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Any fears but faith. In that i will do sound independent of both the political branches and of my own. Tony harris is sworn into the u. S. Supreme court of course conservatives pejorative a political victory for president. Im going to take a look at whats being called a Game Changing discovery that could transform space travel also scientists confirm this more water on the moon than anyone thought. As well come to the program italy has been hit by a wave of protests against a new round of government restrictions aimed at containing the coronavirus clashes broke out in milan serene and several other cities monday evening the unrest comes after italian authorities ordered. Bars and restaurants to shop at 6 pm and close theaters cinemas and gyms for months promises that the concert is now promising new Financial Aid to try and calm the tensions. Here. It began as an angry protest they chanted for freedom in turin. But it quickly descended into a violent game of cat and mouse local media report the group was made up of hard core football fans nor does. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannon to send them home. Designer shops were targeted too and milan Police Clashed with protesters tear gas and pyrotechnics and plentiful supply to several arrests were made as the carbon yairi try to restore order to the citys otherwise quiet street the unrest was taken ited by new rules force in the countrys Hospitality Industry to close its doors at 6 pm how marble italys late night dining culture has Restaurant Owners locked up many feared this would be the beginning of the end. Because one chip is pretty to. Have disappeared and lunch time is images well with 75 percent of the employees working from home. In fact were done with this job i mean i dont think were going to close in a week. Period so if you manage it all sooner you get it. In a room industry workers pooled their supplies are we in protest. So its not even down to what youre seeing here is just a part of our supplies that weve had to throw away and sacrifice weve already paid for it instead of serving it to our customers are strange were forced to throw on the ground and as weve already done in the past. The peaceful gathering in sharp contrast to seems elsewhere but as italy tightens restrictions the sense of anxiety here every bit as strong. Women are joined by the shes a journalist in milan so that can you give us an idea of the scope of these protests and why they got so violent well 1st of all we have to understand that these protests have been going on for a few days now. In naples especially they have been the head of the region the government region and its been a look at been very straight with measure and thats where the protests started and then this crowd around italy from rome to palermo and all milan and sure. Hundreds of people ive been going to the streets to demonstrate against this new measures that are very strict some of them stricter in europe to be honest and. At the same time we have peaceful demonstrators that demonstrators were to take in the 3 to demonstrate against the fact that it they have to close at 6 pm for for example Restaurant Owner a bar but at the same time we have people that take advantage of this situation. Whats driving me it looks like rather broad opposition to the new restrictions whats driving that was the main force behind it. Well media and the government as well our friends understand who are these people that are actually demonstrating violently and in the streets and there has been rumors that you know there are people from the extremist right wing or extremists from the left wing but at the same time many say theyre wholly guns are taking the streets to to process taking advantage of some people that are actually demonstrating because. The walls are very strict at the moment that the main reason why people are going straight thing is the 6 pm the rules for which people cannot go to bars or restaurants after 6 pm so whats the pool of i was situation right now new infections still rising so. They are they are and its hard to see it from a person point to be especially because milan is becoming one of the biggest at the center of coronavirus we have around 20000. 00 cases positive cases a day and more than 150 deaths every day i see you are getting full again and hospitals are going to fall again we can hear and see its going on and on the whole day but this was not unexpected we knew that a 2nd wave was coming we knew we could see it from from countries around us we could see france and spain in the u. K. So this is why people are angry make mainly because concert tracing is not working hospital are not ready for the situation and we had months to prepare for it so they will call the on the to rewrite the situation in italy thank you thank you. And heres a look at other developments in the global coronavirus pandemic the heads of germanys 16 states meet tomorrow to discuss ramping up restrictions after nationwide infections doubled in just a week doctors in syria warning of a covert 1000 catastrophe the they say the disease is spreading unchecked across over crowded refugee camps in the north of the country and russia has issued a nation why must we quietened starting wednesday it requires people to wear masks and crowded and confined spaces. Where some people who fall sick from the coronavirus end up suffering socalled along cove it months after becoming infected these patients still suffer from shortness of breath extreme fatigue and a range of other debilitating symptoms its not known for sure how many of coronavirus cases end up with long cove it but it can affect people of all ages dont you visited 129 year old