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Can get better with specialized treatment, go to no cd id com to learn more im Jeremy Diamond in tel aviv, and this is cnn a legal win for donald trump and his codefendants in georgia. The judge dismissing six charges in the indictment against them in the election interference case. As a major your decision about whether fani willis can stay on as prosecutors still looms over all of it. And time might be up for tiktok, the house voting to ban the app if its chinese parent company, doesnt spin it off within six months. A huge bipartisan showing in the vote, but will it pass the senate . And what will President Biden do . Plus americans deployed to haiti, the pentagon sending marines to the embassy in a borne by violence. A nation on the edge of anarchy as politicians and gangs fight for power, were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central one day after winning enough delegates to become the Presumptive Republican nominee for president. Donald trump. Just receiving another win this time in court, a georgia judge has thrown out six of the 41 counts that trump and some of his codefendants were facing in the state, the former president and more than a dozen others have been accused of racketeering and conspiracy in an attempt to overthrow joe bidens 2020tory in georgia. Cnns Nick Valencia is outside the Fulton County courthouse in atlanta, and nick, the judge said the prosecutors made a quote, fatal mistake here on these charges. What did he mean well brianna, theyre basically saying that the prosecutors failed to include the detail that was needed in order for these charges to stick. They failed the choir detail about what underlying crime these defendants were allegedly trying to its elicit from public officials. These charges have to do with that infamous phone call that trump made to Secretary Of State brad raffensberger, where he said, find more votes as well as the fake elector scheme. That scheme by trump and his allies to subvert the Electoral College and tried to claim that he rightfully won the 2020 election. Here georgia, when he lost the judge saying that these charges should not stick because basically the das office fail to include the appropriate details and this is already in the meantime being celebrated by the defendants and Defense Attorneys, especially the Defense Attorney for the former president steve sadow. This is what hes saying to us in part of a statement saying, quote, the ruling is the application of the law as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any alleged wrongdoing on those counts. The entire prosecution of President Trump is political constitutes election interference and should be dismissed. Now this ruling, it comes with a caveat though the judge has left the door open for the da to reindict on these charges if they fill in those details. So this is far from over, but in the meantime, as i mentioned, it is being celebrated and were hearing this as we wait for this consequential decision as to whether fani willis will remain as the prosecutor on this case just a short time. Time ago. Supervising producer jason morris ran into scott mcafee on the steps of the courthouse here and he did say that hes planning to stick to that timeline that he gave himself. So we should expect a decision at the end of the week. Brianna. All right. Nic, thank you for that report. Were joined now by cnn, Chief Legal Analyst and cnn Anchor Laura Coates and laura trump now, personally facing three fewer charges. Thats what it is when youre looking just specifically at him here, how does this affect the case against him . But still, by the way, more than 80 counts that he is still facing. Its entire indictment goes away. So its not a comprehensive wind, but it does show you some of the weaknesses and shortcomings of the prosecutions case in the sense that they are required to give notice. Its part of due process. I need to be on notice. His defense counsel, what are the specific civic natures of the crime that you are charging theyre saying that youre trying to violate are trying to entice someone to actually have an official in georgia, violate the constitution, okay. Which provision . How so . There are dozens, if not hundreds, of ways that could have done be specifics. I could prepare my defense. Now, the judge and you could also try as as was said by Nick Valencia tried to change that in a way that actually meet that requirement, but it still could be used as part of the overarching rico and racketeering case here. But you know, the biggest question today, brianna, is not just what how many charges are going to be left, but who will prosecute this case . Ultimately, the big case were waiting to hear from ms judge about is will fani willis and her for team be the ones to prosecute whatever remaining charges are there that is the looming deadline were all looking to. Yeah. And where do you think judge . Scott mcafee may be on that as we look to the end of the week here well we reported yesterday that there was a Radio Interview he gave where he talked about having a Draft Opinion re to go. But these things take time. He gave a selfimposed twoweek deadline. Thats just a mirror like day or two away at this point in time, but its such a consequential decision that could have very far reaching consequences. Remember, it wouldnt just be funny willis, who would have to step aside if disqualified, the entire team would a prosecutor and counsel and georgia would then step in and assign or figure out who would be the next team to actually prosecute. And that next team would not people hold into the choices of the grand jury prior established. Also the big question that gives the issue