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EML Payments: EML Completes the Acquisition of Sentenial and
EML Payments: EML Completes the Acquisition of Sentenial and
EML Payments: EML Completes the Acquisition of Sentenial and Enters the Open Banking Market In Europe
EML heralds its flagship entry into open banking with the innovative Nuapay brand through the strategic acquisition of Sentenial Group EML Payments' (ASX:EML) (S&P/ASX 200) much-anticipated acquisition
Related Keywords
United Kingdom ,
France ,
French ,
Marie Oriordan ,
Sarah Bowles ,
Sean Fitzgerald ,
Tom Cregan ,
Servicing Payment Service Provider ,
Third Party Providers Tpps ,
Financial Conduct Authority ,
Banking Implementation Entity Open ,
Sentenial Group ,
Payments Limited ,
Accenture ,
Juniper Research ,
Sentenial Limited ,
Business Wire ,
General Purpose Reloadable ,
Managing Director Group ,
Third Party Providers ,
Account Servicing Payment Service Provider ,
Open Banking ,
Open Banking Implementation Entity ,
Open Banking Limited ,
Group Chief Digital Officer ,
Global Director ,
Public Relations ,
Payments ,
Ompletes ,
Cquisition ,
Centenial ,
Centers ,
Pen ,
Anking ,
Market ,
Europe ,