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Some signs of nervousness is also showing for the banks. Bonds are rallying a little bit so that means yields come in and that weighs on the bank so thats a little bit of a pause in the cyclical rally. How does the market really react to what the economists are seeing . They say we will be good in the second half of next your but have a really tough spot between here and there. Have the markets price that in . Abigail the markets do not appear to be pricing it in all that much. As you know, some of the longer term charts are starting to show the possibility that equities in particular are stretched and there could be some sort of sharp pullback for the end of this month or the beginning of next year. That could very well reflect the air pocket the jobs report for november is very disappointing suggesting december and january could be worse. It appears theres some sort of awkward middle ground in the First Quarter of 2021 and maybe beyond. The optimism that the vaccine will bring to the second half of next year and there are nascent signs of some choppy or volatile trading action and had perhaps. Theably a big dip bonds and yen. David thank you so much. We had more encouraging noises from washington about the compromise stimulus package. Mitch mcconnell is still apparently studying it. Wonderful to have you with us, do we know whats in this proposal . We do know whats in it was that i suspect he is studying to see whether they can get Something Like this through and get passed and signed but we know its a 908 billion and is the result of months of work from this Bipartisan Group stop there are things that republicans and democrats dont like in the bill which makes it truly a compromise. Bailoutsns dont like for the states and democrats dont like the fact that there is no 1200 relief checks like the cares act but congress is up against the pending deadlines in the next few days and few weeks. I would suspect we may see maybe not this week but maybe in the next week in terms of an agreement on a covid really wreckage. David if they come up with something in the next 10 days or two weeks, how quickly can some of that money be distributed . Thats one of the big things we still dont know. One of the sticking points about this in terms of the distribution of the to states and localities is the distribution formula. It is not only when the money would get out and how it would be distributed. Those are things that have to be debated and figured out. This Bipartisan Group thats been working on this has been trying to iron some of this out. Leadership has got their hands on it and it may change in the next few days. David what are the politics of this . Who comes out the hero and who comes out the goat . Leadership is getting numbers on this because of covid has gone up and people are suffering. We got federal unemployment ending the day after christmas on the moratorium on evictions ending new years eve. Those things are putting pressure on congress. Somebody said sums like students studying for a final exam, they are up against a deadline and thats why we may see something out of this. I dont think anybody in Congress Comes out will given the fact that its been several months of people suffering for them to potentially come up with a really package. In any case, it will probably not be big enough according to democrats and probably too big according to republicans. David all eyes are on georgia and the runoff election. Over the weekend, we had a lot of activity in georgia including donald trump going there at a rally once again condemning the election and condemning the republican governor of georgia for not convening a special session of the legislature to overrule the results. What do you make of that . Tocondemned the governor challenge the 2020 primary. This is what republicans fear is that the president will remain after he leaves office, powerful enough to impact their primary races. The big concern for republicans this now is who wins decides who has the power in the senate for the next two years. Is all the president s focus on the election being stolen going to dampen turnout amongst republicans and hand this thing to democrats . Tight whenbe fairly we look at the polls, both of these races are tight at this point. David everyone says its a matter of turnout and we often hear that. It is a complicated message that the president is trying to deliver. On the one hand, he says about again. A little contradictory and a hard case to make. Has got republicans wringing their hands. They do any people to get out and this is a race for turnout and they are spending a lot of money to get their voters out and theyre also being given a contrary message which is dont bother coming out to vote because its rigged anyway. Weve and heard the president trying to make the case at the rally. Candidates,senate three of them debating and senator perdue who did not show up at the debate over the weekend. Ans a really odd picture at empty podium where purdue should have been. Then Kelly Loeffler and warnock were out there debating this weekend. David what happens when somebody doesnt show up for a debate . Is there a percentage in that one way or the other . I assume the incumbent decided that he wanted to give more attention to his opponents . They said he would have more to lose by showing up so it can be a dangerous calculation. Insaw that with joe crowley 2018 when he didnt show up to debate. He sent a surrogate in that case and that is a dangerous proposition. I was surprised purdue did that but we have to say he was ahead in the general election and didnt get over the 50 in the polls