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Police say the vehicle fell from an innovative streets. The crypto king heads. The quote will be live from your plan. One of the biggest full trials in history is getting underway. The other warning, the thousands of children displaced by the conflicts and suits on face death in refugee camps in chad. And substitute on the medias. Parliament approves a step to join in special criminal Court Martial courses decision wrong and on pete the same as you go to school, which around the druid when at no fully in the way for Champions League. And then the asian champions, we brazilian super stone name or a school is 1st school helping. Oh hello for 3 away from the so we stopped this hour in washington dc where the us house of representatives is just for you to to oust speak to Kevin Mccarthy. In historic showdown, the motion passed by 216 votes, full to 210 votes against it was put for my fellow republican not gates. He and all the hard line members of the policy accuse mcarthee is making a deal with democrats to prevent a Government Shutdown as the 1st time a House Speaker has been ousted from his position. This is the moment it passed on this vote. The gays are 216. The knees are 210. The resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The office of speaker of the house of the United States house of representatives is here by declared vacant. Speaking on the house floor and a faint, just a short time before of age, websense have not gaped outlined the reasons behind his move. Please know this is in a critique of the individual. Its a critique of the job. The job hasnt been done. Weve done multiple multiple contradictory promises and its just quite something for those of you keeping track at home. The last 3 speakers youve heard opposing my resolution, all voted for the debt deal. So like if you believe that the debt limit deal that Speaker Mccarthy brought into was a good thing. Maybe you agree with their perspective. I think the debt limit deal was a terrible deal. And thats one of the reason it really was the original sin of the mccarthy speakership. And its one of the reasons i seek to vacate the chair now is like how this joins as i live from the capitol hill in washington. So his starting moment the in congress, mike took us through how the vote handouts. Well, its absolutely historic history in the making. The last time that a motion to vacate was brought to the one and only time that this board was in 1910. And medication, it failed, but not this time. What essentially happened was that the House Democrats sided with a group of 800 line republicans to get that majority vote in place to force given mccarthy to use the gamble as the speaker. So he is now out and this is a combination of months so, but to political in fighting between the republicans on the hard drive to the property can some moderates and in the middle of the whole of this ones House Speaker kevin the coffee. Now the hard drive republicans were completely opposed to him taking that position back in january to 1815. 00 round so floating before he was actually installed s because now of the month said, but the way they pushed the coffee out. Question is what happens now . We in uncharted territory and for the immediate future, what has happened is that a secret list had been kept by mccarthy as his custom, the top name on that list is patrick henry. And hes a to now as pro tempo or a speaker. That is speaker in for a while, a temporary one. This is while the quote, this is go way out now going to recess, they going to discuss what happens next. Obviously what happens next is that some stage is going to be get another vote for a new speaker. Lets just remember how difficult it was to get Kevin Mccarthy into the speak to ship position in the 1st place. It took 15 rounds and 1st thing is correct. And theres no indication whatsoever that this could be any different. Theres no need to jump soft within the Republican Party. Theres no obvious contend, pull the position. So this in itself is going to deepen the divisions that already then the Republican Party between that hod right creek, the majority, and those perhaps more list of sent tools. Those are not many republicans of that field, but this is going to see the political infighting continue. And in fact extend to a to because now whats at stake is the speaker of the house knots at the most powerful position in terms of the constitution. Second of each of the president and the Vice President. So its an incredibly possible position. The republicans are going to be lining up to compete for it. But as you mentioned, the last time when january, when mccarthy was voted in 15 round. So 1st thing before he was finally confirmed at once again, it doesnt seem as though given the russians within the Republican Party and the divisions that it doesnt seem as uh, as going to be any different. This time, microsoft seems incredibly distracting for congress as a time when really, a country surely wants them to focus on keeping the government open. Im running exactly that bit, smoke the gets. Whats the, looming over this congress is 45. 00 days, 45. 00 days to get together a whole series of spending bills to keep the government functioning. Now they did agree on a short term of funding increase that was for 45 days. And it was for this reason essentially that was the final store for the hard rock of publications. Because in order to get that stuff to get funding past, the coffee had to turn to the democrats in that house, once again opening himself up to criticism from republicans that needs to close the democrats. So you go back to me, the congress had no clear way ahead in terms of voting through that funding in the weeks to come. Of course, now the most important thing is to get a speaker in place without the speaker in place. The house is completely crippled, it cannot operate, it cannot function, it cannot form committees. It cannot discuss what boasted to introduce. Its basically absolutely stagnant. So this is going to be the key issue. And of course, as i keep on saying theres a time frame on this 45 days in which