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downing of another object off the northeastern coast of alaska. that was near the canadian border. nor is it clear if it is related to the chinese spy balloon shot down last saturday. any chance, any indication that we might hear from the president on this? what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, we are expected to see president biden in just a short while. he's hosting an event with the nation's governors. it is unclear whether he might address this issue at the top. the white house is saying that president biden and canadian prime minister justin trudeau jointly authorized this operation to shoot down what they described as an unidentified and unmanned aircraft in north american air space. i want to read you this readout from the white house which said that the two leaders spoke in, quote, an bundance of caution. that'll the recommendation of the militaries that they authorized it to be taken down. president biden authorized u.s. fighter aircraft assigned to

Related Keywords

Object , Coast , Indication , Chinese , Alaska , Spy Balloon , Chance , Downing , Canadian Border , Biden , U S , Issue , White House , Reporter , Event , Governors , Top , Nation , Northern Canada , Air Space , Justin Trudeau , Prime Minister , Operation , Unidentified , Readout , Aircraft , North American , Caution , Militaries , Leaders , Recommendation , Bundance , Quote , Fighter Jet , Two ,

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