sealable container. make sure that no bulb fragments are in the house. some recycling centers might not accept all cfls so check state hazardous waste authority before moving forward for several hours afterwards. continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the air conditioning and heating off. so be careful. don't drop one. we're back with the panel. an evident, fred for the republicans to overturn the law. which we should point out was passed in 2007 and signed by president bush. >> indeed. i'm disappointed i was not consulting in the poll whether i hoard or not. but i'm going to hoard hundreds of the old fashioned lightbulbs. you have kids around the house, and a lot of people do and the lightbulb breaks, what do you do? this is not the first thing athrong path. remember a few years ago when we had to ache out toilets to get new toilets so they would