to get the government funded. Otherwise were going to get to another crisis in funding. Mark, one of americans fail about all of that. So this political infighting. Well, this being a great degree of dissatisfaction, americans looking at this, what is happening in the congress, the fun going between finding and the cost of seeing him. Everything weve heard from president 5 and in recent days saying that hes absolutely frustrated and, and good at this ongoing political infighting because in the end of the whats among the republicans . Principally, it does impact on the whole country. It impacts on congress as ability to do its worth it impacts on the american people, particularly when funding bills on passed for example. So that is a state of anger at the condition of this congress. In particular, the condition of this house with a that plays out to next year selections. Thats going to be a very interesting thing to see as well. How damaging is this and belong to, to the republicans in particular, particularly the hong drug. Republicans who force this issue and who are the center of the divisions within the republican cool, cuz so all sorts of elements. So going to play out in this, not least, i believe in the elections coming next year. Absolutely. Its going to be in kind of an interesting election. Yeah. Like kind of for the moment. Thanks very much for bringing the latest from capitol hill. The ive got some other news now at least 21 people have died and a bus crash near venice and is sleepy, is a live pictures of the scene. Firefights as of the boston. Quote, fly off the coloring of that french, but you can see the which overlooks a railway lines. Non numbers of people and 5 flights is still gathered at night time. Seen 2 children are known to be amongst the dead and its highly and Prime Minister georgia maloney has expressed how profound Condolences Police in bangkok have detained a 14 year old boy following a shooting and a lock of Shopping Mall. Eye witnesses at the park and Shopping Center, say the attack a pit to open fire at random as shop was fled. At least 2 people were killed. Tiny turn reports from outside the Shopping Center in bangkok. Just off to 4 oclock on tuesday afternoon, and shuffles rushed to the exit in one of bangkok, fi and shopping them in the confusion dumb shop rings. There was this gun shut off the gunshot. I heard about 5 shots firing. And uh, everybody was just running and running had just scheduled over the place some time on the way. And i asked why they said, because theres some terrorism and then some how, how to get out of that place. The Emergency Services were quick to respond. The Shopping Mall is only 200 meters from the headquarters at the time police. Public transport temporarily hosted in this busy area in the hall to bank oaks, commercial center. Then quickly reopen is hundreds of shop is attempted to play. The inside the police, conan disarmed a single gun and a 14 year old boy now in custody. After on Police Search the mall for several hours, the area was declared secure. They went to desk 5 in utah, 3 with the Police General hospital and to a christian hospital. They are foreigners. One is chinese. One is babies. Thailands Prime Minister has sent his condolences to the families of the bereaved and wounded. But this attack will do little to restore confidence as he tries to attract tourists to return to thailand. And the shooting comes as ties prepared to commemorate the killing. 36 people, mostly children, by road, policemen, and the northeast questions and now bound to be honest about how 14 year old boy, with a history of Mental Illness could get his hands on at least the lesson. Particularly as it comes just stays for the one year anniversary, the bus mass killing, ty, history, tony chang, alpha 0 fully us President Donald Trump has returned to court in new york for a 2nd day of a multi 1000000. 00 civil full trial. Trump has 2 sons on the trump organizational case of using full Financial Statements and then facing then that was my billions of dollars. The judge has issued an order to prevent verbal attacks on court, stuff of to trump criticized the case is on the send this from outside the court in new york. They to of the trial here at this court house in new york city. And the trial is turning a little mundane. And what i mean by that is the witnesses that are being called now are accountants, appraisers, bankers and consultants. Because at the core, this is a case about property value, which means its a case about numbers. Of course, the attorney general claiming that trump and his associates intentionally inflated the value of trump properties. And in order to get more favorable loans, which would be a crime. But trump and his lawyers have been arguing in court and are trying to lay out the argument that there are many different ways to do property appraisals. And that they are saying that the numbers that were used by the Attorney Generals Office to bring these charges are simply incorrect. So that is what the case is dealing with right now with some of these witnesses that trump arrived here in court. Hes here and he does not have to be, hes volunteer to be here. As he went into court, he spoke to a journalist and he attacked the attorney general that brought these charges against him. While this is happening in new york about a 150 kilometers south in wilmington, delaware, on tuesday, the current president joe bidens, 53 year old son, was in court. Hes facing department of Justice Charges for legally possessing a gun while using drugs in 2018. Now, hunter biden has a history of drug and alcohol use, but he says hes been sober for the last several years and he claims that hes innocent. He pleaded innocent in a very Short Court Appearance on tuesday morning, and he says, this is all politically motivated. He claims that this is just the republicans pushing for these charges in retaliation for the charges that have been brought against donald trump. Certainly a split screen if you will. And the us politics right now with the former president in court here in new york and the current president s son in court. Not too