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A quiet start to christmas celebrations in bethlehem as crow virus restrictions keep the crowds away also this information are not. Touched down for a console carrying samples from a distant asteroid that scientists hope could explain the formation of the solar system. Welcome to the program but was meant to be a rally to about 2 Senate Candidates has turned into an opportunity for donald trump to once again falsely claim that he won last months president ial election hes been campaigning in the state of georgia for republicans who are facing a runoff next month the poll will decide which Party Controls the u. S. Senate a White House Correspondent complete health care reports now from valdosta in georgia. Donald trump was not the declared winner in last months president ial vote but that didnt stop these georgia voters from attending trumps 1st postelection rally. Thousands here believe trump defeated joe biden even as the president s court cases to overturn the Election Results have overwhelmingly failed and i said joe biden stole the election won the election. By a way a slight we see all the fraud we see all of the balance there were piled up there were. Brought here in boxes and in trucks at 3 oclock in the morning and even though he agrees trump was in this Southern State to tell them to go to the polls again this time in the Upcoming Senate elections that will decide whether the u. S. Congress is controlled by democrats giving biden the ability to push through legislation but theres a new challenge for republicans some supporters say theyve lost faith in the vote and may not even show up if you go they go anyway theyve already got the votes. Probably already are fraudulent in my opinion but. Im just on the go bowden and if they dont turn a selection around or if the governor dont do something to make me change my mind. Both republicans and democrats are spending millions trying to win georgias 2 senate seats but trump insists republicans will keep a grip on the senate warning georgia voters the future of america is at stake you must go vote because its stake in this election is control of the u. S. Senate and that really means control of this country the voters of georgia will determine which party runs every committee writes every piece of legislation controls every single taxpayer dollar trump also continues to insist he defeated biden on november 3rd he claims the mail in ballots received after election day shouldnt count he cues as democrats of stealing the election and vows he will take his challenges to the Supreme Court to win a 2nd term they cheated and they regard president ial election but we will still want to we will all right a new poll shows just 25 percent of Congressional Republicans acknowledge bidens president ial win thats why his supporters are fighting to overturn poll results and to block democrats from winning again in georgia. But democrats are also fighting the day before president trumps visit here president barack obama made a Virtual Campaign appearance and president elect joe biden will also be making a visit to georgia before its january vote can really help get al jazeera valdosta georgia. To walk ins as a republican strategist and former white house aide to president george h. W. Bush he explains why the vote is so important for republicans especially the president trying. 2 republicans win the senate seats then of course it means that Mitch Mcconnell continues on the leader in the u. S. Senate and republicans control the senate which means that joe biden will d only have the u. S. House of representatives under democratic control but if the democrats win those 2 seats in georgia of course that means joe biden will control the senate with the help of kamel harris who is the sitting Vice President cast the deciding vote in the u. S. Senate and and also a Democratic House of representatives that will have the house and the senate under democratic control so d this is a very very important election from the standpoint of republicans and democrats the president is prying trying very hard to retain his base he won over 70000000 votes in the november election and the best way to retain at least a good portion that base is that going to continue the challenge or. The Election Results i dont think is going to succeed in challenging them i think this number 14 when the u. S. Electors come together they will of course elect joe biden to be the president United States but that being said dont trouble want to retain his power base in the event that he wants to run again in 2020 or for the presidency so coming into georgia is the 1st test of that and certainly hes raised over 200000000. 00 since the election about 207000000. 00 since the election so he still has had plenty of money to keep his base. Very much under his control now the u. S. Has reported a Record Number of kevin 1000 infections for thought dana ryan nearly 230000 cases were recorded over the past 24 hours according to Johns Hopkins university and theres been more than 2500. 00 deaths in the time the u. S. Has seen a huge resurgent so the virus over the past month putting immense pressure on hospitals. A large scale covert 900 Vaccination Program is also under way in russia around 2000000 people are expected to receive the sputnik vaccine this month although the final human trials are not finished me reports. Its called covert back trade name sputnik v. After the soviet era satellite that triggered the space race and now russia says its soaring ahead in its campaign against kobe it 19. Dozens of clinics in the capital moscow have begun inoculating those most at risk from the virus the city remains the worst affected place in the country 1st in line of people who work in schools the Health Service and social workers the large scale vaccination of military personnel has also begun but each person getting 2 injections 21. 