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Financially benefited from hiring wade and that that created a Conflict Of Interest now, todays ruling is a major victory for willis and her office. But it came with some Harsh Criticism from judge scott mcafee, Who Rebuked Willis for the relationship. And now says that it leaves a stain on the prosecutions team. Cnns Nick Valencia is live outside the courthouse. For us in fulton county, nyc. Youve been watching this case unfold for months . What stands out to you about the decision today well look, fani willis, there were some real concerns that she would be disqualified before today. And as it stands, shes going to be allowed to stay so long as she gets rid of the man whom she was romantically involved in and those close to fani willis or allies. They are seeing this as a big win its a huge win even if its only a technical win on paper. And even if it does come with some blistering criticism from the judge a massive indictment on her behavior. He called some of her testimony on February 15th during those disqualification hearings, unprofessional, and he had some sharp end point in words about her relationship with nathan wade. This is what judge scott mcafee is saying, and part of his decision saying, quote, georgia law does not permit the finding of an actual conflict for simply making bad choices. Even repeatedly, he goes on to say that this finding is by no means an indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment for the unprofessional manner of the District Attorneys testimony during the evidentiary hearing, weve been hearing from Defense Attorneys including the one that surface these allegations. And while they say they respect the decision, they do feel vindicated in a certain sense. And i also spoke to scott ghraieb man, he faced off against fani willis in an earlier phase of this case when he represented ken chesebro, he criticized judge scott mcafee saying he really kinda split the baby here and says that he expects the Defense Attorneys in this case its primarily steven sadow, the defense attorney for former President Trump, to appeal this decision i hope and expect that the Criminal Defense Lawyers in this case will appeal this decision. And i hope the Georgia Court of appeals has a different view than scott mcafee so the big things that were waiting for here are nathan wades resignation and to see what phase next, what happens next with the District Attorneys office. Will we hear from Fani Willis No indication now, at this point, but The Big Question here is, will they be able to get this case back on track before the november election . Morse tough odds to see the trial take place in august, as they had been forecasting, Nick Valencia live from atlanta. Thank you so much. Lets discuss the case now with National Security attorney bradley moss bradley. Thank you so much for being with us so, judge mcafee here is saying that there is no effective Conflict Of Interests that the relationship between fani willis and nathan wade was not relevant to the charges against donald trump and his codefendants, but he does say that there was an appearance of impropriety that must be removed. Whats your main takeaway from that ruling . Yeah. Yeah. Judge mcafee, here, it was pretty evenhanded ruling. He baked good, decided im not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater here. There was a bunch of smoke. Theres certainly a stain on the reputation now of nathan wade and fani willis and have this prosecution from an optic standpoint. But for as a purpose as a matter of law, in terms of the evidentiary standard that these Defense Lawyers had to meet, they simply didnt have the proof that there was an actual Conflict Of Interests, if there was an actual financial material benefit tied to fani willis and prosecuting this case that would mandate disqualification. But he he agreed with the idea that because has there is this stain on the case that because theres the appearance of impropriety, someone has to go and thats almost certainly going to be nathan wade. The case will continue on. And the question becomes, if this x the trial, will the voters even remember what happened leading up to it, if it makes it a trial and we have a verdict before election day you said it will almost certainly be that fani willis stays and hired a new lead prosecutor. How does that process complicate the case . It doesnt seem like this. August timeline that we were trending toward is tenable sure. So the idea is that she is most likely going to just use rely on your existing team. Shes indicated theyre ready to go within 30 days. Theres no way thats going to happen at this point given that various changes in the schedule since that time, especially with the chaos were seeing out in manhattan right now with the District Attorneys the case the Stormy Daniels matter but its more than likely that what fani willis well try to do is use the existing team that was already there aside from nathan wade, they can pick up the slack from that. He would have otherwise handled and they can still aim for an early fall trial. How were going to figure out this trial schedule for a president ial candidate given that almost all three of the other cases are certainly going to start no earlier than june or july is something that no one really knows yet, the judges have gotta be just gnashing their teeth over right now. Yeah, it is quite possible. She doesnt hire anyone