Date Time Courts’ COVID-19 List has been expanded to assist families quickly resolve their disputes The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (the Courts) remind family law practitioners and clients that the criteria for the highly successful national COVID-19 list has recently been expanded, to provide for a broader range of circumstances. The Courts anticipate that the vaccination of children against COVID-19 may become an issue of dispute between separated parents and may require priority attention. In addition, families may be experiencing relatively sudden changes to their financial position as government support measures change. These, and other types of issues that have arisen as a direct or indirect result of the pandemic, can be assessed and dealt with quickly through the Courts’ COVID-19 list. In fact, of the 488 applications that have been made to the list since commencement in April 2020, the overwhelming majority have been accepted and heard by a Registrar or Judge within three business days of being assessed.