remain tight. He made a calculation we will see if it pays off. David lets turn to the president elect for a moment. Team announcing his health led by the designee for health and Human Services, how the air becerra, the attorney general from california. ,ts an interesting combination a crackerjack scientist coming back, dr. Fauci, weve got him and weve got people who just know government were not necessarily scientists. Becerra has really led the effort to defend and protect the Affordable Care act from his position as attorney general in california. That is something that joe biden and democrats talked about a lot during the election cycle. More appointment matter during the pandemic when you talk about health and Human Services and the cdc and these other positions he is appointing because we are in the midst of a pandemic and what to me is important is that he is really making his appointment based on the question of expertise. Its also a combination of that and insider understanding of how washington works to move policy. Very different appointments then we saw in the early stages of trumps administration. David thank you so much. Its always a treat to talk to you. In the meantime, we will talk about reddish negotiators who say they are down to a matter of hours to get a deal done on brexit. Is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. We turn now to Mark Crumpton for the first word news. Mark americas top Infectious Disease expert is warning that the Christmas Season could be worse than thanksgiving in terms of the spread of covid19. Dr. Anthony fauci joint new York Governor Andrew Cuomo edit news briefing today and said january could be a dark time for our country. The United States has had 14. 8 million cases according to Data Collected by Johns Hopkins university and bloomberg news. The United States is slapping new sanctions on 14 chinas officials over there crackdown on dissent in hong kong. Andmeasure bands travel freezes assets which is part of President Trumps effort to file pressure on china and the Ruling Communist Party in the final weeks in office. President elect biden has said he expect to keep pressure on beijing over hong kong. The u. S. Supreme court is planning to take up an appeal from some oregon parents who say transgender students should use locker rooms and bathrooms of the gender they were assigned at birth. The federal Appeals Court in San Francisco had upheld the policy that allows transgender students to use facilities that align with their gender identity. Parents sued over the policy in 2017, saying it caused embarrassment and stress. Minutes,he last few this is concerning brexit and we have news concerning whats going on over there. Monitor ittinue to and bring you that information in just a few minutes. Back to you. David lets pick up on that theme. The European Union says they will have to get a deal by this wednesday if they have a deal at all and british negotiators say that may be too long a time. They want to get it done today if they can get it done at all. To give us a sense of whats going on, we welcome sarah huhn. Thank you so much for being with us. You have the inside scoop on this. Where is this negotiation now . Do we have a sense . Beennestly, things have stuck and going around in circles for quite a long time. The issues that are the stumbling blocks are not new issues. They are issues that were discussed last month, issues being discussed in october, september and before them. And before then. Its a question about a living about a level playing field. Is something the eu is distressed about. They are also talking about fisheries and tied up with all this is how you can ensure that the u. K. s sticks to what it says it will do. The News Headlines we have been receiving over the last few days and the last few hours have been indicating that a deal may be done or the deal may break down. It wouldnt surprise me if we continue like this beyond wednesday. The eu is asking for a resolution by wednesday because we have the eu summit coming up at the end of the week. Negotiationsh eu and i think particularly in this case, there is every chance that things could go all the way to the wire. We are talking about the end of the year. With a pinch of salt any headlines that suggest a deal is just about to be done. They have to have ratification, dont they, with the countries . They cant literally go to midnight on december 31, can they . Argumentas always the why a deal had to be done by september and why a deal had to be done by october to allow time for legal text to be drawn up. This is a big treaty and it needs to be translated into the eu languages and then ratified by the European Parliament and by the u. K. Parliament as well has signed off by the eu heads of state. Isknow the u. K. Parliament already thinking about pushing recess. Ir christmas we know that European Parliament is thinking about quitting right at the end of september the end of december. The deadline is not fixed and 11 onallete 00 or 10 to the 31st of december is a little late. I think its entirely possible that we do get things dragging on the on this week even though both sides have indicated they want to get a deal done this week. David are the two sides prepare for not getting a deal done . If they go to a wto will they be in a position to do that on january 1 . If there isnt a deal by this thursday at the summit, that will be part of the summit discussions is putting in place no deal preparations. For the u. K. , i would argue that the u. K. Is not even organized for a deal because we still have a big question over what happens at the border. We dont really have the border infrastructure to deal