00 days apart. I decided to do it right away not to wait its difficult to say what to expect but i do hope it will stop me from getting ill the russian government approved the vaccine for use in august after recording 95 percent effectiveness of preliminary trials at the time it was touted as a world 1st despite only being tested on several dozen people the speed of the approvals drawn criticism at home and abroad with Health Experts insisting more advanced studies are needed to ensure its safety and effectiveness. But the russian government says theres no time to lose the country has one of the highest rates of coronavirus and his aging Health Care System is stretched. Day one of the Vaccination Program is a success people waited a long time for the vaccine so far so good i cannot say how many people signed in but there are a lot of people who want to be vaccinated but president Vladimir Putin has yet to be vaccinated himself although one of his daughters has apparently been inoculated all of those being vaccinated are reportedly volunteers but some Public Sector workers say theyve been heavily encouraged to sign up in the absence of large scale preliminary tests critics say the mass Vaccination Program is essentially a phase 3 trial in the general population skepticism around this comes from. Very quickly its pretty developed very quickly and it is free. To the general population. If you have been developed say. The trials. Do not appear to have been as extensive as they would have been. The russian governments confident but its likely to take time for the fast track to vaccine to build International Trust needs barkha aljazeera. The United Kingdom is going to roll out the vaccine made by pfizer and biotech possibly as early as tuesday but leading doctors are warning that vaccinations will only have a small impact over the winter in an open letter to Health Workers the u. K. s 4 chief medical officers say it could take up to 3 months before theres a significant drop in Hospital Administrator admitted admissions. Post briggs that trade talks between the u. K. And the European Union are set to resume on sunday both british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission president us live on delay and admit that major differences remain but the 2 leaders have told the go sheet is to keep talking theres less than a month before the transition agreement runs out we welcome the fact that progress has been achieved in many areas nevertheless significant differences remain on the 3 Critical Issues level Playing Field governance and fisheries both sides underline that no agreement is feasible if these issues are not solved and whilst recognizing the seriousness of these differences we have read that a further effort should be undertaken by our negotiating teams to assess whether they can be these issues can be resolved with the barber has more on the negotiations. Theres been a lot of talk in the press about british on happiness or the European Union trying to insist on a long perhaps 10 year transition period before access to british fishing waters would be reduced the European Union have been saying no that is not going to be a problem there is somewhere we can meet in the middle but perhaps a bigger problem is the idea of unfair competition european diplomats have been Briefing Journalists that several countries not just france but belgium spain denmark and so on have been unhappy about the prospect of Michel Barnier giving ground on the rules of what they call the level Playing Field on state aid for example to British Companies and also on what say what happens if one side wants to move away from the common standards on workers rights on Environmental Standards and the like so these are clearly sticking points it will be seen by some people as good news that the talks are going to resume on sunday negotiators being asked to get back together in brussels on sunday and sort of underlying and Boris Johnson talking again on monday lots of people did predict that in fact the whole file would be handed over to the political leaders before any ratification but if there is to be such a deal it has to be done in the next few days because it has to be signed off by the British Parliament and by the European Parliament theres an e. U. Summit on thursday and friday theyll want to know the exact details as well and even if they have got a deal on paper its going to be very difficult a big challenge to get it pushed through by december the 31st theres talk that in fact it might be have to be put in place provisionally without the European Parliament greenlighting it. Well still ahead here on aljazeera homeless and desperate for help on durance struggle to find shelter and food after 2 of the strongest storms of the year. Just children face School Closures in pakistan we need one student going to remote regions to ensure no child is left behind to stay with us. For. Heres what early winter looks like plenty of rain plenty of snow particularly for iran elsewhere well yes it varies and weve got on sunday a fairly sunny day for most the temperatures in the twentys not in the thirtys but if youre in terror and several different story the forecast here is single think the temperature is a bit below the average but persistent overcast wet days sunday and monday an improvement on tuesday and you see it start to prevail monday is the real spearheads off towards afghanistan the following weather is still find a few showers brewing for the levant but not that many of them quite a breeze blowing down through the gulf which is typical so down house forecast is a windy one was temp is dropping down to 22 by the time we get to wednesdays below average but not that surprising now was this potential still of some rain in the whole of africa it doesnt get realized on monday nor indeed much on tuesday its a drying trend for this part of africa if you move south you get the seasonal rains which are being enhanced now and this one yet from south africa towards mozambique and malawi but theyre not quite there yet. In 1958 Charles De Gaulle made a famous speech in algeria to a fan to. Not take a dont hold back the tide of algerian independence o. P. Frances colonies in africa and the pacific. And the final episode of the series aljazeera explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today blood and tears french to colonize ation on aljazeera. To. The old. Book about your charges or with me the whole run a reminder of our top stories in his 1st postelection rally of President Donald Trump as again falsely claimed to have won the election in the state of georgia hes there campaigning for 2 republican senators ahead of runoffs that will decide which Party Controls the senate. Also the u. S. Has reported a Record Number of covert 19 infections for the 3rd day in a row nearly 230000 cases were recorded over the past 24 hours and it comes as russia has begun a large scale coronavirus that summation program. Also post breaks at trade talks between the u. K. And the European Union are set to resume on sunday the 2 sides are deadlocked over issues of