British Artist Raises $62 Million for Children’s Charities 4 days ago cuatower By Angela Hickey The world’s largest canvas painting has been recently sold at a Dubai auction for a grand total of 228 million dirhams, or $62 million, making it one of the most expensive artworks ever sold. Painted by British artist, Sacha Jafri, “The Journey of Humanity,” has become one of the largest canvas artworks in history, measuring a grand total of 17,000 square feet, or approximately four NBA regulation basketball courts. Jafri painted the work in order to raise money for children affected by the ongoing pandemic. Originally, Jafri worked on the painting in pieces, cutting it into 70 panels and intending to sell each separately for about $30 million apiece. But, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that Dubai-based businessman, Andre Abdoune, had offered more than double his original asking price in order to buy them all.