with the regulatory checks that will need to be done even assuming a deal is done. If, on top of that, you are tariffs,otas and thats the difference between getting a deal and not adding a deal is that without a deal, tariffs would be imposed on eu exports and imports. Then it really adds to the sense of chaos that has been threatened at the end of this year. David whether or not the United Kingdom and europe on the other hand are prepared for a no deal brexit, are investors really prepared for that possibility . We had seen the pound strengthening and the London Stock Exchange was strengthening. Caughtr if they will get if there is not a deal. I think the markets have made the assumption that there will be a deal. We have seen that reflected in the stronger pound over the last few weeks against the euro. There are some nerves about whether a deal is forthcoming. Our assumption is that if it ends up being no deal, then there will be something of a market upset and that will take the pound somewhat weaker against the euro and against the dollar. Also, there will probably be an impact on the ftse. Sterling is generally positive for the ftse. Overall, the negative of a no deal would be damaging for u. K. Stocks. Investors are understandably cautious. We still feel that on balance, a deal is likely but for a long time, we have had a 50 chance of a deal, a 30 chance of no thisand a 20 chance that can get kicked further down the road and we continue to have negotiations in 2021 which i dont think anybody wants to see. David i should say thats right. Lets bring it right back to home in the sense of banks. People who watch and listen to bloomberg are involved in the big banks. There was a lot of concern about what would happen in the city of london but i dont hear about that as much anymore. What will happen with the major banks . Warnings aboutig massive job losses in the city as a result of brexit. To be honest, we havent seen that. We have seen perhaps 1000 or so jobs being lost to the continent and certainly there have been many jobs created in centers like frankfurt, dublin, paris, madrid, luxembourg to address the issues. Early on, the Financial Center understood the u. K. Would no longer have access to the eu Single Market stop they would need to rely on equivalents. There is still a lot of uncertainty. The city of london has shown itself to be quite resilient. Europe is a massively important moret but the city is much than just being the Financial Center for europe. We run international, global Financial Center and benefiting asiathe rise in markets in and in other emerging regions. David thank you so much, great to have you with us. She is Standard Chartered head of europe and america research. Still ahead, codec surges back, its our stock of the hour and that is next. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Shares of kodak are serving are surging today. They have been cleared of any wrongdoing in obtaining a government loan to produce chemicals to be used in pharmaceuticals. Our colleague in london has the full story. Rise of around 80 per kodak at the high, taking the shares at twice. The once photography giant turn pharmaceutical ingredient manufacture that transformation of the company is a big story. Back in july, it was announced kodak had been awarded 706 he 5 million loan from the u. S. Government to help with that transformation. It was awarded on the defense the drugs act for that were in short supply during covid19. The stock surged on that news back in july but then there were thetions asked about how ceo received a huge number of Stock Options before multiple investigations were launched in one of the investigations we are hearing was from the Development Finance corporation is a federal agency and we are hearing that has wrapped up and found no evidence of wrongdoing. Thats why we are seeing a surgeon the stock but there is a question that remains. Thats whether or not loan that was awarded and then spent will actually make its way to kodak. David not to mention whether they can make the chemicals. Its a huge change for kodak stop they have been known forever, just for photography and now they will make chemicals for pharmaceuticals . Emma and thats the other question and not many analysts can say how the company will make that transformation. David its a fascinating story, thank you so much. Up next, a surge on top of a surge. How some people are characterizing the covid crisis and we will talk with Johns Hopkins about how bad its likely to get and what we can do about it in the meantime. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. When you switch to xfinity mobile, youre choosing to get connected to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 400 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. We go now to Mark Crumpton for bloombergs first word news. Mark president elect biden is naming some of his most prominent allies to be part of his cabinet. He has picked James Clyburn for the chairman of the january 20 swearingen. The inaugural will also in vail for cochairs, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, Los Angeles Mayor garcetti, congresswoman lisa blunt rochester and louisiana congressman cedric richmond. The pandemic is expected to keep the inauguration far smaller than previous years. States including new york and nevada used outdated federal estimates during their planning for covid19 vaccine supplies. The department of health and Human Services says states showed many more doses available along with 15 million doses of the moderna shot. An fda panel will meet thursday to review the Pfizer Vaccine safety and effectiveness in a final step before emergency use authorization is approved. There are new indications that italys coronavirus outbreak is slowing down. Health officials reported the lowest daily new cases today since october 20. Italy may get its first 3. 