revenues can come back up. and i'm very concerned as you talked about this about revenue out of this, and that they cannot touch programs to the poor and cannot touch social security, medicaid, medicare. this does not sound like a tea party plan, though clearly i think the whole idea of putting the country on the brink to get any of this and a vote to get a balanced budget is atrocious to say the least. >> this is what barack obama is going to focus on, this is what we kept. kept unemployment insurance, protecting the elderly and protecting children. he's not going to focus on what he gave in to the tea party. the tea party can claim we were able to take that hostage and get more of that. but at the end of the day, barack obama will frame it like he wants to, he is an excellent framer and campaigner, he will make this a win for him. >> will this mean, bob, the election will be around the tax cuts? because now you're running into