woman who is still struggling with major health problems. For valerie geason a short walk around the neighborhood is a challenge in itself she has to have a rest every now and again. Its 7 months since the 29 year old contract at the corona virus but she still constantly exhausted. Part of the course to the most tiring thing ive done today i can feel my heart pounding and i have to breath more deeply than most its crazy just walking round the block is a big deal like a Champions League game since league one of the never got tested at the time because there were limited facilities but a medical examination later confirmed that she had been infected by the corona virus she has never doubted that for a 2nd. And its as if my health had fallen off the cliff i just felt completely exhausted imagine having really bad humor and then double that i have never felt so ill. After being seriously ill for 2 weeks valerie was back to normal fit and full of energy during the summer she even cycled from copenhagen to berlin but a month later she started feeling worse again. Feels like a different time as a guy cant ride a bike anymore i cant even go shopping on my own cotton mouth one of the used to live and work in copenhagen now she has moved back in with her parents in berlin and is being treated by several different doctors shes been given a diagnosis of post coded fatigue syndrome but. I need to have a lie down in the afternoon and often fall asleep during the day as well as even the thought of getting on the train to go and meet someone having a talk and getting the train back its just too much. Well if he cant work and isnt sickly she chats online to other people whove gone through the same experience they all want to know how much longer it will go on the World Health Organization says that even for young people like vandar the covert 900 symptoms can linger or recur for months after an initial recovery she finds a support group a big help. And thats when its like a comforting routine for me in the evening talking to others in the same position to dinner and then they miss a good thats from this 100 i dont feel so alone and i tried to take an optimistic view on all sorts of to mr shit i dont see and none of the its getting a little better each day and her hope is that people will continue to take over 1000 seriously time now to have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world the thousands have rallied in bangladesh capital dhaka and the biggest and see france demonstrations since french president mccall defended the use of cop to depicting the muslim prophet mohammed albums of course the world of condemned because were marks which for the murder of a french teacher who hurt sean the cartoons and class. A bomb has ripped through an islamic seminary in northwest pakistan killing at least 7 students and wounding dozens of others police say the blasts went off during a visit by a prominent religious scholar no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Violent protests broke out in the u. S. City of philadelphia monday morning monday evening rather after police shot and killed a black man they say was armed with a knife the violence is the latest in months of the racism protests across the United States following the Police Killing of george floyd in may. Or stand United States where the confirmation of a meek only barrett to the Supreme Court has given americas top court a conservative majority for years to come the Senate Approved the nomination by 52 votes to 48 barretts appointment was strongly opposed by congressional democrats. After a month in the spotlight she finally got to say these words so. Judge amy Carney Barack is heading to the u. S. Supreme court. Its a privilege to be asked to serve my country and this office and i stand here tonight truly honored and humbled. President donald trump was on hand to celebrate one of his signature achievements locking in a conservative majority on the Supreme Court for many years to come. This is a momentous day for america for the United States constitution for the fair and impartial rule of law. Barack took an oath at the white house only in our after the senate narrowly voted to secure the nomination order with only one republican not supporting the motion. Democrats strongly opposed to the confirmation saying a Supreme Court justice shouldnt be appointed this close to an election let the record show that tonight the Republican Senate majority decided to thwart the will of the people and confirm a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in the middle of a president ial election. Opponents of carney bars nomination say it paves the way for conservative rulings on abortion Rights Health care and l. G. B. T. I. Q. Rights Carney Barrett val that she will remain independent. The oath that i have found lee taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. Shell take the 2nd of her 2 son tuesday at a private ceremony which will allow her to begin official duties on the court. Turning those boars form on a professor of Political Science at bard college here in berlin professor foreman how does any county bear its confirmation and reshape the Supreme Court and why is everyone so concerned about it. Well as as we just heard i mean this is creating a conservative majority of 6 to 3 on the Supreme Court which is the highest court in the u. S. Which has to decide to most important cases really and to to prove whether a certain case is constitutional or not and there are many cases coming up right now not least of course the president ial election itself might produce new types of cases and so this is a contentious contentious issue. But you mentioned the election day which is only a week from today how could the