determined that there's probable cause, in other words, a good reason to believe that a crime occurred on facebook. and there's evidence of that crime. and that crime would be a contribution to the election by a foreign individual. so while the president seems very sure that russia had nothing to do with the election, i think, you know, unless he knows something that we don't, i think that the judge who's a neutral third party has a good idea of what's going on. >> let me ask you then, jameel, the president said tonight in his rally, he said he got no help from the russians. is that true? we know they certainly tried and that the assessment from the entire intelligence community, that's the assessment. the president loved touting everything from wikileaks hacks to the campaign trail. is that right? >> no question that the russians tried to influence this election. there's no question that the russians were engaging in larger covert influence operations