Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 12032019 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 19, 1204

And at 9 00 a. M. , dr. Steven on a new study of Life Expectancy in the u. S. The Supreme Court yesterday to go up its first one rights case in nearly a decade. How or even whether the court will decide that case is still to come. This morning, we would like to hear from you on the issue. Good morning, it is tuesday, december 3, 2019. We will start with your views on gun laws and how they should be changed or not changed. If you think gun laws should be more strict, the number to call is 2027488000. If you think gun laws should be less strict or loosened, 2027488001. If you think gun laws should be capped as they are, that line is 2027488002. You can send us a text. Make sure you tell us your name and where you are texting from. That line, 2027488003. On twitter, tweet us at cspanwj. You can post your thoughts at facebook. Com cspan. Top of also keep you on the latest in the impeachment coming with the report out today and President Trump at the nato meetings in london. We will have those for you during the program. Our first topic on gun laws and gun rights, the Second Amendment case and reporting from the New York Times, Second Amendment case may fizzle out. There Court Reporter writing the Court Reporter writing the case may not result in a ruling of any particular consequence judging from questioning on monday that focused largely on whether the repeal of a new york city law challenging it made it moot. The petitioners have gotten all the relief they other three bers made you are asking us to opine on a law that is not on the books anymore. More details on that case in a moment. Comments on facebook from our needrs with mark saying we federal concealed carry reciprocity laws and federal guidelines on what is required for concealed carry and open carry. Bill king says if after sandy hook nothing was done nothing is going to be done now. The gun lobby is too strong, it is a domestic terrorist organization. In a country where there are more guns in the hands of regular citizens than the entire population, yes, gun law changes are necessary. Look at murder statistics in the name of decency. The people need to retain their ability to defend themselves. Your thoughts on Gun Legislation. 2027488000 if you think gun laws should be more strict. 2027488001 if they should be less strict and about the same, that line is 2027488002. Is Supreme Court correspondent for usa today covering this case. Uses the term fizzle out. Tell us about the case and why the court took it out . Guest it is funny so many of us use the same term fizzle or fizzle out, the case comes from new york city. A rule, aity had Police Department city rule that said you can have a premises license for a handgun, but you cannot take it anywhere except to city firing ranges. The lawsuit, which was lost at lower court said we have to be able to take our guns gun homese the city to second and the like. When the Supreme Court accepted this case, Gun Control Groups got worried because they thought if the Supreme Court hears a guns case for the first time in almost a decade, or a major one, they had taken one on stun guns, groups were concerned they could roll beyond the con signs confines of this new york city law, they might say there is a broad right to carry handguns in public, which the heller and mcdonald decisions did not say. Those were decisions that you can have your gun at home for selfdefense. Gun control groups got together and repealed the law. New york state passed a law saying you can take your guns to the faces previously than banned. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg said what is left of this case . Hour that set the tone for the hour. Host if the city has rescinded the law, the state change the overall law, the court has taken it up, what options are there for the decision . Will they make a decision . Guest they will make a decision, but it could be on whether the case is moot or not and basically not advance Second Amendment rights whatsoever. Some kind of decision has to be made. Oted theld have mo case earlier. They decided not to do that. They made a formal order that said we will consider mootness at the oral argument in december. Yesterday, it was unclear what the debate would be like and what the decision will be. Technically, it is still unclear. The 4 liberal justices seemed intent on having the case declared moot. That would not solve the issues gun rights owners have with being able to carry in public in states that do not allow for open or concealed carry and with the standard the Supreme Court uses when judging Second Amendment crisis cases. The standard they use for restrictions at the state and local level is too loose. It was unclear what chief Justice John Roberts and associate Justice Brett kavanaugh would do. The other three conservatives seemed ready to decide the case on merit. If roberts and Kavanaugh Kavanaugh may go with those three. If roberts goes with those and they decide the case on merit, that would be a just right ash be a surprise that would be a surprise. It would be surprising to see the court, with a major Second Amendment ruling. We will see the court either declare the case moot or have a narrow ruling on the new york city raw that law that no law isexists saying that unconstitutional because they feel that we give gun over gun owners a little more protection than the state and city saying we will take it off the books. There is fear they could put it back on the books or penalize gun owners for past violations. There are reasons the plaintiffs want decisions. Will air the