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EU law forces Canada to address forest degradation : vimarsa
EU law forces Canada to address forest degradation : vimarsa
EU law forces Canada to address forest degradation
Canada moved to create a domestic definition of 'forest degradation' days after the EU passed a law restricting the import of wood products linked to unsustainable forestry practices.
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Robin Munshaw ,
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Definitions Task Team ,
Natural Resources Defense Council ,
Forest Products Association Of Canada ,
European Union ,
Canada Competition Bureau ,
Forest Stewardship Council ,
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Environment Department Of The European Commission ,
Sustainable Forestry Initiative ,
Fredericton Chamber ,
David Suzuki Foundation ,
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David Suzuki ,
Paper Excellence ,
Competition Bureau ,
Forest Products Association ,
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Natural Resources Canada ,
Canadian Council ,
Forest Ministers ,
Climate Change ,
Governor Gavin Newsom ,
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Land Use ,
Natural Resources ,
Environment Department ,
European Commission ,
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