Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20110404:22:02:00 :

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20110404:22:02:00

rebels claiming to have one oil port city surrounded. government forces on the defensive. we're going there live. a major announcement from boeing following that terrifying in-flight rupture in the roof of a southwest airlines plane. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos all straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." a major reversal by the obama administration. today folding in the face of stiff resistance in congress. the attorney general eric holder now says khalid shaikh mohammed and four other 9/11 terror suspects will face a military trial at guantanamo bay rather than civilian trials in the united states as the administration wanted. let's go straight to our white house correspondent dan lothian, who is working this story for us. this is an issue the president strongly campaigned on after his inauguration, an issue he addressed immediately, but now a

Related Keywords

Government , Plane , Breaking News , Rebels , Southwest Airliner , Roof , Oil , Boeing , Rupture , Announcement , Defensive , Port City , One , President Obama , Federal Aviation Administration , Wolf Blitzer , Situation Room , Reversal , Headlines , Jeanne Moos , Us , Congress , Trials , Face , Gitmo , Eric Holder , Khalid Shaikh Mohammed , Military Trial , Terror Suspects , Stiff Resistance , Folding , 9 11 , Four , Issue , Story , Jessica Yellin , White House , Dan Lothian , Lets Go , Wanted , Inauguration ,

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