else and just sticks with the team thats in place. I do want to ask you about the potential for a gag order because its something that judge mcafee alluded to he described comments that were made by willis at an Atlanta Area Church in january as legally improper. I want to listen to some of those remarks now. I hired one white vein broome monthly in a great boeing in ohio, one black man. Another superstar a great friend and im grateful. First thing they say oh she going play the rings are now in defending nathan wade there, the defense argued that willis was tainting a jury pool. Mcafee saying that its probably too soon. Were per too far out from Jury Selection for that to be the case. But he he did say that the time may have arrived for an order preventing willis from further discussing the case in public. Do you think that is essentially winking at the defense saying that they should file a motion to impose a gag order on willis i think its certainly was suggesting that they should consider it doesnt mean hell necessarily granted, wed have to see what the scope of any gag order would be, but if im fani willis, i want to retreat from the limelight of this case right now in the sense that let your Line Prosecutors let the team you assembled be the face of this case. Youre the political face. Understandably, you were elected, youre going to always be the phase in some manner, but let your team handle the case, prosecuted, bring it to trial and get a conviction. You want to be in the background as much as possible so that when people think about this case going forward, when they see a possibly going to trial and the lead up to election day hey, there thinking about the evidence in the case, and the thinking about the allegations against down trump. Theyre not thinking about fani Willis Bradley mass. Appreciate the analysis. Thanks for joining us anytime brianna, former President Trump is already fundraising off of judge mcafee is ruling to put things into perspective here, his campaign sending out this text to supporters not long after the decision was handed down here, trumps legal team also releasing this statement, slamming the ruling while respecting the courts decision, we believed that the court did not afford appropriate significance to the Prosecutorial Misconduct of willis and wade including the financial benefits testifying on truthfully about when their personal relationship began, as well as williss extra judicial mlk church speech, where she played theyd the race card and falsely accused the defendants and their counsel of racism we will use all Legal Options available as we continue to fight to end this case, which should never have been brought in the first place. Lets talk about this now. A cnn senior political analyst, Ron Brownstein and republican strategist matt gorman all right. Ron, you tell us what are the political ramifications of this ruling is you see it well, i think the main implication is both at it pushes back the case in all likelihood. And it gives trump and his supporters and reason to view this as illegitimate i dont know if that extends beyond the trump days and that is always really been the question for me. I mean, all of these cases are looking less likely to render a verdict before november, but whether they go to trial is also really significant. Trumps Retrospective Job Approval has been rising in most polls now, he has a higher job approval. Retrospectively, people looking back at his presidency, then he had an any actual point during the presidency, and i think one of the questions is whether any of these cases, particularly ones related to election interference, are underway by the election in a manner that like the january 6 committee reminds voters, particularly those who are pretty tuned out that last 10 of voters dont pay a lot of attention what it was that happened in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election that i think is the risk to trump at this point more than that, there will be a definitive verdict before the election yeah. The timing obviously hugely important here, matt, it absolutely is. I mean, what weve seen now is yet another, as ron mentioned in bradley mentioned two. This is the third of really pretrial wins with trump the delay in new york, the immunity case going Supreme Court, delaying that. What looked to be just a couple months ago is youre stocked with trump in a courtroom, suddenly looks a little bit more free now, and that changes how he campaigns that changes his message. And i think that also changes, i think tote to rons point, how people perceive him well, let me ask you a little bit about that. Do you think we have to be clear . Shes still on the case. So legally, that is a win for her. But if you go through and read what the judge wrote here repeatedly, he is admonishing her saying that she testified in an unprofessional manner that she made poor choices et cetera. Does it really change the perception of whatever the outcome of this case is among people who had an already decided that they would not accept, say, some sort of verdict that does not serve trump i think a couple of things i think just purely stepping back and you were a prosecutor in your prosecuting the former president of the United States for actions they took in around an election. You have to be above reproach. You cannot give knowing that this will be a politically charged thing. Your political enemies, any sort of thing to latch up