board where he was tripped up by, quote, all this stuff twirling around in my head. we'll have much more on that coming up later in the show. herman cain, a satirical performance arts project. about how that you can be while still doing quite well in the race for the republican nomination for president. the herman cain tape, i have to tell you, is amazing. we'll have more on that coming up. one of the ways we first knew herman cain was a satire, herman cain was an art project and not a real candidacy is when all of the different republican candidates kept trading the lead in the polls and herman cain was asked about being the latest flavor of the month. rather than criticizing the question, rather than criticizing the rather disparaging idea of being a flavor of the month, herman cain owned it, right? herman cain not only owned it, he named what flavor he was. >> if you're haagen-dazs black walnut, you don't go away, all