here, whether there it is an actual conflict or the appearance of a competent will govern this judges ruling. That was a very big issue at the end of the last hearing, whether an appearance of socalled impropriety was enough or an actual conflict as provided by the evidence by those moving for her to be disqualified. Thatll be the rub here in this case. And thats why its so complex. These charges that have been dismissed, could it be dismissed for now situation . Could willis refile these charges with more specifics that the judge is seeking or is this inner are these gonegone . They could rehabilitate in some way this complaint, but that doesnt bode well in terms of the preparation for say, other charges that might be that shes given provided notice and other things as well. But youve got to as a prosecution team, youve got to give the requisite amount of notice in this. And of course, this the judge said was not going on not the entire indictment, that there could be an opportunity if they give more information and what they said was as written these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes, but failed to alleged sufficient detail regarding the nature of their of their commission and does not give enough information. And so as you look at it right now, this does not mean he said the entire diamond is dismissed, but theyre going to have to cross every t dot, every i because the team of lawyers behind the over a dozen defendants are looking for any exit ramp out of this indictment. In addition to trying to undermine the credibility and put into question the ability plenty of this prosecution team, who the prior disqualification motion. So youre coming out all fullcourt press against this team by virtue of the weight of this particular indictment, only one charge against mark meadows. Now a single racketeering charges that significant to you . Well, a single racketeering charge is still significant as part of an overall overarching conspiracy of sorts. But taking out a lot of the other things, the solicitation of violation by an oven oath by public officer because somebody who remember wanted to have his case removed to Federal Court does not want to be in Fulton County, wants to be in Federal Court because he wants to have the benefit fit essentially saying, well, hold on. Official duties. Thats what i was involved in. Thats the issue here. You cant touch me there. That was, of course, rejected, but the idea of still having this count does rely on the conspiracy, on the interaction between the other codefendants. Now, you need not necessarily have the communication that was explicit between each in every defendant in a rico action. But the idea of trying to prove that everyone was part of a common scheme or plan does require a level of evidentiary support that if you cant provide other details on the actual pleading might be lacking in the facts. Now, we have a long way to go here, brianna, before youre talking about a jury being empaneled, Motion Practice being concluded, and ultimately the presentation of evidence. You can believe that mark meadows is probably looking to have yet another charge dropped, taking him out of this case entirely yeah, certainly is. Laura coates. Thank you so much. Boris pivoting to the nations capital. Now, were the House Of Representatives this morning passed a bill in sweeping bipartisan fashion that could lead to a tiktok ban the bill requires the abs chinalinked parent company, bytedance to sell off tiktok within about six months. And if that doesnt happen, the hugely Popular Platform would be banned from us app stores. Lawmakers argue that bytedance could be forced to give the Chinese Government us user data or two spread propaganda to americans because of those National Security concerns, it was a rare moment of bipartisan unity. The bill sailing through the house by a 352 to 65 count, the question now is, how does it land in the senate that remains unclear. Lets break down the details with cnns brian todd. Brian first first, looking at the big picture, this is one of the most popular apps in the world to say thats actually an understatement, to say its popular in the us, boris is also an understatement. More than 170 million users of tiktok or in the United States, thats what tiktoks ceo told congress in january. Thats more than half the us population. Its impact on the Influencer Economy is huge and its growing. Of course, you know, the influence or is growing by the minute. Tiktoks impact on that economy is massive. Also, Small Businesses use tiktok to create content to promote their stores and other things with tiktok. So its impact on the American Population is enormous. Now when you talk about the Security Concerns, specifically Security Analysts and some members of congress are concerned that because tiktok is owned by a chinese company, that the Chinese Communist government could lean on the company to basically Download Software a chinese malware that they can use chinese malware to put it on your phone when you download tiktok or download some context tent on tiktok that could steal your personal data from your phone. They could then take that and put it in their databases. They could use it later on to either blackmail you or just use it in another kind of difficult ways for americans. But also they could use it to influence the the american political scene and take a page out of Vladimir Putins playbook and metal in us elections by creating content that promotes candidates that they like, by creating content that is promotes negative information for candidates that they dont like. Putting misinformation out there about elections and voting. Theres all sorts of ways that they could do that tiktoks ceo, his