mexico that has come to america, but that unsecured border presents a grave national security threat that the obama administration terms through janet napolitano the borders more secure than ever. and we know that not to be true. not only those issues, but about the economy, there are people -- people see 10% unemployment, try 21 unemployment in communities in my county. the answers we are getting from washington is more stimulus, and raising taxes, and how well has that worked? it hasn't created jobs. and what we need to do is get out of the way of the private sector, we need to lower taxes, reduce regulation, and get the estimated $3 trillion that is sitting on the side lines in private investors, and to have that come into the economy and truly be our proud history of america, the economic engine, private and small business. megyn: let me ask you this. though, sheriff, you are tough on the obama administration and you've made no seek reft the