newly configured court have an influence that. Well theres already been debates just yesterday there was a decision by the Supreme Court during the the nomination and appointment of it because the bird that wisconsin was not allowed to extend its mail in ballots deadline and similar decisions are coming up for pennsylvania and for North Carolina important swing states also so the Supreme Court already does have an influence and obviously something might happen that happened in 2000 everyone remembers bush versus gore at the time which was decided by the Supreme Court in favor of george w. Bush making him the president and since this is a very contentious election coming up similar instances might might come about in the Supreme Court might have a very Important Role to play ultimately what role would that be that the Supreme Court would have to play and what what whats the likely scenario playing out that well if Election Outcomes in the individual states are contended might be that the Supreme Court might have to take a decision oftentimes it does so without actually having to reason about its own decision so a clear 6. 00 to 3. 00 majority might well lean in favor of trump we dont know this yet its a possibility. Well the issue of health care is also coming before the called early next month could that be a way for bad to put a stamp on things from the very beginning. Sure i mean this has been perhaps the most important policy item that people have been discussing with view to the nomination of of a macone barrett as she has criticised at that such at the time in 2012 just as john roberts for her his decision to hold it hold the Affordable Care act constitutional however i think what weve also seen for example with Brett Kavanaugh ordeal of course which the other trumped the nominees to the Supreme Court is that sometimes conservative judges tend to become more liberal over time once they are in the institution of the Supreme Court so i think its its we havent theres no final conclusion of how these these decisions might go yet. Professor of our farm and from bob college here in berlin thank you very much for joining us on t. W. News in. Over the past 4 years jaws have certainly dropped a number of times over the end 6 of the current us president s as a bona fide a reality t. V. Star Donald Trumps hold on the public imagination is certainly larger than Life American t. V. And cinema a long tradition of portraying his highest office kevin spacey is chilling turn in house of kos its just one example because tonight in moscow the president in t. V. And the movies the american president can be anything he can be an action hero. In the family kitchen he can be an ordinary guy gather together. He can even be a sheet there is that donovan new era were not at the helm. Procommunist movie president s have reflected our hopes and expectations for the real resident of the white house your original model for the saintly larger than life hollywood president was walter houston in d. W. Griffith Abraham Lincoln hall the people. Heard it from their. Leaders sets a goal always president s are just the blue i was. Born in the public imagination president s from lincoln all the way down to john f. Kennedy were statesman fighting for the good of their country. When the person then came nixon and watergate to any major city without fear of a hostile demonstration there in the home they lost confidence in their president they also lost confidence in their government nixons on screen legacy can be seen in everything from Jack Nicholson smarmy president and mars attacks to conniving kevin spacey in house of cards in the end i dont care whether you love me or you hate me just as long as i win. It took a hollywood actor we store americas faith in its commander in chief. After Ronald Reagan movie president s became action stars and the last. Good morning. In the 99. 00 deal that the president will be a simple man. We celebrate. Your tax t. V. Has done a better job of depicting president s who get politics to martin sheen in the west wing was more popular than either of the real candidates for the 2004 election some argue Dennis Haysbert black president and 24 pave the way for barack obama so far however fictional female president s have not inspired americans elect a woman to the white house. Thank you very much thank you for clemmie of comedians to trump impressions but theres never been a film character anything like the current u. S. President perhaps trump as a reality t. V. Star prepared america for his own reality t. V. Presidency which in turn could inspire trump like presence on screen really created the sort of. All. Movies. President s who are unscrupulous. Only interested. Nor in the you soon to be. In government. But. I dont know. Perhaps when it comes to donald trump truth really is stranger than fiction. Verse. Round up of some of the other stories making news around the world with one week left before the u. S. Election many states are seeing a surgeon early voting maryland is among those that has open polling stations for people to cast ballots or drop off absentee votes more than 60000000. 