far from here, a full crypto kind of saying that adult sound vitamin freight is on trial for fold in new york. Hes accused of stealing billions of dollars from customers of his f. T x, Crypto Currency Exchange that collapse last year. Most cases that described it as one of the largest ford cases in the us history, christmas name, it has moved from outside the new courthouse. A jury selection has been taking place. Sam back winfrey did not walk past the cameras into port today as he has in the past because he has been awaiting his trial in jail. His fail results by the judge for witness tampering. But he did appear in court through a private entrance wearing a suit and a much shorter hair cut than were used to associated with him. He of course, became the face of this relatively new crypto currency industry as the head of the exchange of t x. Someone who was hobnobbing with celebrities and making large political contributions. That of course, all came crumbling down with his 32000000000. 00 f t x currency exchange. Uh, and that is what he has here facing charges about attorneys questioning potential jurors in the case today asked how much they knew about the case. They asked how much they knew about sam bags and creed and his business. But at the heart of this, it is essentially a case about fraud and money laundering. He is facing 7 counts, and the prosecutors in this case will have to show that he knowingly missed directed funds from his customers. That can use that money to buy real estate to make investments, and to make illegal political contributions for of his former co workers including his ex girlfriend and the former chief executive of his hedge fund. Alamita research, have all plated yoshi and 3 of them have agreed to testify against him. Once the jury is selected in this case does go to trial. It is expected to last 6 weeks and its been freed is found guilty. He could spend what amounts to the rest of his life behind bars. Kristin salumi opposite here on new york sub says its a rest of the suspect and leader of an attack that killed one Police Officer in northern cost of our last month. Thousands of gunman bush to Police Patrol near the village of buying sca full by occasion themselves and im on a screen of the board to 3 fighters were killed and a seized the loss of several hours. Attacked was one of the most serious and recent. He is about a month since following developments from customer has capital for stina milan royce, thats a very senior ethnic politician here in cost of i was arrested by the Public Prosecutors Office in sub yet one side is not any of the threats against general security, but also the unauthorized possession and trafficking of weapons process due to the ledge that he obtained weapons in bosnia herzegovina, transported them to belgrade the captain of sub you, and then down into the north of possible weather, hidden in rural locations, including building some forest, the head of the a soul on september 24th, the shop. The entire reason will start is here in pristina, the capital of cost of those say that wed like to see an expedited given that the times allegedly took place against personnel from fossil vote. And in cost of in locations the interior administering cost about his previous release video showing mr. Related on camera from drones involved in that the full, its increased tension between the 25. 00 significantly in the week and more sense that took place that im locked out of there for students, cost of us into care around 90 people that be interested in security crackdown following a bomb attack on sunday, information was carried out in multiple provinces. It comes 2 days after us, so aside from a destination expensive outside the interior ministry on the capital, the cutters management group, the p k. K is reported to have claimed responsibility. So it does have to have moved from miss trumbull. Steve, also with ease are trying to find out any person related to the p k. K. Anyway. C who is raising, whos raising money for them, and one in finance here for the abroad impressions of the p k. K. So all these people are in the, uh our, our data is secure to 13 charges right now. And this, this operation serious pulled the heroes which started this morning. It was act to is actually a pull docs and outputs of a 10 month reparation by distribution salvage. And for the last 10 months, as for the official statements surface, intelligence was over the gathering information from the field. Were evaluating malta says so its coming from the reception the field against the p k. K. And of course, the timing of separation is meaningful because the supplies, the intelligence prepared for 10 months. So formation came right after the assess, apparently after the p k. K. A claimed responsibility for the attack to a written statement which was issued on curtis media outlets. And they said they, they could add her to the, to see a more they could have called collateral damage. But they preferred a silent moment just to give a warning to the turkish authorities by looking at the scale of face the oppressions. And also seeing that the church is secure, its also true. So even most of the targeting gone smugglers on license gun holders within the holder zone, barrels up in the holders. Apparently, it took years trying to show the group that they are determined to fight against them and they have the capability. It will destroy the onto its capacity and separate the lucy, inside and outside the country. Mania has adopted the statute of and spins National Criminal court. I mean, he is parliament ratified the right and statute on tuesday that brings the country under the jurisdiction of the court in the hague. The plan had been strongly opposed by russia. I mean is formal outlined, but ties have become strong frames since i was defined, john took control of the car back region. The smith is in the or if im with the latest mean and government actually saw signed up for the i. C back in 1998, but its only now roughly 5 the road statute. An indication pumps of rushes waning influence in this region in russia is against media signing up to the i, c. C. But all