name is xiao chu. He told Congress Last year, basically that this is all malarkey, that this would never happen. He said, quote, is our commitment to this committee and all of our users that we will keep this free from any manipulation by any government. We will protect the us user data and firewall it from all foreign access. But heres the problem, boris, that if the Chinese Government wants to lean on tiktok for information or to do some of these things that Security Experts are worried about. By chinese law, the company cannot say no yeah. So there you have it that theres also been evidenced from employees that have gone public saying that bytedance has specifically requested usu user data. And if bytedance has it, that means its one step away from the chinese. And again, if the chinese, if anyone in the Chinese Communist government wants to just kind of sidle up to an official at bytedance and say, oh, can you give us information . Shan on this particular politician in the us . Hes gotta do it. Yeah. So thats a real concern. So lets say this bill becomes law and theres no sale, theres no divestiture within six months. What happens to those 170 plus million users thats a really good question. They could maybe some of them could conceivably filed lawsuits to try to prevent this, to forestall it, you could kind of see that coming down the line because it is so popular in the us, theyre getting theres going to be a lot of bandwidth behind an effort like that. So its going to be a messy process and its going to, its going to impact a lot of people economically, were going to actually do a piece for later today on sit room on, on the Economic Impact of a tiktok ban, it could be really enormous and it could really be fought over in the courts. Yeah, look forward to watching that later tonight on situation and brian todd, thanks so much for the details, of course. So lets discuss with a democrat who voted against this bill. We have congressman ro khanna of california with us, his district. We should mention include food, silicon valley, were bytedance and other social Media Companies have offices. Congressman, thanks so much for sharing your afternoon with us. You said in an interview in january that tiktok should be forced to sell to an american company. Isnt that what this bill does . Why did you vote against it . No, it doesnt. I would support a bill like this. This is blatantly unconstitutional and i dont think the courts would uphold it. And the reason is if the sale didnt happen, it goes to a band. The Supreme Court has said it has to be the least restrictive alternative when you look at free speech, which 170 million americans perkins free speech, is that impact . And we could have said that there should have been financial penalties if there isnt a divestiture, we should have said that we need a strong data privacy but to ban it, i dont think survives. I think it would be struck down nine to zero by the Supreme Court. Thats a fascinating perspective. There was also some criticism over in this bill, the role that the president would have the Executive Branch would have and designating an app belonging to a Foreign Company based in a rather a foreign country based in a foreign country, deeming that country and adversary and thereby going after that technology. Im assuming that that might be a concern of yours as well. What is because, you we have a robust tradition of speech in this country and we have a lot of a foreign magazines, former foreign publishers because we believe that the American Public can get information and make responsible decisions and we want debate and that has been the Supreme Courts decision. Now, i believe that chinas ccp poses a threat. Lets focus on what they can do to invade taiwan and make sure that we have enabled superiority. Lets focus on making steel and our manufacturing is brought back home and not have a trade deficit. But this is not the top concern when you look at the Chinese Communist party and its going to affect the lives of Many Americans. There were 50 folks, influencers and craters in my office. Theyre not 20. 30 yearolds. These are 40, 50yearold most biden supporters, trumps supporters are using this as Small Business. And i think theyre going to be a lot of people very upset fortunately, its unconstitutional pushing all but politicians are basically out of touch with a lot of americans there are a lot of politicians on tiktok. Youre on it. The biden team is on it as well. Im curious to get your perspective as a tiktok user on employees complaining through Media Reports that the company bytedance and tiktok, through bidens through tiktok, i should say, has tracked journalists that they have closely watched users who have consumed gay content. Theyve complained that despite public statements that information is siloed, bytedance executives are able to ask the folks working in tiktok here in the United States for user data. And that in many cases employees have complied with that. There are Real Security concerns, arent there . There absolutely are. But, you know what theyre also Security Concerns with meta and facebook that engaged in surveillance and allow their platforms to be used for interference in the 2000s section there, respectfully, congressman, but there isnt a law the United States. This is the meta has to hand over private data without a warrant to the us government. That is the law in china by dense has to hand over any data that the ccp asks for absolutely. And that is wrong about my view is lets have a broad data Privacy Protection to protect americans from all social media media platforms, whether its bytedance or whether it is google and youtube, or whether it is facebook, or whether it is twitter