stuff like that. i think it was like 35 stitches and two plastic surgeries. i was furious. i wanted to get back at inmates. i wanted to kill inmatsz. i wanted to get him bad. but i didn't. they're not worth losing your job over. it's not worth it. >> even though alejos is a veteran officer, every day at san quentin is unpredictable. his survival tactic has been never to show fear. >> it's like law of the jungle, only the strong survive here. if they see you're afraid, they're going to eat you alive. you never let your fear show, never. you have convilktcted felons he for murder and for rape. we have level 4s here. you don't know in a split second, a level 2 could be a level 4. they could stab you, stab someone in front of you. you go to help them, they could