media considers that russia fail to come to its assistance in protecting me, asked me to call medians in the going no kind of back when i was about john little Lightning Strike to retake that territory back on september 19th. So i mean, youre looking to make friends elsewhere in the world and your and the us. But i mean the, it says it would never and they would never arrest. Letting me assist in any way. Should he come here to consider ahead of faith and that will uh, will be protected by diplomatic immunity. This is more about media wanting to bring patients again as a by john an interNational Criminal court on media interest in virginia case is related to the 2020 war over that tire 3 and it needs to sign up for the road. Stuff for you to be able to bring those case. Good, and ill just err. Yeah. Thousands of children can be at risk of dying from malnutrition, in the eastern chad, United Nations and struggling to deliver 8 symbols and 400000 refugees. Theyve been arriving from down for since the month long conflict. And so dawn began and the Faith Program is wanting. The situation is no better and south. So john, hundreds of thousands are in dire need. It just as this report from entre on the tried to don border, unable to breast feed, isaac child jimmy. Her mother comes to these Field Hospital operated by doctors without borders. Our baby is diagnosed as not cute, lima noticed you and it started with fever and diarrhea. Now we it was sad for admission this is why she and her baby was spent several weeks recovering Health Facilities in and around that rate of a spreadsheet. A poorly equipped to deal with such an emergency cases or the board, the town hall smaller than 400000 people, forced from their homes by fighting across the border into the doctor say 20 percent of children and these cams are severely malnourished. Another 20 percent is moderately affected. They say both the mothers and their babies suffer from poor nutrition. When this facility in the middle of a camp opened 2 months ago, 400 acute model notice children who are registered within a week. There are several like it needs to chide or so now we are catching up on the kids that are severely memories. But some keep coming in, some keep being identified, meaning that the many attrition keep getting worse and uh and kids are still lacking for the United Nations ones. It slipped supplies will soon run out. We need to guarantee one the other day for all those percent. They are really nothing, but funding is also about to dry a concern for doctors and care providers if there is no more if wed by the end of october situation nutrition situation is going to be terrible for the refugee at 1st for the whole community. Next, lets see the entire Health System thats going to suffer from that. If that happens, how for it gets here, the lives of the mothers on them. I noticed babies, theyve been trying to say you could be lost. How many degrees i would use it. I agree on the charge, so the on board little conflict in see donnas also forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee into south, threw down a new report from the u. N. Well, food program, ones that are facing hung up and disease. It says nearly 300000 people have arrived in the last 5 months. Many a victims of violence have escaped with only the clothes they were wearing. Food is in short, supply for report says 1. 00 and 5. 00 children. Im all nurse and 90 percent of families go for days without eating. On 1200 children have died in refugee comp since may use a spread of diseases like measles. The rainy season is expected to make conditions, much less shown to choose as well feed program. And so to don, he says the situation that is dia, a very serious humanitarian situation here and started. Uh, well, maybe 300000 people house across the border from see thousands beyond the set of the conflict approximately approximately 5 months ago. And as you know, to our assessments are showing that this is in todays quite often theyve been exposed to a 2 robbery and other protection risk on their way to crossing the border of many of the children that were seeing a very severely malnourished and arriving to a context which is already suffering from uh, from multiple monitoring processes. This is a real serious you military situation on the border between sites a gun and then as people move on from that to their places of origin, we do not have enough funds to carry out the a program and its already showing in our operations just for the wells to program and just to taking care of people that are coming across the border from pseudo. We are a 120000000. 00 shots. So the next 5 months. What that means is when were trying to provide much saving student nutrition assistance, as people enter the conference, they may be stuck in those types of the buddha. For about a month, we can only provide them with one weeks worth of assistance. So that has had on out to sarah why the conflicts between fall. So it was on the military still forms columbia on page will be here with plenty of champions make action, including the match of the night between rail and madrid. Im not really the the, the weather brought to you by visit. Thats how i, the rain clouds gathering out of a pasta sky. The nature of the movement, big bowls of cloud here. Just moving across denmark gazing across sweetness to go on for the next couple of days where we got to area of low pressure which will sweep its way up across the baltic sea, pushing tools and all faces. We go through the next day of service training, cold front coming in behind. Thats weeks free, very quickly. So, so when, when the weather come in, across the baltic, states into that western side of russia, or the type of just down as it does so align which, when do, whether its a streaming across northern parts of europe. How well the system it does make its way right down across australia, hungry pushing across Northern Areas of italy. But breaking up has it does so continues to seek further south within these with, as we go through the space and not too bad for many on this dice, technical southern, and central posit, further north, it