there, there are Many American kids. Kids are being targeted on instagram and being shown eating disorder videos. Thats wrong. So the failure in congress frankly is it took us two or three days to pass a ban on tiktok, but its taken us years that we cant do the broader thing which is pass a Data Privacy Bill in this country. Congressman, im wondering if you think the Company Given some of the allegations and Media Reports that i just outlined, do you think that tiktok and bytedance have been sincere in their efforts to protect americans private data. I dont in terms of the bar, they havent met that. I mean, i think the criticisms of the company one or a very fair they need to do a much better job in protecting privacy and data. It has not worked and there is a data vulnerability. I acknowledged that, which is why im for a sale of it. But the way again, to deal with that is to have strong teeth, data, Privacy Protections, and a law with that and to protect our kids on from social media, whether the kids are on tiktok or instagram. That is whats upsetting a lot of parents. So lets deal with the broader issue instead of trying to ban an app that has 170 million americans on it. Congressman ro khanna, we have to leave the conversation there. Appreciate your time, sir thank you. Course. Still ahead. A pr and safety crisis at boeing midflight disasters, ms signals serious questions about quality stand hundreds. The hits, just keep on coming for the company. So what is boeing doing about it . And one day one day, thats all it took for a 600,000 dollars sand dune to wash away into the ocean how is one city going to defend its beach front home from rising tides . Will look into it. And an ugly battle between the Texas Governor and artists protesting the South By Southwest Festival in his state, why theyre boycotting the event and what Governor Greg Abbott has to say about it when we come back with Kaitlan Collins tonight at nine ready to washington one second. I got it. Finished my laundry one second. I use the company that will pick up wash bold, and deliver your laundry and dry cleaning at the touch of a button, sign up for rinsing, rinse. Com to get 20 off your first order what i look forward to a contractor is someone who is reliable and skillful and thats where andy comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. Sanjay can connect you with a right pro for any home projects, find top rated certified pros in your area at angie. 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When these Business Owners need cash fast, they turned to bids to credit to fund whats next from Fitness Studios to medical offices and every Small Business in between. Weve got you covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business expenses, bus to credit is the trusted partner for your Small Business funding needs scan the code on your screen now or go to biz to credit. Com to apply this to credit funding. Whats next . Sunday on the whole story, two men missing i just stopped both tied to one deputy. He was the last person to see them alive and a decadeslong Search For The Truth the whole story with Anderson Cooper sunday at eight on cnn fresh off clinching the 2024 democratic nomination at any moment, President Biden is expected to depart at the white house and hit the campaign trail. Hes trying to ride that poststate of the Union Momentum barnstorming across the country in key Battleground States, including Pudding Wisconsin today and michigan tomorrow. Lets take you now, live at the white house and cnns mj lee. Mj. What are we expecting to hear from President Biden today . You know boris when we see the president in wisconsin today, its actually going to be a good reminder that not every Campaign Event that we see in the coming weeks is necessarily going to be its a massive political rally though we will see plenty of that too as we get closer to november especially now that we are just seeing the start of the general election with the crisis does it in officially clinching the nomination last night, theyre also going to be just a lot of emphasis on the work that the campaign is doing to actually set up the Campaign Infrastructure sure so to that end, what we will see the president doing in part today in wisconsin is go to the opening of the campaigns wisconsin seat the quarters that is going to be based in milwaukee. So you can think, you know, speaking to and thanking volunteers and Campaign Staff and the campaign is putting a lot of emphasis on and touting the choice of milwaukee as the states campaign. Hq. Because thats kind of unusual. Theyre saying that that precisely speaks to some of the key constituencies that the Biden Campaign is very much focused on going into the general including, of course suburban women and black and latino voters as well now, when he gets wisconsin after attending that campaign hq opening, will also hear him giving remarks on infrastructure, including touting some 36 that is going to go towards the city that funding and part comes from the bipartisan infrastructure package. And the socalled inflation reduction act. So no question there that this is all about the president trying to tout some of his accomplishments from the last three years, he had some michigan tomorrow too, but thats a part of the pledge by the campaign to have the president and the vital this president hit up all of their Battleground States in the coming weeks boris. Yeah, and he is set to depart shortly. Well see if he talks to reporters on the way out. Mj lee. Thanks so much for the Uptick Briana Boeing is facing new fallout from a Door Plug Blowing out midflight on one of its planes, the ntsb is now going to hold a rare Public Hearing over that january 5 incident