on . As weve seen here, her lack of judgment and as the as the judge said gave really let the stain this case and it left trump and his Campaign Something concrete to now use politically and look, im not learned, i can pretend to be when ill leave that to brad and the rest of the folks but also as this trial goes on, if it goes on, if theres an appeal, how they use it also can also be very potent two, but ron it, lets say taking what the judge said here. She stays on the case. She just keeps it business and proceeds with the case whenever that may be an obviously, the timing is a huge issue. I mean, can the case then stand for itself and maybe change some perceptions of her at this point in time if we see how that is carried out the court yeah, im not sure its going to change perceptions of her really the bigger question is whether changes perceptions of trump. I mean, the as i said, i mean, you know, his his Retrospective Job Approval is now at a level that exceeds his actual approval at any point during his presidency. And in some ways thats because people are reacting primarily to the economy before covid all of these cases remind people of some of the anxieties they felt about having trump in the white house, not only the question of whether he is bound by the rule of law or as a threat to kind of the constitution. But just its the sheer chaos and uncertainty and constant drama that surrounded him. So he has a strong interest in putting off any of these trials until after the election. I mean, the Supreme Court has certainly throwing him a big lifeline in that regard on the most consequential of them. But i look i think the damage to her reputation and her judgment has been done, can be undone. The question is, how much of this evidence will be out before the public, before november . That is the real issue here. Yeah. That and also matt, because, you know, a lot of people have no idea about the fake electors scheme. We talk about it all the time. Right . Thats why we look at this georgia case. We know whats important, but there are a lot of voters who completely dont realize that this happened during the election. So how important is it that these facts are erred when it comes to maybe that affecting the outcome, whichever way you want that to go, are also a lot of folks dont follows his closest. We all do their away means its a dinos thing is the january 6 they tend to marshal all these facts together and when you separate case by case, its a little different thing. It focuses the attention that more and certainly in georgia where this is all televised as opposed, i know some districts theyre necessarily not. That does make a difference. I think also to rons point we saw with covid, i think people got tired of trump because hes in your face every day with those covid press conferences. And the like. And i think that wharf some folks down the ability now to not be on tv and courtroom every day, not be the center of attention every day does absolutely help men. I think thats no secret also why youre looking right now. Heres a steady two to four point lead in a lot of polls against joe biden. If he rises to the center, becomes the sole focus, not a horse race with him and biden does that change . Matt and ron . Thank you so much to both of you for your analysis. We appreciate it. And ahead, russians are hitting the polls today, some venting frustration with the notion of Vladimir Putin serving a fifth term as president plus its a move that could save home sellers and buyers a big chunk of change. It closing as the National Association of realtors and some longstanding guidelines on Broker Commissions and mapping the brain, how new technology and techniques could give people with certain neurological conditions a better Treatment Option Lead with jake tapper today it for a cnn introducing finished Ultimate Engineered for the toughest Kinda Dry Burn tons stains, oh, dishwashers very hard water. New finish ultimate would second sig Technology Helps deliver the hope did you know turbo tax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish. Try turbotax life full service. Your fullservice expert will do your taxes for you as soon as today, plus, theyll only sign and file when they know its 100 correct. 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So be better being normal good streaming on max three days of voting are underway right now in russia and Vladimir Putin is all but certain to win a fifth term as president , extending his grip on power into the 2030s some videos are actually surfacing of election protests. And in this one you can see a woman pouring what appears to be dye into a ballot box. The late Opposition Leader Alexey Navalnys widow also wants voters to turn out collectively at Noon On Sunday as a show of protest lets discuss the election with cnn, chief National Security analysts, jim sciutto. Hes also the author of the new book, the return of great powers, russia, china, and the next world war. A familiar face here on cnn news central. Jim gray so this sets up putin to become the longest reigning leader of russia since stalin. Hes effectively lead russia for the entirety of the 21st century. And now he is poised to lead it into the 2030s and let it into a far more confrontational relationship with the west. And we should remember, they had constitutional term limits. He busted through this right . I mean, he kind of faked it by having his deputy become believing he was