governance fishing and competition rules. Saudi arabias foreign minister says its allies involved in imposing the blockade against qatar are on board to find a solution to the gulf crisis earlier the amir of kuwait said he was pleased with how talks have been progressing that sentiment had been echoed by the guitar a foreign minister mohammad bin of the red lion of tiny saudi arabia bahrain the United Arab Emirates and egypt imposed a land sea and air blockade of cattle in june of 2017. In a full court of nation with our partners and in this process. And with the prospects that we see are very positive towards a final agreement and all the steps we have taken so far have been as i mentioned in coordination with our partners and the eventual resolution will involve all parties concerned. Several people have been detained in israel amid protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thousands of people gathered outside yahoos home in whats become a weekly show of anger demonstrators are calling to him to resign over corruption charges and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic israels moving towards an unprecedented 4th election in less than 2 years over the governments failure to pass a budget. Fans of armenians have protested again calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister there angry over a ceasefire deal with azerbaijan it forced Ethnic Armenians to hand over land forces Prime Minister nicola passion announced the russian brokered deal last month ending weeks of war over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh. Polls are certain open in cameroon in the coming hours for the 1st ever Regional Elections president paula buyer hopes that the vote will appease separatist groups in the countries in which speaking west by granting more local powers but the opposition is boycotting the elections saying by is trying to tighten its grip on power nicholas haq explains. Even for the candidates of the governing party camerons 1st ever Regional Election campaign is proving rather dull municipal councillors are voting for regional delegate the candidates campaigning explain how municipalities regions and the National Assembly have to work as one for the unity of the nation but with pictures of president paul everywhere the opposition believes this isnt about local issues but a way for the 87 year old head of state to tighten his grip on power with most political opponents imprisoned the opposition is boycotting the vote saying it will not be credible but the governing party likely to win most of the votes in. The English Speaking regions of cameroon separatists have warned people to stay indoors until their grievances for greater autonomy is addressed this issue critics say that it was to put it regionally. Those differences if it increases that its going to need the northwest and so just regions of the country that is interested in regions of. That is. We want these devious killings. In the movies and sells the streets. Armed separatists called the English Speaking regions of cameroon amazonia they see it as an English Speaking country struggling for independence from a french speaking nation for the government this is an armed rebellion that requires a military intervention against separatist groups as a result of the fighting 3000 people have been killed and nearly a 1000000 people have been displaced among them traditional chief. Im scared to return home if i go back ill be killed even talking in front of camera is dangerous im worried for my Children Family and my community how can i support them from here. For the government of paul bia the vote is a step towards greater regional autonomy addressing the aspirations of those displaced in an attempt to bring an end to conflicts playing cameroon but the campaign has failed to garner the attention of a population accustomed to one party and one man dominating and controlling the Political Landscape for the last 38 years Nicolas Hawke aljazeera. Theres another vote getting underway on sunday this time in venezuela where a president a close murderer is looking to take back control of the National Assembly is currently held by the opposition which is boycotting the vote describing it as a fraud Opposition Leader one person said launched a referendum asking voters if they want to end the rose rule i want greater international support. Farm workers improve temporarily blocked a major highway to appeal for better working conditions theyre demanding a pay raise of around 7. 00 a day they blocked the roads for 5 days last week until proved congress repealed a decades old agricultural law but the farmer say they wont stop protesting until new salaries are green. Its been nearly a month since 2 hurrican slammed into Central America the many areas a still under water in honduras thousands of been left homeless and thats making the already critical covert 19 Health Emergency even worse than during government has admitted it struggling to cope our correspondent manuel republic reports. This is baby joshua he was born just over a week ago at this makeshift shelter under a bridge in san pedro sula. His mother 23 year old. Tells us her family lost everything during hurricanes and iota too powerful back to back storms that flooded the city last month. Has been in my living here for more than a month now 8 days ago my baby was born inside this tent it was very hot i was expecting to go to the hospital but i had no choice but to give him. Ada and i otoh were 2 of the strongest storms of 2020 in one of the most active atlanta hurricane seasons in recorded history. The impact of the storms in honduras has been particularly devastating bridges and power lines collapsed roads buried under mudslides and entire towns flooded many are still underwater more than a month since the 1st storm hit. A lattice says she hadnt finished clearing the mud from the 1st storm when the downpours from hurricane iota flooded her home for a 2nd time. What that song i think other people suffered more than myself i thank god because even though i have nothing left inside my home. The phone will Still Standing and that something. