sexism. >> of course, of course you're right. as always. but here's the but, joe biden is going to get forgiven a little bit for the policies of the past because so many democrats want to get rid of donald trump. he's going to be forgiven a little bit for the flip-flopping. there are democrats across this country who want the strongest candidate that they can get to get rid of president trump. the inherent problem there is that going to result in the best candidate? is that going to result in the candidate that has the best policies and the strongest appearance when it comes to those policies. >> i think you have to listen who what the policies are that he has going forward, not the ones he supported in the past. and a flip-flop is going back and forth and back and forth. he evolved. he changed his mind. he sees the reason for the hyde amendment being obliterated. we need the candidate who will win and if that's the person in joe biden who will appeal to the