Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20181214:21

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20181214:21:50:00

>> no. >> one thing i have heard and then we have to go, from a supporter of sherrod brown, who just won re-election, is that brown has faced difficult elections in ohio running against republicans, whereas a lot of the candidates have not really had such republican challenges, whether in california or vermont. everyone stick around. in our national lead, what's being called a republican power grab and sour grapes. and not just by democrats. today outgoing wisconsin governor, scott walker, signed legislation that strips power from the democrat who defeated him from the governor's office last month. effectively stopping him and other incoming democrats such as the attorney general, from delivering on campaign promises such as withdrawing the state's anti obamacare lawsuit. governor walker argues the goal is improve transparency. kasich strongly disagrees. >> it's outrageous. i mean, you lost the election, okay? when you lose, you say you lost! i mean, you don't -- you can't

Related Keywords

Lot , Republicans , Thing , Candidates , Elections , Sherrod Brown , Supporter , Re Election , Ohio , One , Lead , Everyone , Democrat , Scott Walker , Democrats , Legislation , Power , Vermont , Challenges , Power Grab , Grapes , California , Wisconsin , Chris Christie , Campaign , Attorney Generals Office , State , Governor , Attorney General , Goal , Lawsuit , Anti Obamacare , Election , Transparency , Kasich ,

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