christmas is not about happy holidays, merry christmas, the color santa and jesus is but what is going on in america with children that literally are being kicked off head start, they're hungry because of cuts in s.n.a.p. programs. 1.3 million -- you know the numbers. that is the war on christmas that we should be talking about because that feels like a true sort of contradiction of what the american values are supposed to be, right? >> right. this new budget deal, three days after christmas, 1.3 million people lose unemployment benefits and people making their choices about christmas shopping. >> right. >> right? knowing that the benefits are going away a few days later. i agree with you that the beauty of what christmas can do regardless of your religious affiliation and race is it can be -- i mean, it's -- i'm a christmas nerd. >> which is fine! that's great! >> it can be a moment to reflect and ask ourselves what about peace on earth and goodwill towards all humans?