4 million doses of the Pfizer Vaccine. David things with covid are bad and may will get much worse as we heard over the weekend from dr. Scott gottlieb, the former fda commissioner. Is bad as things are now, they will get a lot worse. By the end of the year, we will probably be at 300,000 deaths and by the end of january, we could be pushing 400,000. We will see consistently 200,000 deaths per day and as we get into january toward the p, we will see over 3000 deaths per day unfortunately or get close to 4000. This will get a lot worse before it starts to resolve. David we welcome dr. Amber desouza from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of health which is supported by the founder and majority owner of our parent company. Thank you for being with us. You heard what Scott Gottlieb had to say. Is it overstating the case . Hen is righto on and things will get worse, before they get better. This is the highest rate of infection and death that we have seen and the trajectory suggests things will continue to get worse. Not anis somebody who is epidemiologist, we think it has peaked somewhere and then it goes down and then it comes back up. Is there a pattern . The upper midwest states are starting to come down . Is isse is to matt dynamic and driven by our behavior. Day, placeing day by by place. What worries us is we are seeing consistently across the u. S. The trend has been going in a direction we dont want there have been local efforts in many different places to try to slow that spread but throughout the country in most places, the trajectory shows continuing increases. That has us alarmed because were already in a really hot place. David is that because we are on thetrictive enough rules we are setting out or is it because people are not complying with the rules . As we hear and see, people have gotten tired of this. A absolutely, it has been long slog for all of us. There is more than one reason. To slow the spread, their different ways to do it either through our own personal restrictions or through legislative action. The hope is that we can create new normals and have people reduce their risk to their behavior but when we dont do that is when we try to think about what else can we do and do we need some actual restrictions and rules like closing of capacity and certain venues. Right now, we are heading for the place where we may need additional restrictions because what we are doing is not working. We are not getting things under control. David is that statebystate or different localities within a state . This virus spreads without regard to borders. Its not onesizefitsall. We want to look at the local situation in these areas. Throughout the u. S. , there is nowhere that the epidemic is wellcontrolled at a low rate or we want to see it. Things are consistently bad really everywhere. There is unacceptable spreads we need a National Policy and we need a lot of local efforts to slow the spread and turn things around over these next few weeks and months because thats when its critical. David everyone is holding out a theyfor the vaccine step say maybe by march or so we could have it widely available. Is that realistic . We have tremendous hope, there is so much good news with the vexing but it will not help us right now in the next coming weeks. Spread andontrolled there is a lot of hope that there will be vaccine rollout and we will have the beginning of protection from vaccines but that will not be able to reduce the spread and the rates we are seeing. We need to get the majority of people vaccinated and thats not going to happen for many months. We cannot rely on vaccination alone. What what do you make of president elect biden has said . Says we should spend 100 days Wearing Masks even outside. We know that masks help reduce and we need a national and local policy that helps to reduce this in every way possible. We know Wearing Masks works and its a nobrainer to put on a mask when you were outside near other people. Anything we can do to save lives and reduce spread during this last critical next few months before we can get the Vaccination Program up and running and hopefully, in a few summer or fall next year, there is a hope we can get back to a normal life but not for the next several months. We need to really increase our efforts because things will get worse than they are now and we are already beginning to see high rates of hospitalizations and deaths. David once the vaccine is approved, it will take some time and they will be effectively rationing between here and there in april or may. Some reports say there is a conflict between people who are most vulnerable and their Health Care Workers trying to make a decision. It feels like a hobsons choice or something worse. Thatere any guidance on sort of question . Im not a medical ethicist but this is something we have been looking toward and thinking about in the Public Health community and planning for over the last few weeks and months. There is a phased in strategy where we cannot get access to everyone for the vaccine right away. The targeting of those have the highest and worst outcomes and highest morbidity makes sense. It makes sense in saving lives and also reducing the spread and people who become the most ill the most quickly. Giving itn approach, to people on the front line, hospital workers and people in Nursing Homes makes sense. Oval saysay older people have comorbidity because they have such a high risk for bad outcomes