we recognize an american is an american is an american. all of us have a duty and obligation to protect the country. >> there was a protest in new york city this weekend about what peter king is doing. listen to what russell simmons had to say. >> say the same thing about irish people because of the ira? >> no, he did not. >> so there lies the problem. also because there is so much islam a phobia in this country, it may not be his intention, these kind of hearings promote greater hate. >> peter king definitely fails the consistency test when it comes to discussions of the ira, back when they were operating as a terrorist organization. congressman, what would you, if you could participate in these hearings, if you could talk to chairman king and say here's what i think you should do for your hearing agenda, here are the witnesses i think you should have, here are the angles i think you should explore, here are the angles that should be heard if you have this hearing,