does stay unsettled or below street down pulls, coming in across the north, west, fine and dry and still across the good pots of spain and portugal, as is the case to cause Northern Areas of africa on, usually whether theyre coming out to the southern areas of libya does it rained last risk wins as well. So its a bit the dust and sand, well see some heavy showers. Once again, across the gulf of getting notice where it says it should be the shower, stretch all the way to see how many i brought to you by visit cuts on the phone to more than a decade of civil life remains a challenge in sierra leone. We follow the citizens of this world formation as they push the limit to evaluate the risk in sierra leone on ill just do a Short Documentary from around the world that celebrates coverage and resilience in times of tumbling out as the rest of the the so that again, you are watching out, is there a has reminder of all the top stories this our the us house of representatives has now really voted to our speak at Kevin Mccarthy and a historic showdown. Emotion was put forth by fellow republicans that gates and this policy, a curious, mcafee, of making a deal with democrats to prevent a government shut down. It says the moment that it passed on this vote, the gays are 216, the knees are 210. The resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The office of speaker of the house of the United States house of representatives is here by declared vacant or well, the phone let us Vice President mike pens was actually speaking live on stage when he was 1st told the news of the coffee house to take a look, america will be secure, the world will be more peaceful. Thank you, and im going to interrupt with some breaking news. Mr. Vice president , democrats have joined with republicans to oust Kevin Mccarthy from the speakership of the us house of representatives. Clearly this is developing as were talking right now, but with a Development Like this, what sort of a message do you see Something Like this sending to um, to other countries about the stability of Us Government . I mean, the speaker of the house is arguably the most powerful member of that chamber. And what do you think this says to countries who are looking at whats happening here . Well, let me say that chaos has never americas friend. And its never a friend of American Families that are struggling and im deeply disappointed. But a handful of republicans would partner with all the democrats in the house for representative style speaker of the house. But i expect for the week is out, theyll be more votes on who will be elected, speak for the house. And i expect that the most of the republicans of the congress will vote again for Kevin Mcarthur the way they voted 15 times over earlier in the year. Oh, down the road name is are a public construction custom senior Vice President of touch down at strategies he joins us now from washington. D. C. Very interesting question. Who is that 2 former Vice President mike payments and a very long time he took to consider his on. So what do you think of the political stability of the us right now . I or i used to work it through the National Committee and the National Republican senatorial committee, and i dont think theres anyone happy right now in washington, in my loyal opposition, but i have jobs. This is a great day for democrats and probably self inflicted for the republicans. I dont think its hard to disagree with a lot of the things that gets laid out. You know, the money, the car suspending ran up for a year. I installation of going to continue resolution to continuing resolution, but the needs to be a practicality. And i saw a new president trump. There was the republicans were always fighting republicans when they need to be fighting the radical democrat. And certainly at the moment the party werent, it does seem to be held hostage by a very small number of hard. Right. Republicans, why say, as such, a strangle hold over the vast number of republicans will make . Cuz the make up, the majority of the house of representatives are part of the issue is that the republicans now have a 5 seat majority in the house of representatives. And we have a members that represent very different districts were very different constituencies. Uh so which are probably very excited about this and some of which think its the chaos that it will likely bring. The Kevin Mccarthy has a, a very difficult job and thats what im kind of confused by this is whats the point where steps into mccarthys position is going to have the same challenge. Absolutely. And who do you think might step into his position . How can they do so because you mentioned before, it took a lot of rounds and facing to get my coffee through who would want that job i wouldnt be surprised by what i understand. Mccarthy. So people to pursue it again. I have seen that this rule that out, we could end up back where we were as well. That would be a very interesting situation. What do things versus what, think about best, consumptive divided policy when the president ial election next year . The republicans are making it harder on themselves with this. Theres no doubt about that. And its unfortunate when job i ran for president. He ran his return renewals that he was going to take the chaos out of washington and his ministrations done the course. And all this does is take away some of the power of that argument. And what does this mean for the newman government . Shut down, congress has got 45. 00 days to come up with a way to keep the government open and its going to be pretty destructive for most of that. Now were 44 days from a shut down. We have no budget deal and now we have no speaker. Ah, its a very unfortunate development. We havent had this happened driving less homes attempt. It was in 1910 and its field. This is the 3rd highest selected position in United States. Come on. This is, this is very traveling to okay. Down at run, i, thanks very much for taking the time to join us that from washington dc on this historic day, the Nations Capital now Ministry Officials in columbia to ask for forgiveness for 6000. 