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Deja View: 'North by Northwest' — Bond before Bond hi
Deja View: 'North by Northwest' — Bond before Bond hi
Deja View: 'North by Northwest' — Bond before Bond hit the screen | Lifestyles
The late English director Alfred Hitchcock is considered one of the most celebrated, imitated and revered film directors since he burst onto the Academy stage with “Rebecca” in 1940. A
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United Kingdom ,
New York ,
United States ,
Hollywood ,
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Alfred Hitchcock ,
Cary Grant ,
Grace Kelly ,
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Jimmy Stewart ,
Roger Thornhill Cary ,
Sidney Lumet ,
James Bond ,
Phillip Vandamm James Mason ,
James Mason ,
Stanley Kubrick Lolita ,
Library Of Congress ,
United States National Film Registry ,
Roger Thornhill ,
Phillip Vandamm ,
Bourne Identity ,
Princess Grace ,
Stanley Kubrick ,
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