prime minister. But hes effectively leader for life, not dissimilar from whats happening in china as well. In addition to that, we should put elections in quotes because these are far from free or fair elections. Its notable of course, that one of his primary opponents, he put away in a penal colony and died there recently, Alexey Navalny and there is no free press there to cover the candidate honestly, or cover the war honestly there as well, which normally would be, you imagine a subject of debate. So its, it extends his reign. He is certainly untouchable virtually there at least politically typically for now. And hes doing so with what is sort of like a Saddam Hussein like election. Yeah, it strikes me that this is also happening at a time when russia appears to be ascendant. Theyre gaining territory in ukraine. Hes eliminated his rival in navalny between russia, china, north korea, and iran theres this strengthening of opposition to the United States and two democratic powers. But it wasnt that long ago that his grip on russia seem tenuous. Youve gagne prigozhin, losses in the war in ukraine how, how quickly things change. We were on the air when that happened and we covered that Breaking News at the time, there was a genuine thought that prigozhin that that many coup temporary coup that he attempted, there was a genuine threat, just power and it doesnt believe that it does seem that it was at that moment, but effectively quash. And of course, prigozhin is no longer with us. Im told by us military officials that they believe has this relates to ukraine, that his presumed almost certain victory in this not quite election, that he will feel emboldened and might very well expand Russian Military operations in ukraine, including the possibility of a further mobilization of military age men in russia. In other words, to send more forces the air, he sends since this weakness now in Ukrainian Forces with the continued delay, particularly of us aid. And he sends his Public Division in this country and Public Division in europe about aid. So theyre worried that postelection he will be even more confident and perhaps more aggressive and that switch from seeming to be in a tenuous position so now being embolden. So much of that is tied to whats happening in congress. No question and listen it. He exploits those divisions russia has done that for years. He welcomes them and they do it in a whole host of ways, including by getting into our social media and kinda playing this kind of this stuff up. So thats something you do hear from democratic lawmakers and even some republican lawmakers about opponents to us military assistance. They will say, youre helping putins position here and youre helping the prospect, the progress of his war in ukraine here. And oftentimes, i noticed that some of the very language is similar to what you hear here in terms of opposition to what you will hear from putin in terms of how they described the war, what caused the war, et cetera. Its also notable that a lot of his recent success, if you could call it, that, has a lot to do with his ability to court admiration from people like donald trump. Its true and in my book, i spoke to several of trumps former for senior advisers, his former National Security adviser, john bolton, former chief of staff, john kelly, and others who say that he, of all the dictators that he expresses and shows affinity for the kim, the xi jinpings, et cetera, putin is the one that he is most enamored of. Why is that . They cant quite grasp, but its certainly affect his his view of how the relationship between the us and russia should be the great powers. Its out now, i have a copy. Im excited to read it. I might even sign it for you. Yeah, please. I got to go somewhere. Thanks so much. Still ahead. New reporting on the republican nominee to run North Carolinas Public Schools and the conspiracy theories. She pushed online for years. 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Lets talk about this with Andrew Kaczynski, the Senior Editor for cnns kfile. Andrew, you uncovered some even more District Serving Posts here. Yeah. Thats right. Brianna, last week, morrow, a conservative activist, won the nomination, upsetting the continent North Carolina school superintendent. Now thats the states top school job and she did all this while calling schools Indoctrination Centers and socialism centers. Theres shes also been linked to the q and on Conspiracy Theory, sharing a slogan associated with the q anon, where we go one, we go all at least seven times on twitter. Shes also promoted the baseless adrenal chrome conspiracy, which is this conspiracy which claims that celebrities actually we harvest the blood of children. Shes made extreme antimuslim comments and all of this while repeatedly talking about executing prominent democrats, take a look at this tweet right here from may of 2020 where she is responding to someone who wrote that they want to see obama tossed in gizmo, moral responded writing quote, i prefer a pay per view of him in front of the firing squad. I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death in another tweet from december 2020, morrow suggested executing joe biden, who at that time was president elect because he had asked americans to wear a mask for the first 100 days of his administration at the height of the covid19 pandemic, moral wrote quote, we need to follow the constitutions advice. And in all caps, kill all traitors. We found numerous other tweets about executing democrats as well at imposed on social media. She tweeted this hashtag, death two traders, at least 12 times. But the comments extend far beyond that. She repeatedly shared the unfounded claim that obama was a muslim and she called islam evil and even expressed belief in this really bizarre Conspiracy Theory that chinese troops were going to invade the us to help joe biden be sworn in as president , writing on twitter, that there were Quote Put Tens Of Thousands of chinese soldiers already in canada and probably mexico waiting for orders to invade. Now, if morrow wins and becomes the superintendent of North Carolina school, shes going to have oversight of an 11 of billiondollar budget. And of course, the education of that states 1. 