Why people whose first language is not English have different accents; how reactions to that affect immigrants' lives. Speakers:Rosina Lippi-Green PhD in Linguistics, author of English with an Accent; Evelyne Ello-Hart, from Côte d'Ivoire, program supervisor for the Africa Women's Coalition in Portland, Oregon, speaks seven languages, including Italian; woman from Laos who works for Refugee Resettlement Program and speaks Vietnamese, Laotian Thai, variants of Chinese, and English; Dora Reina an accountant from Mexico, living in the US and taking English classes; Tracey Derwing, professor in the TESL [Teaching English as a Second Language] program in Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta, who co-directed the Prairie Metropolis Research Centre of Excellence for Research on Migration and Integration where she researched how to teach native speakers of English to be better listeners.