and the New York Times has learned the same day of the blowout, the 7 37 max plane was scheduled to be removed from service due to two instances when Warning Lights had come on over a ten day span, cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean is joining us now to talk about this. I mean, first, we learned that Alaska Air Plane had been flying for weeks with no bolts keeping that door plug in place. Now, this about the world morning like flights of this plane without the four critical door plug bolts and the bottom line here is that this plane should have never left a Boeing Factory without those bolts. But now investigators have this new question to ask. Would this scheduled maintenance check the night of the blowout, have caught that omission and would previous representation system Warning Lights in the cockpit have led to a check on the doorplug, the ntsb has said those warnings were unrelated to the blowout, but its something that the ntsb will no doubt dig into. They have the maintenance records on this plane and theyve really laid this out on a timeline and its preliminary report, this plane was delivered to Alaska Airlines on halloween 2023, on december 7th. That is one pilot saw the first pressurization warning in the cockpit and then the day before the incident and two days before the incident, these pressurization warnings cropped up again followed by the door plug blowout on january 5 of this year, Alaska Airlines is disclosing this for the first time after the reporting by the New York Times. And in a statement, Alaska Airlines says, we remain confident in our maintenance and safety actions leading up to the incident. We look forward to continuing our participation in a robust investment the gajan led by the ntsb to ensure Something Like this never happens. Again. This is only the start of what will be up huge probe by the ntsb just yesterday at announce what its called an investigative hearing that will be held publicly in august. That means the ntsb can subpoena parties to testify that could include officials from boeing very rare typically reserved for the biggest incidents in the public guide East Palestine real disaster, the miracle on the hudson, no doubt, a lot of interest in this. And amid all of this, there are a lot of new questions here about whether, whether or not boeing had this paperwork that needed to be submitted to the ntsb . The ntsb is one of it. And now ntsb chair jennifer homendy, just put boeing on blast once again, saying that they should have submitted this paperwork and they needed to give it to them. And its very troubling. She says, and its getting in the way of their investigation theres also been the death of a whistleblower who use years ago had really kind of cracked open some of these Culture Problems at boeing in some of the reporting that was done. What can you tell us about his name was john barnett. He was this whistleblower and he was a former longtime employee who raised safety concerns about the charleston, South Carolina facility that builds the 787. This is what Police Say Barnett was found dead in a truck in a Hotel Parking lot with what appears to be a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Now, his lawyers say it was in the middle of this multiday deposition on this whistleblower lawsuit, and they say in a statement that he was in good spirits and looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on. So what is also say we didnt see any indication that he would take his own life. Now, boeing has offered its condolences the statement, sad incident amid all of these concerns about boeing right now, pretty much everyone. And that was their intent to go up anytime theres an issue on a boeing plane right now, at least for right now. And there are a lot of Conspiracy Theories online that seems to be purely coincidental. All right. Pete muntean. Thank you so much for that a potentially dangerous deployment, the pentagon sending marines now to one of the most dangerous spots on earth haiti will have more on their mission. And there may be no defense against mother nature, how some homeowners are fighting rising sea levels, and why their fight may be futile what happened to the golden boy of new jersey i engage in affair with it another man. Did you want to be outed United States of scandal with jake tapper . 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Mesothelioma is really all we do. 80087 to 4901 a us marine antiterrorism unit is on its way to haiti amid mounting chaos there for weeks now, ramping Gang Violence has paralyzed the caribbean nation, prompting the countrys Prime Minister to resign earlier this week haiti is now hoping to have a Transitional Council in place to pave the way for new elections. But the countrys top gang leader, whose fighters control much of the capital portauprince, says that his coalition will not recognize any new government cnns Natasha Bertrand is live for us at the pentagon. Natasha, what more can you tell us about this group of marines thats going and what their mission is yeah, boris, so this is whats known as a fast unit and that stands for us marine fleet antiterrorism security team. Essentially what it is is a dedicated security and Anti Terrorism task force. Course, essentially that is able to be deployed at a very quick pace, very rapidly the world in areas where they need to augment securities. So for example, in haiti right now, the us embassy is still up and running. And so these marines are going to be tasked with supporting embassy security. The us military did evacuate a number of nonessential personnel so now from the embassy in haitis capital on sunday, however, they are aiming to kyiv the embassy open to the extent possible. But