3 million k through 12 students. All right so questionable judgment for someone who would be in that role clearly disturbing these tweets are the Social Media Engagement is what is she saying about it now . So before we published our story on cnn. Com, we reached out to both morrow and her campaign and we didnt hear back from either of them. Wed also reached out actually to the North Carolina Republican Party and we didnt hear back from them. But following publication of our story, morrow posted on an x defending her previous tweets and claiming that obama hand committed treason. So its going to be interesting to really see how all of this plays out in 2024, because obviously North Carolina is such an important swing state, mark robinson, whos at the top of the ticket for governor in that state . He also has an extremely long history of controversial comments. And this was a state where i think people need to remember that trump beat biden by his smallest margin in 2020. So all of this at the top of the ticket and downballot, its going to be a really interesting factor as we head into this 2024 election certainly is. Thank you, andrew for uncovering all of that. We appreciate it. Are Andrew Kaczynski because in ski, Mortgage Rates are high, but home prices could soon go way down thanks to a brand new settlement that cuts realtors commissions will have details ahead what happens to the golden boy of new jersey . I engage in an affair with another man. Did you . Who want to be outed United States of scandal with jake tapper, you gotta give a therapist if theyre having an interview, which i definitely new Episode Sunday at nine on cnn you need tmobile, Home Internet with weight. Timo has. Home internet from friends coming over to moms coming over so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. But 365 by Whole Foods Market i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Here, ill take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and you fiber blend with a prebiotic. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis takes you off course. 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If you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or kippah the lesser doses Closed Captioning brought to you by mesobook. Com our firm has offered a free book about mesothelial for over ten years. Mesothelioma is really all we do 808724901 well, the real estate world will never be the same after todays Seismic Court settlement and Analysts Expect it to benefit homebuyers. The settlement by the National Association of realtors, ending an industry staple than 6 commission Real Estate Agents get for buying or selling a home is now no more. Cnns matt egan joins us with the details. Matt, this is a big deal, so why did the association agree to this . What does this mean for homebuyers and sellers . Well, boris embryo to your read, this is a big deal. This amounts to a once in a century earthquake for the Housing Market and a lot of our viewers are going to feel the aftershocks. So heres what happened. The National Association of realtors and brokerages had been accused by home sellers of keeping commissions high, artificially high the nir has agreed to settle those claims and the settlement effectively ends the 6 commission, as we know it. Now, 6 has been standard here in the United States for awhile, but its actually pretty high when you look overseas, a lot of countries, they only have a commission of around 3 or sometimes as low as 1 in these fees, they really add up american spend 100 on Real Estate Commissions every single year. Now, this settlement really sets the stage for some big savings for home buyers and home sellers. And of course, this comes at a time when we know oh, homebuyers could really use the help. We have record high home prices, 379,000 is the median priced home as of january. Thats up by 42 since before covid. And what you dont realize is that you have to also account for Real Estate Commissions. And when you factor that in, its 6 that really adds up. Youre talking about 23,000 in Real Estate Commissions. And thats baked into the price. So high commissions actually helps to contribute to high home prices. Now, analysts estimate that because of this settlement we could see a big change in our commissions. They could go down by 25 to 50 . That is very significant. And there could be some other changes to, i talk to a professor who told me that he was waiting 50 years for this change to happen. And he said that maybe now with lower commissions, some of those because im baby boomers who are sitting on the sidelines. Theyre not sure if they want to put their home on the market. Maybe they