney general to release transcripts from the grand jury is one thing to arrest and prosecution of all 3 officers involved in her shooting elisei one officer was shot in the leg by taylors partner during the botched drugs raid in march she has the latest on the protests from louisville. Its another night of the protests on the streets of louisville since the grand jury decided not to indict any Police Officer of the death of Briana Taylor its another night of curfew too but theres a loophole this Unitarian Church downtown in louisville has declared itself a sanctuary and it is welcoming the protesters to come in during the curfew those who are not welcome of the Police Officers on the National Guard theyre not allowed in has so therefore despite the curfew this place is buzzing and they have as you might have good food toilets wolf legal help jail support they say and transport shuttles for people who want to go home even despite the curfew because if they do step out of here its very likely that the police could arrest them in the meantime as far as the case of Brianna Taylor is concerned there are still questions about how the grand jury came to the decision under suspicion is amongst his family and her lawyer is that the attorney general didnt give all the information to the grand jury specifically he didnt tell the grand jury that although one witness said they heard the Police Announce themselves before they barged their way into brown into this home 11 other witnesses say they didnt hear the Police Announce themselves so now they want the transcripts thats the main fight now get the transcripts of the grand jury find out what the attorney general actually said and see whether justice was really done. At least 22. 00 people have been killed after Ukrainian Military plane crashed while trying to land it happened at an airport in the east of the country around 400 kilometers in the capital kiev the plane was reportedly carrying students from an Aviation University run by the Defense Ministry its not yet clear what caused the plane to cross 7 people have been arrested in paris after a knife attack on 2 journalists near of the former offices of these satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo the pair were on a cigarette break when they were randomly attacked it comes 3 weeks after 14 suspects went on trial over the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack in which tell 12 people were killed. Its so tragic to see these out. And as attack people are treated almost 6 years ago in the same street in front of the same building on for the same purpose. To. Come it was at times they want to intimidate this they want to reduce its a very bitter of our freedom of expression and its absolutely true that we as a state we resist. Venezuela has come under strong criticism for repression and persecution at the United Nations the human rights commissioner accused Security Forces of killing young people in poor neighborhoods and repressing activists and journalists president Nicolas Maduro says the report on which the findings are based is full of lies the reports. The criticisms launched by michel about the latest in a growing tide against the government of president Nicolas Maduro. The peaceful protests are being repressed that indigenous and human rights activists and journalists are being persecuted and that the Supreme Court is obstructing opposition politicians the list is a long one. I am concerned about the high number of deaths of young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods as a result of Security Operations based on an open source analysis my office recorded 711 deaths from june to august reaching over 2000 deaths since january 2020 s. The report also says returning migrants are being blamed for spreading the covered 19 virus but shes also calling for sanctions against venice waited to be eased so it can better fight the pandemic and praises the authorities for progress in some areas were going to see i acknowledged positive steps taken recently by the government of venezuela such as the pardon of 110 people and the release of 40 and increased cooperation with my office but the shalit speech only adds to a critical un report on Venice Whaler published earlier this week which accuses the Security Forces of torture and sexual assault. President maduro denies the accusations. The document is a mess from a technical scientific point of view in the light of universal human rights it is a mess and it is unsustainable its full of manipulations of lies the daughter added to all human rights abuses in venezuela are investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted and in his speech to the Un General Assembly on wednesday he blamed washington for instability in the region. Its necessary for peace defending nations to make the United States understand that in the midst of a Global Pandemic no one understands or can explain why theres a resurgence in criminal blockades against noble countries Venice Whaler is already battling a dire economic and social crisis more than 5000000 of its 29000000 strong population have fled the country the Coronavirus Crisis has only made matters worse and now the external political pressure directed at Venice Whaler since before the 7 years ago seems to be intensifying. Which is the era the African Court on human rights says ivory coasts former president should be allowed to run an Upcoming Elections lauren bibo is among dozens of candidates banned from standing in october as president ial polls the countrys Electoral Commission says it denied his application because of criminal convictions of the current president ivorian president assad lazzara is hoping to be reelected for a 3rd term despite protests calling his candidacy unconstitutional and protests over the killing of a prominent lawyer in indian administered kashmir have ended in a gun battle between armed groups and police 2 people were killed civil rights lawyer Abubakar Qadri was gunned down