00 extra additional killings and a ceremony and bogus ha joined a conflict with font come in as columbia and soldiers carried out, also known as false posts. As killings. People often from poor families, renewed with promises of work and then killed. And then dressed off as fox gorillas. Soldiers were rewarded for what was then presented as come by that as andre from p. I. C joins us live now from this time the in the colombian capital book, a ton as andre. This is a heretic. Stain on colombia is military. Tell us a bit more 1st of all about the scandal and whats happening that today at this forgiveness, germany of the top so loudly laura um, just to be more precise, this specific event, it is about a 19 cases that happened here in the capital uh both that and the satellite, the city of so i turned this out of the city which have become sort of the most talks about the cases of this or re fixed state. Could states crime committed by the columbia military during the countries internal conflicts. And thats because these kids from 4 families here in the cafeteria where a trick then brought to remote areas of the country before being killed in cold blood by soldiers dressed up as revels as garry. Yeah. A fighter and presents it. They counted as decks in calm, but the soldiers at this time were under tremendous pressure during the governments divided by the event to increase the body account in their fight that gays to the rebels. And these kinds of cases that were repeated across the country and all the regions where there were at where the conflict was. The more intense in the case of both the mothers of those younger columbia and said that were killed in these extra judicial killings that created a collective called the mothers of swatches that started confronting the government, searching for the to its trying to clear the name of their children and finally today of 1516 years, the pastor, these cases happened to the columbia and states that and this government is recognizing the truth and is asking for forgiveness. I was under will this event today . Will it bring any closure for these families . Of what we spoke with some of them and we also heard from many of them that have been speaking on the stage behind me. All of them are saying this is an extraordinary achievement. To consider that all of these mothers have been tricked in that been accused by the governments of the mothers of a terrorist that they were viper. Busy this some of them have been assaulted by the military over the years, but they continue their, their fights. So definitely this is a very important state for them, but they say its not enough because even if now the state recognizes that their children were innocent, they want to know the whole truth. And theyre insisting that the while the columbia and Justice System has gone after a soldiers were directly responsible for the killings. Many of the generals and even the president s have the time on about to leave and the defense minister equipment was sent. So should response for all of these feelings. They say that this has been fits the magic game that the order must have come from the top. Okay, alexander around jesse, joining us live from that survey and bogus hall thanks very much size. Andre versus homes actually sort of problem and has wound against International Migration rules addressing day 3 is a concept of project conference. Just a b k is tied off and International Migration rules designed for another era. We would choose to recognize the scale of the problem to one, willing to accept that legal framing what needed to be updated. And thats the honest a thoughtful, squeamish about the smid as a racist to properly bring order to the chaos. Hundreds of is riley satellites have carried out incursions into the alex almost compound in occupied East Jerusalem crowds. And just for the day on choose day to mancha season of jewish holidays. There were schools who by is there any police . Is there any forces have felt military check points in the old city and imposed restrictions on palestinian worship . Has reynolds has more from occupied east joycelyn . Were in the old city in the occupied east, jerusalem. And this is about as far as we can get to the area where people are entering the aisle, opposite mosque area, including ultra nationalist whos been entering during this jewish holy week and jewish holiday of support. Theyve been entering in larger numbers. You can see here the police checkpoint, which is preventing some people from entering, including some muslims have been asked to move to a different area. But weve also been requested to move along here by the israeli police. So were just going to move up here and the tensions have been rising here because during the clock this, this week long holiday alternation as jews have been entering the temple mount, which they called the temple mount, which are others called the all ox. A compound in larger than usual numbers, they are allowed to enter according to the various protocols event developed over the years, but theyre not supposed to pray. And some of the people that weve talked to in the alternation community here say that they do intend to pray as a way of sort of establishing a jewish presence. Also, the Palestinian Authority has protested and condemned the is rarely Police Presence in the all opposite area. And called upon the United States to take responsibility for putting pressure on israel to put a halt to this morning that the entire situation could become so provocative as to detonate in the words of the Palestinian Authority with unpredictable consequences. Rob rattles l. G 0. It occupied East Jerusalem. This is nobel prize and physics has been awarded to 3 scientists for the research on how electrons behave. They produced pulses of light, so show that the message and i so seconds, thats a quintillions of a 2nd. The ultra short pulse is allowed them to look at the behavior of atomic particles. Full rece has more from stuck on. Now what the work of these 3 sciences has sunset on . Is the creation of flushes of lights that last day in comprehensively short amount of time, each wash last thing for october. Second, thats