real american lives not only at risk, but lives that are being lost. people will continue to die until the president steps up and begins to protect our border. growth mr. attorney general, thank you are -- >> greta: mr. attorney general, thank you sir. >> you remember this guy? >> allow me to introduce myself, i represent the rent is too damn high party. >> greta: he's very upset about the rent in new york. now he's back. this time on the national stage. you've got to stick around for this video. first, karl rove, sarah palin, they are up in the next three minutes talking the tea party and the power of the movement. don't change that channel. [ male announcer ] opportunity is a powerful force. set it in motion... and it goes out into the world like fuel for the economy. one opportunity leading to another... and another. we all have a hand in it. because opportunity can start anywhere,