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the americas the destruction left by the storms has exacerbated an already critical situation and complicated efforts to curb the code 98 outbreak here. Relief workers Say International assistance has become more important than ever and warned that in many ways the crisis is still worsening we need i really serious day we need to 0 series or displays. Destroy them and use. Them. In a soup show or interim shocker in medicine. The honduran government says state shelters or at capacity meaning that thousands are now left to fend for themselves on the streets any hopes they have left now depend on the kindness of others who are willing to lend a hand when you ended up alone aljazeera. People in london have flooded back to one of the best known shopping districts following the lifting of a month long lockdown large crowds of people were seen on Regent Street in Central London on saturday the shopping district will be closed to traffic on certain days for encourage social distancing england saw a spike in cases in the past a month which prompted the lockdown. Bethlehem is used to throngs of tourists from around the world visiting during christmas but the occupied west bank town has just lit up its holiday trees with streets virtually empty due to lockdown restrictions and it britain has more. In the past few years it was very hard for us to find that. Cover the Christmas Tree lighting. Thats really without people they are watching this is what i was 50. 5 what that is and. If. It was here. That. Was it would be. 2000 and i feel. It here would think that this is here. To. Any who work an agenda and the hotel owners were anticipating a very busy season and more tourist season so they took loans and expanded their business not there in debt not only them but their employees many were laid off and have been looking for alternatives but no one is hiring lower unemployment rates are soaring and with an average of around 2000 cases each day of the coronavirus a 2nd lockdown is looming this could only mean bad news for a city that has always depended on tourism specifically during the christmas season. To pakistan now hung millions of children out of school and there are concerns the situation is getting worse because of the krona virus pandemic which has seen schools across the country shut down for a 2nd time but one University Student from islamabad has left the city to help children in more remote communities heres her matter pervy in with her story. My name is who matter and i am a psychology student i have been for imparting knowledge so i am running a Small Library in which is a small village a remote village in the Northern Areas pakistan i used to work in islamabad i had a good job done and i felt i can do better than that so i moved in here because i always wanted to do something for the community of this region i came to know about the move by a library that was founded by a japanese leading called the xeno i started working with them. Who is in the middle of 2 play shooters and there are more to the ledge they always have threats we never know what can happen next because the glacier outburst the landslide ings there are very common here. We go to different villages we provide the kids with book the books are all like for different age groups Literacy Rate of fosters 101st and i think the system in pakistan is very poor. There are 2500000 kids in pakistan who are out of school right now is books are not for sale we dont sell them its been few months ive started running it along with my team were thinking to expand it more we want to go to more school more villages where kids dont have access to good books because these books are very recent and these are more drenthe that every kid should get i think kids of pasta are super lucky to have this vote by library i think what attractive as compared to a library packed in a room so its more attractive to the kids get attracted when they see them a by library coming theyre all drawn to us at all we need books i appreciate their passion for books that would be great if we have more more by libraries like this because having books at your doorstep its a great thing. Because the government there should make such initiatives. Such great ideas everybody tries to send your kids to school to good school and get them good good education so get there get good jobs or maybe scholarships and go. Why dont you know they can make their earnings and when you have love for something you get it. Japan Space Agency Says its retrieved its capsule carrying samples from an asteroid after a successful landing in the australian outback the Mission Began with the launch of their hair blue 2 spacecraft 6 years ago it created a fireball as it reentered the earths atmosphere japanese scientists hope the sample could provide clues to the origin of the solar system and as a person is a space journalist and author of robots in space the secret lives of our planetary explorers not she says scientists expect the samples to contain organic chemicals and the type of water. Once theyve collected it they will then take it to a secure facility where it can be which is he controlled where they can control exactly what the atmosphere is like to make sure that when they have been to open up the capsule and and get to that their precious sample its not being contaminated by things like atmosphere by dust and that theyre only looking at whats the use of brought back from asteroid where you the asteroids are one of the ways that that part leave the Building Blocks that were left over after the solar system got made so they also helped to modify the planets often they have formed and we think asteroids might be one of the main ways that water came to our planet so off to earth formed it cooled down and then something brought water to the surface possibly asteroids so theyre going to try and measure the water that they find in the sample to see if its the same colleen to the same flavor of water as we have here on earth we also think it might contain something called organic chemicals these doesnt mean that biological theyre not created by life but what they all is they are the fundamental Building Blocks of life so it might be the asteroid goes to and thats what created the 1st life forms that eventually led to us here today. Dont you all deserve a b. Cell raman reminded of our top stories in its 1st postelection rally President Donald Trump has again falsely claimed to have won the election in the state of georgia hes campaigning for 2 republican senators ahead of runoffs that will decide which Party Controls the senate this is something thats very important and you have to get out you have to vote you have to make sure you have every vote counted everybody has to. Because its taken this election is

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