oral arguments friday at 8 00 eastern. In addition to claires comments, Brett Kavanaugh did , although heions has asked questions in many other cases during his term. Fits pretty much with the clear he has taken since coming on the court in such a controversial manner after his controversy pays hearing. He has a past record of support for gun rights. The nra and the like were supportive of his nomination. He ruled on the d. C. Circuit upheld court in dissent a ban on certain firearms in the District Of Columbia and he dissented in that case. That was encouraging to the nra side. May be an indication he thinking i am not here ruling on gun rights where i do have of you, i am trying to decide weather this case whether not ande exists or whether there is a rule to be overturned. Perhaps it wasnt that surprising to see him not joining with the silence clarence thomas, we know where he stands and neil gorsuch and samuel alito. Those are the ones who took up the mantle of this is not as good a protection, the withdrawal of this law as a decision of the court and we ought to march forward. Judge kavanaugh has often been with justice chief roberts. Host is the court taking up gun done cases this cases this session . Guest as of now, no. Case, and thatis is something they can do quickly, then they could take up another case. Then there is a case about public ayour gun in new jersey and other cases in the pipeline. Host richard wolf, follow him on twitter. We appreciate the update. Guest any time. Host following on to the case from the court yesterday, our question for you is about gun laws. Lessd they be more strict, strict, or the same. Joe in georgia. Caller love cspan. I am from a community that went for trump, so we are strong for Second Amendment rights. We support people like trump and david perdue. We worry about our gun control friends on the others. I dont believe on any negative attacks, they believe they are doing what is right, but we have a great fear of having our guns taken away and that is the first thing that happens with communism. Maybe our fears are exaggerated, but we are very strong Second Amendment people here. I would be very skeptical of having more gun control laws. Host wheel rancho, new mexico, john says keep laws about the same. Good morning. Caller good morning and thanks to brian lamb for bringing us cspan, deeply appreciated. I called on the line because at this point, i dont expect anything to change. It is largely because we are dealing with d. C. Having become i have not had a feeling of legitimacy since the Citizens United ruling. I dont anticipate anything, especially with the current majority on the court. This city is blundering so badly, this would be a great way to unify the country. We have the punch and judy show that takes delight in getting nothing done, we have a Senate Majority leader that brags about not letting any legislation get called for a vote and with a country in this much distress getting that little help from representatives government, people, it is time to make a big change. If you believe we need a constitutional amendment that gives free airtime to candidates, become a Commonsense Coalition member in your heart and your mind right now. I dont care if you are republican, democrat, or independent. If we declare that constitutional amendment, we can correct course in this country. Host gun laws, should they be more strict, less strict or about the same . Scott in san diego, what do you think . Caller i dont get to call harry often, but this is such a good topic, i could not resist. The last stat i read is there are 300 million guns in the hands of private citizens. Nobody is coming to take your guns away. Effort. Be a huge it would take 1000 years even at 100 a day and that assumes the people coming are not being fired upon. That is farfetched. Wanted to make is i really do think there ought to guns. Icter laws regarding not so much the ownership rate i believe in peoples right to firearms, it is part of our national heritage. The thing is rights like that are not absolute. We know through history city, states, even the federal government has laid down common sense laws to help protect the citizens because sometimes people will act out. I thinkng that there was a court case about this some years ago. Gun owners ought to have the same type of insurance car owners have. In other words, they need to be do go bade when they and i think the insurance model might the a step in the right direction. Have your guns and i know a lot of listeners, especially the less control people are responsible gun owners and i applaud them for that. I have relatives in that category. For those who dont, that is why there are laws on the book. Host scott in san diego writing about the broader issue of gun laws. Richard wolf, ahead of the court decision, the court case yesterday route since the 2010 ruling striking down gun restrictions in columbia and chicago, the court refused to hear dozens of cases challenging limits on who can own what types of guns, where they can be taken, what requirements must be met and more. Lower courts have resolved more than 1000 Second Amendment cases ruling more than 90 of the time in favor of gun control measures. Hook connecticut, Sandy Elementary School shooting in 2012 that killed 20 students and 6 staff members, more than 300 gun safety laws have been passed. The former solicitor general represented the plaintiffs in the case yesterday and spoke about it to reporters after the oral argument. [video clip] resistedty of new york their efforts to vindicate their rights at every turn and only when the Supreme Court granted the petition in this case did the city start to