will. And thats a big deal because everyone whos trying to buy a home knows theres a shortage of homes out there. So maybe this change will also help with some of the Supply Problems out there. Now, it is a big deal. Matt egan, thanks so much yelp. The company thats best known for its Business Reviews is out with a new report on Business Trends and it shows women leading the charge and Economic Growth here the report shows more businesses are being started by women in areas that are traditionally dominated by men were talking about plumbing construction, contract work. And its a shift that yelp says is driving the sheep economy surge, love it. All right, lets bring in Catherine Ram pell, a cnn economics commentator in columnist for the washington post. All right, catherine wire, women getting into these traditionally male fields aside from the fact that i will tell you you just have a plumber, it was very lucrative for him. And i imagined it would be very lucrative for her as well yeah. I think there are a few things going on. One is that women in general has been powering this economy in the past couple of years. If you look at where the greatest increases its are in terms of Labor Force Participation rate, employment. Women are actually at all time are at, or recently were at alltime record highs for the share of prime working age women who are either in jobs or in the labor force. On top of that, you also have a Surge Entrepreneurship the past few years. Now, where is that entrepreneurship happening . A lot of it is happening among women. If you look at the number of or the growth rather of women owned businesses that are new. It is much higher than that for men. And there are opportunities out there, as you point out, pretty lucrative to be a plumber theres a huge shortage in what used to be called a skilled tradesman professions. And so now some of those trades men are more likely to be trades, women as a result, because women are seeing opportunities out there and catherine, we were just looking at a graphic that was showing a map of where Women Business owners are seeing large increases in starting new businesses. Im wondering why the geographic differences so there are a few cities that have seen the biggest increases. This is again across the board, not only in Home Services contracting type jobs. So you have places like austin, miami, washington, denver, orlando that have seen the biggest growth. Again, a number of those cities have been growing in general all there are more Economic Opportunities out there. There are more people moving there. And so there is a need for more businesses for more people to be getting their own businesses off the ground to meet the Consumer Demand that is out there. Miami, interestingly, was the only city in their listing that had both the highest growth and percentage terms and the highest number of women owned businesses. And again, thats partly about the booming floridian economy. In addition to all of these other factors that were seeing about women and the workforce. And huge increase in entrepreneurship nationwide and Catherine Yelp also looked at the influence that women are having on business things like taylor swift on the nfl. I mean, we saw that big time this year. What are some of the takeaways there . Yeah. So female consumers, Women Consumers are also reshaping the economy in certain ways. Weve all heard about taylor swift and the nfl, as you point out, the massive success of the barbie movie. But there are also some subtler things that we have seen out there. For example, the resurgence of bookstores is largely lee driven by female and more diverse writers bringing more business into those bookstores. A few other examples out there. Some of these microtrends that have really taken off on social media have led to higher search growth. Four terms like not just barbie core, but some of those, some of the viewers out there may recall Coastal Grandma and some other trends that are again related to whats whats popular on social media, which is determining, or at least influencing to use the term of art, what kinds of Search Terms Consumers are using as well as what kind of products thereby, weve also seen kind of unsurprisingly a surge in search traffic related to beauty and wellness products. Again predominantly about women, not exclusively of course, but there are a lot of these categories where women are really flexing their buying power you had me at Coastal Grandma. Quite the square that one. I have no idea but i im im open to it. Lets explore the Space Rock Thanks so much gathered now to some of the other headlines were watching this our soccer great, Megan Rapinoe will soon become just the Second Player in the history of National Womens Soccer League to have her Jersey Retired hired the seattle rain say they plan to hang repeat knows number 15 and the rafters during a game this august she joined the club for its inaugural season back in 2013, stayed there until retiring last year also, even the worlds biggest Fast Food Chain is not immune to technical hiccups. Mcdonalds says its dealing with a System Failure Impacting stores all over the world, including the us, uk, australia, and hong kong its forcing some of the companies 41,000 locations to close their doors mcdonalds told cnn that its not the result hello, to the cyber attack, but rather an issue caused by a Third Party Provider and an encouraging sign for nasa engineers who thought theyd heard