a 1000000000 of a 1000000000 of a 2nd. Im not so that i can see not just how one electron moves within an awesome, but each stage of the electronic movement. Last thing about tiny i probably seconds. Earlier on i spoke to professor david, have alons of the nobel committee, who told me why the work of the 3 scientists was so important. So the know got committee thought this was very important because its new science at a very new time scale. The after the 2nd, thats a 10 to the minus 18 seconds. So if youre familiar with a b1b parts of a 2nd and you take one of those and divide it again by a 1000000000 venue. It reached the time scale of the out of 6. And this time scale its sort of the intrinsic time scale of electrons around the nucleus as an adult. So a lot of chemical reactions take place on this time scale. And with this kind of technique of creating these very short pulses, we can study these chemical reactions and learn new things. Both are basic science but also for application. Now one of the potential use is for these october, 2nd long flushes of light would be to study the changes in electrons in blood samples. So thats for example, lung cancer could be detected, fall before that was really any problem detected in the lungs. The one of the scientists who really text off the visual off in 1997 was on louisa. She spoke on the phone to the press conference after the announcement was made. She said she was very on it of course, but particularly so, because she is just the 5th woman everetts receive a nobel prize in physics. All right, all this era ok, are still a head hair. On alexs era and the richardson of the asian games in home, joe china, funding out twice in the decided this would be the it would be sending a cricket things to the events, the, [000 00 00;00] the, [000 00 00;00] the scales on his page that flor thank you very much. Around the doing president , son, tina perez has initiated Legal Proceedings against a spanish ex police commissioner, who came parrots has been involved in corrupt actions with regards to payments the referees rails rivals, both of them, county under investigation for the same allegation. Meanwhile, the Spanish Capital Club defeats it does not believe the 32. 00, in an entertaining Champions League in kansas receipts audience in the midst of the lead. Leo of the gold, but the easiest junior equalized for the spanish side. A minute spaces you standing in with the assist, id been leading this minute, they themselves hand corner. And some of these made the lead off to a 2nd huffman. Its not believe were awarded the penalty, the authors zalinski putting away the spot. And so it has to choose, but they would be one more to us that the diego or monday mattered on the stadium. Fitted eco velvet as blood shots create a t, as in alex minutes own go. Previous of the, the with elsewhere mentions the light of slums. To a shock 3 to defeated, hands again to test the right. Everything had signed an 80 to restless for the end of the 17 minutes, but they will soon take the back. Does actually united only will fix all who would level Method School to to describe 11. 00 at fault time for the home side or so the advantage when, when speed is sick in the evening at old trafford, but again they could not hold on. So the lead 10 hubs team conceding tool to their office. Kevin, to call you with the equalizer. But the took his team, were not done with him yet. Casimir, it would be seen. So if and even the amount of the card we missed, the penalty intended would make amends financing. But with a security, if they miss by nitika into 21 went away from highly, they fixed it against etc. Copenhagen. Thats the hard way to offer solace for yourself. And so i went in front me there, august the bottom level, the courtesy of tomorrow. And well see all of these 2 teams going through a long side menu items and gather tests. Right. And brian has gone. So thanks to my taste tells with us in the danish capital over the lawns. So how inside cell behind, so a gabrielle jesse scouts but also unable to hold onto the lead away from home. In fact before how son amiga side were levels, had been thomas with the semesters level at that stage, but it was popular then. Oh yeah. Well he popping up with what would be the winning goal for loans of group b. B, they was just the one goal as info became been see to in the land markets to im schooling, the only goal to match for the teddy and tub if they 1st with all the pre stage of the pulling, they opened up against the rail. Soft speaking of associated they were involved in the the kick off against the rebels, solsbury, the legal club to Community Lead through. Nicko got a civil and the lead was doubled when bryce mondays went to him this terrific. So those run from about hopefully and so i dont know if hes as always way falls by the teams defense scoring. The goals of the lake diego buried on it would no doubt have been proud. Meanwhile in the agent Champions League nemo has helped, oh, hello to a good away when against massage amazon, that im it is in fact the brazilians 1st go in the confidence, flagship prep competition. They must go in the middle of the 3 know when it was dealt with. Oh not this match between the saudi and the rain. Interpret actually go ahead and thats because mondays match between sit behind and lets see how it was cancelled over controversial statute. Facility cub objected to the presence of a bus to be rainy in general customs to lay money at the stadium. The agent Football Confederation is looking into the matter. The dispute comes just a month off, the saudi arabia and the wrong resume home. And the way club matches in their respective countries up to 7 years of playing mutual values. The fiji seemed to adjust to it. So we surveys staying in phones to help each country qualified for the rugby woke up go to finals, thats the spike losing. He 7 year old son. It has to be reveal that so we serve actually missed at the funeral. To play and features last match against georgia, they face portugal on sunday and only require one bonus points to advance to the knockout stage for the 1st time since 2007. Meanwhile, from scouts and ends on the pond is on track to resume playing phone contact. Read be possibly as early as monday, the fall and suffered a broken, cheaper and against the may be a, but its recovery quickly. The french campaigns hoping they skipped, but well be ready to take his place in the quarter finals next week. Now to read case of shooting a gold medal at the asian games, 2 athletes finished top of the podium of a photo finish in the mains. 