and all Older Americans and as we continue to go down, we get to the last group which are other people in the general population were not older and dont have any risk factors and all of those groups will get vaccinated, just the rollout of how we do it in the best interest of all. David its one thing to make sure we have the vaccine available but its another to make sure people will allow themselves to be vaccinated. Are we doing what we need to do to educate the population to overcome the rumors about this vaccine . This is a tough one. We are fighting so many things at the same time. Infectionis difficult where we are making choices between economic restrictions and social restrictions and how to do that locally and nationally and then we have the hope of the vaccine which we are about but other people are concerned and reticent about the process. I think we need to continue to v the really rigorous method thee fdas doing to make suretting that all of the Scientific Data has been reviewed and when the vaccine is approved and we can trust it and know what to expect. So far, everything i have seen in that process is going smoothly. I am excited to get the vaccine when its available but i will be in a later group. The data we have suggests a lot of hope for the vaccine. David thank you so much for being with us today. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of health is supported by michael bloomberg, founder of bloomberg philanthropys. Coming up, the outgoing Trump Administration lays down another set of sanctions on china, how much room will the Biden Administration have two maneuver . We will talk with the Foreign Trade council. This is balance of power and Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. President elect biden has indicated he will make a radical departure from the Trump Administrations policies on china but President Trump appears to be doing his best to ramp up the punishment on china before biden takes office. To take us through the u. S. China trade relations, we welcome the president of the national Foreign Trade council. The early served as director deputy general of the world trade organization. We have two announcements early this morning and one is a surgeon chinese exports as they are recovering from the pandemic and we also have the white house imposing another round of sanctions on china. What is president elect biden inheriting here . On the surge of exports, if you look at chinas economy, its industrial production, the highest its been since 2017. They seem to be recovering well from the pandemic. This leads to the verdict that the trade war on china really hasnt delivered positive results for the u. S. And hasnt hurt the chinese economy very much u. S. Overall trade deficit this year looks like it will be the highest since 2008. Not only Trump Trade War on china but on the rest of the world, it didnt seem to go very well for him. Biden is inheriting that mass and how to develop a more coherent strategy on china. In the meantime, the latest sanctions adding to the list of what theyve already done, some of it was in the Energy Sector and it will not have much of an impact because of the glut on Energy Worldwide and china is buying from all kinds of countries including iran and venezuela. Its more symbolic and the other thing is its an executive action. Biden can always reversing the active executive actions but what will be is more comprehensive strategy . He says he will not medially reverse the terrace but has also said the trade war with china has not worked effectively and is not gotten results and we need to work with our allies around the world who were also upset with china and need us to cooperate with them more in developing a more coherent multilateral approach. David do we have any indication of where the president elect is likely to head in that regard . Has appointed a secretary of state and other National Security positions but we dont have the trade representative and we dont have commerce. Do we have any sense of where joe biden would go in restructuring our relationship with china . I think its a little too early to tell. There are some key positions that will factor into this. Tony blinken at state and the National Economic council will play a big role but so will the commerce secretary. And janet yellen at the Treasury Department as well. I think they will need time to develop a more comprehensive strategy, working together in the new configuration for desperate from what the president elect has said, he doesnt think that trump use the right tools to deal with china. He went it alone too much and did not rally the rest of the world and didnt really get fundamental changes in china. He settled these kind of quantitative deals which many of us said when they were negotiated that that wouldnt really work in fundamentally changing the trade relationship with china. The bilateralom deficit figures and the fact that they are way below the numerical targets emma that wasnt really a very effective mechanism. They will need some time to sift through. There are all these sanctions issues, there are big National Security and technology issues, i think it will take a little while particularly since they are focusing so much on the pandemic in the early months of the administration. David thats a quick look at china and asia but lets go back to europe and whats going on with the brexit negotiation. We are told its a matter of hours or days and they have to get a deal. If they dont get a deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union, that doesnt affect the directly United States but what is the Ripple Effect of a trade rupture between the United Kingdom