the last from their aging voyager 1. After not receiving any usable data from the spacecrafts since november, they sent a special command called a poc to bypass the issue. Voyager apparently poked back, sitting a new batch of data and giving engineers and idea for how to fix the problem. Remember, voyager one one launched in 1977 its currently 15 billion miles from earth, way outsider solar system. It was only designed to function for five years. So is certainly exceeded expectations this picks up the conversation we were having yesterday about having High Expectations for space where sure. Its like the perfect Kristin Fisher story, 1977. And poked back predates both of us. Im still waiting for a few weeks back on facebook and someone that probably going to poke on facebook anymore. I dont i dont think there is its still plenty to come are no central, including mapping the inner parts of the brain. It may sound a bit farfetched, but researchers are doing it right now. And their potentially helping them treat people with debilitating disorders like parkinsons, tourettes, and ocd. Were back and just moments. Hope back anytime ill just was caught in the trap and he couldnt get out vegas was having an Identity Crisis that was the beginning of the downfall. But vegas i had a different idea. Vegas, The Story Of Sensitive Sunday at ten on cnn from Meat Free Monday to sizzle sunday though many ways to say life ready while it happy, thats 365 by Whole Foods Market. How far would you go to control the fragrance in your home . Theres an easier way, dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual pack. Now, thats a Breath Of Fresh Air wick okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. Or strength and energy. 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Young woman wants confined to a wheelchair with a severe Neurological Disease shorter is now back on our feet there she is right there celebrating her ged and it turns out that researchers were able to use a brand new map of the brain to dramatically improve for treatment and cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell joins us now, meg tell us more about this young woman story yeah, guys, it involves a technology known as deep brain stimulation. These are devices that are surgically implanted in the brain and can deliver electrical signals. Similarly to how a pacemaker works in the heart. And they didnt use its for two decades for movement disorders, for things like parkinsons disease and more recently have started to be used for things like depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as well. This young woman, julia hm, who weve been showing you there. Shes now 24 years old. Shes had severe ocd so much so that it was interfering with her ability to eat and drink her heart rate fate, and her Blood Pressure became so erratic that she did need to use a wheelchair. Now, in 2021, she had a deep brain stimulator implanted and she says it worked sort of on and off. It was not perfect, but then new research of a new map of the brain was published from researchers at mass General Hospital and around the world. Research jurors use this brain which essentially looked at the nerve networks that seem to be dysregulated or dysfunctioning in four different disorders. And they use this map to adjust the deep Brain Stimulators for three different patients, including julia, after they adjusted her deep brain stimulator, you can see there that beautiful map of those four different disorders in the nerve nerves that are associated with them after they adjusted duly as deep brain stimulator. She says the difference was dramatic. All three of these patients substantially improved julia telling our senior writer, brenda goodman, quote, it gave me my hope back. And of course she did get her high school certificate. Thats one of the photos we can show you. View of her so shes doing really well and theres a lot of hope here for these patients guys yeah, thats amazing. Thats unbelievable. So what does this open the door to . Whats next . Well, more patients being tested with this brain map to see if this really can work for a lot more people. And continuing to work on improving the brain maps. I mean, this is opening up a whole new century of study of how we can improve therapeutics for people with disburse like these and being able to better understand how our brains are working how theyre not working, and had a better address that through medicine. Does vary. It looks very cool. It is very cool stuff that theyre doing, meg, thank you so much for telling us about that. Ahead. Georgia District Attorney fani willis, given an ultimatum of sorts, i think its pretty clear which door shes going to choose on this one though, how trump himself is already using the new ruling in his election subversion trial as a Campaign Tool will have that ahead if you work in spaceflight, this is just the worst possible thing that can ever happen my dad died doing what . Space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. From knead the dough to need it. Now so many ways to save life ready while it happy. But 365 by Whole Foods Market came to riva support your brain health. Mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. Franck, bread. How are you . Fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain Health Challenge. If advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. 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