at his home on thursday night he died in hospital qadri had recently asked police to investigate death threats. Hundreds of pakistani hindus are protesting in islam there is a man think an investigation into events that led to the deaths of 11 members of the same family the hindu family were from pakistan but living in northern india they were found dead in august local police say they were poisoned due to a property dispute kimo haidar has more on the protests. In right now on pa get on constitution avenue that lead. As you can hate several. People have been travelling from a crowd. Some of them travelling from the start unfortunately of karachi plaited and that. Theyre all had 2 large protests against the Indian Government for the killing of 11 Family Members who day share cared because dead if you were to cooperate with indian intelligence and therefore the government ordered that day be carried by the ira i did watch these people and i think their whole affair is shrouded in mystery no one knows how 11 members of one family were committed suicide rate royal aged. Warrant. From the Indian Government a lot of. Money we have a set where you have killed our people at least give us a reason if we demand un to help us and force india to address the culprits it unprecedented for dup august on Hindu Council to be able to bring closure and offered speed by the capper david 50 via. Mark why do you want from day and value or not you have not done the shadow the best model to go to the us it is not fit when you have the international need to then buy you out by lifting the. Window to do international. We will call the Civil Society god that human died activist who have the Real International bird so we will see and you will see other demands will be fulfilled by the Indian Government otherwise india have no doubt. Right now a delegation had already fled the date and travelling up to the indian i commission but youre just a few 100 metres from here to lodge a protest. Their day wouldnt dare until they get. Their demand of the show by being Family Member and that day should be a proper forensic examination an investigation into day. And race if people have died while they were in india they warned an explanation from the Indian Government and also the International Court of. The owner is a fan Aboriginal Heritage site in australia say the Mining Company rio tinto ignored warnings against detonating explosives there there was widespread controversy after the 46000 year gourds caves were destroyed by blasting expands an iron ore mine the companys chief executive resigned following the crash and an aboriginal painter has won australias most prestigious art prize for the 1st time in its 99 year history the archibald prize went to vincent just for his selfportrait alongside former australian rules football adam goodes who is also or original the name of. Picture is stand strong for who you are he called the win a turning point for aboriginal people. It is to be the 1st indigenous when. It took. It only took 99 years. To beat the but also. Its. Indigenous finalists and its indigenous it is. This year and she is. Hello the headlines on aljazeera of these 3 protesters are reported to have been killed in egypt as thousands of people defied a Police Crackdown to protest against the government for a 6th straight day theyre demanding the resignation of president has sisi anger is rising over the worst thing economy and rampant corruption the number of confirmed over 100. 00 and the u. S. Has now passed 7000000. 00 more than 20 percent of the worlds total inspections and the u. S. Study has also found the reopening of University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000. 00 additional cases a day. The global death toll from covered 1000 approaches a 1000000 the World Health Organization is calling for more collective action searing that figure could double. Its certainly unimaginable but its its its not impossible because we look at losing a 1000000 people in 9 months and then we just look at the realities of getting vaccine out there in the next 9 months its a big task for everyone involved to vary and just just like in the issues of listing theres the issue of scale up theres the issue of funding these were actually this is the issue of distributing these vaccines and then the issues of acceptance beyond that. With the work we still have to do in controlling this disease and remember we have things we can do now to drive transmission drive and drive down the number of deaths u. S. Media is reporting that President Donald Trump intends to nominate conservative judges Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court she would succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg whos become the 1st woman to lie in state at the u. S. Capitol voting is underway in local election in mondays us saw states thats seen as a test for Prime Minister since for a Coalition Government and its neighboring state have a quarter of all parliamentary seats at least 22 people have been killed when a Ukrainian Military plane crossed while trying to land the plane was reportedly carrying students from an Aviation University run by the Defense Ministry. 5 people arrested in paris off for a knife attack on 2 journalists near the formal offices of the satirical magazine charlie updo it comes 3 weeks after 14 suspects went on trial over the outlines of festina ties those are the headlines one on one is is coming up next. If you want to help save the world. These enduro. It was not only. Every fence on. Track to implement its all age cattle kids to harass you know. A stray liest summer bush fires burned through millions of hectors destroying whole properties and lives. Months on some survivors are still without Running Water or a warm place to sleep. Existing literally existing and its just its ridiculous i dont know how. And how we do it when asleep. Does it surprise you that all these months

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