of course it is a very dangerous environment. So thats why they need this additional us security from we are told dozens of marines who are going to be part of this unit in order to ensure the safe operation of that embassy. Because roughly 80 of haitis capital at this point is being run by the gangs now and it remains unclear just when kenya is actually going to be able to deploy that police force of roughly 1,000 personnel to haiti, which is what the haitian Prime Minister was over in kenya trying to organize when this takeover over by the gangs occurred. And so obviously the us military is going to try to augment the presence there to allow us personnel at the embassy to keep operating and wait and see essentially how this all plays out. As you said, they are hoping that a Transitional Government can be put in place very soon. And tausche, berkshire and live from the pentagon. Thanks so much for that so half 1 million defense against a halfmilliondollar defense against rising tides, washing the way. And just today, were going to take you live for the massachusetts coastline, where people appear to be fighting a losing battle against the rapidly changing planet ahead why. 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We have cnn Chief Climate Correspondent bill weir in salisbury, where residents are now wondering what happens next. Bill exactly brianna. And this is really a story sort of 50 years in the making. Ive day like this. You can see why they love it. So residents whove been coming here since the 70s said using hired, taking your kids down to the water, the beach was so wide, but yearby a year, tide by tide has gotten higher and higher and because of massachusetts, much of this beach is private. It belongs to these homeowners, the state wont replenish that, so they chipped together, got 600,000 bucks, brought in 15,000 tons of sand it would when they completed it just for reference, would have filled all of this under under the stairs here was supposed to last three years, lasted one storm, lasted one day, not all of the residents actually opted in on the sun and you can see the result of that here, this house, the waves went into the living room. And so now theyre looking at a 300,000 loss of sand in one storm hoping that their luck changes in this a whole, but the science is saying at least massachusetts is officially preparing for feet of sea level rise. This is just the result of nine inches of sea level rise. And so while some dont believe the Climate Science ive talked to hear, others are coming around. The idea that they have to think about this place and a whole new way so at what point bill does the state actually get involved to help these residents . There was a meeting today about who should be paying to protect the homes yeah the folks here are really animated. They think the state should kick in. Theres a state refuge. They get three bucks a car that comes in as supposed to replenish those beaches. Theyd like to see the same here. But this is one of 79 towns its in massachusetts that are in this coastal surge zone. And it would cost tens of billions of dollars to defend all of them. And so, but they make the point here that theres 2 billion worth of Property Value is just along this beach and a lot of those taxes this is pay for cops and teachers and the infrastructure of the town. So this is a microcosm of this coastal debate. What do you do . What is managed retreat . Look like . In the United States were retreat is usually not part of the vocabulary. And at what point are you pouring sort of wasted money fighting against Time And Tide . How much sand can he afford . Thats really amazing to look at it behind you there, bill. Thank you so much for the report and showing that to us for us now to some of the other headlines were watching this hour another three measles cases have been linked to a Migrant Shelter in chicago raising the citywide total to eight cases detected in the past week. A team from the cdc you see is now on the ground in an effort to curb the spread of the highly contagious Virus Officials are encouraging all new arrivals and unvaccinated chicago residents to get measles shot as soon as possible also Family Dollar announcing its going to close nearly 1,000 Stores Across the country. Now owned by dollars all our tree, the Discount Retailer has been plagued by years of mismanagement, theft, and poor store conditions. Remember, it was recently fine more than 40 million hello Rat Infestation at a warehouse that forced hundreds of stores to temporarily shut down and you remember that disastrous willy wonka experience . Its event in glasgow, scotland, disastrous orb legendary depending on how you see it. Now, you can take a piece of it home with you if you care to. Some of the set pieces is there being oxygen for charity on ebay . This after the event was widely ridiculed on social media for promising kids are fully immersive experience that now to be anything. But in fact, heres how one of the actors described for that for the children children, but for me, it was just, it was just so i was in the middle of this abandoned warehouse. I am top part and like cheap car on. And i was i was pretending to be willy wonka. It was i, you know, theres theres no words to describe almost 50 people have bid on the set pieces, the highest offer right now, just under 1,000, brianna is set to bid on it as we speak, you could own a piece of history. Dont ms out on this opportunity. So its not the headline that helped by southwest was looking for artists are protesting over the sum of the festival sponsors. Why this is related to whats happening in The Middle East. When we come back there is no media personality. Businesswoman celebrity chef, like her the many lives of martha stewart. Now streaming on max. 