tour have such low standards that that kind of vial talk would have infested. >> that's a good answer. if you were in charge that never would have happened you would have put out a dictum that you guys don't. just today another one rush attacks. i don't think they have anything else but personal attacks. that's it. >> the public doesn't stand for it, i want to believe in this case with bashir, thankfully, refreshingly, people in the media were also saying enough is enough of that kind of rhetoric. >> are you happy he is gone? >> i never watched him before. i think what he gained in this was the attention that he was seeking. and i don't worry about him getting another job. he will get another job because he got a lot of attention. >> i don't think it will be at fox though. >> they do it on the right too on talk radio. and there is some vicious personal attacks lodged by right wingers as well.