110. 00 visa hurdles officials were unable to separate depends shouldnt be. I talked to yamma and to make you run it. Group of you both across the line, 13. 41 seconds just take a look at that. Talk a, im a who one runs at the last agent game city felt lucky to share the title of the heating hurdles in the race. Trying to sweep of the dining middles continues. Theyve won, they 7 people, and the big champion, chain home cham, adding the agent games go to korea, metals lets he took the when the limits change usertesting indio heading into an important few days that the agent games the countries means cricket team is making its 1st ever appearance at the veins and india is most successful, track and field ethnic will be defending. Hes titled any richardson results from home. Joe knew that shot for max. The in the throw that consumed the run show for status as an indian sporting heroes in august the javelin stall, one is countrys 1st ever gold, the world athletics championships. Adding to the olympic title he secured in tokyo. Hes now targeting gold at the asian games more than the rest of the people in the expect results from those who have the ability to perform that. Thank god, until now i have to live at and well try my best to live up direct to many patients. In the future as well and well show for his profile in his home country is raising his fame doesnt compared with that to india is crickets us. And so the 1st time hell be sharing the stage with them of a multi sports events. The story of the asian games began when this torch was lit in new delhi india in 1951. So the best part of 6 decades, the cricket, somebody keeps 1st, the parents in the games that came in one, jo, china in 2010, but its on the hey, it hung joe, the india has finally decided to send cricket changed to the events. The india still to the mens tournaments with a wind against the pile, with the country in the process of hosting the 50 over will come. It is a young scene thats in china, but the crickets most financially powerful nation, is here. A tool is significant. And this is all happening in the background of uh, being so inclusion in, in the olympic guys. Its something that as an organization and as a school, which is very seriously and weve put our best foot forward, we think for inclusion in l. I 2020 i so having yeah, member support, air inclusion mean automotive for events like the ice it gains in the coming of guys is incredibly important. Tricky would prevent the olympics with tens of millions of new funds. The olympics would give cricket a new platform on which to sell itself, having cricket and roll them fix, i think will benefit everyone and member countries can really throw the game a positive play. And i think, you know, itd be great to see cricket and return the 28 los angeles Edition India have already won gold and the womens cricket events in 5 years time. It could be, let me pick metal these play as a, celebrating on the richardson l g 0. Come, jo, china fall out in front in the middle table with 161. 00 golds japan and south korea. The nearest challenges are 53 and 52 gold medals respectively. Hong kong completing the top 10. Could we be seeing of as soon as possible green team, phoenix, suns store kevin to rent is confirmed. He will be available for the team usa at the parents 2024, and then picks the ren could be joined by the likes of liberal, and james and steph curry, both of whom have expressed an interest in turning it off for the us in paris. One issue to be sickness, with the olympics, that taking place off the what could be appearing in the season and, and the nfl, the seattle seahorse with the saw the new york giants and monday night football season, swiftly forwarded back. Building with the students going on a 97 year old interception you too late in the 3rd quarter as a 123. Seattle is that the franchise break will be live in 6 on an opposition. Cool. Today. Thats what was supposed to be useful today. Laura pizza, thanks very much indeed. And thats it for this news, but i will be back in just a moment with most of the days news tossing in washington dc. The the vague, i mean, the Artificial Intelligence is altering the political landscape. How can we, as humans trust to you, the machines trust is not given us and develops and becomes more powerful. I believe its important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. But do we know that youre not going to lie to us . No one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to 50 years ago on october. The 6th, when muslims were observing remedy and jews with celebrating yom kippur, egypt and syria launched a surprise war against powdered israel, permitted. So to get into this situation of disaster in the 1st of a 3 part series outages, era explores what really happened during the 1st week of the war in october on our last year, part of the sun experienced one of the worst floods in the countrys history many ruled communities are still waiting for help. Hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may who has been living under open skies for a year in last years floods. This road behind me, those fields, the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. Many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. And parts of this district have started to flood once again. The of the, the office of speaker of the house of the United States house of representatives is here by declared vacant this house of representatives suffice votes to housed at speaker for the 1st time in history. Chaos and congress of hotline republicans leads to revolt against Kevin Mccarthy went on sexton sale, who will replace

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