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So of course we have copycats, but they cant beat us on quality, sir. Service speed, or price. So they advertised low quality products like this which we wont carry empire today, offer shopping, home, convenience, professional installation and great pricing would know negotiation. But we wont promise the lowest prices because anyone who does is selling you this. So schedule a free inhome estimate now today we talking about cash kevin hart, not again. Talking about cashback. We talking about cash back. Never say im not talking about bragg. Know. We talked about cash back. We talk about cash. We talking about cash. Weve been talking about practice too long. Word, no practice. Weve talked about cashback, talking about cash back. We not talking about a guy. Business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. Its all day and into the night. Its all the things that keep this world turning. The gotos that keep us going. The places we cheer. And check in. They all choose the advanced Network Solutions and round the Clock Partnership from Comcast Business. See why Comcast Business powers more Small Businesses than anyone else. Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Together for a cot get started today at king charles denied it ten on cnn Closed Captioning is brought to you by Sokolove Law Mesothelial more victims call now 30 billion in trust money has been set aside. You may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. Thats when 808592400 happening right now, dozens of performers and speakers are pulling out of the South By Southwest Festival in austin at issue sponsorships from the us army and a number of defense companies. The protesting artists express solidarity with palestinians in gaza as they announced their boycott. The message from the states governor, texas republican greg abbott is by dont come back. That is theyre from his tweet south by southwest organizers pushing back on the governors response, they say they respect the artists rights to free speech, and theyre also defending their sponsors as well. Our Elizabeth Wagmeister is tracking the story and elizabeth the army is now are responding. What are they saying yes, they are. We have received a statement from a spokesperson for the us army. Here is what they told us at cnn. They say that we are proud to be a sponsor of south by southwest and to have the opportunity to showcase Americas Army south by southwest presents a unique opportunity for the army to meet technology so leaders and leaders explore new ideas and insights and create dynamic industry partnerships. As we modernize for the future. Now, as you said, brianna, south by southwest is pushing back on Governor Abbott and they are also supporting the army. We have received a statement from south by southwest, and here is what they have said in part, they say that they do not agree with Governor Abbott, quote, we are an organization that welcomes diverse viewpoints. Music is the soul of south by southwest and it has long been our legacy. We fully respect the decision these artists made to exercise their right to free speech and they go on to say, we have in will continue to support human rights for all the situation in The Middle East is tragic and it illuminates the heightened importance of standing together against injustice now, i have to tell you, i just got back from south by southwest. I landed last night from austin. There were no protests yet that i saw on the scene, but there is a protest scheduled for this thursday. The festival runs through the and of this week, that protest is being organized by the austin for palestine coalition. So elizabeth, how many artists and speakers have actually canceled or are they just packing up and leaving austin . So there are about 80 individuals who have pulled out of the festival. This includes various artists and also panelists. Now, this is mostly smaller artists, not household names, indie bands who are pulling out on an individual basis and announcing this on social media. Now, south by southwest is the a major event, its a music festival. It is a film festival. Theres a lot of tech that comes to austin last year, 340,000 individuals came to the festival. The festival brings in hundreds of millions of dollars and there are major players. Theyre just throughout the past week at the festival. We have seen Film Premieres that have been attended hi, ryan gosling, emily blunt, jake jilin Hall Sydney Sweeney Meghan Markle also was a panelist. She spoke at south by southwest, so we have not seen any major stars pullout. I do not anticipate that we will, because most of the television and Film Premieres have already happened. And again, the people who have pulled out and are standing and protests because of the army sponsorship are pulling out again on an individual basis, it would be very difficult for a major hollywood studio. Lets say, to pull out for a few reasons, number one, this is a great presence on the festival circuit. Number two, to have an anti army stance would be very difficult for a major hollywood player to do Elizabeth Wagmeister. Thanks so much for the update. Still plenty more news to come this afternoon, including an important win for Donald Trumps legal team in georgia maybe not though the one that they were hoping for. Thats next backroom deals cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution theres so much more to the store. United states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn. Whether youre a professional driver or just a Fan Vehicle Breakdowns are costly. 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