aura, it's incredible being here, witnessing this human drama. there was a lot of tension. everybody started clapping when he successfully arrived. we waited and waited. we were told it would take between 15 and 17 minutes and it seemed like two hours. after 15 minutes we saw the capsule pop up, he came out. his greatful family was there, and we knew it would work with a human being. and then number two. and number three. a problem with the capsule, they had to take the wheels off. there was a problem with the door. there was a problem with the oxygen canisters. but nothing endangered any of the miners. as the day wore on, now we're at 21 1/2 hours we started forgetting about the tension, it seemed to work very well. we knew what we weren't going to forget about, what we weren't going to get tired of is the emotion. they say i can't see enough of this. every story's a little different, as you were talking about before. the families came up, they