opoid crisis in this country. what do they say? >> right, one more number for you, in dayton, ohio, which is montgomery county, ohio, one of the hardest-hit spots in the country, more than 500 people have died already this year. >> 500? >> more than 500 already. and it's october. in montgomery county. so that sets the scene. we spent last night with a group called families of addicts. and this is a group that supports families, supports people who are in recovery as well. but all their family members really interested group to talk to. i asked them about what they wanted to hear from the president, what they would say to him. let me play you a little bit of sound. this is from a 27-year-old man who is in recovery now. his name is joshua connolly. here's what he said about one of the things they need most. >> finding a job is hard to do with a record. the stigma around addiction, you know. a few jobs would be more lenient