>> roy kim: uh, no. >> roy choi: yeah. >> roy kim: well, he still controls the restaurant. >> roy choi: you just do the work. >> roy kim: i just do the work. as a korean, he knows. >> anthony: we start with bonchon, all those delicious little freebie plates of pickles, preserves, kimchi, a spicy squid snack or two. no bonchon? no meal. >> roy choi: and you know what this restaurant has that a lot of restaurants are going away from? is the, um, is the chair-less rooms. >> anthony: you don't do the, the feet under? knees forward, feet under? >> roy choi: oh the, the tea ceremonies. >> anthony: straight ahead? oh, no can do. >> roy choi: the seating, yeah. that was punishment for koreans. >> roy kim: yeah. >> roy choi: that's, that's a punishment. >> roy kim: and with the book over your head. >> roy choi: for hours. >> anthony: what would a crime be? what got you into that, uh, position? >> roy choi: yeah, i mean, it could be as, as minimal as a 94 on the test. >> anthony: korean parents? well, let's just say they veer towards the strict. moms and dads were not, shall we say, conflicted about corporal punishment. i love that you both immediately recognize this. >> roy kim: this is the roast gui.