00 americans have already voted amid fears over polling during the pandemic armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating another cease fire and then gone across back regions shortly after it went into effect on monday the 2 former soviet republics have been engaged in a flare up over the disputed south caucasus region for more than a months scores of civilians have been killed and many have fled why a judge in bolivia has thrown out an arrest warrant for exiled former president ever morales the decision enables him to return to bolivia without risking detention rolla socialist party swept back into power earlier this month when bolivians elected who is ok as president and all some good news for all those dreaming about one day setting up camp on the moon or using it as a staging ground for space travel nasa Scientists Say they found clear evidence that theres more water on and just below the lunar surface than anyone previously suspected new Research Suggests that future explorers wont have to venture to the moons polar regions in search of Life Sustaining water but will it be enough to be exploited. More water on the moon yes life no thats what nasa announced that he Video Press Conference scientists there said they found more water on the moon than they ever thought before but they shut down the idea that that would mean the moon could harbor life. The discovery of more water on the moon was confirmed by technology from its flying lab the stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy known also by its acronym sophia the scientists said that the deposits are at least partly the result of meteors that carried water and that crashed on the surface of the moon the impact to const rock to melt and form glass beads and trapping the water thus allowing it to survive on the moons harsh surface more water bearing beads might also be buried deeper nasa also said that there is perhaps more water hidden in the form of ice patches located in permanent shadows of the moon one of the nasa scientists said that its not a lot of water the amount is equal to 1300. 00 milliliter bottle of water per cubic meter another said that the water doesnt mean that there could be life on the moon because you need more than water to ensure the conditions for life. Will be cool. Or. What will. However scientists did say that if they can eventually extract enough water from the moon it could eliminate the need to bring water on Space Missions water is very heavy and takes up a lot of room room that could be used for other purposes. Sounds very promising but could we drink vast swaths of it earlier we put that question to the at its of the space news website nasa walks tiscali. Well no at least not until you do something to it again the amount that we found is you know sort of interesting because back in the apollo days when all the rocks were brought back pretty much the answer was the moon bone dry theres no water there you know to be in and then about a decade and a half ago some spacecraft were orbiting the moon an awful meddler prop appear and they discovered that at the poles there are regions that are always dark for some reason the sun doesnt reach them and theres ice water there and over time people looked at the moon got hits and maybe the fact that theres water now they looked at a crater down here but the surface pretty much of the entire mood has water the water is around inside little glass droplets the came from meteors so its sort of you cant just scoop it up and he didnt drink it you going to have to get it out of there and the amount that were talking about this is a 250. 00 mil flask but this much of a cubic meter but it would cost you many thousands of dollars to take this to the moon and he sent something there that could melt the stuff and extract it its a lot cheaper and you can use it for life support and he can use it for rocket fuel thats why over his excite. Keith cowing from nasa wants them to think of football now on a monday night match here in germany where with playing at liverpools the match was tied deep into the 2nd half but. Directed the ball into the net with this free kick for his 2nd goal of the game you are sometimes scoring in the 74th minute live opposing went on to a well deserved 31 win that kept them 4th in the bundesliga standings. Youre watching news heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you demonstrators turned out across italy on monday protesting against a new round of coronavirus restrictions rallies in milan and in violence and clashes with police the government is promising Small Business support to come here. And they make only barrett has been sworn in as the u. S. Supreme Court Justice just an off the Senate Voting to confirm her nomination parents insulation seals a conservative majority on the panel and pounce President Trump the big win just days before the countrys president ial. Thats all for me and the news team next up what is the highlights on kickoff for the news back at the top of the hour dont forget you can get all latest news out of the nation on our website in 30 languages. Dot com gallos from an entire news stream. Radical steps on our kind. Where malicious want to take the law into a. New reporter oliver summit talks to the people what are they so angry about. What to expect from the upcoming election really prepared. A report from on the ground. Close up. On d w. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of the sos are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to mindanao. Get. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The nurnberg trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime or you judging by the allied forces. They were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes for. The best they could count them on. Going through dont pay a yearly years price should be. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on d. W. These are Tumultuous Times in the u. S. The country has been shaken by protests sparked by the death of george floyd a black man who died while being arrested by a life police officer. The demonstrations are the largest seen in decades protesters are demanding an end to Police Brutality and racism. Its almost Like Police Officers have been able to just do whatever theyve been wanting to do. On the streets this frustration turns to violence buildings are torched and businesses plunder and. Right wing militias like american will take it upon themselves to preserve law and order these people that are down there theyre not protesters theyre criminals and theyre actively working to help the stabilize our government and President Trump keeps fueling the tensions with his rhetoric and i wish stand back and stand by. October in louisville kentucky cities scarred by the penn demick and protests windows are boarded up the clashes that occurred here in recent months have left their mark. The city is still reeling from the death of black medical worker Brianna Taylor who died while police were searching her home in march. Matter activist haran wants justice for briana she accuses the police of getting away with murder thanks to the Structural Racism in the u. S. Brianna taylor is her hero and the symbol of a movement that will no longer be silenced personally and emotionally Briana Taylors name for me is it gives me strength she gives me hope and she gives me a reason to wake up every day and fight for justice i mean. Im 40 years old in we have seen the injustices of black people in this nation in you know the black woman is the most disrespect at one moment in america d and so for me you know she she just gives me that string to keep fighting. Briana taylor lived here on the outskirts of louisville in march police entered her apartment using a no knock warrant this type of search warrant authorizes officers to enter private premises without announcing their presence and forcibly opened doors the police were searching for drugs but. An exchange of gunfire and soothed and Briana Taylor died in a hail of bullets. You can see from out here that when Police Officers started shooting that they shot from outside the home and so heres one still bullet hole in the Police Evidence tape that was still there the so shows evidence that they were shooting from outside and so. You know its just very unfortunate and just the amount of bullets that was reported over 20 bullets shot. Inside the home police strategist karen drafted brianas law which bans the use of no knock warrants in louisville its now been passed and she hopes it will soon be adopted throughout kentucky she says the roots of Police Brutality lie in the judicial system and with the police themselves theres different policies that are past the legislative level and then you see Different Police policies or Police Practices that are done on the ground level d and so i think that its a combination of all those things and then also just a combination of no Police Accountability like no one is really holding the Police Accountable and its almost Like Police Officers have been able to just do whatever theyve been wanting to do 3000 kilometers to the west they aim to provide backup to the police at a secret location in the u. S. State of washington members of the american wolf militia meet for shooting practice their leader entrepreneur peter davis are suing the city government. Their weapon of choice the infamous a k 47. 00 also known as the kalashnikov originally developed for the soviet army. Plans to use the assault rifles to defend americas freedom. Pretty good classic so they dont make them like that anymore right you could drop it in the mud and. Peter diaz found an american wolf not long ago hes financed the militias. Using more than 100000. 00 of his own money earned by renting old Office Furniture he feels its his mission to protect america with arms if necessary and i think it should be important for everybody to be familiar with it because especially right now you just dont really know whats going to happen next the place that were in this country and the world really is in right now if i would have told you 6 months or a year ago that we were going to be locked down told where you could travel told what you can and cant do who you can and can hang out with where you can eat where you can eat the amount of control thats being pushed on us right now nobody would have ever believed me so saying something that this may be important in the future. It isnt as outlandish as one would think since. The stuff here. Its estimated the usa is home to some 180 militias american wolf has around 10 active members many of former soldiers and like peter do you subscribe to conspiracy theories. What is happening right now is our government is in the midst of a coup. Theres certain members of our government who are actively working to change this government from what its designed to be the land of opportunity theyre trying to turn us into some sort of socialist government a new form of government humanitarianism. I dont know who or why exactly but it really doesnt matter who or why it all that matters is it doesnt happen testers cynthia milla it is all too familiar with these kinds of theories she heads the polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab at the American University in washington d. C. And she warns that militias are among those profiting most from the current political climate. All the militia groups and of fact i would say all extremist groups essentially are defined by most essentially by a sense of threat a sense of existential threat the dire threat a feeling that my people whether thats a race or gender or nation are at threat because of this other group and that im morally compelled to act against them and so that takes heroic warrior like action. To tura herons whole life has been shaped by Structural Racism she says shes never broken the law yet shes been arrested several times from an early age her parents made her aware that the police could pose a very real threat. The fear of being stopped by the. Cops follows her wherever she goes. Its always