and europe . The ripples for the u. S. Are big because of the enormous transatlantic investment, the fact that so many u. S. Companies are invested both on the continent and the u. K. And there is a lot of threeway trade between the three markets. If you suddenly go back to normal trade with tariffs even though the average tariff levels in the eu and the u. K. Would not be that high, they still have a disruptive effect. Border controls and other effects have a disruptive effect. Something thate will be good for the u. S. It will have a bigger impact on the u. K. Economy and hopefully, they do come to some kind of 11th hour deal. Its really pretty unthinkable that you are suddenly seeing terrace go up between britain and the continent. It will present some difficult choices for the Biden Administration about how to handle that. Do you have a role in trying to broker this deal . Directly because both the u. K. And the members of the you of the eu and they are all members of the wto. They can negotiate certain things in a multilateral basis. Resorting to tariffs with each other, because they lower some of the tariffs which they do through the wto but not a direct impact. It has to be a bilateral deal between london and brussels. Mfns most favored nation. Are i make sure we understand what were talking about. I sometimes forget to give a full ends papal expo nation. David thank you for being with us. Coming up, we hear from paul krugman, the founder of a company and whether the deal is happening too fast. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. We earlier talked with paul taubman and got his views on how markets are reacting to the promise of the vaccine and how big the promises and other practical challenges and whether markets just might get ahead of themselves. Wewe have three vaccines and can at least see out of the tunnel but we are a long way from getting back to a normalized world. Saynt think any of us can other than we are at it point where we where there is a tremendous amount of hope. We can the good what needs to happen and deploying the vaccine on this scale. And being able to do with governments and individual willingness to take these vaccines. We are still not out of the woods. I think what the markets are doing now is they are responding to the prospect of a more normalized environment that we still have millions who are suffering and a Record Number of hospitalizations and deaths. I think its premature to say that this crisis is over and therefore what we have or have not learned. What makes this different than almost any other situation in our lifetimes is this has been an economic crisis which has come about as a result of a health crisis. If you can attack the health crisis, the economics can repair in dramatic fashion. I think thats what is different here. The does not appear to be bad actors. There are clearly bad consequences. Its different but it does show you that the human mind when were in the midst of a crisis, you can imagine how you will get it,and when you were out of very quickly forget you were ever in it i think thats a lesson we will continue to repeat forever. Resolutionhink the around companies that suffered dramatically at the beginning the crisis has been different from 2008 . Companies have survived differently. Some Companies Really got hammered. How much of that is driven by the experience of 08 . If you think about how companies have navigated this period, you have had clear winners and losers. Everyone is crisis, affected maybe not to equal extent but in a significant degree, almost regardless of industry when the macro shuts down. Of changes in to aiors as people adapted different world and a shelterinplace world, you had clear winners and clear losers so the pain has been magnified to a subset of the economy while others have gotten stronger. He is the chairman and ceo and coming up, balance of power continues on Bloomberg Radio and then we will talk to the president of the committee for responsible federal budget. We will talk about this 908 lien dollar stanleys proposal and whether we can afford to have it or afford not to have it. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. [announcer] imagine having fuller, thicker, more voluminous hair instantly. All it takes is just one session at hairclub. Introducing xtrands. Xtrands adds hundreds or even thousands of hair strands to your existing hair at the root. Theyre personalized to match your own natural hair color and texture, so theyll blend right in for a natural, effortless look. Call in the next five minutes and when you buy 500 strands, you get 500 strands free. Call right now. upbeat music mark i am Mark Crumpton with first word news. Boris johnson is willing to compromise to get a postbrexit trade deal with the European Union. The u. K. Said the Prime Minister is prepared to back down on his threat to break International Law by unilaterally ripping up parts of the divorce deal he signed with the eu. The plan to retreat on the u. K. Internal market bill was reported by bloomberg in october. Talks in brussels are at a critical stage with bird officials british officials warning there may be only hours left to save the deal. Americas top Infectious Disease expert is warning the Christmas Season could be worse than thanksgiving in terms of the spread of covid19. Andrew cuomoned at a briefing and said january could be a dark time for our country. The u. S. Has had 14. 8 million cases according to Data Collected by Johns Hopkins university and bloomberg news. Ece is acknowledging restrictions have not reduced the spread of covid19 enough. The government

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