BATTLE FOR COAL To win her fight for survival Britain must lick a coal crisis that’s been 20 years growing. Can she do it? Halton says yes November 1 1947 MATTHEW HALTON BATTLE FOR COAL To win her fight for survival Britain must lick a coal crisis that’s been 20 years growing. Can she do it? Halton says yes MATTHEW HALTON CBC European Correspondent LONDON—Ernest Bevin makes some rash statements, but he spoke sober truth when he said recently that 40 million tons of coal could change the history of Europe. Britain is now mining coal at a rate of less than 200 million tons a year, disastrously too little. If she could increase that production by only one fifth, by only 40 million tons a year, the British crisis would be in sight of a solution and the general European crisis sharply alleviated.