but i think also some of those weird moments, like the one you cited and an equally weird one, if i may say, when wayne lapierre tried to explain why he was against background checks, which is that the criminals won't comply with them. well, of course the criminals won't comply with them, because they won't go to the dealers or to private sales to buy weapons if they know they're going to be background checks. and if that law is combined with one that goes after straw purchases and gun trafficking, it can have an enormous effect, not only on firearms purchases, but also ammunition purchases. remember, it's against the law right now for felons, fugitives, as well as drug addicts, seriously mentally ill people, and domestic abusers to buy both firearms and ammunition. and background checks are a law enforcement tool, a simple common sense way to enforce the law. and again, wayne lapierre has a hard time explaining. he was really back on his heels