take efforts to recognize their rights. The court asked a lot of questions today about those continuing efforts by the city to make this case go away, but they also asked very important questions about the merits that made clear this is part and parcel of the kind of regulations that have no basis in text, history, or tradition and should not be upheld consistent with the Second Amendment, so we are hopeful the court will decide this case on the merits and in favor of the petitioners. We are gratified we had our day in court to vindicate these important Constitutional Rights. Host starting the program asking you about changes to gun laws. 2027488003 if you want to send a text. Carol says Second Amendment should be thrown out, written in a different era. Some use Second Amendment to exact revenge. It is no longer used to protect oneself and family. Time to change that outdated and stupid role. Leave the Second Amendment alone, more gun laws will not stop people. In michigan, rob, good morning. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I support the Second Amendment because i support civil rights guaranteed by the constitution. When you look at proposed restrictions, if you try to apply the same restrictions, should we have a three day waiting period to check a book out of the library . The constraints that you would because you are teaching a religious tenet or find offensive down that slippery slope, we are not far from losing all of our Constitutional Rights and i guess when i look at some of the Democratic Candidates, they are proposing restrictions on conservative radio talk. Thee proposing loss presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Ironically, i did agree with al sharpton some time ago when he said we should not need to execute a to constitutional right speaking about voting. Why not apply that same thing to a firearm guaranteed under the constitution . Getting a book from a library or attending Worship Services as you choose. Caller darlene host darlene is up in las vegas, nevada. Caller i dont see the reason them to add more you can register all day and all legislate you cannot bad behavior. I have been a licensed gun owner for 30 years and i have never. Hot anyone do not cringe when i walk outside, open carry state that it is because there is a loaded 38 attached to my waistband. People do not have a meltdown. People go about their daily business like i am wearing a shirt and pants. It is nothing people shake and tremor over. I wish everybody would take a breath and use a Little Common sense. Host our lines are 2027488000 if you think there should be more strict gun laws. 2027488001, less strict and keep them about the same, 2027488002. Christopher in new jersey. Go ahead. As an growing up individual, one of the biggest fears i used to have was a pimple before prom. In the handsence of those who take weapons to take out young lives, it is important to be more strict with the laws because people suffering with mental instability cannot have a weapon to deal with their pain. I have been able to be very fortunate to get the help i need and being able to have people who support me is vitally important. The fact is we do need stricter laws because if people dont stand up now and make sure the weapons do not fall into the wrong hands, we may be able to save more lives. It is time for the bloodshed and violence to end and the weapon of mass destruction to be no longer in the hands of people who cannot be able to solve a problem this way. The only way we are going to win is to have the weapon of mass knowledge and information to tell them a weapon of this kind is a fatal mistake and more laws should be made to protect the people. The Second Amendment must be kept, but stronger laws must be done to protect the lives of innocent people, not have them lost by stagnation and stalemate. Host christopher in new jersey. In maryland is mark who feels gun laws should be less strict. Tell us why and what is the law situation in terms of firearms like in maryland . Caller thank you for taking my call. I think the law should be lessened. We have a human right to be able to defend ourselves. Law enforcement has no responsibility to protect individuals. That is incumbent on ourselves and i firmly believe allowing lawabiding citizens to carry sos helps protect them more. Han relying on police alone most of these Mass Shootings, ist happens is the murderer very much like a bully. He knows he is going into a situation where he is going to be the only one armed and they control the situation if you look at the tragic shooting that gazette in capital my city of annapolis. You had an individual known to Law Enforcement and police as having a sharp dispute with how the paper reported a case of his and to my knowledge, they chose not to try to pursue him and he ended up shooting and killing five and wounding another 5. Everyone in there was unarmed. The state of maryland basically only allows Law Enforcement to carry. Host there is reporting in the wall street journal. Gunars unlikely to expand rights and rights a major expansion appeared unlikely after arguments monday before the Supreme Court where justice is focused not on the Second Amendment, but whether the case appeared in the court at all. New York State Legislature passed a law illuminating local restrictions and the city repealed the challenge regulation. Eliminatingued rationale for the Supreme Courts review. Ae city has been blocked by state law, so what is left of this case . Lawyers for gun owners and the Trump Administration argued legal grounds remain for the Supreme Court to issue a wideranging ruling t

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