been a situation where youre told whenever you interact with the police you know you back then you know when i grew up it was say yes maam no maam yes or no sir or do everything that they asked you to do and now that that is counter to shift to were make sure that your hands are being seen keep your hand on the stern will if youre going to pull something out of your glove box like insurance or registration make sure youre telling them exactly what youre doing it every single moment. For years could sure heroin had been thinking of buying a handgun. The protests in recent months have finally made up her mind. If you take the mag out just hit that button right there. And then slide this one in there to be able to feel the difference. Of this one just punch it. Now put it in your hand. Feel better. Because this exact is a lot of folks when they get smaller guys and they grip and they dont like for their computer afloat so when i was able to get was a 9 millimeter very small i really liked it because it fits in my hand. I really like the grip on it and so for me it was i was looking for something that is lightweight and something that i could. You know i could have on me and conceal and it was a very d handy and so perfect and so now i just need to get to the gun range yes. Its not fear of the police thats convinced her to get a gun she says its the armed militias who are turning up at protests more and more often. I mean its scary obviously and you never know whats going to happen when youre out and i think that its important. And arm themselves for that extra protection that they do so i dont go out by myself now and so easily with at least one or 2 other people and so on if there is a case where i need to be alone then this is this is something that i can take with me so i feel secure. That 15 minutes thats all the time it takes to buy a gun in kentucky and sales moment in a deaton says shes never sold as many firearms as she has in recent months she thinks its right that more and more civilians are taking matters into their own hands especially in times like these i think its nice that people are willing to do Something Like that but a fearful or im you know because they dont have the training that the Police Officers may have the worst it scares me. Down its nice to know that theres people out there that are willing to risk their lives for Something Like that it doesnt necessarily belong to them. The militia american wolf on route to what they call their next mission their destination Portland Oregon peter d. S. Wants to see the black lives matter of protests there for himself still hes already convinced there are violent though hes never actually been there his pistol is always within reach to use in selfdefense he says. Women. You know these people that are down there theyre not protesters theyre criminals and theyre actively working to help the stabiliser government to destroy our way of life thats what were up against right now is going down in force. Right here throwing rocks or breaking windows and shops how does that have anything to do whatsoever with racial equality they use the. Men simply to keep public support. For months activists have been taking to the streets of portland deaths have resulted from the clashes between left and right wing demonstrators at the height of the conflict donald trump sent anonymous federal agents into the city in a bid to present himself as the law and order president the demonstrators view the presence of the right wing militia as a provocation and start chanting their discontent d. S. And his men soon find themselves surrounded by black lives matter activists. Look at it this man even threatens the militia men with physical violence you know. Why despite the crush of people nano theosis men are Wearing Masks the mood grows increasingly tense. They were Walking Around as a group of people into a group of people surrounded by a group of people while not wearing face coverings despite that being the law understandably so because they were in the middle of a pandemic like were all Wearing Masks trying to leave like some of it has to do with our president feels let that kind of behavior and that ideology just courage and i think that now they think that they have power. When again were not here for black lives matter. And theyre all here for White Supremacy so theres a clear. Theres a clear difference of opinion and their opinion is not welcome here its actually not welcome anywhere. D. S. Insists his group doesnt stand for light supremacy yet it doesnt take long for a fight to break alt he accused. The protester of taking drugs shes not on drugs thats my friend dont start that shes far from drunk so dont deny youre with that thats a bit like the johns say about black people for their own dread being so dumbstruck they dont start they dont start it when they dont start they are getting the stick that can stand in my opinion when it gets to this type. Of mob mentality it should be dispersed thats where i stand with it. Police back i understand that theyre worried about the numbers growing but i would handle the situation differently if i had the manpower and equipment. On this night the police keep paying you back eventually peter geos and his men all forced to retreat like black lives matter demonstrators. I think we have been witnessing a polarization of society and now much more radicalization of society particularly among young people and now were also seeing that i think people taking to the streets which in peaceful protest makes perfect sense but when you combine that with gun sales and with people feeling extraordinarily anxious both about the rise of these militias and the violence

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